Re: [Biofuel] Mercedes Diesel Suitable?

2005-08-28 Thread Robert Ingram

Peter I am on my 3rd Mercedes the mileage you 
mentioned should be minimal the typically go over 30mi easily. The biggest 
problem I have found with  the 123 seies ( which yours is) is rust in the 
floors and rocker panels caused by clogged drains . Before you buy the car lift 
the carpets and check then get under thecar and make sure I just replaced he 
floor of my beloved 83 300td . 
THEN if you buy the car change all the fuel filters 
its pretty easy drieve the car a few weeks and change the filters again . In my 
experience if these old diesels have been idle the fuel turns to crud. Dont be 
dissapointed if the car stalls initially my fuel lines eventually got cleaned 
out it may cost a few filters to get there and yoou will be driving a mercedes 
and getting pretty respectable mileage .As on any old car expect to replace 
batteries shocks tie rod s starters and such that is a given however when its 
akll tweakek youll have a great car thats heavy, safe , and reliable . My 82 was 
$32000 new according to the old sales inbvoice I found in the glove box . It 
cost me $2500 and I am up to about $600 by now . Hell I couldnet get a new 
Hyundai for that . 
I had an early Rabbit diesel (81) it got me 496 
mles on 10 gals on a trip from atlanta to Gainesville once but had to be the 
scaries trip of my life it was slow lightly built and I felt like a sparrow in a 
sea of Falcons out there I was relieved when it was stolen the cops promised to 
find it eventually and I told them " Dont threaten me " 
 End of rant oh yeah I also like old 6,2 litre 
suburbands and if I had the dough which I dont Iwould conider a Doge truck with 
thje big Cummins but my first choice would always be Mercedes 
 Good luck 

  - Original Message - 
  To: BiofuelList 
  Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:59 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Mercedes Diesel 
  This is my first try at this list so excuse me if 
  I don't get it yet. I need to acquire a diesel vehicle before I start to 
  experiment with BioDiesel. I have looked at a Mercedes 300D that has not run 
  in about 4 years and has 165K miles on it. I think it is about a 1985. I 
  haven't talked to the owner yet. Can anyone give me some tips as to whether 
  this car would suit, from an affordability standpoint, using for Biodiesel. I 
  am very skilled mechanically so I can put the vehicle into operation with my 
  own labor, but I expect parts to be expensive. I am not sure what I may need 
  to do to it for Biodiesel. It is a five cylinder but I'm not sure if it is a 
  turbo or not (needs a second look). I am also looking at (preferred) 
  a Volkswagen Rabbit diesel. That one is a long shot right now. Thanks for 
  any help.

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Re: [Biofuel] WVO problem

2005-08-27 Thread Robert Ingram

Hi All
 Just anote here Iremoved anice running engine 
from my 240 d after the car was crushed by a falling banyan limb I have the 
engine and transmisiiopn  at my mechanics shop here in Miami (Cocoanut 
Grove ) if any one is interested 
The falling limb happened before yesterdays 
hurricane .( Thats another story)

