[Biofuel] Monsanto's pesticides poisoning Argentina - report

2013-10-23 Thread Keith Addison


Monsanto's pesticides poisoning Argentina - report

Published time: October 21, 2013

Pesticides sold by Monsanto are behind health problems ranging from 
birth defects to elevated rates of cancer in Argentina, a report has 
revealed. A lack of regulations has led to widespread misuse of 
Monsanto's products in the Latin American nation.

The Associated Press carried out a report that found a clear link 
between the use of pesticides sold by Monsanto and growing health 
problems in Argentina. Absence of regulations and their enforcement 
has led to widespread misuse of Monsanto's chemicals across the 
country. In turn, this has caused multiple health problems in the 
rural population.

AP documented a number of occasions when toxic pesticides were used 
close to populated areas and consequently contaminated the water 
supply and caused health problems.

Santa Fe Province, which is Argentina's number one producer of 
cereals, forbids the use of pesticides less than 500 meters from 
populated areas. However, AF uncovered evidence that toxic chemicals 
were used as little as 30 meters from people's homes.

Schoolteacher Andrea Druetta who lives in Santa Fe told AP that her 
children had been covered in pesticides recently while swimming in 
the garden pool.

In addition, studies show that cancer rates in the province are two 
to four times higher than the rest of the country, while in the 
neighboring province of Chaco birth defects have quadrupled since the 
introduction of biotechnology in the agricultural industry around a 
decade ago.

Researchers also found high rates of thyroid disorders and chronic 
respiratory illness in Santa Fe.

Deadly cocktails

Monsanto's chemical pesticide, Roundup, contains a substance called 
glyphosate. While the substance has been deemed harmless, AP found 
that it is being used in a number of ways in Argentina that are 
"unanticipated by regulatory science or specifically banned by 
existing law."

Doctor Damian Vernassi from the Faculty of Medicine of the University 
of Rosario told RT's Spanish channel, Actualidad RT, that these 
chemical mixes could be responsible for the drastic increase in 
health problems.

"It could be linked to pesticides," he said. "There has been analysis 
of the primary ingredient, but we have never investigated the 
interactions between the different chemicals that are being mixed."

AP interviewed Argentine farmhand, Fabian Tomassi, who worked 
preparing a cocktail of chemicals to spray crops for three years. He 
now suffers from the debilitating neurological disorder, 
polyneuropathy, and is near death.

"I prepared millions of liters of poison without any kind of 
protection, no gloves, masks or special clothing," he said. "I didn't 
know anything. I only learned later what it did to me, after 
contacting scientists."

In response to the study, Monsanto issued a statement saying that it 
"does not condone the misuse of pesticides or the violation of any 
pesticide law, regulation, or court ruling."

"Monsanto takes the stewardship of products seriously and we 
communicate regularly with our customers regarding proper use of our 
products," said spokesperson Thomas Helscher in a written statement.

Argentina was one of the first countries to adopt Monsanto's 
biotechnology to increase its agricultural output. The 
multinational's products transformed Argentina into the world's third 
largest producer of soy.

At present Argentina's entire soy crop is genetically modified, as is 
most of its corn and cotton. In addition, AP found that Argentine 
farmers use about 4.5 pounds of pesticide concentrate per acre, which 
is over double the amount used in the US.

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[Biofuel] US government, media silent on sacking of top nuclear officers

2013-10-23 Thread Keith Addison


US government, media silent on sacking of top nuclear officers

By Thomas Gaist

19 October 2013

A week has passed since the unprecedented back-to-back firings of two 
top US nuclear commanders, and the silence of the political and media 
establishment on the matter is deafening.

While expert sources acknowledge that the firings of Vice Admiral Tim 
Giardina and Major General Michael Carey constitute an unprecedented 
crisis in the US military, the media have accepted the US military's 
presentation of it a matter of the two officers' personal problems. 
Air Force General Robert Kehler's assertion that both firings were 
the result of vaguely defined "unfortunate behavioral incidents" has 
been accepted, and the matter largely dropped.

