
I'am using pfsense 0.83.2 with package siproxd-0.5.11
I'm using two NICs em0 and em1 where em1 is my WAN
Interface with PPPoE and em0 with several VLANS as Options

When I configure siproxd via the web gui I get 
Following Error :

Sep 7 17:14:54 siproxd: utils.c:325 ERROR:can't find interface em1 -
configuration error? 
Sep 7 17:34:54 siproxd: utils.c:422 ERROR:Error in ioctl SIOCGIFADDR:
Can't assign requested address (interface em1)

I have checked /usr/local/etc/siproxd.conf and changed my outbound
interface from "em1" to "ng0" => ng0 seems to be my pppoe session ;
solved my problem

Another problem seems to be the restart of the siproxd service as you
get following message after you have changed something via the web gui

syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel 
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: siproxd.c:189 INFO:siproxd-0.5.11-7
i386-unknown-freebsd6.0 starting up 
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: siproxd.c:215 INFO:daemonized, pid=2676 
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: sock.c:214 ERROR:bind failed: Address already in
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: siproxd.c:250 ERROR:unable to bind to SIP
listening socket - aborting 
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: siproxd.c:189 INFO:siproxd-0.5.11-7
i386-unknown-freebsd6.0 starting up 
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: siproxd.c:215 INFO:daemonized, pid=2707 
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: sock.c:214 ERROR:bind failed: Address already in
Sep 7 15:50:03 siproxd: siproxd.c:250 ERROR:unable to bind to SIP
listening socket - aborting

Is it possible to fix this problems ?

Best regards

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