  - Original Message - 
  To: biofuel 
  Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 1:59 
  Subject: [Biofuel] WVO problem
   I've been following the 
  discussion re: restaurants and the contracts they may have with grease 
  haulers (renderers)  with great interest. I have a sinking feeling in the 
  pit of my stomach.
   I started 
  with small (1L - 4L) test batches, first on virgin oil and then on WVO 
  samples obtained from several local restaurants. I narrowed my suppliers down 
  to those restaurants that gave me the best oil (titrations of 2.5g/L or less). 
  Following directions from JtF, and with help from Keith, Todd Swearington, and 
  Marc A, I moved to 15L 
  batches and this past week finished a 130L 
  processor and have run two batches. The first has been washed and is drying, 
  the other is in the wash phase.
   With 20 gal BD in with 
  my heating oil 30 gal of beautifully clear BD in storage tanks, and another 
  60+ gal. just about ready, I am confident that I can make BD. I was getting 
  ready to travel from upstate NY to Florida to check out a couple of Mercedes 
  Diesels when I read the problem Frieda was having with grease haulers. 
   I intentionally went to 
  small restaurants/diners. The three at the top of my list (best oil in town) 
  were all happy to let me take their oil and the 20 gal/week was enough to get 
  me started. 
   PROBLEM:  They all 
  have grease dumpsters. Two of the three set the oil aside for me in 5 gal 
  containers. The other one told me to help myself to the oil in the dumpster: 
  "take as much as you want".
   Am I stupid or what? It 
  never occurred to me that I was stealing oil from anyone. I suspect that the 
  people that gave me permission to take the oil don't know all the details of 
  their agreement with the haulers.
    Todd Swearingen's 
  response to the problem (see below)
  seems to put it in perspective. 
   QUESTION: How have the 
  experienced BD producers handled the matter?
  - Do they have 
  written agreements?
  - Any advise that might 
  make a potential supplier more 
    likely to go with 
  me rather than the renderer?
  - My best option for 
  replacing their dumpsters are 55 gal 
  any other ideas?
   I've gotten this 
  far   .   any advise/encouragement would be 
   My next pickup is Mon 
  8/29. I hope to get to talk w. the owners/managers of the restaurants. Wish me 
   "Haulers have only three legitimate complaints 
  with "greasel" owners and biodiesel brewers that approach a level of 
  legality, at least relative to their involvement.1) If a 
  restauranteur has signed a contract with a hauler or renderer that 
  stipulates that all fats and oils coming from that establishment during 
  the contractual period belong to them, whether in the dumpster or not, 
  they have a legitimate complaint and could approach the restaurant owner 
  for breech of contract. Some contracts only state that the grease belongs 
  to the hauler once it's in the dumpster/drum.2) If a "greasel" owner 
  or biodiesel brewer removes feedstock from a container that belongs to the 
  hauler, the hauler has grounds to pursue a complaint of theft. If the 
  amount of grease/oil removed can be proven, whether it be a single 
  instance or over a series of events, and the value of the grease/oil meets 
  or exceeds the dollar threshold for felony theft, the person who has 
  removed the grease could be held liable in a criminal court.3) A 
  few states require that the hauler be licensed. If not, fines could be 
  levied.As a general rule, haulers literally make bank on the expected 
  volumes of grease/oil from each of its clients. If the expected/historical 
  volume differs from the actual volume, they tend to get extremely pissy 
  and play the part of the 800 pound gorilla, making threats of all 
  manner, sometimes legitimate and sometimes not, in order to resecure 
  their feedstock.It's best that every "greasel" owner, biodieseler 
  and restauranteur know of the potential legal snags if they expect to keep 
  their headache levels at zero.The easiest solution is for the 
  homebrewer or greaseler to pre-arrange supplying the same type of 
  container(s) at no charge to the restaurant when any existing contract is 
  about to expire and service them regularly. The problem usually found with 
  such a scenario is that while the intentions of the homebrewer may be 
  good, their interest often wains, leaving the

Re: [Biofuel] Lies? Hmmmm

2005-08-27 Thread Robert Ingram

I agree although Moor's film is a bit over the top 
certain moments are compelling . The scene in the Florida school when Bush 
is  advised of the attack on the Trade center could hardly be faked . The 
man was clueless and it showed .  The man is nothing but a willing stooge 
for the real power in this country

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 7:12 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Lies? H
  It was asked:
Where is the outrage at the fine work Michael Moore and 
  numerous others are doing at peddling lies 
  ?Michael Moore's opinions are just that. The 
  facts that he sites are fact. As an example the film F 9/11 has been reviewed 
  for accuracy and factualness by several independent groups and has been proven 
  factual - repeatedly.Show us one these purported lies you refer to and 
  we'll either find it's truth, or just opinion. As Molly Ivans said regarding 
  this same discussion: "Each of us has a right 
  to our own opinions. We do not have a right to our own facts." Anyone who 
  calls Mr. Moore's facts lies is a liar himself and is projecting!Doug

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Re: [Biofuel] Robertson et al VS. followers

2005-08-26 Thread Robert Ingram
Robertson will never be arrested Rummy says this is a free country and 
everyon has the right to free speeech and besides we have laws a ginst 
killing people . He failed to mention the thousands of dead American service 
men and Iraqui citizens and Robertson owns George Bush sometimes known as 
Satans Little Stooge
- Original Message - 
From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Robertson et al VS. followers