Such accounts are not only not credible, they entirely evade the 
issues involved in the sudden cashiering of officers controlling the 
most powerful nuclear arsenal on the planet, capable of destroying 
humanity many times over. As military sources or specialists of 
military affairs acknowledge, the firings reflect a deep crisis of 
the US military. In such a situation, neither the possibility of 
potentially catastrophic technical problems with the US nuclear 
arsenal nor of threatened military action against the US civilian 
government can be ruled out.

A report on the firing of Vice Admiral Tim Giardina in the Marine 
Corps Times noted that such an event "is exceedingly rare and perhaps 
unprecedented in the history of U.S. Strategic Command, which is 
responsible for all American nuclear war fighting forces, including 
nuclear-armed submarines, bombers and land-based missiles."

Speaking to the WSWS, Peter Feaver, Professor of Political Science at 
Duke University and Director of the Duke Program in American Grand 
Strategy, observed: "If you look over the last 4-5 years there have 
been quite a few senior officers who have been relieved for cause, 
quite a number of those in the last several yearsŠ The military has 
been struggling to come to terms with why there are so many firings."

Feaver's remarks point to anger in the military over the 
extraordinary number of high-ranking officers who have been sacked 
with little or no public explanation. Other top officers removed from 
command positions under Obama include General James Mattis, Maj. 
General Mark Gurganus, Maj. General Gregg Sturdevant, General Stanley 
A. McChrystal and General David Petraeus.

McChrystal was removed as commander of US occupation forces in 
Afghanistan after making fun of Vice President Joe Biden in an 
interview with Rolling Stone, while Petraeus-a former commander of US 
forces in Iraq-was replaced, ostensibly due to a sex scandal.

Carey was fired by the US Air Force on October 11. He commanded the 
20th Air Force, including 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles 
(ICBMs) in silos across the northern US. Carey was on an unspecified 
"temporary duty assignment" at the time of the alleged infraction. 
Though US officials suggested alcohol was involved, they also denied 
that Carey had an alcohol problem. It remains unclear why he was 

Vice Admiral James Giardina was second in command of the US Strategic 
Command, having previously commanded a squadron of 10 Trident 
submarines armed with nuclear warheads. He allegedly was dismissed 
for playing at a casino with $1,500 worth of fake gambling chips.

As for Mattis, the commandant of the Marine Corps who infamously 
declared in 2005 that it was "a lot of fun" to shoot Afghans, he 
stepped down as head of US Central Command earlier this year, 
reportedly over differences with the White House over US war policy 
against Syria and Iran. Known for advocating an aggressive US 
strategy against Iran, he pressed for aggressive moves to cut off 
Iranian aid to the Syrian regime, declaring: "Absent Iran's help, I 
don't believe [Syrian President Bashar] Assad would have been in 
power the last six months."

It is significant that the sudden cashiering of Giardina and Carey 
follows the Obama administration's decision to postpone a war with 
Syria, which it nearly launched last month.

More broadly, a decade of escalating US imperialist interventions 
across the Middle East and Africa has placed rising strains on the US 
military and its relations with civilian authorities. At the same 
time, the weight of the US military and security forces in the 
country's political life has grown immensely, as the White House 
relied on them to fight wars and promote the hysterical atmosphere of 
the "war on terror."

The risk of military rule in the United States was underscored by the 
unprecedented lockdown of the entire city of Boston by US security 
forces in April, after the Boston Marathon bombing.

In a 2008 article "Coming Soon: A Crisis in Civil-Military 
Relations," University of North Carolina Professor Richard Kohn 
bluntly wrote: "The president elected in November wi

[Biofuel] Another Nobel Peace Prize - Another Farce?

2013-10-23 Thread Keith Addison

Another Nobel Peace Prize - Another Farce?


Felicity Arbuthnot

The Nobel Peace Prize brings another surprise - or farce, depending 
on your view. In relatively recent history, there has been Henry 
Kissinger (1973) architect supreme of murderous assaults on sovereign 
nations; the United Nations (2001) whose active warmongering or 
passive, silent holocausts (think UN embargoes) make shameful mockery 
of the aspirational founding words.

