Connecting to internet via usb

2008-07-24 Thread e hanks
First post. Hi everyone.

Not a complete noob but still learning and relying heavily on tutorials.

I was able to set up the internet connection via USB by reading the
excellent *original* tutorial for the FR, but when I returned to it after
flashing my phone- I found the pages had been reworked.

Specifically, the free DNS IP address that was suggested (and which worked)
has been removed. The IP addresses listed in my host's /etc/resolv.conf file
DO NOT work. A web search turned up nada.

Could someone please point me towards a valid IP that I can plug into my
phone's /etc/network/interfaces?


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Re: Connecting to internet via usb

2008-07-24 Thread e hanks
Thanks guys.

I entered the openDNS IP's into my phone's /etc/network/interfaces and after
rebooting everything- lappy with phone disconnected a ping returned and I'm
running an update...

Now onto wifi!
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Re: Freerunner: GSM Contacts

2008-07-31 Thread e hanks
This didn't work for me...

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Jim Colton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This program named 'phonekit' may be what needs looking at.   I have not
> yet found the source code for it after a little looking.
> Try this hack:
> Go to /home/root/.evolution/addressbook/local/system and remove the file
> named addressbook.db.summary
> Then do  ps -aef | grep phonekit and kill the phonekit process.
> Then restart the phonekit by doing:   dbus-launch phone-kit &
> Then restart X by doing:   /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart
> Check your contacts now.
> Jim
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Joachim Breitner <
>> Hi,
>> Am Freitag, den 18.07.2008, 18:20 -0600 schrieb Joey Stanford:
>> > The SIM on an unlocked Motorola K1 and Motorola V3 allows me to see
>> > all my contacts on the SIM.
>> > When I load the SIM into the Freerunner, I can only see about 10 of
>> > them (the first 10 in fact).  This happens on 2007.2  as well as ASU.
>> > I'm using ASU exclusively now from the dailies.
>> >
>> > I've hooked up the K1 to Motorola Phone Tools, read in all the SIM
>> > contacts, deleted all of the SIM contacts, and rewrote out the stored
>> > contacts to the SIM.  This was helpful in that previously any contact
>> > containing a dash in the number also wasn't read by 2007.2.  (e.g.
>> > 1-222-333- woudn't be read but  1222333 would be).   I thought
>> > at first this was just a dash problem since the neo was showing 10 of
>> > these and they all had no dashes.  The new contents on the SIM card
>> > are stored without dashes and now, as above, I only get the first 10
>> > (or so).
>> >
>> > Any ideas on how to overcome this?  Normal phone operations work (e.g.
>> > I can call you!) so I wouldn't file this under the SIM issues reported
>> > with ATT SIM cards.
>> Dunno about the SIM card reading problem, but patches that improve
>> 2007.2's handling of numbers with dashes are available at
>> Although I'm not sure if I will do the work to make these patches
>> acceptable for inclusion (currently, they were rejected with comments),
>> as 2007.2 is a developer's dead end, and the SHR changes the programs
>> too much to just merge these patches. But I use the patches and if you
>> can build your own openmoko image/ipk's, then you can use them as well.
>> Greetings,
>> Joachim
>> --
>> Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
>>  mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Key: 4743206C
>>  Debian Developer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ___
>> support mailing list
> ___
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Video in qtopia?

2008-08-02 Thread e hanks
Out of sincere frustration I flashed the FR to qtopia. Very nice...
Everything seems to work including importing ALL of my sim contacts. Thumbs

Anyhoo, which music and video file types can be played and do I need to
install anything like codecs?
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SSH'ing into Qtopia on FR

2008-08-02 Thread e hanks
I'm able to SSH via usb into my FR while it is running Qtopia, but it is
limited access apparently. I'm notreally sure how to deal with it, but
mainly I'm concerned with updating and transferring files.

Advice guys?

