Re: [Biofuel] new topic

2007-09-20 Thread Lugano Wilson
  governments have key role to play - the development of these new and clean 
energy systems need be regulated not just left to the multinationals to control 
everything at their PROFIT. 
  serious cases will be to developing countries that have corrupt systems only 
to throw such precious lands at a token advantage. 
  it is clear that these developments are going to spread decentralized energy 
sevices to remote areas that one could not think of. it should therefore be 
promoted with much regulation. 

Jan Warnqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Prifitability to the new energy business is a matter for the government to 
ensure, assuming that the government wants such a development, of course.
In Sweden. Italy and UK (I think) there is a system of green certificates 
for power generation. These systems oblige the power distributors to buy a 
min quote of green certificates, allowing of certain amount of the power 
will be green.
As for the biodiesel or even ethanol, the authorities will have to enforce 
the production and consumption of these, with grants or by quotas.
But there is another factor to take into consideration as well: Big systems 
are sensitive to terrorst attacks, technical malfunctions etc. That in 
itself is a reason to encourage small scale energy production.
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Miller 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] new topic

 On 9/19/07, Jan Warnqvist wrote:

 Hello all,
 my time here in Ageratec has provided me with some observations which I
 would like the list members to share with me:
 We are in the business of producing energy from sources which originally
 are meant for food purposes or food waste. It is obvious that this new
 energy sector has very few of the traditional energy suppliers, rather 
 actors in this field of green energy.

 I don't think the renewable energy industry is nearly as profitable as the
 existing oil industry. The investments in renewables by big oil is only to
 comply with mandatory state and federal requirements. If renewables ever
 take off and actually threaten their profits the oil giants will have tens
 of billions of dollars available to buyout everyone, and in the end they 
 it all again.

 It is happening with ethanol production. What started as cooperatively 
 ethanol plants financed by groups of local farmers has grown into highly
 capitalized publicly owned corporations not owned by farmers at all.
 Non-farm investors are buy up ethanol production plants and farmers are 
 to growing a commodity crop and suffering the whims of the market and

 Here in Sweden the farmers are buying wind mills, selling the power to the
 power distributors, the paper and pulp industry is burning the black 
 residue and producing power from it, both for own consumption and for 
 Some farmers are growing canola, producing biodiesel from it for own
 consumption and for sales. The ethanol industry has begun to shift from
 approaching ethanol as a solvent to treating it as fuel. There is a new
 combinative proposing that wood should be used for producing methanol for
 energy purposes.
 None of these areas have mineral oil companies, nuclear, coal or hydro
 power companies or any other traditional suppliers of energy involved in
 their business. This teaches us that the new energy will be dominated by 
 actors, which means that there is a great need for knowledge and know-how
 both for the energy products as such, and also for the energy business
 itself. This demand exsists not only within the actors, but also within 
 authorities, the traditional actors and the industry used to produce food
 The same development will no doubt strike the lubricant industry. The new
 green lubricants will no doubt be forced out into the market by new 
 So we are actually into a process which will change the power balance,
 intensely stalled by the traditional actors and anybody who gains from 
 power. This may be a long hard struggle, be the outcome is given on
 If we want to consume energy it has to be renewable. We may have to
 decrease our consumption, but that does not mean that our welfare or
 independence will suffer. On the contrary, this is a major stimulation 
 new technology, new solutions and - for new actors. So - hang in there, 
 to your nails.

 Jan Warnqvist
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Re: [Biofuel] Sweden how they do it

2006-08-12 Thread Lugano Wilson
Yes, Sweden is well commited to renewabel energy as part of energy security and environmental considerations. it is projected that in 2010 about 51% of of its electricity will be produced from renewable sources. this is supported by existing huge hydropower sources and strong commitment to bioenergy. renewable electricity like bioenergy, wind, solar, etc. are currently growing in sharing the supply scheme due to existing legislation on certification scheme.further to this, the transport sector has been targetted for increased efficiency and utilization of renewable energy like ethanol and biodiesel through taxation that based on annual vehicle pollution (emitted CO2) and not the conventional taxation that based on either weight, size, utilization, etc.the whole of this development is guided by strong policies that are spearheading research, development and utilization.
 follow the following links for: 1: electricity for renewable sources green vehicles   have a nice week end. Lugano  Mark` Cookson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hellow every one I was listening to the radio this afternoon here int the UK and a programme come on called Costing the Earth. Its subject was how Sweden are changing away from fossil fuels.I found it very interesting as you may.Follow the link here then go down the left of the page to [Listen to the latest programme link] hey presto!!! luckMark___Biofuel mailing
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Re: [Biofuel] Statistics

