I've noticed that my node will reject queries when the routing time goes over 500ms.  This seems to happen frequently.  I've run a ping command during these periods, and it averages about 35ms, even when the routing time goes into the thousands.  I'm running the node on a cable modem (1Mb symetric).  So where is the bottleneck?  What can I do to reduce the routing time?  Or is it beyond my control?  Here is the environment info for my node:
Available processors: 1
Maximum memory the JVM will allocate: 128 MB
Memory currently allocated by the JVM: 37,676 KB
Unused allocated memory: 4,232,168 Bytes
Memory in use: 34,348,984 Bytes
JVM VendorSun Microsystems Inc.
JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
JVM Version1.4.1-b21
Operating System: Windows XP
OS Version5.1
Total size of the data store: 4,000 MB
Free space in the data store: 2,638,072 KB
Used space in the data store: 1,457,928 KB
Total pooled threads: 150
Available pooled threads: 38
Pooled threads in use: 112

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