Re: GPS stopped working, can't figure it out... what else?

2010-07-10 Thread Ian Darwin

 khm... would you mind sharing what 'assist data' that was? and how you
 got around getting it?
 I got me a password from and use the script from this page:
 (the python one). I set the values for lat and lon to known values
 (for me lat=52.375756;lon=13.651114;) and feed the output into
 /dev/ttySAC1 -  this speeds up finding satellites alot.

This is an important action if you're using the GPS. The wiki discussion 
cited above could use
some cleanup but the information you need is there. Anyone using a FR 
device and wanting
to use the GPS should be using this. There's even a version for Android 
On OM at

support mailing list

Re: Stylus

2009-01-23 Thread Ian Darwin
Leonti Bielski wrote:
 I use my keys :) Or a pen-cap - I always have my regular pen with me.

That's too much like work. I just use a ballpoint pen with the ink 
Can always find one of those, though I usually lose the pen caps.

support mailing list

Re: OpenMoko Webcam

2009-01-15 Thread Ian Darwin
Neil Benn wrote:

   I see what you mean about programs to control the webcam.  I 
 have used luvcview and xawtv to successfully view the webcam but I 
 cannot get either of them to stream to a file.  I tried luvcview with 
 '/luvcview -o text.avi/' but it did not write anything (also failed on 
 my desktop ubuntu as well).  I'm digging around to try more - cheese 
 just fails and I Cannot install guvcview :(.

luvcview requires a key sequence to start recording - this is a feature. 
If you get a picture
from it, you are almost there! (I forget the key sequence, maybe p or s 
or something).

support mailing list

Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-07 Thread Ian Darwin
Craig Woodward wrote:
  [a lot of stuff that got cropped]

Because I already have one.

support mailing list

Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-06 Thread Ian Darwin
Craig Woodward wrote:
  Ian Darwin wrote: 
 There is no place  that OM has said that the current *software* is ready for 
 the masses. 

 That's really mincing words...  You're right, OM never said the software was 
 ready for the masses, but FIC said the FreeRunner was consumer ready when 
 it was selling it 8 months ago.  That to me implied the hardware AND software 
 were ready.  But months later we're learning that *neither* is ready, and 
 that both camps will probably drop support for the device before a stable, 
 reliable platform develops.  (As they've already done for the GTA01.)

 Happily I've never had to deal with this battery mess because my current 
 phone is a Nokia 6230i, which uses the same battery as the FR.  The 6230 can 
 charge the batteries from dead, and never fully drains them to start with.  
 Frankly I find it unacceptable that ANY phone would fully discharge it's 
 battery, doubly so when it's hardware isn't capable of trickle charging it 
 from a NOPOWER state.  

 But rather than trying to fix this hardware issue in software, OM chose to 
 change architectures *twice*, and is now focusing work on changes for as yet 
 unreleased hardware, including the GTA03. Way to build a customer base 
 folks...  And what happens when this new hardware become vaporware as people 
 realize the market has dried up?  Do you really think during a recession that 
 people are going to drop big bucks on a GTA03, with no major hardware 
 changes, after the first two FAILED and have no support now?

 I'm pretty sure I'll have my GTA02 up on ebay within the week.  It really 
 sucks, since I WANT an open source phone with the features the Neo promised.  
 It also sucks that I dropped a pretty penny on what was claimed to be 
 consumer ready, and 8 months later am still using my 5 year old phone for 
 daily use.  I will very likely take a hit on reselling my Neo, but what's my 
 other option?  Hold on to it in the hopes that a stable platform emerges 
 before OM totally stops support?  And if it doesn't, how much do you think I 
 could re-sell a custom phone for with that can't be used as a phone, has 
 half finished unstable open source software, and absolutely no support?  

 The worst part is that by making promises and not delivering, FIC and OM have 
 set the open source movement back for phones.  They've pretty much killed any 
 chance of an open source phone being taken seriously any time soon unless 
 it's backed by a huge company (like Android).  Who's going to invest in the 
 next private open source phone after reading how the GTA failed twice, and 
 delivered non-functional multi-hundred dollar hockey pucks instead?

 Anyone want a GTA02v5?  You get the whole box set, plus I'll throw in a stand 
 alone battery charger and a 2G uSD card too boot.  Make an offer.
You accuse me of mincing words. Let's see if you'll stand by your words. 
If you really feel the device is that worthless, sell it to me for $10.00.
Final offer.

support mailing list

Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-04 Thread Ian Darwin
Lucas Lacroix wrote:
 I forgot to plug the Neo in last night, and now the battery is 
 completely dead. I cannot even get to the NOR boot. I've tried both 
 USB and the charger. I have tried with and without the battery. No 
 combination of these will get the phone to turn on so it can charge 
 the battery.
This is one of the most annoying misfeatures of the phone, I think 
everybody agrees.