2006-06-26 Thread Lugano Wilson
hi Angela, try this EU page you find lots of policy on REs and country reports on the developments Perez Linde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Richard!I`ve read that you knew some website about production and statistics of biodiesel in Europe. Could you help me and send me some of this website?Thanks very much!I`m sorry but Ì don`t know anything about this in USA.From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.orgTo: Subject: Re: [Biofuel] StatisticsDate: Tue, 20 Jun 2006
 23:20:21 -0400Thanks, Fererico   From: "Centro de Asistencia Tecnica A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Date: 2006/06/20 Tue PM 02:35:54 EDT  To:   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] StatisticsRichard:   Maybe you can find something on biodesel use in the USA at the  Environmental Information Administration   Federico   -Mensaje original-  De: rradzik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Enviado el: Martes, 20 de Junio de 2006 09:31 a.m.  Para:  Asunto: [Biofuel] Statistics   Can anyone direct me to a website that could provide biodiesel  production  and usage statistics for the USA? I was able to locate information
 on  Europe, but not the USA.   Richard  ___  Biofuel mailing list  g   Biofuel at Journey to Forever:   Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000  messages):  Biofuel mailing list   Biofuel at Journey to Forever:   Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):  ___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): gratis la Barra de Herramientas de MSN mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): 
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Re: [Biofuel] ANYONE know anything about this?

2006-06-12 Thread Lugano Wilson
hi Roy, in a short period of time it is possible to achieve a 7 - 10% fuel saving in such asimple retrofitting. however, such holistic approaches are difficult to share their confidence due to complications that can develop in a long run. i wonder how will the metal surfaces transform to which alloy, the tolerances from possible depositions and also taking into considerations of wide possible fuel(s) quality etc. this kind of an INTRUSION technology is relatively difficult to retreat in case of any seriously developing problem. i have noticed other non-intrusion technologies like FuelMax that i think it is possible to achieve such savings without not so serious imposed negative probabilities. the general engine combustion improvement technologies that one has confidence in should base on techniques such as fuel_air mixing improvement, the swirls, chamber temperature, residence time, etc.  
   LuganoROY Washbish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Gang  My brother-in-law offered this to me to get better mileage in my viehicle.  I have no idea if it works but I sure don't think it can as this type of stuff is usually all HYPE.  What are your thoughts?  Have a look  Thanks  Roy  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
 ___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): of Energy and Furnace Technology,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),Brinellvägen 23,SE 100 44 Stockholm,Sweden.[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel. 0046 8 205 204Fax: 0046 8 207 681.. __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___
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Re: [Biofuel] seasonal burning

2006-06-07 Thread Lugano Wilson
thanks. unfortunately, here is the reply from the link: Forbidden  You don't have permission to access /pubs/crossref/2000/1999JD901113.shtml on this server. Your browser currently has the FunWebProducts plugin, which is not allowed at this site. To remove this from your system, please visit: LuganoSarath G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:For those interested in some data on biomass (forest and savanna burning).. here is a paper.. 
   I believe a lot more is available on the web..Sarath  On 6/4/06, robert and benita rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Kirk McLoren wrote:Evenalong the coast, however, airborne pollutants that travel over thePacific from Asia contribute to the problem.  Air pollution has become a global issue.robert luis rabello"The Edge of Justice"Adventure for Your Mindhttp://www.newadventure.ca___Biofuel mailing
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Re: [Biofuel] Solar Concentrator PV Modules

2006-05-12 Thread Lugano Wilson
hi Logan. PVmodules and solar concentrators are two different technologies and unfortunately, their individual energy capture principle is contradicting to each other. consequently, they can not be used at same application. PV modules need to absorb all the solar radiation so as to generate electricity through the module cells where as solar concentrators have to reflect all the solar radiation and direct it at a specific location (ie concentrated) for the purpose of heating a medium that can latter generate required energy. you therefore need to choose one for a specific application. however, when it comes to electricity the pv modules are good due to the fact that you can size them depending on your requirement starting with one module and increasing. concentrators for electricity is a large scale project - not so "modular". LuganoLogan Vilas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:  Would a standard PV module produce more when used with a Solar Concentratoror does it require a special PV module?Logan Vilas___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
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Re: [Biofuel] Documentation on Wood Properties

2006-04-09 Thread Lugano Wilson
this is a very useful resourc, thanks.Michael Redler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I found some good documentation on wood at the USDA Forrest Service.Properties of wood:'mechanical%20properties%20of%20wood'Publications list: mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): of Energy and
 Furnace Technology,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),Brinellvägen 23,SE 100 44 Stockholm,Sweden.Tel. 0046 8 205 204Fax: 0046 8 207 681..
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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Information on Sawdust processing

2004-11-07 Thread Lugano Wilson

just another environmentally friendly glue: - 
Tanzania industrial research and development organization (TIRDO) in 
collaboration with FORINTEC of Canada developed a water resistant (up to 
boiling) glue ideal for plywood and particleboard manufacturing. main 
ingredients being cashewnut shell liquid and wattle tannin, while other 
additives being urea-formaldehyde (UF), coconut shell flour and castor oil. the 
product was applied at a particleboard factory and performed to satisfaction. 
more details can be enquired from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friedrich Friesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Luis,
the cheapest Glue would probably a Kaseinglue be! 9parts withe chease and
one part chalk mixed with water and thinned out well!
Bone and hideglue is fairly easy to make,but i would have to look up some of
my books for the recepie
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Information on Sawdust processing

 Dear Burak:

 Many thanks for your interesting post. I wonder if you could suggest
 glue formula to use for
 the saw dust fuel logs.

