Re: [Biofuel] Fw:'''~~movie'''~~25

2006-01-10 Thread Chris lloyd

I see the idiots have woken up again. 

Wessex Ferret Club

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[Biofuel] Chips in your chickens

2006-01-10 Thread Mike Weaver
That only falls in line with other policies in the bizzarro world of the 
federal gubmint:
Clear *Skies* initiative that rolls back progress of the clean air act
USA Patriot act that rolls back protection and rights under the constitution
Redler, get with the program.  We're ALL Republicans now.


An unqualified FEMA director who's emails included quotes like can I 
quit now? after Katrina.
...etc, etc, etc.
Why not have a myopic USDA spend a boat load of dollars tracking 
the symptoms rather than the root cause which, by enlarge, is already known. what's wrong with feeding livestock the brains and end-trails of 
their brothers, sisters, cousins and parents anyway?
Even if every person on Earth voices dissent against what the US gubmint 
is doing, there is still the monumental task! of picking a priority and 
direction. I don't see an end in sight unless every citizen of every 
country becomes active and voices their dissent.
It's everybody's problem.
I just get extremely frustrated trying to figure out how much I can do 
in between anti-racist demonstrations, fighting for quality K-12 
education and programs that promote science and engineering - causes 
that I've adopted over the last two years. 
Thank you. Keep up the good work.
By the way, there is no point. I'm venting.

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Re: [Biofuel] GMC on the right track with PAD?

2006-01-10 Thread Chip Mefford
Paul S Cantrell wrote:
   GMC PAD Wins The 2006 Los Angeles Vehicle Design Challenge

I gotta tell ya, it's an intriguing concept for folks
who are not homesteaders. A bit over the top.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw:'''~~movie'''~~25

2006-01-10 Thread Keith Addison
I see the idiots have woken up again.   Chris.

Yeah, or their computers have.

Anyway, no harm, the virus attachment got stripped before it was 
distributed, it's just an empty message.



Wessex Ferret Club

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: [PasturedPigs] NAIS letter

2006-01-10 Thread Keith Addison
That only falls in line with other policies in the bizzarro world of 
the federal gubmint:

Clear Skies initiative that rolls back progress of the clean air act

USA Patriot act that rolls back protection and rights under the constitution

An unqualified FEMA director who's emails included quotes like can 
I quit now? after Katrina.

...etc, etc, etc.

Why not have a myopic USDA spend a boat load of dollars tracking 
the symptoms rather than the root cause which, by enlarge, is 
already known. what's wrong with feeding livestock the brains and end-trails 
of their brothers, sisters, cousins and parents anyway?

Even if every person on Earth voices dissent against what the US 
gubmint is doing, there is still the monumental task of picking a 
priority and direction. I don't see an end in sight unless 
every citizen of every country becomes active and voices their 

It's not quite so dire Mike, IMHO. It's this matter of enough. That 
quote about Churchill again:

... what I tend to think of as Churchill's critical threshold 
level, when he mouthed that nonsense that you can fool some of the 
people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of 
the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time - 
while knowing very well that there's absolutely no need to fool all 
of them all of the time just as long as you can fool enough of them 
enough of the time. Which all our governments succeed in doing.

There's the common idea that things change when enough people want 
them to - when enough Americans (eg) get the message about 
biodiesel (eg) they'll vote with their pockets and the magic of the 
marketplace will do the rest, ExxonMobil (eg) will bow out gracefully 
and take to selling bathroom fittings instead. But that's not how it 
works, societies meet the challenge of change via a creative 
minority, not a democratic majority. What Margaret Mead said is true: 
Never underestimate the power of a small group of individuals to 
change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.

It's everybody's problem.

Indeed so.

I just get extremely frustrated trying to figure out how much I can 
do in between anti-racist demonstrations, fighting for quality K-12 
education and programs that promote science and engineering - causes 
that I've adopted over the last two years.

Just do what you do. Probably you can't ever know, but unless you can 
be certain that your own efforts don't make a difference you have to 
keep on doing it. You and the rest of the Other Superpower - rather 
a large creative minority, seems to me, as creative minorities go, 
the first truly global one maybe. Even if we're a part of it, all any 
of us can see of it is the tip of the iceberg, along with what we're 
doing in our own lives. Will it be enough? Too soon to tell. Too soon 
to lose hope too.