> Robert,
> A question,
> In many countries death threat and instigation of murdering a person
> is against the criminal laws. Is it not the same in US and if, why
> have they not arrested and questioned Robertson?
> Hakan
> At 17:13 26/08/2005, you wrote:
>>BT wrote:
>> > Greetings fellow revolutionary alchemists!
>> >
>> > The question I have is, How do we help separate the good-hearted
>> > followers from their devious leaders?
>> I've found the best thing to do is go back to the scriptures from
>>whence Christians are supposed to derive standards for their behavior.
>>   This is especially true when the argument of "you shouldn't judge
>>anyone" comes to fore.  Now, Jesus himself said this, in the second
>>part of Luke 12: 48:
>> "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; 
>> and
>>from one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
>> Leaders, who ought to know better, are far more accountable than 
>> the
>>average person.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Robertson et al VS. followers

2005-08-26 Thread Robert Ingram
The other night on CNN Christpher Hitchens called Pat Robertson a babbling 
idiot and proof of unintelligent design
- Original Message - 
From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Robertson et al VS. followers

> BT wrote:
>> Greetings fellow revolutionary alchemists!
>> The question I have is, How do we help separate the good-hearted
>> followers from their devious leaders?
> I've found the best thing to do is go back to the scriptures from
> whence Christians are supposed to derive standards for their behavior.
>  This is especially true when the argument of "you shouldn't judge
> anyone" comes to fore.  Now, Jesus himself said this, in the second
> part of Luke 12: 48:
> "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and
> from one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
> Leaders, who ought to know better, are far more accountable than the
> average person.  When Jesus confronted the leaders of his day, he
> seldom had pleasant words for them for this very reason.  Here is an
> example:
> "Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and
> its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.
> (There's a biofuel angle in there!)  You brood of vipers!  How can you
> who are evil say anything good?  For out of the overflow of the heart
> the mouth speaks.  The good man brings good things out of the good
> stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil
> stored up in him.  But I tell you that men will have to give account
> on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.  For
> by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be
> condemned."  (Matthew 12: 33 - 37)
> So, no higher authority than Jesus Christ himself condemns reckless
> rhetoric, and we who call ourselves Christians should not soft pedal
> this kind of behavior either.  A man like Pat Robertson, who CLAIMS to
> be a Christian, should have read statements of this nature and taken
> them to heart long ago.  When I complain about this kind of problem, I
> do so because it degrades the standing of the Christian faith in the
> eyes of nonbelievers who are watching.  If I, a nobody, get upset when
> the name of God is blasphemed in this manner, shouldn't genuine
> Christian leaders roundly condemn the same behavior?  After all, this
> is what the scriptures admonish:
> "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you
> of wrongdoing, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day
> he visits us."  (1 Peter 2: 12)
> And elsewhere:
> "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there
> WILL BE FALSE TEACHERS AMONG YOU.  (Emphasis is mine.)  They will
> secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Sovereign
> Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves.  Many
> will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into
> disrepute.  In their greed, these teachers will exploit you with
> stories they have made up . . ."  (2 Peter 2: 1 - 3)
> The fact that Pat Robertson calls himself a Christian disgusts me for
> this very reason.  He's not following the example of Jesus Christ, so
> by his actions, he denies Christ.  If he's impulsive and can't control
> himself, he has no power from God.  A person who calls himself a
> Christian is one who should know God very well.  Therefore:
> "We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.  The
> man who says, 'I know him', but does not do what he commands is a liar
> and the truth is not in him.  But if anyone obeys his word, God's love
> is truly made complete in him.  This is how we know we are in him:
> Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."  (1 John 2: 3 - 6)
> So then, if we examine what Jesus did, we will find a man who never
> sought harm for anyone else.  He was a man who lived by high principle
> and spoke very carefully.  He did not advocate violence, he did not
> stir up a mob to overthrow the Romans, he did not seek political power
> or financial gain.  Therefore, if you see someone who claims to be a
> Christian doing these things, you can KNOW that he's a liar.  Further
> on, you can read this:
> "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no
> murderer has eternal life in him."  (1 John 3: 15)
> Now, I know that these faux Christians will say "Those verses only
> apply to your Christian brother," because that's what they're
> programmed to say by the false teachers they follow.  But the
> principles that Christians should follow transcend this worldly
> attitude.  Once again, here's what Jesus actually taught:
> "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your
> enemy.  But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who
> persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.  He
> causes his sun to ri