 Perhaps you could throw in some more ideas.

 Very best wishes,

 Luis R. Calzadilla
 Contactos Mundiales USA


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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Information on Sawdust processing

2004-10-27 Thread Lugano Wilson

hello Keith, 
it is also possible for the rural poor to utilize the sawdust directly for 
their daily or mini commercial cooking by utilizing sawdust stoves. the stoves 
will generate enough heat for even elongated cooking periods using various size 
of pots, etc. 
the boiling point journal could be a good source of information for this - 
search at 

Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Greetings all

I was sent this by an NGO in Sri Lanka. Any advice for them? They're 
not list members, but I'll forward any responses.




From: National Development Foundation 
Subject: Information on Sawdust processing
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:13:12 +0600

National Development Foundation

63/2, Yahampath Mawatha, Piliyandala Road, Maharagama, Sri Lanka.

Tele: +(94)-011-5526679 or +(94)-011-5522776 E-mail: 

Monday, October 25, 2004,

Journey to Forever Organisation.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ours is a Non-governmental, non-profit making organisation devoted to 
development through self-help development programmes. We also 
carryout environmental protection programmes with local communities 
in Sri Lanka.

Recently we were informed of a long-standing problem in a suburban 
city, due to sawdust. There are large numbers of timber mills, 
carpentry workshops and woodwork centers in the area. They produce 
tons and tons of saw dust and dump them into the nearby lake 
polluting the area. Recently the government has no other alternative, 
but found another dumping site and the sawdust is now dumped in this 
site spending large sums of money for transportation. For a 
developing country like ours this type of spending is unaffordable.

We have been trying to find a solution to re-cycle and use saw dust. 
As we understand, it is possible to make Sawdust Bars - fire logs, 
briquettes etc or even insulating boards if properly experimented. We 
were also made to understand that there are many organisations, 
private sector companies engaged in this business.

We thought of searching for a simple technology that could be 
introduced to the low-income generation groups in the area, 
especially to the women, who could produce some type of an item to 
the market, could be a fire log, a briquette or an item that could be 
used in daily life.

If we could introduce this type of a technology then it will help the 
poor to generate income. On the other side it will arrest the 
pollution problem in the area and save public money that is spent at 
present for clearing and dumping.

Considering the above we are very much obliged if you could help us 
in finding a technological enterprise who would willing to conduct an 
investigation on this matter.

Since ours is a NGO, we are unable to fund such a programme. If the 
programme proves to be successful, we may be able to convince a 
suitable and sympathetic funding agency to support the initial stages 
of this challenging project.

I send an article as an attachment to this e-mail that describes the 
problem in the area.

We sincerely hope that you will give your sympathetic consideration 
to this request.

Thanking you and hoping to hear from you favourably,

Sincerely yours,

Upali Magedaragamage,

Executive Director,




Consuming the Bolgoda... : An eco-system in peril


Saturday, August 07, 2004 5:19:50 PM

It has already been said a countless number of times, in a 
considerable number of ways by a numerous number of people, from 
journalists and environmentalists to the local communities inhabiting 
the area. For indeed, thanks to widespread and sustained media 
attention, activists and NGOs have been able to garner support 
pushing for the conservation of the Bolgoda Lake and its surrounding 

The uncontrolled dumping of industrial effluent, agricultural 
pesticides and untreated sewage leading to depleting mangrove 
reserves and the immense loss of biodiversity, an ever-increasing 
population density due to its recreational value and scenic beauty, 
and now the construction of the Colombo - Matara Expressway to join 
the long catastrophic laundry list, inevitably prompts 
socio-environmental calls-to-action. An entire eco-system is in 
peril. That was what it was called before, and quite rightly too.


Situated in the Western Province of Sri Lanka, it is part of both the 
Colombo and the Kalutara Districts. The lake, consisting of two major 
water bodies, covers 400 square kilometres and the span of it extends 
approximately to 35 kilometres from Colombo.

The entire lake is located between the Kalu Ganga and the Kelaniya 
Ganga basins, and while its North Lake opens up to the Indian Ocean 
via the Panadura estuary, the South Lake links to the sea through a 
narrow stretch of waterway known as Thalpitiya Ela in Pinwatte. 
Regrettably, much of the environmental research undertaken has been 