Fwd: The real security threat are rogue CAs.

2013-11-22 Thread Ralf Skyper Kaiser
Discussion on jitsi ml but it might be relevant for pidgin as well.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ralf Skyper Kaiser sky...@thc.org
Date: Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:09 AM
Subject: It's not about random vs. urandom. The real security threat are
rogue CAs.
To: Jitsi Developers d...@jitsi.org


thanks for the discussion about which random source (/dev/random
or /dev/urandom) to use. The discussion was helpful and

It is good to discuss this.

As with many things a balance has to be found between what security
feature gives you the biggest bang for the time spend implementing

In the absence of any academic or practical attack to compromise a
DH or DSA key generated from a /dev/urandom source we shall assume
that the Jitsi communication is secure for the foreseeable future.

How your jitsi communication is compromised right now is the way how
TLS certificates are handled. (All XMPP clients suffer from the same
problem and Jitsi is not an exception).

There is a lot we learned from the Snowden files and what happened
since 2007.

Example with Jitsi using TLS:

Etisalat, a major telecommunication operator in the United Arab
Emirates, has the power to generate a valid X.509 certificate for
jabber.google.com without google knowing about it.

All XMPP clients currently accept this 'rogue' certificate.

Etisalat can intercept the TLS connection to jabber.google.com without
any warning shown by the XMPP client. The reason for this is that Jitsi
verifies the jabber.google.com TLS X.509 certificate against any of the
installed Certification Authorities (CA).

I mention Etisalat here because we know from the Etisalat-Blackberry
incident from 2007 that Etisalat is a trusted Certification Authority
(e.g. their ROOT Ca key is shipped with windows) and has abused its
power by signing a Blackberry/RIM firmware update and infecting 143.000
of blackberry customers with surveillance software.

The XMPP client is trusting a bad player.

(If you are currently transiting via Dubai Airport you might want to
turn of Jitsi).

But this is not about Etisalat. The SSL Observatory project estimates
that there are currently around 800+ different 'companies' in 52+
different countries with different econimical and geopolitical
interrest that can generate a rogue certificate for jabber.google.com.

Anyone of those has the power to generate a rogue certificate for any
XMPP-server in the world.

All of those have the 'trust' anchored with a CA that is installed
and comes with our OS.

Anyone of those has the (techincal) ability to intercept the TLS
connection without Jitsi showing a warning to the user.

We know from the various leaks (snowden and wikileaks spyfiles) that
TLS Proxies have been purchased by governments with a rather
questionable track record of Human Rights abuses and a lack of
respect for private communication.

We know that government sponsored pervasive Internet surveillance
happened during the 2011 revolutions all around the world.

We know that citizens got arrested, tortured or worse for wrongly
assuming that their Internet communication was secure. XMPP
was no exception.

If you ever want to save somebody's life then fixing this
problem is your best shot.

Fixing this problem gives you the biggest security improvement for
the time spend developing it.

Certificate Pinning solves this problem.


Certificate Pinning is in the last stages of becoming an RFC. It's
not there yet but chrome and other browser manufactures have already
implemented it.

It would require a protocol change in the XMPP protocol (the server
would have to offer two certificates: an actual certificate and
a backup certificate).

There is an intermediate solution which works without protocol changes:

Certificate Pinning Light

The client cut 'pin' a server certificate to a host-name the same way that
ssh clients 'pin' the host key to a host-name (known_hosts).

There is a lot of activity on making the s2s XMPP connections secure. More
about this at https://github.com/stpeter/manifesto. It's a great step by
those who operate the XMPP backend network.

The c2s XMPP connection is the last leg where security can make a real


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TLS Everywhere, jabber

2013-11-14 Thread Ralf Skyper Kaiser

sounds good. move into the right direction to make pervasive surveillance
harder and protect jabber/XMPP communication.

