Re: [Biofuel] Fw: The Cavalry Stays Home

2007-03-11 Thread Addison Griffith
Thanks for this article, the writing is on the wall for all of us.

  - Original Message -   From: Energy and Capital 
  Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 5:17 PM
  Subject: The Cavalry Stays Home


  To ensure you receive future issues of Energy and Capital,
please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book. 

Friday, March 9th, 2007 



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Re: [Biofuel] Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society

2007-02-10 Thread Addison Griffith
Thanks for this article, I have read his book the The Long Emergency which is 
very good reading on this subject. I have read everything possible in the past 
year on Peak Oil and its ramifications for our future. I have tried to be very 
subjective in viewing all of the information that is available. And no matter 
how you look at it, it is coming and very soon. In all that I have been able to 
discern we will be looking at the beginning (or the start) sometime in 2011-12. 
The following is a good site to the information on all of our alternative 
energy sources and the weaknesses of all of them:

  A. Griffith
Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
AlterNet: EnviroHealth:
Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society

By James Howard Kunstler, Posted February 10, 2007.

The best way to feel hopeful about our looming energy crisis is to 
get active now and prepare for living arrangements in a post-oil 

Editor's Note: James Howard Kunstler is a leading writer on the topic 
of peak oil the problems it poses for American suburbia. Deeply 
concerned about the future of our petroleum dependent society, 
Kunstler believes we must take radical steps to avoid the total 
meltdown of modern society in the face looming oil and gas shortages. 
For background on this topic, read Kunstler's essay, Pricey Gas, 
That's Reality.

Out in the public arena, people frequently twang on me for being 
Mister Gloom'n'doom, or for not offering any solutions to our 
looming energy crisis. So, for those of you who are tired of wringing 
your hands, who would like to do something useful, or focus your 
attention in a purposeful way, here are my suggestions:

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Re: [Biofuel] Blood of the Earth: Dilip Hiro on the Battle for the World's Vanishing Oil Resources

2007-02-03 Thread Addison Griffith
  Thanks for this article, it is a great description of the oil problems that 
the world is facing today, the development of alternative fuels is so necessary 
to the lifeline of the human race.
  A. Griffith

Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Democracy Now! |
Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Blood of the Earth: Dilip Hiro on the Battle for the World's 
Vanishing Oil Resources

In his new book, veteran Middle East Journalist Dilip Hiro offers a 
detailed account of how and why the planet's limited supply of oil 
has come to revolutionize human behavior, politics and warfare across 
the globe. He joins us for a wide-ranging interview. [includes rush 

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Re: [Biofuel] I.D. Cards and Rifers

2007-01-29 Thread Addison Griffith

Mike and D this is just the tip of the iceberg of what our government is doing 
to undermine our country and the US citizens. I have been sitting here and 
reading the posts of yours and Keith's, Mike W,Kirk  Jason just to name a few. 
Now it has been brought to my attention concerning the mass human detention 
camps that was authorized on Jan 24, 2006 by the Dept. of Homeland Security, 
they gave a contract to Halliburton to construct 5 huge camps in various parts 
of the US.
  This is just an excerpt of the article:
  Don't mind that barbed wire
Tuesday, February 07, 2006  

  I guess it only makes sense, in that Bushworld kinda way, that when the 
government starts building mass detention centers that Halliburton would get 
the contract:
  This is all done under the guise of detaining illegal  immigrants, however I 
have discovered that the real reason is to house millions upon millions of 
poverty stricken Americans who will be destitute and homeless in the very near 
future. This being caused by the advent of the oil shortage that is coming in 
the very next few years. I have been reading and researching the peak oil 
problem for over a year and we are getting closer every day to the inevitable.
  Our government is not doing anything to help in developing alternative 
sources of energy, as I view it, it is now too late to do anything 
  Mike, like the Real ID act, someone needs to step up to the plate and take a 
stand for our country. It cannot be a Republican or Democrat, they are one and 
the same. I think the only route that we can take is an independent or third 
party candidate for the 2008 election.
  I would like some input from the list concerning this matter.
  I live in Arkansas, so maybe we will have an opportunity to get together some 
  A. Griffith