Take care


Thank you. Keep up the good work.

By the way, there is no point. I'm venting.


Garth  Kim Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please call your representatives, senators and everyone you can. This bill
includes cats and dogs. And if you think it is about preventing disease,
think about this: All of your food will be microchiped! I do know how
hard it is to find those microchips and remove them when you butcher, the
emu industry used them. We could all wind up with a pound of microchips in
our intestines.
Bright Blessings,

 Worth reading. Worth thinking about. Worth writing about. Worth
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Laura Haggarty
 Date: January 9, 2006 9:39:31 AM EST
 Hi all,
 I got this letter from another email list (with permission to cross-post
 and use), made a few small modifications, and have sent it to my local
 newspaper (have already written to my legislators.) I thought you all
 might want to send it along to yours:
  Dear Editors,
 I am writing to ask the Grant County News to publish my letter in order
 to inform their subscribers about the National Animal Identification
 System (NAIS) which is currently in its initial stages. This USDA-run
 program has as its goal the registration of every farm animal (including
 non-food animals such as horses) in a centralized government database.
 This program will require micro chipping of each animal (including all
 forms of poultry), at the expense of the owner, and a premises ID for
 every farm which will be linked to a satellite photo and Global
 Positioning System record (see this link for the USDA website about the

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-10 Thread Bob Molloy
 ... what I tend to think of as Churchill's critical threshold
 level, when he mouthed that nonsense that you can fool some of the
 people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of
 the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time -

Though I am an admirer of the great man I have to put in my tuppence worth
here. Winston did not originate this quote. It comes from the greatest
showman of all time, a 19th century American called Phineas Taylor Barnum.
His exact words were, in introducing a conjuring act sometime in the
mid-1800s, were: You may fool all of the people some of the time; you can
even fool some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all the
people all of the time.
They were repeated in a political context by Abraham Lincoln in a speech
given at Clinton on September 8, 1858.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-10 Thread bob allen
gee, and all this time I thought Bob Dylan said it... :-)

Bob Molloy wrote:
... what I tend to think of as Churchill's critical threshold
level, when he mouthed that nonsense that you can fool some of the
people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of
the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time -
 Though I am an admirer of the great man I have to put in my tuppence worth
 here. Winston did not originate this quote. It comes from the greatest
 showman of all time, a 19th century American called Phineas Taylor Barnum.
 His exact words were, in introducing a conjuring act sometime in the
 mid-1800s, were: You may fool all of the people some of the time; you can
 even fool some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all the
 people all of the time.
 They were repeated in a political context by Abraham Lincoln in a speech
 given at Clinton on September 8, 1858.
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Biodiesel Performance

2006-01-10 Thread Setiyadi
Dear every one,

I'm new in this community, now I'm PIC of biodiesel (from CPO) project
in my company, I have some question about biodiesel performance:
1. what is biodiesel consumption with comparison to petroleum diesel oil
2. What is the best utilization of crude glycerin produced by mini-plant
biodiesel of 900 lt/d, can we mixed crude clycerin with methanol as
heating fuel
3. if can, How to design a continous burner with crude glycerin 
Methanol mixture as the fuel.

Best regards,


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] The Quiet Death Of Freedom

2006-01-10 Thread Appal Energy
Nice read. This gent writes well.

Todd Swearingen

The Quiet Death Of Freedom

By John Pilger

01/05/06 ICH -- -- On Christmas Eve, I dropped in on Brian Haw, 
whose hunched, pacing figure was just visible through the freezing 
fog. For four and a half years, Brian has camped in Parliament Square 
with a graphic display of photographs that show the terror and 
suffering imposed on Iraqi children by British policies. The 
effectiveness of his action was demonstrated last April when the 
Blair government banned any expression of opposition within a 
kilometre of Parliament. The High Court subsequently ruled that, 
because his presence preceded the ban, Brian was an exception.