-  Original Message 
Subject: [jdev] TLS Everywhere
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:23:08 -0600
From: Peter Saint-Andre stpe...@stpeter.im
Reply-To: Jabber/XMPP software development list j...@jabber.org
To: j...@jabber.org

Almost 15 years have passed since my friend Jeremie Miller released
the initial version of the jabberd IM server, launching the Jabber
open-source community and the technology we know today as XMPP. Yet,
all that time, hop-by-hop encryption using SSL/TLS has been optional
on the XMPP network. A number of server operators and software
developers in the XMPP community have decided that needs to change for
the better. Based on discussions at the XMPP Summit last week in
Portland, Oregon, I have drafted a plan for upgrading the XMPP network
to always-on, mandatory, ubiquitous encryption. You can find it here:


In short: we owe it to those who use XMPP technologies to improve the
security of the network (and thanks to Thijs Alkemade, we now have
better ways to test such security, using the newly-launched IM
Observatory at xmpp.net). Although we know that channel encryption is
not the complete answer, it's the right thing to do because it will
help to protect people's communications from prying eyes.

If you or your organization develop XMPP-compatible software or run a
service that's connected to the XMPP network, I encourage you to sign
the statement by following the instructions in the README at the URL
shown above.


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Re: SSL security concern

2013-10-14 Thread Ralf Skyper Kaiser

can you clarify this quote from you please:

That goes against the general philosophy of open source clients. The user
should be assumed to be responsible.

Are you saying that users who use open source clients are assumed to be
responsible? (and because of that pidgin should have a lousy SSL security
implementation - because the user knows what he is doing)?



On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 11:39 PM, David Woolley

 On 22/09/13 21:26, skyper wrote:

 1. Which ROOT CA storage does pidgin use to authenticate a server side
 SSL certificate?

 See ./configure --help.  At a quick scan, it looks like it uses its own
 set of root certificates by default.  The default will depend on the OS, at
 least to some extent.  On Debian, it looks like the default is

 If you didn't compile it yourself, the choices made by the packager may
 differ from the build system defaults.

 2. How can I configure pidgin to use one (and just one; exclusive) ROOT
 CA storage (or single certificate) and ignore all other system-wide root
 certs without having to recompile the source?

 On that reading.  If it has been compiled to use its own certificates,
 delete the other certificates.  Again, on the above reading, this will be a
 global change for all libpurple clients. If it has been compiled to use a
 system directory, your caveat cannot be met.

 3. How can I harden pidgin to fail connecting to the jabber server if
 SSL trust can not be established? I do not want to see any warning that
 the SSL cert can not be authenticated or the user being asked if he
 trusts the certificate manually.

 That goes against the general philosophy of open source clients, that the
 user should be assumed to be responsible.  My guess is that this not only
 requires recompiling, but also requires source code changes.

 Please note I'm not an expert on this.  I'm just going on a very quick
 scan of the configure script, and the general design philosophy of open
 source client software.

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Re: SSL security concern

2013-10-14 Thread Ralf Skyper Kaiser
HI Ethan,

thanks for your comments. I've summarized some SSL/TLS Security concerns:


and also created a video for those who are non-technical:


I made a list of features under section 6.4 that would make pidgin secure.
In summary:

For Jitsi/Pidgin/Jabber this would mean:

   1. Do not allow non-private chats
   2. Do not allow clear-text (non-SSL) connections
   3. Accept self-signed certificates but once accepted/stored do not allow
   certificate to change (even if new certificate is a Verisign signed
   4. Feature to select CAfile storage location
   5. Force client to disable logging
   6. Inform server that user is using lockdown (so that server can reject
   all clients which do not).
   7. Once lockdown option is enabled the user should not be able to change
   any of the above options until lockdown is disabled again (e.g. gray out
   the option). Disconnect when lockdown option changes and reconnect to all

The BIGGEST BANG FOR THE BUCK would be 4.: Allow the user to specific a
different (and exclusive) CA location.

It is not a big change and would open up Pigdin to a much larger user base.



On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Ethan Blanton e...@pidgin.im wrote:

 Ralf Skyper Kaiser spake unto us the following wisdom:
  can you clarify this quote from you please:
  That goes against the general philosophy of open source clients. The
  should be assumed to be responsible.
  Are you saying that users who use open source clients are assumed to be
  responsible? (and because of that pidgin should have a lousy SSL security
  implementation - because the user knows what he is doing)?

