Re: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007

2007-07-01 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Bruno,
thanks for that posting!
when i look at a major sponsor of this event,Nova Gmbh,i cant help to think at 
NOVA,a Dinosponsored PR organizer,working so hard to deny global warming!
I could be wrong and anyway its not important anymore!
At this point i would like to see Keith in the ranks to get a first hand look 
at the merits of this congress,after all its him who worked so hard to get the 
biofuels known an in the rigth directions.
My call is to everyone on this list to sponsor a trip for Keith to attend this 
congress,so we get a qualified feedback on this german brew.Its worth to me to 
pledge a couple hundred bucks to help pay,so Keith could attend the congress!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bruno M. 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:22 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007

  First International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels 6 
  + 7 September 2007 Erfurt Germany.   ( in German )
  The same in English :

  And in November also in Germany (Munich):
   Oils+fats 2007

  International Trade Fair for the
  Production and Processing of Oils and
  Fats made from Renewable Resources
  20 - 22 November 2007

   "oils+fats is the only international B2B 
  exhibition that focuses on the
manufacture and processing of oils and fats.
It presents the latest trends and 
  information about recent technological developments,
covering everything from raw and 
  auxiliary materials to processing, quality assurance,
packaging and logistics. As a result, 
  it is the most important industry gathering for experts
and decision-makers in the oils and fats industry. "

  Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Valuable chemical from glycerol and Biofuel waste

2007-07-01 Thread GMSEURO LTD

*We will be interested to look at this project more carefully to make it a
into production process. Will it be possible to provide us with more
information on your exact direction on this project.

* On 27/06/07, Pagandai Pannirselvam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Dear list members

  A very large quantities  of liquid effluents (all acid, catalysts,
glycerol) , after producing biodiesel are  disposed  as waste in one of the
the big projects  which had been given social green seal  from Federal
Government of Brazil.

The  JTF  and this list have very extensively  given importance to this
topic  focusing on  biogas , fuel and  soap production .
Is any one have other biodegradable plastics, solid biofuel and simple
polymer products  that can be produced in a decentralised , ecologically
sustainable way for employment generation form this huge amount of
waste.possible to make wealth for many .
Any help in this regard are very welcome .


Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos e Processos
DEQ – Departamento de Engenharia Química
CT – Centro de Tecnologia / UFRN, Lagoa Nova – Natal/RN
Campus Universitário. CEP: 59.072-970

3215-3769   ramal 210
casa 3215-1557
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Thank You and Regards,

R.Gopal Krishnan  M.Sc,  ISF
Managing Director
GMS Euro Ltd
United Kingdom
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Re: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007

2007-07-01 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Fritz, Bruno and all

>Hello Bruno,
>thanks for that posting!
>when i look at a major sponsor of this event,Nova Gmbh,i cant help 
>to think at NOVA,a Dinosponsored PR organizer,working so hard to 
>deny global warming!
>I could be wrong and anyway its not important anymore!
>At this point i would like to see Keith in the ranks to get a first 
>hand look at the merits of this congress,after all its him who 
>worked so hard to get the biofuels known an in the rigth directions.
>My call is to everyone on this list to sponsor a trip for Keith to 
>attend this congress,so we get a qualified feedback on this german 
>brew.Its worth to me to pledge a couple hundred bucks to help pay,so 
>Keith could attend the congress!

Golly! :-0

Well, thanks for saying such nice things and having so much faith in 
me Fritz, but I have to decline. There's really no chance that I'd be 
in a position to take about a week off from our commitments here in 
September for an SVO conference in Germany, or for anything else I 
can think of.

Anyway I don't think there'd be any need. I don't think there's any 
mystery about this conference, it's the same as all the others, the 
same old industry stuff. They provide some material at their website 
but I don't see a need for a critique. I think I've already done 
that, mostly, in some of the material in the SVO section at JtF, and 
"How much fuel can we grow? How much land will it take?"

The rest of it would be covered by the general critique by GRAIN that 
I posted the other day:
[Biofuel] No to the agrofuels craze!

