[Biofuel] Media Justice and the 99 Percent Movement

2011-12-09 Thread Keith Addison

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting

Extra! December 2011

Media Justice and the 99 Percent Movement
How net neutrality helped Occupy Wall Street

By Betty Yu

It all started with one message posted on a blog on July 13, 2011. 
The magazine Adbusters, a not-for-profit, reader-supported, 
120,000-circulation magazine that combats corporate consumerism, 
issued a call: "On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood 
into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and 
occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly 
repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices."

On September 17, a thousand people marched to Wall Street, and then 
hundreds stayed to occupy Liberty Plaza in New York's Financial 

Even after a solid two weeks of this Occupation, corporate media 
largely blacked it out. What coverage there was depicted protesters 
as drug-abusing hippies (the Fox News spin-Hannity, 10/10/11), or, in 
the "liberal" version, as directionless naifs with no message (New 
York Times, 9/23/11). As the OWS Declaration in New York City put it, 
the 1 percent "purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful 
through their control of the media."

But grassroots, independent media outlets like Democracy Now!, 
Pacifica Radio, the Indypendent newspapers and public access TV 
channels, with a combined audience of millions, covered the 
Occupation from the perspective of the people-the 99 percent. These 
independent outlets provided a platform for protesters to talk about 
why they were supporting the Occupation-speaking out about rising 
unemployment, declining wages, diminishing quality of life, 
foreclosures, education budget cuts, lack of healthcare and unjust 
wars, just to name a few.

What elevated the activism to a national and global movement, though, 
was the sophisticated and widespread use of social media. Independent 
mediamakers, citizen journalists, everyday people with camera phones 
were capturing the voices and faces of this burgeoning movement and 
uploading them to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, mostly within 
minutes of being captured. Group text-messaging was used to share 
information and media quickly.

These tools for instant communication not only helped to mobilize 
thousands to marches and events, but also captured police brutality 
toward the protesters. It was only when images were disseminated of a 
senior New York City police official pepper-spraying peaceful women 
protesters, temporarily blinding them, that corporate media began 
paying attention. The pepper-spraying incident was documented by 
fellow protesters and uploaded to YouTube-where it was viewed more 
than 2 million times-then posted on Facebook and tweeted to be shared 
with the world.

In the age of digital media, anyone with an Internet connection can 
watch OWS's General Assembly meeting on the livestream of the Occupy 
website. They can share an Occupy update on Facebook, or tweet it on 
Twitter-providing an ongoing venue for people to show support and 
participate virtually in the protests. One Tumblr site houses the 
stories of thousands of supporters who share why they are a part of 
the 99 percent, holding up handwritten signs and telling their 

Of course, human, face-to-face interaction and relationship-building 
is irreplaceable. Social media have helped get people out of their 
nests and into the streets of Liberty Plaza and elsewhere, to attend 
a General Assembly or a working group meeting. In New York, the 
working groups, many of them self-organized, have grown from 10 to 
over 70, largely through outreach done on the Internet. People in 
nearly 900 cities formed MeetUp.com groups, using the 
OccupyTogether.org website as their central hub.

The democratization of media-making tools, particularly an open and 
unfettered Internet, has made all this possible. Right now, though, 
this open access is under threat. Network neutrality is the principle 
that requires Internet service providers to treat all content 
equally, guaranteeing a level playing field for all websites and 
Internet technologies.

Since the invention of the Internet, net neutrality has facilitated 
democratic participation, allowing social justice organizations, 
cultural workers, citizen journalists, artists and small businesses 
to create, share and receive information freely. Right now, the 
livestream of Occupy Wall Street downloads just as quickly as the 
website of Goldman Sachs. Without net neutrality, small businesses, 
nonprofits and individuals who can't afford high-speed services would 
have their ability to reach a mass audience online severely limited.

The telecommunications corporations that provide Internet 
connections, like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast, want to increase their 
already mammoth profits by controlling websites, video, content and 
applications. These corporations want their own sites and services to 
be easily a

Re: [Biofuel] Algae Biofuel business develops a new production facility on the Eyre Peninsula

2011-12-09 Thread Chris Burck
what's got me scratching my head is this:

"oloid pond mixing nanotechnology"

