Re: [FSO] Milestone 5, uBoot and SD, any success?

2009-02-10 Thread Marc Bantle
Olivier Migeot schrieb:
  - GTA02
  - images (.tar.gz and .bin) from the fso-stable tree.
  - basic uBoot (no update whatsoever since purchase)
  - and of course, booting on the SD card (once again, I don't want to
 break every part at once)

I succesfully use 
with an u-boot environment, that can be create like this:

GTA02v6 #setenv menu_1 Boot from SD 2: setenv bootargs \${bootargs_base} 
rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 \${mtdparts}   \; mmcinit\; sleep 
2\; ext2load mmc 0:1 0x3200 /boot/uImage-mmc2\; bootm 0x3200
where bootargs_base is create by
GTA02v6 #setenv bootargs_base glamo_mci.sd_idleclk=1 
glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1250 rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock6 
console=ttySAC2,115200 console=tty0 loglevel=5 rootdelay=5 regular_boot

Generally I don't change my boot environment.
All I do is copy the kernel into partition1/boot directory
and create symlink to it (e.g. /boot/uImage-mmc2).
The rootfs is placed into the according partition (e.g. /dev/mmcblk0p2).

Note: I use a SanDisk 16G card, which needs reduction of

Until current rootfs' get fixed, I dropped the 'ro' option in
the boot options.

I hope this helps a bit.

Cheers, Marc

support mailing list

Re: GTA01 bricked - WANTED Debug Board in Germany

2009-01-08 Thread Marc Bantle
Hi Tilman,

Tilman Baumann schrieb:
 I have just bricked my GTA01, is there anyone on Germany who might be 
 willing to reanimate it via JTAG?
 I would send you the unit with a return ticket.

 Paymet for this service could be some bottles of the finest black wood 
 forest beer:
 Rothaus Pils
 Waldhaus Pils
 Waldhaus Jubilaeumsdunkel
Seeing the selection of beverages you offer
I suspect you located in the very south-west.
Incidentally I'll be in Alpirsbach on Sunday.
If your interested I would bring my debug
board along ;-)

As I have - knock on wood - never needed to
utilize it, I can't support you very much in
actually reanimating your gta01. But i'd be
willing to make my debug-board available
to you. Just let me know how!

Cheers, Marc

support mailing list

Re: Suspend in om2008.12

2008-12-23 Thread Marc Bantle
Marcus Stong schrieb:
 Is it just me, or does suspend freeze on om2008.12. I flashed the 
 latest stable images to my freerunner, but it won't wake up when in 
 suspend. I've rebooted several times. Any suggestions?
To me it seems that suspend as well as
shutdown hang for a while and therefore
a manual resume is not honored. If I give
it the time to suspend (estimated 5 min.)
it will resume properly.

While suspend can be initiated by a short
click on the power button, I need to press
for 3 seconds or more to resume. I personally
prefer resuming by a simple click of the
power button as in  om-testing.


support mailing list

Re: Not supporitng GTA01? [Was: [openmoko-announce] Om 2008.12 Beyond]

2008-12-23 Thread Marc Bantle
Peter Rasmussen schrieb:
 My Neo1973 was from one of the first, if not the first batch sent out to 
 regular people and nobody was more excited about OpenMoko than I. Sean 
 probably doesn't remember it, but if he has saved his mails, he'll have 
 the mail trail.

 1.The Neo1973, the GTA01, was promoted as the final developer's version 
 of a platform that would be the open source version of iPhone. When it 
 shipped, it couldn't even boot the image it was shipped with!?!
 2.The follow up to the Neo1973, then just known as the GTA02 was 
 supposed to be a general available phone for the masses, in September 2006.
 3.Let me repeat that: The GTA02 was supposed to be a general available 
 phone for the masses, in September 2006!
True! I second your impression, that this twist was not
communicated in a upright manner.
 6.The OpenMoko camp failed miserably in many ways, of which the most 
 obvious, as is unfortunately the usual scene, the management failed to 
 understand their task.
 7.If the GTA0? was to be a developer's platform, then why wasn't it 
 developed as such?
7.A A developer's platform will contain elements as 'focus on making 
 it easy to produce an environment to develop the kernel and platform 
7.B A developer's platform will produce easy communication between 
 *all* developers and not just the primadonnas that are good enough to 
 make *something work, *but apparently not to talk with the lesser able 
 in order to make a whole team work for the whole.
This is not fair. The number of developers of OM
is marginal compared to those at proprietary vendors.
 So, if the OpenMoko team at FIC is serious about supporting the 
 community, please communicate it much more clearly, and don't think you 
 have the backing the size of the Linux kernel!

 You see, apparently you haven't been able to after now several years, 
 create an image on the Neo 1973 that will not run out of juice even when 
 apparently shut off, after 12 hours. 
True, but GTA01 was never advertised as anything else
but a developers platform, even in Openmoko wording.
 Then, you are apparently trying to develop this device to the whole 
 world, but aren't able to, after more than a year able to produce 
 support for anything else than the US ASCII character set when writing 
 SMS. And FIC being in a Chinese country that actually needs double byte 
 character sets, I am amazed that it wasn't in the first image!
I think I understand where you getting at. Currently the focus
has to be reliability. But I believe those things will be a topic,
as soon as there's is a basic default PIM suite for Openmoko,
the concept of which has been changing so many times and
will hopefully have a happy end in paroli.

And, it is important for Openmoko to have that default
PIM suite to be a fully functional basic phone stack. So
many potential future killer applications need to base
on a solid PIM software concept with all that goes
along with it: Storage. Search, Synchronization.
 So, the whole situation reeks of a top management problem to recognize 
 the issues of making a platform that has the basic problems at issue, 
 instead of letting everyone on the FIC/OpenMoko payroll know that 
 producing a working platform for everyone else is important.

 Sean Moss-Pultz hasn't done his job.
That again is not fair. There have been decisions not quite transparent
to the community and there have been communication flaws.
But I am happy about the core decisions, because they preserve the
open nature of the OM stack not forcing anybody into anything.
There's X, there's Linux, there's GTK, there's EFL ... .
 My Neo1973 looks more an more like a door stop, and my friends with 
 iPhones, HTC Touch and such understands my original excitement less and 
Fortunately I was aware of that option in the moment I bought my GTA01
(Mid 2007). Possibly it will give a decent touch screen gui for my heating
control or something similar (When I find the time ;-)


support mailing list

Re: cu: Permission denied but picocom work

2008-12-08 Thread Marc Bantle
Hi Luca,

luca pisani schrieb:
 picocom works!
 For some reason copy and paste doesn't work
 but writing by hand works!
neocon will allow pasting to uboot's console by
delaying every character as described in [1].

Cheers, Marc


support mailing list

Re: NFS under Debian

2008-08-31 Thread Marc Bantle
Hi Juan,

Juan Cañete schrieb:
 gagarin:/musica# mount | grep musica
 mrbones:/home/juan62/musica on /musica type nfs 

Either export with  no_root_squash option or create a user with juan62 
and uid=1000 on the neo.

Cheers, Marc

support mailing list

Re: Debian on Neo1973

2008-08-28 Thread Marc Bantle
Hi Juan,

Juan Cañete schrieb:
 ... I attach the script to this mail, so please, someone who can 
 upload it, update the wiki.

Thanks for you work!

The mail attachment got lost somehow :-( What's wrong with uploading the 
script to the wiki page (as an attachment)?

Cheers, Marc

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