That's a thorough and devastating attack on industrialised biofuels, 
which GRAIN aptly renames "agrofuels":

"We believe that the prefix bio, which comes from the Greek word for 
'life', is entirely inappropriate for such anti-life devastation. So, 
following the lead of non-governmental organisations and social 
movements in Latin America, we do not talk about biofuels and green 
energy. Agrofuels is a much better term, we believe, to express what 
is really happening: agribusiness producing fuel from plants as 
another commodity in a wasteful, destructive and unjust global 

I agree with that. Steve Spence once said here: "I have a niggling 
feeling that 10 years from now, the environmentalists will be 
fighting the ethanol industry tooth and nail. Anything can be done 
badly, and I expect the ADM's of the world will be successful in 
turning a clean renewable resource into a dirty unsustainable one..." 
I agreed with that too. If biofuels are supposed to be sustainable 
and renewable then industrialised agriculture cannot produce biofuels 
because industrialised agriculture is itself not sustainable, not in 
any way. Calling what they produce biofuels is greenwash.

GRAIN, however, in re-defining as agrofuels what industry calls 
biofuels, then fails to define what real biofuels are, that is, fuels 
for life.

I think that's quite well defined in the JtF link above, "How much 
fuel can we grow? How much land will it take?", which is largely 
derived from discussions here at the Biofuel list. Biofuels are 
produced by small-scale, local or community-level projects using an 
Appropriate Technology approach, which means that projects fit the 
local context. The industrial approach does the opposite thing, 
forcing the local context to fit the demands of the bottom-line, and 
externalising the costs.

It's industrialised agriculture and/or colonial-era plantation 
economy projects that industrial biofuels depends on, whether it's 
ethanol, biodiesel, or, indeed, SVO/Plant Oil Fuels.

I've been watching the huge worldwide growth in the last 18 months to 
two years of biofuels conferences and expos of all types, I get sent 
all the flyers, scores and scores of them, hundreds probably, and I'm 
quite sure they're a very good business venture. I just don't think 
they're of any interest.

But Fritz, hey, thanks again! Really!

All best


>- Original Message -
>From: Bruno M.
>Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:22 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007
>First International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels 6
>+ 7 September 2007 Erfurt Germany.
>( in German )
>The same in English : 
>And in November also in Germany (Munich):
> Oils+fats 2007
>International Trade Fair for the
>Production and Processing of Oils and
>Fats made from Renewable Resources
>20 - 22 November 2007
> "oils+fats is the only international B2B
>exhibition that focuses on the

[Biofuel] SVO congres

2007-07-01 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
thanks for putting me things in the rigth perspectiv,sometimes i am a hopeles 
dreamer,but you are all rigth with your views!
Anyway them arrogant Dr.s and german industrials with all their titles would 
not pay attention to sombody who does not have profits in the aim!
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[Biofuel] Hard-Wired for Moral Politics: Neuroscience and Empathy

2007-07-01 Thread Keith Addison
See also:
Toward a Psychology of Interdependency
Hard-Wired for Moral Politics:
Neuroscience and Empathy
by Gary Olson