Day after day, night after night, season upon season, he remains a 
beacon, illuminating the great crime of Iraq and the cowardice of the 
House of Commons. As we talked, two women brought him a Christmas 
meal and mulled wine. They thanked him, shook his hand and hurried 
on. He had never seen them before. That's typical of the public, he 
said. A man in a pin-striped suit and tie emerged from the fog, 
carrying a small wreath. I intend to place this at the Cenotaph and 
read out the names of the dead in Iraq, he said to Brian, who 
cautioned him: You'll spend the night in cells, mate. We watched 
him stride off and lay his wreath. His head bowed, he appeared to be 
whispering. Thirty years ago, I watched dissidents do something 
similar outside the walls of the Kremlin.

As night had covered him, he was lucky. On 7 December, Maya Evans, a 
vegan chef aged 25, was convicted of breaching the new Serious 
Organised Crime and Police Act by reading aloud at the Cenotaph the 
names of 97 British soldiers killed in Iraq. So serious was her crime 
that it required 14 policemen in two vans to arrest her. She was 
fined and given a criminal record for the rest of her life.

Freedom is dying.

Eighty-year-old John Catt served with the RAF in the Second World 
War. Last September, he was stopped by police in Brighton for wearing 
an offensive T-shirt, which suggested that Bush and Blair be tried 
for war crimes. He was arrested under the Terrorism Act and 
handcuffed, with his arms held behind his back. The official record 
of the arrest says the purpose of searching him was terrorism and 
the grounds for intervention were carrying placard and T-shirt 
with anti-Blair info (sic).

He is awaiting trial.

Such cases compare with others that remain secret and beyond any form 
of justice: those of the foreign nationals held at Belmarsh prison, 
who have never been charged, let alone put on trial. They are held 
on suspicion. Some of the evidence against them, whatever it is, 
the Blair government has now admitted, could have been extracted 
under torture at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. They are political 
prisoners in all but name. They face the prospect of being spirited 
out of the country into the arms of a regime which may torture them 
to death. Their isolated families, including children, are quietly 
going mad.

And for what? From 11 September 2001 to 30 September 2005, a total of 
895 people were arrested in Britain under the Terrorism Act. Only 23 
have been convicted of offences covered by the Act. As for real 
terrorists, the identity of two of the 7 July bombers, including the 
suspected mastermind, was known to MI5, and nothing was done. And 
Blair wants to give them more power. Having helped to devastate Iraq, 
he is now killing freedom in his own country.

Consider parallel events in the United States. Last October, an 
American surgeon, loved by his patients, was punished with 22 years 
in prison for founding a charity, Help the Needy, which helped 
children in Iraq stricken by an economic and humanitarian blockade 
imposed by America and Britain. In raising money for infants dying 
from diarrhoea, Dr Rafil Dhafir broke a siege which, according to 
Unicef, had caused the deaths of half a million under the age of 
five. The then Attorney-General of the United States, John Ashcroft, 
called Dr Dhafir, a Muslim, a terrorist, a description mocked by 
even the judge in his politically-motivated, travesty of a trial.

The Dhafir case is not extraordinary. In the same month, three US 
Circuit Court judges ruled in favour of the Bush regime's right to 
imprison an American citizen indefinitely without charging him with 
a crime. This was the case of Joseph Padilla, a petty criminal who 
allegedly visited Pakistan before he was arrested at Chicago airport 
three and a half years ago. He was never charged and no evidence has 
ever been presented against him. Now mired in legal complexity, the 
case puts George W Bush above the law and outlaws the Bill of Rights. 
Indeed, on 14 November, the US Senate effectively voted to ban habeas 
corpus by passing an amendment that overturned a Supreme Court ruling 
allowing Guantanamo prisoners access to a federal court. Thus, the 
touchstone of 

Re: [Biofuel] Dewatering with vacuum.