 I'm saddened by the fact that a phone that was supposed to be released 
 to the masses can have such a blatant failing. Not only can it NOT 
 turn on when the battery has little or no charge, the APM service does 
 not turn the phone off to prevent this (note: all OTHER phones I have 
 ever used WILL turn off when the battery gets below some critical level).
 On top of this, if I ever expect to have a working phone, I have to 
 disable the only feature which should extend the battery life (read 
 that as: OpenMoko has fixed the WSoD problem by replacing it with the 
 BSoD - Black Screen of Death).
You've answered your own question in a roundabout way. There is no place 
that OM has said that the current *software* is ready for the masses. 
The fact that the software doesn't halt or suspend or shut down on low 
power is proof of this. The fact that it's software means it will 
eventually get remediated.

 I have looked at the work-arounds, and none of them have worked or are 
 doable. I refuse to hardware hack my phone with an external 4.5V 
 line to give it the initial charge. I also do not have access to a 
 charger that will work with this battery. Lastly, I do not have a 
 second battery.

Do you live in a part of the world where anybody uses Nokia phones? Do 
you have a friend or co-worker who knows you well enough to lend you 
their battery for 5 mins to jump-start your phone? If not, maybe you 
need to get out more :-)  Borrow their battery, insert it, boot up, plug 
in the charger, swap batteries, return the battery leaving your phone 
charging. On some cheaper Nokias you have to re-set the Nokia phone's 
date  time after this operation; I've not seen it lose any other 
information from the Nokia and I've done this 3 or 4 times (the rest of 
my family has mostly Nokias at present, and they're not switching until 
the OM is more consumer ready).

support mailing list

Re: [Om2008.12] End call doesn't actually end call

2009-01-03 Thread Ian Darwin
  Ian DarkStarWord wrote about a call not being ended.

I had a similar experience with 2008.12.

Maybe it only does it for people with the same first name as us.

Or perhaps not.

-- Ian Darwin

support mailing list

Re: Suspend in om2008.12

2008-12-23 Thread Ian Darwin
Is it just me, or does suspend freeze on om2008.12. I flashed the
latest stable images to my freerunner, but it won't wake up when in
suspend. I've rebooted several times. Any suggestions?

It often, but not always, wakes up for me, on a GTA02v5 with stock Om2008.12.

I just re-created this.  Just for fun I plugged it into USB and was
able to SSH in.  XGlamo and E were still running, but nothing showed
up on screen. This sounds familiar; it may be a known bug...

support mailing list

Re: Suspend in om2008.12

2008-12-23 Thread Ian Darwin
Ian Darwin wrote:
 It often, but not always, wakes up for me, on a GTA02v5 with stock 

 I just re-created this.  Just for fun I plugged it into USB and was
 able to SSH in.  XGlamo and E were still running, but nothing showed
 up on screen. This sounds familiar; it may be a known bug...
And after I rebooted for other reasons and did another suspend, similar 
but also a handful of these on the console:

xset: unable to open display :0

support mailing list

Re: Sad Story

2008-11-30 Thread Ian Darwin
Juan Cañete wrote:

 Last night a burglar stole my FR. ...

 My phone had debian on it. I had a lot of applications configured. I used it 
 like my main phone. Mail accounts configured, Phonebook with all contacts, a 
 lot of sms, many applications configured with my users/passwds. And I 
 realized they had access to all. I called the mobile phone company to suspend 
 the number, I've changed almost all important passwds, anyway, although I 
 think they even don't know how to use the FR, maybe they will sell it to 
 someone that do, and he'll surf into my life.

 I only wanted to share this story with you. Maybe, because sharing my sadness 
 I'll feel better, maybe not... 
Sr Cañete, thank you, you do both yourself and all of us a service. We 
all (I hope) empathize with your loss.
And, most importantly, your story reminds everyone on the list of the 
importance of doing backups of their handheld data with at least the 
same regularity as their desktop and server systems. Regularly. 
Paraphrasing Santayana: Those who do not learn from the suffering of 
others are destined to suffer in the future.

support mailing list

Re: Qtopia questions

2008-10-27 Thread Ian Darwin
  This is exactly what happens:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# addressbook All.vcf 
  -sh: addressbook: not found
 Aaaah I figured it out... It works if I run the command directly in
 the phones terminal, and not from the host using ssh :-)

Obviously a PATH issue; presumably ssh is not running the same set of startup 
as the terminal program. Type which addressbook in the phones terminal, that 
tell you what directory needs to be added. echo $SHELL will tell you what 
you're getting on each. Then consult standard UNIX/Linux doc for that shell to 
find out
how to change your path settings - this whole sub-thread is, in fact, nothing 
to do with
OpenMoko and all to do with standard *NIX shell stuff...

support mailing list

Re: Latest Image works great

2008-08-11 Thread Ian Darwin

 Are there any update fees for 2008.8 in sync with these images ?

What is this update fee you speak of? Oh, wait, yes, please send 
$29.95 in unmarked bills to the Reverend Fred Smith in South Middle 
Africa, along with your personal details and all your account numbers... :-)

No, really, free software really is free. You fund this particular line 
of free software development by buying Openmoko hardware, not by getting 
nickled and dimed every time they improve it.

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