Re: Seamonkey 2.1 -- worst version ever

2011-06-20 Thread James E. Morrow

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Michael Hannon schrieb:

Robert Kaiser wrote:

In any case, happy to not be in charge any more, makes laughing about
this much easier than in earlier times.

Who's in charge now?

The collective of the SeaMonkey Council (of which I'm remaining a part,
but just as one of multiple people, not as the project coordinator).

I'm sorry to hear you've stopped running the project. Thanks for your
work on the browser over the past few years (not to mention LCARStrek!).

As a note, LCARStrek will continue to be developed (but now for both
SeaMonkey and Firefox). ;-)

As for me, my personal priorities have changed as stated in and I moved on,
see also -
which now makes me say things like A beta user sample of [roughly 4-5x
the release users of SeaMonkey] is too small to give us really good data
on stability, but so far it looks stable enough to ship this as a final
release. :)

I'm not too far away, but not here as much as previously. And I feel
good getting less vitriol about my work and working with people who can
do Mozilla stuff full-time. ;-)

Robert Kaiser

As one who has read and mostly lurked in this group since its inception, 
allow me to say that your efforts on behalf of the SeaMonkey Project are 
greatly appreciated. We all have to step back now and again. But your 
work as project leader leaves SeaMonkey well established to go forward. 
Thank you Robert.

James E. Morrow
 Email to:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot send except at home

2010-10-04 Thread James E. Morrow wrote:

James E. Morrow wrote:

Allow me to jump in here. I'm a Cox HSI customer so I have some
familiarity with port 25 blocking. You may wish to ask your nonISP email
providers what SMTP port to use. This will generally be port 587. If SSL
is used then use port 465. Your email provider (not your ISP) will be
able to tell you what ports and with what settings their server is

If you are away from home and can't log on to your ISP then you can't
send over their network. Use their web-mail.

When I send emails here at home Cox's MX mail transit servers are the
only Cox servers touching my email, not their SMTP or POP servers.

It has been a couple of decades since I was a systems manager and
I have probably forgotten more about networking than I ever knew! :-(

Can you clarify the hierarchy of the Internet access process?

Where are the Ports and other security-related settings and other
addresses controlled?

e.g. Is Port 25 or 26 or 465 or 587 *always* controlled only by
whatever server controls the In and Out E-mail and Web access
(incl. FTP and VNC)? Or does the ISP (the one I use from Home
or the Wifi at the coffee shop or library or hotel or airport)
have to allow access to those ports?


My ISP-hosted E-mail In  Out  Web
E-mail In  Out *not* hosted by my ISP

The Host Wifi (e.g. a coffeehouse)
My ISP-hosted E-mail In  Out
E-mail In  Out *not* hosted by my ISP

Go to edit, Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings, Outgoing Servers, Edit in 
Seamonkey to adjust the port settings for SMTP.

The email provider controls what port can be used. But the ISP can block 
the use of a port. It is quite common to block port 25 outgoing to 
prevent the sending of spam. The use of alternate port will generally be 

When using HOST WiFi away from home  the HOST WiFi provider will have 
control, but the real issue is what port does the server listen to? Port 
587 is the most common if you can't use 25. The Internet provider and 
the email server provider must allow the port for it to work. But the 
ISP or HOST  WiFi provider has little incentive to block anything but 
port 25. Still it pays to ask. The law of My server -- my rules 
generally controls.

James E. Morrow
 Email to:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cannot send except at home

2010-09-25 Thread James E. Morrow wrote:

  Ray_Net wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

If your home ISP is indifferent as to which SMTP server you use, all
will work. If your road ISP requires you to use their SMTP server, then
any mail sent to any SMTP server other than theirs will be blocked.

My ISP let me use any SMTP server i want - BUT ...
...If i use mys ISP SMTP server i MUST be connected thru my ISP.
When i am not connected at my ISP network, i must use their webmail

Well, two of the three E-mail providers allow Port 26, my ISP does not.

If Port 26 works at non-home Wifi sites then I will ask my ISP to
enable Port 26 so I can leave all of them set that way all the time.

Allow me to jump in here. I'm a Cox HSI customer so I have some 
familiarity with port 25 blocking. You may wish to ask your nonISP email 
providers what SMTP port to use. This will generally be port 587. If SSL 
is used then use port 465. Your email provider (not your ISP) will be 
able to tell you what ports and with what settings their server is 

If you are away from home and can't log on to your ISP then you can't 
send over their network. Use their web-mail.

When I send emails here at home Cox's MX mail transit servers are the 
only Cox servers touching my email, not their SMTP or POP servers.

James E. Morrow
 Email to:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Multiple bookmark entries.

2010-06-24 Thread James E. Morrow

Bernard Mercier wrote:

I am prety sure I have multiple bookmarks to the same url.
Will there be development in the bookmarks manager to detect those?
If not what solutions have posters here for this? (I didn't find an addon for

You may wish to consider AM Dead Link.

I've used it for some years now and it seems to work with Seamonkey 
(which it may find as Mozilla Suite) Opera, IE and Chrome. The program 
helps to eliminate obsolete and duplicate bookmarks.

James E. Morrow
 Email to:
support-seamonkey mailing list