On 9/8/11 8:14 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
> Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
>> Thu, 08 Sep 2011 01:00:09 +0200, /Ray_Net/:
>>> Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
>>>> Wed, 07 Sep 2011 17:44:04 +0200, /Ray_Net/:
>>>>> On a mail received from an outlook mail program i see:
>>>>> Re-Texte J instead of Re-Texte <smiling smiley>
>>>>> The "J" in Windings font is a smiling smiley
>>>>> But SM show me only a "J".
>>>> The Wingdings font doesn't have an Unicode character map [1] and is
>>>> generally useless. MS allows one to write content like "J" but then 
>>>> when
>>>> used with Wingdings to render the glyph at "absolute" position
>>>> corresponding to "J" in the font. Mozilla and other browsers wouldn't
>>>> find appropriate glyph mapped to "J" in that font
>>> When i use Word and i typed JJJ and i change the font of the second
>>> "J" in Windings, i see a smiling face instead of the "J".
>> The fact that you type J means the content contains exactly this 
>> character and not some other like "smiling face".  A non-visual agent 
>> would read it as J and not as "smiling face".  The fact that you see 
>> it as "smiling face" using Windings font in Outlook doesn't change the 
>> meaning of the character you encoded - J.  It is presentational 
>> artifact specific to Outlook.
>>>> so the will find a
>>>> substitute font to render it. Outlook users should really write "☺"
>>>> (smiling face) and not "J".
>>> How can i tell what he must do in outlook, because there is no ☺ on
>>> the keyboard ?
>>> Additionnal question, how can i type ☺ here ?(i had just copy/pasted
>>> of your character)
>> On Windows one may use the Character Map (Programs / Accessories / 
>> System Tools), set "Character set: Unicode", "Group by: Unicode 
>> Subrange", then from the "Group By" palette select "Symbols & 
>> Dingbats" and search for a font which contains the smiley.  On my 
>> system the "Courier New" font appears to contain it.  Double click the 
>> character to add it to the "Character to copy" field, then copy and 
>> paste where needed.
>> An easier variant seems to be Alt+code 
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt_code>:
>> | The following method can be used on Microsoft Windows to enter
>> | any Unicode codepoint as a hexadecimal number:
>> |
>> |   * Set the registry key HKCU\Control Panel\Input
>> | Method\EnableHexNumpad to type REG_SZ and value 1 and reboot.
>> |   * Keep the Alt key pressed. Press the "+" key on the numeric
>> | keypad.
>> |   * With the Alt key still pressed, type the hexadecimal number
>> | using the numeric keypad for digits 0-9 and the normal keys for
>> | a-f. For example, type +11b to produce ě (e with caron).
>> I guess one will need to press Alt+263A to insert the smiling face 
>> (but note the Registry setting first).
>>>> A guy, David McRitchie, has some notes on it regarding Firefox but it
>>>> equally applies (or equally doesn't apply anymore) to SeaMonkey:
>>>> http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/firefox/firefox.htm#wingdings
>>>> http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/firefox/wingdings.htm
>>>> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cmap_%28font%29
>>> Looks that those bugs are closed evenwhile not resolved ...
>>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90643
>>> says:
>>> This bug will cause my websites to have to suggest not using Firefox
>>> as it is necessary to use Greek symbols and the symbol font. It
>>> works in all other browsers making Firefox incompatible with all
>>> others.
>>> and:
>>> It is strange to ignore this bug.
>>> I very often get smileys from outlook users which display as "J".
>> As explained elsewhere, this is normal way things are supposed to 
>> work.  The other way is just a non-standard quirk.
> This is a line using SM newsgroup with Wingdings characters.
> This is a line using SM newsgroup with courier new characters.
> This is a line using SM newsgroup with Brush Script MT characters.
> As we can see SM is able to use and display the characters correctly for 
> nearly all fonts, but refuse it to do with Wingdings.

All I see are three lines rendered with Courier New.  I do have
Wingdings installed but not Brush Script.

I have the Brush Script font file, but I have my font manager park it in
an uninstalled bin.  After closing your message (quoted above), I used
my font manager to install Brush Script and reopened your message.  The
third line was still rendered in Courier New.

More important, what should I (or anyone else) see if I did not have
Wingdings installed?  If you composed the message via Outlook or Word,
what should I see if I did not have Wingdings installed?

Did you read the page at <http://webtips.dan.info/char.html> as I
previously suggested?


David E. Ross

On occasion, I might filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam from that source.
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