Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

Published 23:28 08.06.10

Latest update 23:28 08.06.10

Tony Blair: Israel has a right to defend itself

Quartet envoy tells Channel 10: When it comes to security, I'm 100% 
on Israel's side. Israel has a right to inspect what goes into Gaza.

Special envoy of the Quartet of Middle East peace mediators, Tony 
Blair, said Tuesday that any investigation into Israel's raid on a 
Gaza-bound flotilla last week had to be "full and impartial" and that 
Israel had the right to defend itself.

In the May 31 raid, Israeli commandos rappelled onto the deck of one 
of the ships trying to break Israel's three-year-old blockade of 
Gaza. The soldiers were intercepted by a crowd of activists, setting 
off a clash that killed nine men - eight Turks and a Turkish American.

Israel says its soldiers began shooting only after a mob of 
pro-Palestinian activists attacked them - a version backed up by 
video footage released by the army. But the activists and their 
supporters say Israeli commandos needlessly opened fire.

The incident triggered a storm of criticism of Israel, followed by 
countless calls for an international investigation into the incident. 
Israel has so far rejected an international probe, but is taking 
steps to establish a commission of investigation within Israel, 
possibly with international observers.

Speaking with Channel 10 a week after the deadly clash, Blair said 
that he believed the Israeli blockade on Gaza should be lifted but at 
the same time he also understands Israel's security concerns.

"There's no question that there are rockets fired from Gaza and that 
there are people in Gaza who want to kill innocent Israelis," he 
said. "When it comes to security, I'm 100 percent on Israel's side. 
Israel has the right to inspect what goes into Gaza."

Blair said he was troubled by Turkey's recent shift in policy that 
has led to a deterioration of the Turkey-Israel relationship.

On the Iranian nuclear issue, Blair said that there was no doubt that 
Iran should be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons.

"Iran with nuclear weapons is not something we should contemplate or 
allow," he said.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

Poll: 49% of Americans Blame Pro-Palestinian Activists for Flotilla Deaths

By Haaretz

June 08, 2010 "Haaretz" -- Ramussen poll: Only 19% of Americans 
believe Israel is to blame for the clash aboard Gaza-bound aid ship 
Mavi Marmara last week.

Nearly half - 49 percent - of likely U.S. voters believe that 
pro-Palestinian activists were to blame for the deaths that occurred 
when the Israel Defense Forces raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla last 
week, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Only 19 percent believe that Israel was to blame. Another 32 percent 
said they were not sure.

Nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed on May 31 when the IDF 
intercepted six Gaza-bound aid ships. All the deaths occurred on the 
Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara vessel. The IDF said its soldiers opened 
fire in self-defense after being attacked by activists with knives 
and other weapons.

51 percent of those surveyed said Israel should allow an 
international investigation of the incident. 25 percent rejected the 
idea of an international probe and another 24 percent were undecided.

49 percent of U.S. voters agreed that, generally speaking, most 
countries are too critical of Israel. 21 percent said countries are 
not critical enough and 17 percent said neither.

Israel is one of only five countries that a majority of Americans are 
willing to defend militarily.

70 percent of voters said they have been following news reports about 
the Gaza flotilla incident at least somewhat closely. 28 percent have 
not been following closely, if at all.

73 percent of voters think it is unlikely that a lasting peace 
agreement will be reached between Israel and the Palestinians in the 
next ten years.

58 percent view Israel as a U.S. ally and two percent as an enemy, 
with 32 percent saying the country is somewhere in between the two.

By comparison, just 30 percent see the United Nations as an ally of 
the United States. 16 percent see the UN as America's enemy, and 49% 
put it somewhere in between.

The survey was based on interviews with 1,000 likely U.S. voters and 
had a +/-3 percent sampling error margin.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

Posted by stevebenen at 12:17 pm

June 6, 2010


Neocons Deem Key U.S. Alley Turkey "the Enemy"

This post originally appeared on Washington Monthly.

On Friday, Liz Cheney blasted the White House for "sending a clear 
signal to the Turkish-Syrian-Iranian axis that their methods for 
ostracizing Israel will succeed." For most of us, the fact that 
Turkey is part of an "axis" with Syria and Iran was rather startling 

As Glenn Greenwald noted, we're watching as Cheney and others 
"instantaneously transform" Turkey into "The Enemy" in the wake of 
recent violence off the coast of Gaza.

