Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid

2005-07-08 Thread Jill Mello

I joined this list to talk about how to create  run engines on biofuel, now
I find I'm bombarded with talk show chatter in my e-mail box?  This debate
runs into our daily lives and affects our thoughts and pocketbooks
tremendously.  However, it would be nice if we were respectful by not
stating that people have lack of and disjointed reasoning and stating to
get their head out of their own stink.  In doing this, you insult all of
us who have the view that the war in Irag is essential to our security.

Baghdad, for the past 30 years, was THE hotbed of terrorist support.  If YOU
look at the information out there, you will find the basis for the war.
Most people I know, and I'm from the New England, next to California, the
most liberal minded area of the country, have found that once they've
reviewed ALL the information out there, not just what they hear on the news
and in the newspapers (God help us with the Boston Globe!) that the reality
is that Hussein PAID, in thousands of US dollars, people to blow themselves
up, encouraged the terrorist training camps, supplied Bin Laden with safe
have, worked with Syria to provide comfort to our enemy and threatened us
with creating nuclear arms.

Does this mean that Iran and N. Korea should be ignored?  No, as Iran is a
complicated mess and N. Korea has a leader who is varifiably insane.  Both
would love to wipe us off the map.  But, Iraq being a healthy country will
help us in influencing other countries to discourage terrorists.

You do not have to agree with me, that's what is beautiful about this
country.  I have friends fighting and training Iraqi troops, their culture
is one of fear, they don't dare disagree with a leader, it's been ingrained
in them from birth.  It will take some years of US presence to help
alleviate this.  You and I don't have that, we are allowed to speak, but
what is essential is that we do it respectfully.  I enjoy a good debate, but
not one that tears others down.  I ask that if you are posting to a public
site, like this one, that you keep it respectful.

A well-respected talk show host said the following yesterday,
If we were united in this country, if we all understood what the purpose
here was, that it's all about guarding against another terrorist attack for
our kids and grandkids, all about making sure there's not another 9/11 -- or
if there is, we'll know of it in enough time to stop it. That's what we're
trying to achieve. But as long as we're not united here and the voices of
opposition to this continually misrepresent what our objective is, and
continually misrepresent our purpose as just we want oil, Bush and Cheney
want oil, or Halliburton needs more money, or what have you, as long as it
keeps being obfuscated like that, it's just going to make the task all that
much more difficult, as World War II would have been that much more
difficult had we not been unified in beating Hitler and Japan and all the
others, Mussolini, that we faced. So it's not easy. It's very, very hard.
But the answer ultimately, the short version is, we have to establish
circumstances that we know exist because they work here. Culturally it
doesn't matter; all cultures come to this country and thrive because of
freedom. We need to establish the same circumstances where human beings
around the world have the same grand, God-given freedom we do to determine
their own fate. The vast majority of free people want to pursue life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not learning how to fly airplanes
into buildings.  - Rush

Best regards,

Jill Mello

- Original Message - 
From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid

 Jerry Turner,

 Pull your head out of your back socket son and grab some fresh air, at
 least enough so as to start seeing straight instead of being asphyxiated
 by your own  stink.

 Perhaps the reason why Mr. Chomsky doesn't mention September 11th and
 doesn't play upon the lives lost is because that event and the Iraq war
 are completely unrelated. In case you've managed to grab a little fresh
 air by now -  presuming you stilll have the strength left to relax your
 sphincter and let some air flow - it was Benladin and his lot that
 wreaked havoc upon NYC, not Iraq, stupid.

 One should suppose, using your lack of and disjointed reasoning, that
 your household would ground your fourteen year old for life because your
 sixteen year old stole the keys to your car and wrecked it. Or maybe
 it's just anyone with a genetic tan and dark hair? After all, they all
 look alike to you, anyway, right?

 And, presuming you can remember back so recently, it was your mindset
 that was crucifying Mr. Clinton for attempting strikes, declaring that
 they were intentional distractions from his domestic concerns. And you
 might also care (probably not) to take a moment to remember that in his
 exit briefing to Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton

Re: [Biofuel] Pimentel is at it again

2005-07-08 Thread Jill Mello
I totally agree with Ken on this.  I raise chicken and lamb on pasture.  We
give only naturally raised grains to our chickens and rotate both onto fresh
pasture daily.  If I could sell more, I could lower my prices!  If bad
agribusiness makes you mad, don't blame your local farmer, blame Tyson,
Perdue, Montasano!  How many of your beans and vegetables and rice are
raised with seed from Montasano(?) a agrigiant who wipes out other seed
suppliers and supplies GMO modified, untested seeds to the farmer and the
public.  Have you checked the seeds you buy?  Are they certified organic,
certified naturally grown, certified non-GMO?  If they're not, you are
adding to the agribusiness giants who want only to control our food supply
(sounds frightening?  It should, and I'm really not an extremist).

Thanks again Ken, it's what I was thinking!

Jill Mello
- Original Message - 
To:; Garth  Kim Travis
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pimentel is at it again

  If more people bought our meat, then our processing costs could come
  down and we can become more affordable, but only the consumer can make
  happen.  Deciding not to eat meat as an answer to agribusiness, just
  many sustainable farmers out of business, which is what the agribusiness
  guys want.

 I will say that this is a very compelling argument!

 Take care,

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