context-menu - thank you, esp Phil

2011-04-19 Thread go-arts
I can toggle Firefox now for the context-menu, but i do not yet have
an answer for this:

I could so choose open the link in tab or open the link in new
window by only movin to the line and releasing the mouse-button.
Now, since Version 2.1, I am forced to click again on the line in the
mouse-click-menu which forces me do do the double of clicks than
(Drives my hand crazy)

and editing the menu

Thank you
support-seamonkey mailing list

New control of mouse-click-menus - additional click necessary now - drives my hand crazy

2011-04-18 Thread go-arts
Mac OS X:
Till now I found Seamonkey - Mozilla very efficient. I do not use
Firefiox because you are obliged to use control-key for opening the
mouse-click-pop-up-menu (mouse-click-pop-up-menu: you keep the left
mouse-button pressed anywhere on a location like links until the menu
opens. You can do this in Seamonkey with one hand like you could do
since more than ten years in Netscape, Mozilla etc. and work with one
hand only. Very efficient!).

I could so choose open the link in tab or open the link in new
window by only movin to the line and releasing the mouse-button.
Now, since Version 2.1, I am forced to click again on the line in the
mouse-click-menu which forces me do do the double of clicks than
My arm is already suffering by these inefficient reflexes.

Is there any means to get back the old quick and efficient feature?

P.S.: I DO NOT appreciate to change such features without asking the
users oder installing the old alternative! This concerns many people
who are depending on their work-flow every day in thousands of
movements and clicks!
I bought the Kensington track-balls to be protected against problems.
Now Seamonkey 2.1 brings me these problems back!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.1b3 User Interface Changes

2011-04-18 Thread go-arts
On 9 avr, 02:10, NoOp wrote:
 Ok, who's bright idea was this?

 Right clicking a link in
 2.1b2 brings up:
 o Open Link in a New Window
 o Open Link in a New Tab

 2.1b3 brings up:
 o Open Link in a New Tab
 o Open Link in a New Window

 Who's idea was this? I must have opened about 10 new windows (instead of
 tabs) this morning before figuring out the change. Still having trouble
 adjusting... muscle memory is set  I have to pause after right-clicking
 any link.

Yes, and Menu Editor does not work an Seamonkey 2.1. beta 3

I jus t put on Youtube the following text:
Sorry, but this is a BAD presentation. I am a personal trainer and
what I see ist a bad voice spoken too fast. people do NOT know
people's everyday job. (I have studied computer science!)
By the changes on Seamonkey 2.1 beta 3 now, my arm has serious
problems because of the changes on the context menu  the addtional
clicks. Firefox killed alreday efiecient 1-hand-work by obliging t
control key to context-menus so i used Seamonkey. But now Seamonkey
seems to be invaded by this sort of developper.

I am really upset!
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