[Sursound] Audium - sound sculpture exhibit

2012-04-19 Thread Ambisonx
Was there 15 years ago. It's very peaceful. Thanks for reminding me to go back!

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 19, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Eric Jacobs  wrote:

> Some lighter reading - I just learned about this.  The perfect field trip
> for this group's membership:
> http://www.audium.org/
> "Audium is the only theatre of its kind in the world, pioneering the
> exploration of space in music. The theatre's 176 speakers bathe listeners
> in sounds that move past, over, and under them. "Sound sculptures" are
> performed in darkness in the 49-seat theatre."
> Audium has been around for awhile:
> http://www.audium.org/omhpp.cgi?src=archive/archive_history.hpp
> with 4 channels (8 speakers in 1960) and growing from there.  Okay, the
> speakers can *move* - cheating!
> Anyone from this list been to Audium?  I've not been yet, but am curious.
> My first post ever to this group after lurking for 7+ years.
> Eric Jacobs
> The Audio Archive, Inc.
> Disc and Tape Audio Transfer Services and Preservation Consulting
> http://www.theaudioarchive.com
> tel: 408.221.2128
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[Sursound] Spatial music

2012-04-14 Thread Ambisonx
I still claim that 3 loudspeakers would have been an easier sell than 5.1!  If 
I am not mistaken, I do believe there were a handful of 3-channel symphonic 
DVD's recorded with the 3 omni mic technique. In my experience, most 5.1 users 
correctly position the L/C/R loudspeakers, more or less. The problem lies in 
positioning the surrounds at the proper distance, angle and height or 
compensating the inaccuracy with delay and/or gain. 3-speaker stereo is much 
less hassle.

On Apr 14, 2012, at 2:42 AM, Richard Dobson  

> On 14/04/2012 04:27, JEFF SILBERMAN wrote:
>> ..
>> soundstage envelopment and spaciousness)! Indeed, I would never
>> replace my 3 front loudspeakers with a quadrilateral layout.  Why
>> three-speaker stereophony never became an end in itself is a mystery
>> to me. It is not nearly as financially and logistically burdensome as
>> surround sound and yet its benefits are very tangible.
> I would have thought the answer to that was fairly simple - the choice is 
> simply not available in the places the general public buys hifi, such as:  
> http://www.richersounds.com
> Note for example that you see listings for either stereo systems or Cinema 
> systems. Anything that involves buying some extra piece of kit, such as a 
> decoder, is out of the question - too complicated, and visibly more 
> expensive.  You need  a do-everything amp with sufficient outputs at the 
> back, and a simple switch offering, say, stereo, 3-ch stereo, quad, 5.1 
> (etc., with built-in automatic up-mixing if required - folk may shudder at 
> the thought, but just deal with it). And packages not just of matched pairs 
> of speakers, but matched triplets and quads of speakers - triplets being the 
> "weird" combination for shops and customers alike.
> And of course those who do venture into 'real' hifi showrooms need to be able 
> to hear such systems demoed, ~outside~ anything to do with cinema.
> Richard Dobson
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