In 2002 it was Jimmy Carter, whose poisonous "Carter Doctrine" of 
1980 included declaring the aim of American control of the Persian 
Gulf as a "US vital interest", justified "by any means necessary." 
2005 saw the Award go to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 
which promotes nuclear energy, creating the most lethal pollutants to 
which the planet and its population has ever been subjected. The 
nuclear waste from the industry the IAEA promotes, is now turned in 
to "conventional", but never the less, nuclear and chemical weapons, 
by a sleight of hand of astonishing historical proportions.. 

Barack Obama (2009) has since declared himself executioner, by 
assassination in any form, any time, any place, anywhere, of anyone 
deemed by him (not judge or jury) connected to that now catch all 
phrase "terrorism" - half a world away.

The Guantanamo concentration camp to which he unequivocally committed 
closing (17th November 2008,"60 Minutes") asserting: "I have said 
repeatedly that I will close Guantanamo and I will follow through on 
that. I have said repeatedly that America does not torture. And I'm 
gonna make sure that we don't torture ... those are part and parcel 
of an effort to ... regain America's moral stature in the world." 
Gulag Guantanamo remains with its prisoners, pathetic, desperate 
untried, or those ordered released, languishing year after year. 
America's "moral stature" has plummeted lower than the Nixon years, 
Libya lies in ruins, Syria barely survives, with the terrorists' 
backers aided via Washington's myriad back doors - and in global 
outposts, US backed or instigated torture thrives.

2012's Nobel lauded the European Union, which, since its inception, 
has crippled smaller trading economies, put barriers, unattainable 
conditions, or indeed, near extortion on trade with poorer countries 
(often former colonies.)

EU Member States have also enjoined punitive embargoes against the 
most helpless of nations and enthusiastically embraced the latest 
nation target to be reduced to a pre-industrial age (correction: be 
freed to embrace democracy and the delights of rule by imposed 
despots, or a long, murderous, unaccountable foreign occupation and 
asset seizure.) Eminent International Law Expert, Professor Francis 
Boyle, called the EU Award: "A sick joke and a demented fraud."

This year's Peace Prize awarded, on Friday, 11th October, went to the 
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the 
Netherlands based organization, founded only in 1997, unheard of by 
most, charged with ridding the world of chemical weapons.

The Award came ten days after an OPCW team arrived in Syria to 
eliminate the country's chemical weapons stock. A brief visit in 
August had them scuttling out, an apparent courage free entity, 
within days. President Assad had requested their investigations back 
in March, after it was claimed terrorist factions had used chemical 
weapons - insurgents now believed to be from some eighty three 
countries, backed primarily by the US, UK, Quatar and Saudi Arabia.

The OPCW's return, on 1st October, is now touted as a breakthrough 
with an intransigent regime who had previously blocked them at every 
turn - rather than had the door open for them since March - the team, 
now billed as brave souls, working in a war zone - in which the 
Syrian people and government live - and die - every day - in a 
blood-soaked insurgency of that that famed "international 
community's" making.

Is the annual Nobel justified anyway to an organization which has, in 
spite of the nightmare hazards to an entire population, agree to 
destroying an alleged 1,000 tons of highly dangerous chemicals (if we 
believe what we are told) in just months?

In context, the US still has over three times as much chemical 
weaponry (estimated at over 3,100 tons) and has defied the specified 
April 2012 deadline for their disposal, on the basis that the dangers 
are so great that they cannot complete building the appropriate 
facilities until 2020 (some reports state 2023.) For the same reasons 
of technical and safety obstacles, Russia has a believed five times 
the US amount left to destroy.(i) Shameful double standards rule 

Wade Mathews, who worked on the U.S. chemical stockpile destruction, 
is uncertain that Syria can meet the deadline. He states that the 
U.S. disposal took billions of dollars, the cooperation of many 
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