May 20, 2007

The official directives needn't be explicit to be well understood: Do 
not let too much empathy move in unauthorized directions.
  - Norman Solomon
The way we are educated and entertained keep us from knowing about or 
understanding the pain of others . . .
  - Robert Jensen
The nonprofit Edge Foundation recently asked some of the world's most 
eminent scientists, "What Are You Optimistic About? Why?" In 
response, the prominent neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni, cites the 
proliferating experimental work into the neural mechanisms that 
reveal how humans are "wired for empathy."
Iacoboni's optimism is grounded in his belief that as these recent 
findings in experimental cognitive science seep into public 
awareness, ". . . this explicit level of understanding our empathic 
nature will at some point dissolve the massive belief systems that 
dominate our societies and that threaten to destroy us." (Iacoboni, 
Only five years earlier, Preston and de Waal predicted that science 
is on the verge of "an ultimate level description that addresses the 
evolution and function of empathy." (Preston, 2002)
While there are reasons to remain circumspect (see below) about the 
progressive political implications flowing from this work, a body of 
impressive empirical evidence reveals that the roots of prosocial 
behavior, including moral sentiments like empathy, precede the 
evolution of culture. This work sustains Noam Chomsky's visionary 
assertion that while the principles of our moral nature have been 
poorly understood, "we can hardly doubt their existence or their 
central role in our intellectual and moral lives." (Chomsky, 1971, 
1988; 2005)
The emerging field of the neuroscience of empathy parallels 
investigations being undertaken in cognate fields. Some forty years 
ago the celebrated primatologist, Jane Goodall, observed and wrote 
about chimpanzee emotions, social relationships, and "chimp culture" 
but experts remained highly skeptical. Even a decade ago, scientific 
consensus on this matter was elusive,  but all that's changed. 
According to famed primate scientist Frans B.M. de Waal "You don't 
hear any debate now." In his more recent work, de Waal plausibly 
argues that human morality - including our capacity to empathize - is 
a natural outgrowth or inheritance of behavior from our closest 
evolutionary relatives. It's now indisputable that we share moral 
faculties with other species. (de Waal, 2006; Kropotkin, 1902; 
Trivers, 1971; Katz, 2000; Gintis, 2005; Hauser, 2006)
Following Darwin, highly sophisticated studies by biologists Robert 
Boyd and Peter Richerson posit that large-scale cooperation within 
the human species - including with genetically unrelated individuals 
within a group - was favored by selection. (Hauser, 2006, p. 416) 
There were evolutionary (survival) benefits in coming to grips with 
If morality is rooted in biology, in the raw material or building 
blocks for the evolution of its expression, we now have a pending 
fortuitous marriage of hard science and secular morality in the most 
profound sense. The details of the social neuroscientific analysis 
supporting these assertions lie outside this paper but suffice it to 
note that it's persuasive, proliferating, and exciting. (Jackson, 
2004 and 2006; Lamm, 2007)
That said, one of the most vexing problems that remains to be 
explained is why so little progress has been made in extending this 
orientation to those outside certain in-group moral circles. That is, 
given a world rife with overt and structural violence, one is forced 
to explain why our moral intuition doesn't produce a more 
ameliorating effect, a more peaceful world. Iacoboni suggests this 
disjuncture is explained by massive belief systems, including 
political and religious ones, operating on the reflective and 
deliberate level. These tend to override the automatic, 
pre-reflective, neurobiological traits that should bring people 
Thus a few cautionary notes are warranted here. The first, then, is 
that social context and triggering conditions are everything because 
where there is conscious and massive elite manipulation, it becomes 
exceedingly difficult to get in touch with our moral faculties. As 
Albert cautions, circumstances may preclude and overwhelm our 
perceptions, rendering us incapable of recognizing and giving 
expression to moral sentiments (Albert, n.d.; and also, Pinker, 
2002). For example, the fear-mongering of artificially created 
scarcity may attenuate the empathic response.
The second is Hauser's (2006) observation that proximity was 
undoubtedly a factor in the expression of empathy. In our 
evolutionary past "there were no opportunities f

Re: [Biofuel] SVO congres

2007-07-01 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Fritz

>Hi Keith,
>thanks for putting me things in the rigth perspectiv,sometimes i am 
>a hopeles dreamer,but you are all rigth with your views!
>Anyway them arrogant Dr.s and german industrials with all their 
>titles would not pay attention to sombody who does not have profits 
>in the aim!

I guess industrialists are pretty much the same wherever they come from.

You'd probably meet people there too with more than just profits in 
their minds, but maybe there are better ways of meeting them.

All best



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[Biofuel] Garden Produce

2007-07-01 Thread robert and benita rabello
Although it's been a pretty lousy gardening season thus far (too cool, a 
LOT of rain and not enough sunshine) our vegetable beds have been 
overflowing with produce.  I can honestly say that after eating fresh 
spinach, beet leaves (mmm!!!) and lettuce from our garden, anyone who 
hasn't had home grown produce like this isn't eating the best food!

We also have had a fair quantity of strawberries, despite the cool weather.

And the BEST news of all is that my longsuffering sweetheart is now 
"officially" convinced that compost is better for plants than the 
mineral salts she'd been pushing on me for the past four or five years.

Now, if only I could get my fruit trees to cooperate . . .

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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