Cheney did it again this morning, once again linking Turkey to Iran 
and Syria as nations that "threaten to destroy Israel."

Even for Liz Cheney, this is pretty nutty. Turkey is not only a NATO 
member and long-time ally of the United States, it's also been a 
key Israeli ally. Obviously, the May 31 raid has pushed the 
relationship to the breaking point, but labeling Turkey as a country 
that "threatens to destroy" Israel ignores years of history.

As the NYT recently explained, Turkey "has long been Israel's closest 
friend in the Muslim world, with $2.5 billion in trade in 2009 and 
strong ties between the countries' militaries and governments."

Her entire analysis is completely absurd, but if recent months are 
any indication, this is a trend worth watching - how soon will other 
conservatives start characterizing another U.S. ally as an enemy?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

June 8, 2010
1:09 PM
CONTACT: Earthjustice
Liz Judge, (202) 667-4500, ext. 237

Murkowski and Allies Clamor to Protect Big Oil in Face of Gulf Crisis

Vote on resolution Thursday is a test of allegiances: Big Oil or the 
American people?

WASHINGTON - June 8 -  On Thursday, June 10, the U.S. Senate will 
vote on a resolution by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to reverse the 
Environmental Protection Agency's finding that greenhouse gases 
endanger public health and will be regulated under the Clean Air Act. 
This proposal would also nullify the fuel efficiency standards for 
all cars and trucks finalized this spring that would reduce our 
nation's dependence on oil and promote major pollution cuts. Today, 
Sen. Murkowski and several Republican allies are holding a press 
conference to solicit support for this measure before the vote.

The following statement is from Earthjustice senior legislative 
representative Sarah Saylor:

"This resolution by Senator Murkowski shows that she will go to great 
lengths to protect big-money polluters. This is the same senator who 
has gone to bat for BP, blocking a law that would hold oil companies 
accountable for the full costs of their spills. Now she and her 
allies want to give all of the fossil fuel special interests in this 
country a break by gutting our Clean Air Act.

"Sen. Murkowski's resolution puts special interests above the public 
interest by protecting these violators and irresponsible 
corporations, which want nothing more than to see America remain 
hooked on their dirty fossil fuels. Sen. Murkowski and her allies are 
putting not only the health of the American people at risk, but also 
our economic future by delaying a move to clean-energy alternatives.

"This vote on Thursday is two things. First, it is a red herring, a 
distraction from the real task at hand before the Senate: to find a 
way forward toward a sustainable and prosperous clean-energy future. 
Second, it is a test. Which senators are on the side of big, 
influential, dirty fossil fuel industries at this moment of man-made 
crisis in American history? And which are on the side of the American 
people and working to guarantee us a clean and healthy future? We 
will know the answer on Thursday."


Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law firm dedicated to 
protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of 
this earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy 
environment. We bring about far-reaching change by enforcing and 
strengthening environmental laws on behalf of hundreds of 
organizations, coalitions and communities.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
Years of Internal BP Probes Warned That Neglect Could Lead to Accidents
by Abrahm Lustgarten and Ryan Knutson
Published on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 by Pro Publica
A series of internal investigations over the past decade warned 
senior BP managers that the company repeatedly disregarded safety and 
environmental rules and risked a serious accident if it did not 
change its ways.

Most (Sadly) Ironic Sign Seen at BP Station
This picture was sent in to the Rachel Maddow show by Mark and Vicki 
Cipolle. It's worth a thousand words, so I'll just leave it at that.


BP: 500,000 pounds of emissions released

By T.J. Aulds
The Daily News
Published June 5, 2010

TEXAS CITY - At BP's Texas City refinery, more than 400 pounds a day 
of benzene - 40 times the state reportable levels - was released 
during a 40-day period while a subunit of the refinery's ultracracker 
unit was offline, according to a company filing with the state's 
environmental agency Friday.

In all, BP officials said more than 500,000 pounds of pollutants and 
nonpollutants were released while the company increased flaring as 
they tried to repair a compressor on the faulty unit.