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Re: SSH'ing into Qtopia on FR

2008-08-02 Thread e hanks
Thanks guys. I was already ssh'ing via my ubuntu terminal.  Here's a brief
sample of what I see for the qtopia fs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
Applications  Documents Settings  log   packages
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cd /home
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home# cd ./
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home# cd root
Applications  Documents Settings  log   packages
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /media
card  hdd   net   realroot
cdmmc1  ram   union
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /card
ls: /card: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /media/card
Indian Violin.mp3
Metalocalypse 01 The Curse of Dethklok (ws) [Moonsong].avi
ring and bell.mp3
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /usr
bin  gamesinclude  lib  libexec  sbin sharesrc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /usr/games
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /usr/share
X11curl   exquisite  locale pixmaps
alsa   dbus-1 file   manscreen
apmd   dict   fonts  mime   tabset
applications   diversity-nav  gnupg  misc   udhcpc
assassin   enlightenment  halninja  usb.ids
avahi  etkimages openmoko   xsessions
base-passwdexposure   info   opkg   zoneinfo
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /usr/share/openmoko

I guess I wasn't navigating very intuitively at first. But now everything is
OK. I was able to scp a file onto the SD card and vim apparently works too.

Got some more ??? but I'll ask in another thread. Thanks.

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SSH session

2008-08-02 Thread e hanks
I was having a problem with not being able to re-connect to my FR after
unplugging the usb. I'd have to reboot my lappy in order to ssh to the FR. I
saw the fix listed on the usb networking page:

Since I use Ubuntu I changed the order of the code as instructed despite the
comments that it doesn't work. It worked for me.

However, I was checking out the suggested code for /etc/network/interfaces
and it is different from what was posted several weeks ago. I had edited the
original /etc/network/interfaces to this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto usb0
iface usb0 inet static
   up iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s &
   up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward &
   up iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT &
   down iptables -D POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s &

iface eth0 inet dhcp

This has worked fine so far AFAIK.

However, the current suggested code for /etc/network/interfaces is:

 allow-hotplug usb0
 iface usb0 inet static
post-up iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
post-up iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
pre-down iptables -D POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s


What is the difference between 'auto usb0' and 'allow-hotplug usb0'?
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Re: Sales?

2008-08-21 Thread e hanks
I've been using mine with Qtopia for weeks. As a cellphone it works really
well and I get at least 36 hours of standby. If it had a browser I'd be in
hog heaven since I have wifi that works oem.

There is a demand for 'open-source hardware' so building more or better is a
no brainer...


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2008-08-29 Thread e hanks
Has anyone successfully installed Android?  I wonder how usable it is.
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Wifi & 2008.8

2008-09-01 Thread e hanks
No... No horror stories...

I connect to my wpa encrypted network NP after setting up a
wpa_supplicant.conf; however, I'm just using the gui under settings in the
phone. How do I make the password persistent? I have to input it in
everytime I reboot my phone. The utterly ridiculous keyboard makes this a
tedious task.

BTW, despite mastering the usage of this keyboard I really think this is a
wrong approach guys. Sorry, if this is your baby, but I'll be removing it if
I can ASAP. Chalk me up for 'against'.

Anyway, I intentionally left the wpa_supplicant.conf paremeters (SSID etc)
blank figuring the gui would populate it. Is this the wrong approach even
though it works?


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diversity apps

2008-09-01 Thread e hanks
I installed Diversity Nav and Diversity Wifi. Both work. Except IIRC DN
needed 'Locations' to be run before I could get a map. Some AP's were listed
on the map including my own. Unfortunately, while my GPS loc was accurate
the my AP was shown to be a block away when I was only 10m from it.

OTOH, DWifi picks up all three types of AP's in my neighborhood. Is it also
supposed to display locations mapwise or is it more of a
distance/directional locator?

I googled Diversity but didn't find much in way of help.


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Re: A few problems I've been having ... suggestions?

2008-09-09 Thread e hanks
Maybe losing your other phone will result in a better running FreeRunner.