2006-01-10 Thread William Adams

Your water-to-steam volume change calculation is 
not correct. The correct volume increase is 1,244x, obtained as 
follows: One mole (molecular wt. in gm)of liquid water = 18 gm = 18 
cc. One mole of steam = 18 gm h2o vapor = 22,400 cc. At standard temperature and 
pressure, and for equal molar quantities, the volume change is simply: steam 
volume / liquid volume = 22,400/18 = 1,244.44...
Cheers, Bob (West Linn)

  - Original Message - 
  Joe Street 
  Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 7:09 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Dewatering with 
  Hey Logan and David;These numbers are reasonable. 
  (don't forget to factor in an amount for a steady state leake rate on your 
  system as this adds to the load your pump will see as it approaches base 
  vacuum) Actually I can get on the order of 100 to 200 ml water out of 25 
  liters of oil at times collecting in my liquid trap. This is estimated I 
  have not measured it. Perhaps I should. But this is after heating 
  to 55 degrees celsius and draining any liquid water that precipitates. 
  So 200 mls in 25 liters is 0.8% water by volume. I'm not sure what your batch 
  size is but as a conservative figure use 1% to figure the amount of water you 
  will have to remove by vacuum. Also remember that a 5 CFM pump will not 
  necessarily give you 5 CFM as was pointed out before. And even after 
  correcting it using gas law equation it still is hampered by conductance of 
  piping between the pump and chamber. Rule of thumb here is use large 
  diameter pipe (as large as the pump inlet if possible) and as few elbows as 
  possible will help a lot.To give you a feel for these factors consider my 
  system takes about an hour to remove said amount of water. My system is 
  relatively leak tight I can get to 29 inches ultimate on a dry system, so I am 
  getting an EFFECTIVE throughput of about 4 to 5 liters per minute at vacuum 
  BUT I am using a dual stage rotary pump which is designed to do 18 CFM. 
  Throughput is reduced dramatically by the fact that I am pumping through a 
  1/4" tube!! Bear in mind that from the standpoint of throughput bigger 
  is always better, but as a girl I once knew taught me; quality counts for 
  more. When I was pumping through 1/2" copper pipe I only succeeded in 
  causing the contents of the reactor to froth up and " boil over" contaminating 
  the liquid trap in the process. So it is possible to have too much of a 
  good thing. You can reduce the conductance of the piping or install a 
  valve for throttling the pump to avoid this problem and toward the end of the 
  drying cycle open up the valve to speed up the end game. If your reactor 
  starts rumbling and dancing around on it's stand it is a good bet that you 
  will suck liquid up into the condenser, especially if the reactor is filled to 
  a high level.I hope I have helped and not made it seem a lot more 
  complicated. If so take a hint from the fact that my pump is more than 
  adequate for my 30 liter size reactor. I get a sense that it could 
  easily handle a 150 liter tank. There is a tradeoff between heat and 
  vacuum. Either one can speed the drying process but you don't want 
  froth! When I started learning about vacuum my mentor said " you can't 
  rush a vacuum son - we got time for a coffee" so 
  true.CheersJoelogan vilas wrote: 

Sorry if that number's wrong it's what I've been told from the only person I 
know who does AC work.

But that number makes it sound a lot better. You will not have 1 cubic foot 
of water in your oil after you settle and drain it. If you do then you need 
to get a better method. There is likely less then 1 cubic inch after 
setteling and draining. That would only take 6 miniutes to remove.

Logan Vilas

- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Dewatering with vacuum.

logan vilas wrote:

  Water boils off at 43F at 20-50mmhg of vacuum at sea level. At 140F it
takes about 150-200mmhg. When fluids are mixed togther the Pressure of
Vaporization changes especially when thouroughly mixed. You do not
need a condensor if you are useing a AC type vacuum pump(that's what
they are designed for).

I know iowa's BECON program flash heats their oil to 230F then runs it
through a vacuum chamber to achieve dewatering. Unless you have a very
large vacuum pump or very little water in your oil it will take a long
time. Water multiplies in volume by 10-18 thousand times when boiled.
  Say WHAT?  I'm not sure what number you mean by "10-18 thousand".  The
number I remember is about 1700 times.

  1 Cubic foot =  1728 cubic inches
1 Cubic Inch of water when boiled off = 5.79 cubic feet minimum
1 gallon = 231 cubic inches

Vacuum Distilation alone would take a huge amount of time. I would
still heat then let it settle and remove