Refinery spokesman Michael Marr said in its follow up reporting with 
the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, BP estimated 36,000 
pounds of nitrogen oxides and 17,000 pounds of benzene were released 
in the 40 days. State law requires 10 pounds or more of benzene and 
200 pounds or more of nitrogen oxide during a 24-hour period must be 
reported through the commission's air emissions database.

Benzene is a carcinogen naturally found in oil that has been linked 
to some forms of cancer, according to U.S. Health and Human Services 
records. Nitrogen oxides react to sunlight to form ozone and can 
damage lung tissue and cause respiratory problems.

However, neither of the levels of the emissions reached levels that 
required self-reporting to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
Marr said. The EPA requires any nitrogen oxides release of more than 
1,000 pounds a day be reported, while the federal agency does not 
require reports of benzene emissions.

According to BP's filing with the TCEQ, the ultracracker's hydrogen 
compressor went offline April 6 and was not repaired or restarted 
until May 16.

Because of the malfunction, the subunit was shut down, and materials 
were purged and gasses were rerouted to a flare, according to the 
company's filing.

The ultracracker, which remained operable, can process 65,000 barrels 
of oil per day and mostly produces high-octane blending components 
for gasoline. The ultracracker also can produce ethane, propane, 
butane, pentane, hexane and distillate.

The bulk of the emissions during that time included an estimated 
189,000 pounds of carbon monoxide and 61,000 pounds of propane, 
according to the company's report to the TCEQ.

"During this time period, the site's fenceline monitoring did not 
indicate any excess readings," Marr said. "Also of note, the site 
performed modeling of the emissions using TCEQ-approved modeling 
methods, and that modeling did not indicate an exceedance of 
regulatory exposure limits to workers or the community at any time 
during the flaring."

TCEQ spokeswoman Andrea Morrow said the filing starts a process that 
includes a review by the agency that could end up before the 
commission's enforcement division. She said depending on why and what 
caused the emissions, the agency could take enforcement action.

But without knowing the specifics of the BP emissions, she could not 
comment on what action the agency could or would take.

She did caution the figures BP included in its report likely were 
estimates that will be higher than what actually was released.

She said companies that underreport emissions face penalties. So the 
companies often will "shoot high," Morrow said.

According to BP's TCEQ filing, all of the figures were estimates.


Benzene Emissions

According to a 2008 report by the Environmental Integrity Project, 
BP's Texas City refinery was among four refineries in the nation that 
had the largest increases in benzene emissions even as overall 
benzene emissions among U.S. refiners decreased by more than 18 
percent between 2000 and 2008.

The environmental group claims refiners actually underreport how much 
of the carcinogen is released because of inadequate EPA standards.

However, according to a report to the Texas City-La Marque Community 
Advisory Council by the Galveston County Health District's director 
of Environmental Health last summer, benzene emissions in Texas City 
decreased by 74 percent between 1993 and 2008. That report does not 
single out BP nor attribute how much each of the city's chemical 
plants or refineries reduced benzene emissions.


Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
"peaceful" means to them.

To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.

My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.

Happy Happy,


- - - - - - - -

Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)

Orlando Sentinel

Remember the dead during peace time

We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
hostile act during peace time.

On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.   

At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.

One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
ship since World War II.   

John W

Donald C

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
insane by those who could not hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Chris Burck
wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this
list.  the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and
is slowly penetrating the american pryche.  i first heard of it many
years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who
had just published a tell-all book.  his take was that israel attacked
the ship in order to cover up rather heinous war crimes being
committed against egyptian military personnel.  the prequel, you might
say, to the infamous 'highway to hell' during desert storm.