 Note that David is not a Pidgin developer, and this opinion is his
 own.  It is either a common attitude for Open Source software or a
 common misconception regarding open source software, depending on your
 perspective.  I view it as the latter.  There's no philosophy of
 open source that says it has to suck in case the user wants it to.

 That said, in this particular instance, we do not have a
 straightforward option for accomplishing what you're asking for, and I
 doubt we will soon provide one.  It is unfortunately quite common for
 users to *need* to accept certificates with untrusted chains,
 mismatched domains, expired signatures, etc.  We do not currently
 provide an option for default disposition (either to confirm or
 reject) of such a situation, we require the user to handle it


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Re: SSL security concern

2013-10-14 Thread Ralf Skyper Kaiser

So ... we already implement a large portion of this list, either

 explicitly or implicitly.  To wit:

  For Jitsi/Pidgin/Jabber this would mean:
 1. Do not allow non-private chats

 I don't know what this means.

...if OTR plugin is available then do not allow non-encrypted private

4. Feature to select CAfile storage location

 This is already provided, as a compile-time option.

This is not feasible to the average user. (point taken, developers know how
to use pidgin securely. everyone else should go to hell?)

 5. Force client to disable logging

 This is not an option, but can easily be achieved by marking
 ~/.purple/logs unwriteable by the user.

Option should be available cross-platform and without OS specific hacks.

 6. Inform server that user is using lockdown (so that server can
 all clients which do not).

 This is not useful, as a client can readily lie.

This is not the point. The client can also circumvent your no-logging idea
by putting up a camera and filming his screen.

The point is that it takes reasonable effort and prevents _accidental_
client misconfiguration.

 7. Once lockdown option is enabled the user should not be able to
 any of the above options until lockdown is disabled again (e.g. gray
 the option). Disconnect when lockdown option changes and reconnect to

 I don't see what this buys.  We're unlikely to implement it.

Prevents accidental misconfiguration by the user. A server rule could
create a rule to only let clients connect that are in lockdown. This would
ensure against these accidental misconfigurations:

1. User has logging disabled
2. User is authenticating against server supplied/server-trusted cert (and
not one of the 600+ CA's out there)
3. User can not send unencrypted private messages

It prevents accidental client misconfiguration which form the majority of
all security problems.

This is a disingenuous and misplaced statement.  I assume you're

 trying to bribe egos.  However, a) Pidgin is already used by many
 millions of users, b) the much larger user base is a small fraction
 of those millions consisting of (for example) certain financial
 companies, a small number of privacy-concerned tech-savvy individuals,

I think there is a use case for such a feature. There is currently no easy
to use and secure IM client on the market.

History (last 2-3 years, and recent PRISM leaks) have shown that
governments (and I'm not just talking about the US here) are intercepting
SSL traffic on a massive scale (see the DigiNotar-Iran incident, The
Blackberry-Etisalar incident, the PRISM case, ...etc etc etc).

This has been made possible because of lax security implementation - not
just in pidgin but across the board.

Firefox and Chrome are now on the forefront for implementing stricter SSL
security (including certificate pinning, HSTS and exclusive CA locations).

David: Saying that this is not required reminds me of a discussion in the
80s when the car manufactures said that Airbags are not required (That
cars have a break and that people should drive responsibly. Only a small
ruthless-driving group of people would benefit.).


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Re: SSL security concern

2013-10-14 Thread Ralf Skyper Kaiser

yes, correct. and It's a good feature to have.

Yet we see users sending unencrypted messages even when they think they are
using OTR with private message encryption (yes, users are sometimes stupid).

An option that use encryption by default (which can be disabled by the
user) provides better security at no cost to usability. So why not do it?



On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Brian Morrison b...@fenrir.org.uk wrote:

 On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 19:25:21 +0100
 Ralf Skyper Kaiser wrote:

   1. Do not allow non-private chats
   I don't know what this means.
  ...if OTR plugin is available then do not allow non-encrypted private

 This can be set on a per-contact basis for those who use OTR.


 Brian Morrison

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