wha. . .?!?
On Dec 7, 2011 9:26 AM, "Darryl McMahon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.environmental-expert.com/news/algarythm-australia-270152
> 5 December 2011 -- Algarythm Pty Ltd is the operating company of the
> Darke Peak Algae Biofuel Commercialisation project. South Australian
> based Fishace Pty Ltd; trading as Fishace Ecological Engineering, has
> developed an innovative method to produce algal biomass in commercial
> quantities. The pilot plant will develop more energy and water efficient
> ways of producing micro algal cultures in association with our academic
> partner, the Materials and BioEnergy Group of Flinders University,
> Adelaide.
> Darke Peak is a regional township located in Central Eyre Peninsula,
> South Australia, some 550kms by road to the West of Adelaide.  Fishace
> Pty Ltd owns a development approved 2.4 hectare land site adjacent to
> the railway track and grain silos where the production facility will be
> sited. The project utilises low cost, simple earth based pond systems
> with highly technological - Red LED Algae Photo-Bioreactors for
> increasing algal densities, Oloid pond mixing nanotechnology and simple
> biofuel processing techniques.
> The demonstration project is designed to produce an estimated 165 tonnes
> of algal biomass, refining offsite to 100,000 litres of raw biodiesel
> per annum.  We will use local grain waste as a nutrient feedstock,
> culturing local saline algae species from biologically degraded land and
> saline groundwater.
> The process consists of using clay lined ponds connected by piping in
> gravity fed water circulative series that receives solar pumped saline
> groundwater not used by agriculture. Native food fish will be stocked
> with their wastes acting as nutrient stock for the algaculture system.
> The algal powder is comprised of high levels of lipids and will be sold
> as a dry biomass for processing to biodiesel and other by-products.
> Our community based mission is to develop low cost integrated
> algaculture and ecological solutions for local businesses including
> agri-business and mineral extraction industries on land unsuitable for
> agricultural food production.
> We would also like to assist in reinvigorating our local rural townships
> as a model for future sustainable living , with a third generation
> biofuel facility contributing to Small Medium Enterprise (SME)
> industrial clustering, producing high value cottage industry by-products
>  such as boutique salts, glycerine, health products, food fish, carbon
> feedstock, to the regional economy. The decentralisation of bioenergy
> transport networks also greatly reduces the regional carbon footprint.
> Company website:  http://www.algarythm.com.au/
> --
> Darryl McMahon
> Water Savers: save water, save money, save the world.
> http://www.econogics.com/WaterSaver/
> ___
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[Biofuel] Monsanto's Crimes Against Humanity

2011-12-09 Thread Alan Petrillo

  Monsanto's Crimes Against Humanity

/By Pure Energy Systems News /

//*/It's almost time to say goodbye to the food your grandparents 
consumed, because genetically modified crops have spread their toxic 
attributes across the globe. As their damaged genetics spread, their 
potential harm is being denied, and scientists who speak out are 
persecuted. By Hank Mills 

Big businesses seek to produce big profits. Most big businesses will do 
whatever it takes to maximize their profits, despite the consequences 
that may result. An example of this is the biotechnology industry. 
Biotech companies like Monsanto are genetically engineering food crops 
such as corn, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, and others; without adequate 
testing to insure they will not harm the humans and animals that consume 
them. Without adequately testing for safety while bribing the regulators 
and politicians, they are pushing potentially life threatening foods on 
the entire human population and threatening the biosphere.

A couple year old documentary from 2009 called "Scientists Under Attack 
" is discussed in a recent 

YouTube video 
. The 
documentary details how scientists who blew the whistle on the dangers 
of genetically modified foods have faced severe persecution. For 
example, after performing tests on mice that determined genetically 
modified potatoes produced multiple health problems in mice (immunity 
problems, regarded growth, organ failure, etc), one scientist was hailed 
as a hero by his employer. However, the next day, a call came in from 
the UK Prime Minister's office. The person who called put pressure on 
his employer, and the next day he was fired.

During the documentary and the discussion about it on YouTube, the 
specific dangers of these genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are 
discussed. In many scientific tests, they have produced organ failure, 
cancer, infertility, and other illnesses in lab animals. However, 
Monsanto ignored the results of these tests, even when their own 
scientists urged them to do additional testing. It is also discussed now 
the FDA is in league with biotechnology companies like Monsanto, and 
ignores evidence of the dangers of GMO crops; and allowing GMO products 
to be sold unlabeled as such.

One big issue the documentary addresses is the fact that the product of 
the one specific gene inserted into the genetically modified organism 
does not produce the health problems in lab animals. This is known for a 
fact, because the insecticides produced by the inserted gene was fed to 
lab animals, and did not produce toxicity. However, the insertion 
process used to inject the gene into the plant seems to have done 
general genetic damage to the organism. Instead of just one gene being 
changed, many genes may have been changed. Monsanto and other companies 
did not investigate this.

Yet another danger of GMOs is that their genes can spread to other 
crops. When pollen is released from genetically modified crops, the wind 
can spread the pollen, and their genes can spread to other farms. The 
result is that farmers who had no desire to grow genetically modified 
crops end up doing so against their will. In the documentary genetic 
modifications are found to have spread a thousand miles, from the 
closest farm where genetically modified crops are grown.

What makes matters worse is when companies like Monsanto find out that 
farms have been contaminated with their toxic genes, they sue the 
farmers! They demand that the farmers pay THEM money to use the genetic 
modifications, because they claim the farmers STOLE the genes. This is 
insane. The farmers should be getting money from Monsanto for having 
their property damaged and contaminated.

*One very concerning issue brought up was the fact that Monsanto hired a 
PR firm that created two fake online identities, who claimed to be 
scientists that went around the internet pushing the agenda that GMO 
food is safe. This is blatant manipulation of the public debate to push 
an agenda that has resulted in harm to human beings.*

Could certain energy companies be doing the same thing, by creating fake 
online personas to try and discredit free energy? It seems very 
possible, when there are obviously misleading individuals --- attacking 
every free energy claim --- going by obviously false names such as "Mary 
Yugo," one of the first names to post comments in nearly any 
controversial free energy news page, such as the E-Cat.

Other issues are brought up in the video as well. For example...

  * How almost all of certain crops in the USA (such as corn) have been
contaminated due to cross pollinatio