On 6/9/10, Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo,
> I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
> under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
> military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
> Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
> It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
> deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
> folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
> spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
> the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
> what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
> "peaceful" means to them.
> To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
> major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
> excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
> chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
> you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
> My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
> brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
> Happy Happy,
> Gustl
> - - - - - - - -
> Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
> and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
> Orlando Sentinel
> Remember the dead during peace time
> We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
> hostile act during peace time.
> On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
> The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
> Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
> missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.
> At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
> ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
> Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
> One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
> cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
> ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
> Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
> were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
> ship since World War II.
> John W
> Donald C
> --
> Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
> We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
> The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
> soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
> without signposts.
> C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
> Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
> daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
> gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
> And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
> insane by those who could not hear the music.
> Friedrich Nietzsche
> The best portion of a good man's life -
> His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
> William Wordsworth
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000
> messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

liberty +israel
68 matches

>wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this
>list.  the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and
>is slowly penetrating the american pryche.  i first heard of it many
>years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who
>had just published a tell-all book.  his take was that israel attacked
>the ship in order to cover up rather heinous war crimes being
>committed against egyptian military personnel.  the prequel, you might
>say, to the infamous 'highway to hell' during desert storm.
>On 6/9/10, Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hallo,
>>  I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
>>  under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
>>  military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
>>  Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
>>  It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
>>  deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
>>  folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
>>  spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
>>  the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
>>  what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
>>  "peaceful" means to them.
>>  To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
>>  major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
>>  excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
>>  chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
>>  you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
>>  My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
>>  brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
>>  Happy Happy,
>>  Gustl
>>  - - - - - - - -
>>  Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
>>  and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
>>  Orlando Sentinel
>>  Remember the dead during peace time
>>  We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
>>  hostile act during peace time.
>>  On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
>>  The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
>>  Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
>>  missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.
>>  At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
>>  ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
>>  Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
>>  One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
>>  cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
>>  ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
>>  Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
>>  were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
>>  ship since World War II.
>>  John W
>>  Donald C
>>  --
>>  Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>>  We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>>  The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>>  soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>>  without signposts.
>>  C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>>  Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>>  daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>>  gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>>  And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>>  insane by those who could not hear the music.
>>  Friedrich Nietzsche
>>  The best portion of a good man's life -
>>  His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>  > William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
While we're at it, why not try this for size?

Re: Oil and Israel - Keith
Keith Addison
3 Jun 2004

Six years later, it's at last getting a bit of an airing:

"Brothers in Arms"
Israel's Most Illicit Affair
By Glenn Frankel
May 28, 2010 "Foreign Policy" -- History is a great teacher, but 
sometimes it packs a nasty sense of irony. A case in point: South 
African Prime Minister John Vorster's visit to the Yad Vashem 
Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem in April 1976, where he laid a wreath 
to the victims of the German Reich he once extolled. [more]



>liberty +israel
>68 matches
>>wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this
>>list.  the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and
>>is slowly penetrating the american pryche.  i first heard of it many
>>years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who
>>had just published a tell-all book.  his take was that israel attacked
>>the ship in order to cover up rather heinous war crimes being
>>committed against egyptian military personnel.  the prequel, you might
>>say, to the infamous 'highway to hell' during desert storm.
>>On 6/9/10, Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>   Hallo,
>>>   I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
>>>   under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
>>>   military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
>>>   Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
>>>   It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
>>>   deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
>>>   folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
>>>   spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
>>>   the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
>>>   what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
>>>   "peaceful" means to them.
>>>   To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
>>>   major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
>>>   excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
>>>   chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
>>>   you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
>>>   My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
>>>   brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
>>>   Happy Happy,
>>>   Gustl
>>>   - - - - - - - -
>>>   Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
>>>   and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
>>>   Orlando Sentinel
>>>   Remember the dead during peace time
>>>   We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
>>>   hostile act during peace time.
>>>   On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
>>>   The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
>>>   Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
>>>   missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.
>>>   At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
>>>   ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
>>>   Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
>>>   One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
>>>   cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
>>>   ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
>>>   Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
>>>   were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
>  >>  ship since World War II.
>>>   John W
>>>   Donald C
>>>   --
>>>   Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>>>   We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>>>   The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>>>   soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>>>   without signposts.
>>>   C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>>>   Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>>>   daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>>>   gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>>>   And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>>>   insane by those who could not hear the music.
>>>   Friedrich Nietzsche
>>>   The best portion of a good man's life -
>>>   His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness a

[Biofuel] more mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith and all,
first time i see a major Newspaper coming out with an article puting the crimes 
of Israel in the rigth ligth!
Its all in french but worth reading it fore the ones able to.
The tide is changing

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