Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-11 Thread Chuck Elsholz

>I was just wondering where the "over-unity" power is coming from. Also, has
>anyone referenced Dr. Bruce DePalma or the Space Power Generator, or the
>work of Dr. Searl and his devices?
>Happy to see great interest in a better and smarter world.

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Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread Chuck Elsholz

Thanks for the response. I am familiar with Bearden and Maxwell, as well as
Hyperdimentional Physics ala Hogland. Aetherial Theory is being worked on
all over the world. The impacts will be tremendous. The work in Russia on
Torsion Waves is also quite impressive. Dr. Bruce DePalma created the simple
yet impressive "spinning ball" experiment as well as his own "over unity"
device called the N-Machine.
I am wondering if anyone is familiar with Faraday's Homopolar Motor. Does it
produce "extra" energy?

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 01:23:59 -0500
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Yo Chuck,
I think it comes from the ratio of output power to input power. So 10
watts out for one watt in would
give 10/1 = 10. Some devices are giving 200 times the input for the output.
I believe the triple coated beads
of Patterson give such a figure. One of the tenets of science is that the
experiment must be reproducible. Patterson's
device was checked by three top-flight labs by building the device from
scratch using Patterson's design and his
beads which he supplied. The
labs all got the same result, a large output figure, but none were able to
figure out why or how the devices were working. They just work. I don't know
if Patterson himself knows exactly how they work. Inventors use intuition
and trial and error a lot. He is a chemist, retired from Dow.
I've heard of Searle, an Englishman I believe. But DePalma is a new name
to me. Of course, we need to always acknowledge
Nikola Tesla who was way ahead of everyone. I am reading a biography about
him. He was/is an amazing genius, perhaps
even moreso than Einstein. He built his machines and ran tests on them, all
in his mind. He could make adjustments and retest, all without ever building
the device. When he finally did build a device, it was not only a finished
product, but one never conceived by anyone else. His professor told him that
no one would ever build an AC motor. Tesla did this and a lot more. He felt
he could do anything he wanted with electricity.
Over unity doesn't explain where the energy is coming from, of course.
That is still being hashed out, (google Tom Bearden)even as intrepid
inventors build machines that are somehow tapping into this tremendous
energy field that is everywhere. It appears that if this energy (aka the
ether) was not present, we would not be present either. It is easy to forget
that we are built of atoms and are subject to all the unseen forces in the
This is a fascinating idea (tapping into the energy of the ether) that
seems to be producing results. The Japanese are reported to be the world
leaders in this field. It is easy to see why the interest is so intense
there. Here in the US of A, there seems to be an effort to make this field
of endeavor something beneath "real" science, whatever real science is
supposed to be. You could be labeled as gullible or worse for even bringing
up the subject. Remember that for five years after the Wright Brothers flew
at Kittyhawk, the New York Times called it a hoax. The magazine Scientific
American also took a dim view of the Wright Brothers. So the Wright Brothers
went to France where they were greeted as heroes. Only then did they get the
respect they deserved here in the US. Pioneers are almost always castigated
by "experts". There always seems to be an entrenched group who want to
preserve the status quo, regardless of the cost.
We have our retro government in Wash DC which is denying reality. Next
year the Toyota Prius loses its tax credit of $2000 while the Hummer keeps
its $25000 credit. Go figure. Do you think they would be the least bit
interested in an over-unity device? Their only interest is to discourage it
everyway that they can. Even making biodiesel in your own garage for your
own use is likely to be discouraged if it ever gets to be more than an
annoyance to Big Oil.
Sorry for talking too much. Best wishes, D. Mindock

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[Biofuel] Re: The Lutec over unity device and radioactive half-life

2005-04-12 Thread Chuck Elsholz

I was reading the posts and there is some questions about the accuracy of
half lives of radioactive isotopes. The increase and decrease of radioactive
decay has been observed and will continue to do so because the decay process
is not an independent system.

Here is a blurb from
Even more extraordinary: the recent startling demonstration, broadcast
nationwide on ABC's "Good Morning America" last year, of a "physically
impossible" major reduction -- in a few minutes! -- of long-lived
radioactive Uranium isotopes. Normally, such processes require billions of
years to accomplish. This too is now elegantly explained by the
Hyperdimensional Model-- As -- an "induced hyperspatial stress," created by
the machine ... the same stress that initially (in the Model) induces
"unstable isotopes" in the first place. By technologically enhancing such
vacuum stress within these nuclei, via a retuning of Maxwell's "scalar
potentials," the normal radioactive breakdown process is accelerated --
literally billions of times ...

I have also heard of scientists in Russia encountering this phenomenon in
pyramid structures they have constructed for study.
Thanks to everyone on the list for working toward a better world.

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[Biofuel] Engine Warrantys

2005-04-14 Thread Chuck Elsholz

Does anyone happen to know if using biodiesel will void your engine
warranty? Specifically dodge or mercedes.

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[Biofuel] Biodiesel tank specs.

2005-06-09 Thread Chuck Elsholz
Are the specifications on fuel containers the same for diesel and biodiesel?
We are having a 500 gal. tank built outside of our business to fuel our
fleet. Any suggestions?

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