I've missed a bunch of phone calls in 2008.8. Hitting the answer
button actually dumps the call 2 out of 3 times. Qtopia had a better
record except the in-call keypad wouldn't work.

Finger friendly keyboard?!

Wifi & GPS? Works. Mostly. Wpa_supplicant is tricky. Let Settings'
Wifi fill in the blanks.

Battery woes.- all night is ok if you need some charging otherwise I'm
pulling out the battery just to get a boot.

So, I'm pretty much ignoring the phone right now except for basic
usage. Switched to BSD on my lappy... OEM it works better than my

I'll ready for a putsch on my FR soon. :)

Best of luck...

On 9/8/08, Gothnet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've got a Freerunner and have figured out my way around flashing it and
> trying out a bunch of things. A week or so ago I left my old mobile in a
> hire car in another country (good move, I know) so the GTA02 has become my
> main mobile. Both the update process and trying to use it day to day have
> made me hit a few problems -
> 1. Couldn't update NOR uboot
> Not a big problem, but after (roughly) following the process here -
> I got as far as booting into 2008.08 and running:
> flash_unlock /dev/mtd0
> flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0
> cat u-boot.udfu >/dev/mtd0
> before the Freerunner went to suspend (I didn't know about xset :0 s off at
> that point). On every subsequent try the eraseall and cat stage fail. Not
> that it matters as I have updated the NAND uboot.
> 2. Debian/FSO stopped associating with T-Mobile after a while
> No idea why, but after a few boots zhone just stopped picking up a signal.
> So I went back to 2008.08
> 3. 2008.08 sound problems.
> It seems to either vary by day or by boot or by some other random factor.
> Even after opkg update and upgrade last week (friday?) it either echoes the
> remote party's speech right back to them, or my speech to me, or works
> perfectly. Weird.
> 4. Qtopia addressbook on 2008.08 - Is there any way to do a mass delete?
> I screwed up the vcf file I'm importing several times. The first couple of
> times I manually deleted 50+ contacts one at a time, is there a
> faster/better way to do this as deleting them all manually kinda sucks?
> 5. Charging overnight seems to kill it
> I leave the phone attached to the mains charger overnight, as otherwise it
> would likely run out of batteries. Unfortunately, by morning it's pretty
> dead, won't come back from suspend and hasn't sounded the alarm I set. To
> reboot I need to remove the battery and start it up again. This done, the
> alarm goes off. Useful :)
> 7. Gotta answer calls quickly
> If I don't pick up pretty fast I think the phone goes back to suspend or
> something, but displays a couple of buttons at the bottom of the screen
> saying "yes" and "no". these buttons don't respond and nothing much else
> seems to make it wake up again either. Battery out, start again...
> Other than that it's pretty cool. I like having a phone I can ssh into. I
> haven't yet started playing with the "advanced" functionality (GPRS,
> WLAN)...
> I like the 2008.08 keyboard, it's finger friendly and the predictive text is
> helpful, mostly. Are there ways to teach it extra words and/or switch it off
> though?
> Thanks for your help/suggestions,
> David.
> (Apologies if this shows up twice, it shouldn't as I wasn't subscribed first
> time I posted)
> --
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> Sent from the Openmoko Support mailing list archive at
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Re: Ubuntu on 1973/Freerunner

2008-09-14 Thread e hanks
"I doubt if he meant to have only one platform. He meant, let's have
one OFFICIAL platform FIRST, which does everything well and is
attractive/easy to use."

I tend to agree. Work on diversification... once everything works well.

However, I personally bought the phone knowing it wasn't intended for
someone with my limited skills, but hoping it would suffice while I improved
upon them. Because of Hurricane IKE and having to have reliability I
switched back to my $10 Motorola which is perfect... sigh...
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Re: Sad Story

2008-12-02 Thread e hanks

I have a Free Runner I just don't have time to mess with. I might be willing
to sell it...


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