  This is freakin news to me, D!!!  And an outrage  Anyone see last 
Tuesday evening's Boston Legal?  Prepping the American public?  It included 
Denny Crane having to go to court to get his name off a list of suspected 
terrorists that included the name Denny Crane.  Because his name was on the 
list, he was not able to fly on a commercial airline.  Unfortunately, the show 
made no mention of a National I.D. Card, which it could have.  Anyway, looks 
like beginning in May, 2008, doing business in Amerika (ie, living) changes 
dramatically...just in time for the elections in give those 
bastards something to say they'll overturn just to get elected, then do 
nothing, especially Hillary if that bitch gets the nomination, as she is 
already on record for the implanting of RFID chips (see Frist-Clinton bill, S. 
1262, also this link:  Peace? Light? 
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy
 form from off my door! Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore.' Mike DuPree
- Original Message - 
  From: D. Mindock 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 2:16 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] I.D. Cards and Rifers

  The national ID card is an important method to take away any semblance of
  freedom in Amerika. Blurb below is from an alt medicine list. Slowly but
  surely we are being herded into the allopathic, high cost, deadly, model
  of medicine with its emphasis on drugs and surgery. Peace, D. Mindock
  P.S. Stop shopping, start agitating. We have the power to stop the demolition
  of our democracy.
  Subject: I.D. Cards 

Dear friends, forgive the politics on the list, but I see a grave danger
coming up to Rifers* in particular. The new National I.D. Cards were passed
last year in Congress, and will take effect in 2008 unless we stop it. It
will have an RFI chip in it and the government will be able to track you at
all times. Why this applies to us in particular is that if your number is
accidently turned off in I.D. Central, you will not be able to do a
banking transaction, cross a bridge or get on a toll road, fly in a plane or
get a drivers license or passport.You will be neutralized with a keystroke.
With the medical paradigm crumbling fast, and noting the fact that rifers
have already been charged as terrorists under the Patriot Act [like our dear
Ian in China et. al, think how vulnerable we will all be to having our new
numbers turned off because we threaten the status quo and big bucks
Please watch this 2 hour google video made by the award-winning director
Aaron Russo-
The first half deals with the IRS and the second deals with the I.D. Cards.
We need to put pressure on congress to reverse this or we may be in for some
chilling times. All my love, lee 
*Note: The Rife machine uses frequencies to alleviate most diseases and
  has been in existance since the 1920's when it was developed by

Re: [Biofuel] castorbeans

2006-06-16 Thread Addison Griffith
I have been reading the posts concerning the casterbean and feel that I must give a little input on the subject as I have had some experience in growing the plant a few years ago. The plant grows into a stalk approximately 5-7' tall with a diameter of approximately 4', it will continue to produce seeds continuely for several months. The seeds grow from bunches withapproximately 6-8 seed pods per bunch, with each pod containing 3 seeds encased in a hard shell.  As someone else has already pointed out the seeds are very poisonous, even one seed ingested by a child or a small animal can make them very sick.  When you extract all of the oil from the seeds, what you have left is one of the most poisonous substances known to man, it is then called ricin, which is very illegal to possess in the US.I would highly suggest that the casterbean be researched very thoroughly before extracting the oil.Mike Redler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I'm wondering if such an oil producing plant is a good candidate for the urban fuel farmer. More specifically, those who don't have a lot of land and would welcome a crop that climbsjust a thought.MikeJason Katie wrote: i believe the fruits all ripen at once, or close to it, and it was just over  a week ago that i planted them(10 or 12 days) and YAY! i am thrilled ;) Jason ICQ#: 154998177 MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (most likely to get me) - Original Message -  From: "lres1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:  Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:43 PM Subject: Re: [Biofuel] castorbeans  Good to hear of successes. Some questions and
 observations if you can  help. Do the Castor seeds on the plant all ripen at one time? Have not had mine  in long enough to know and using cuttings to speed up quantities for transplanting.Jatropha seeds do not all ripen at one time so picking/harvesting is or can be very labor intensive. How long did it take for your Castor beans to sprout all up? My Castor beans sprouted and grew. I then cut some of the branches and  stuck them in compost and dirt mixed pots. Seems that most of the clippings are starting to sprout. Am not sure why but was told that this could not be done. Seems once the beans have sprouted, the clippings seem to grow quicker. 5 days to see the clippings developing new growth. Six days for the Jatropha to sprout from seeds and 17 days to see action
  or small signs of growth from Jatropha clippings. All good to see up and growing. Need to put more Castor clippings in pots ready for planting out. Doug [snip] ___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): 
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