Growing Expectations
 New technology could turn fuel into a bumper crop
 Naila Moreira
 Week of Oct. 1, 2005; Vol. 168, No. 14 , p. 218 

 Word on the street is that the days of petroleum are numbered. Industry
 giants run full-page newspaper ads with slogans such as "Think outside of
 the barrel." Even though it could take decades or more before the oil
 pipeline dries up, researchers in industry, government, and academea are
 preparing for the inevitable. 

 Tom Blades is one of them. In July, at the First International Biorefinery
 Workshop in Washington, D.C., he handed Paul Grabowski of the
 Department of Energy (DOE) a vial with clear liquid in it. "It's water," the
 DOE official joked. But instead, the innocuous-looking stuff could go
 straight into a diesel engine to run a car. 

 Called SunFuel and made from waste plant matter, this new diesel was
 developed at the Freiburg pilot plant of Choren Industries in Hamburg,
 Germany, where Blades is chief executive officer. Grabowski and Blades
 were among 300 participants at the workshop, which was convened by the
 DOE to discuss the potential for replacing petroleum fuels in the United States
 and Europe with renewable, environmentally friendly liquid fuels made from
 plant matter, municipal solid waste, and other sources of biomass. 

 As gasoline prices have skyrocketed to around
 $2.75 a gallon and the United States grapples with
 energy-security concerns, "green fuels" have become more attractive. Made
 by converting crops or waste material into combustible liquid, these fuels
 include ethanol and biodiesel, both of which can be used as substitutes for
 petroleum fuels. 

 The Energy Policy Act of 2005, signed by President Bush in August,
 requires 7.5 billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel to enter the nation's 
 supply by 2012, providing 5.75 percent of the nation's transportation-fuel
 needs. Because ethanol can be readily blended with gasoline, U.S.
 politicians have touted this alcohol as an important contributor to the 
 future energy supply. In contrast, hydrogen fuels, another alternative-fuel
 technology, would require new engine designs and transportation

 Made in vast amounts from corn kernels in the United States and sugarcane
 in Brazil, ethanol is the most common plant-to-fuel product, or biofuel,
 currently available. Standard gasoline engines can run on blends of gasoline
 containing up to 15 percent ethanol. Flexible-fuel vehicles can use blends
 with up to 85 percent ethanol. 

 Green fuels produce lower emissions of greenhouse gases and atmospheric
 pollutants than does gasoline. But corn grainöderived biofuel has its
 downsides. Its critics point to the high energy costs associated with corn
 farming and environmental impacts such as fertilizer pollution and soil erosion
 (see "But Is It Green?", below). 

 Using waste plant material instead of corn grain to produce ethanol and
 other green fuels may sidestep these problems. Annual U.S. accumulation of
 agricultural detritus such as cornhusks, switchgrass, and wood
 chips÷collectively known as cellulosic biomass÷measures nearly a billion
 tons per year. A study of biofuels released by the National Resources
 Defense Council (NRDC) last July reports that biomass fuels from such
 sources could supply as much as 30 percent of the nation's fuel needs by

 "Cellulosic biofuels are at least as likely as hydrogen to be a future
 sustainable transportation fuel of choice," says Yerina Mugica of NRDC. 

 Champions of biofuels still have technical, economic, and political barriers to
 overcome. For one thing, no one has yet found a commercially viable
 process for making large amounts of cellulosic biofuel. But with a host of
 cost-cutting advances now working their way through the pipeline, many
 researchers say biofuels from both cellulosic feedstocks and corn grain are
 fated to play vital roles in the world's energy equation. 

 Plant payoff

 Most players in the transportation debate, including politicians, industry
 representatives, environmentalists, and researchers, agree that fuels from
 plant waste offer promise. However, it takes chemistry to turn solid biomass
 into liquid fuels. 

 Researchers seeking to make ethanol must first unlock sugars
 from the plant polymer called cellulose and other plant
 carbohydrates. "Cellulose looks like a long string of pearls,"
 explains Charles Wyman of Dartmouth College in Hanover,
 N.H. "The individual pearls are the sugar-monomer units." Yeast
 and bacterial cells can ferment those individual sugar monomers
 into alcohol. 

 Unlike starch from corn grains, cellulose is difficult to break up
 into its constituent sugars. The recalcitrance of cellulose poses the biggest
 challenge facing biomass-to-fuel technology. "Cellulose is in plants to give
 the plants rigidity," says Joel Cherry of Novozymes in Davis, Calif. "Starch is
 in plants to feed seeds when they grow. It's made by nature to be broken

 Making ethanol from cellulose requires, first, mechanical and chemical
 pretreatments of the plant matter and biochemical treatments with enzymes
 to break the polymer into its single-sugar pearls. Next, the sugars must be
 fermented into ethanol. Finally, the ethanol is distilled from the fermentation
 solution. Each stage adds expense and consumes energy, but new
 technologies promise to improve efficiency and lower costs. 

 This past January, Novozymes and a competing firm, Genencore in Palo
 Alto, Calif., announced major advances in reducing the cost of cellulases,
 which are the types of enzymes that break cellulose into sugars. The two
 companies already produce commercial cellulases for the textile industry,
 for such applications as weathering blue jeans. 

 In 2000, the companies projected the cost of the microbially produced
 enzymes at $5.40 per gallon of ethanol produced. That's a prohibitive price
 tag. In collaboration with DOE, the two companies have since discovered
 new microbial cellulases by using genetic techniques and have streamlined
 production of those enzymes. 

 Novozymes has brought down enzyme costs to 20 cents per gallon of
 ethanol, Cherry says. Genencore reports a similar achievement. 

 "The cost of enzymes for this process was a showstopper 5 years ago,"
 says James MacMillan of DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory
 (NREL) in Golden, Colo. "It no longer is." 

 Combining steps in the ethanol-production process that are now separated
 could reduce costs even more, says Lee R. Lynd of Dartmouth College.
 Most biomass operations enzymatically break down cellulose into sugars in
 an oxygen-rich environment and then use yeast or bacteria to ferment the
 sugars under oxygen-poor, or anaerobic, conditions. 

 However, Lynd argues that a single anaerobic microorganism can do both
 jobs. Many researchers had previously suspected that anaerobic microbes
 generate too little cellular energy, in the form of the molecule ATP, to
 efficiently break down cellulose. But in the May 17 Proceedings of the
 National Academy of Sciences, Lynd and his Dartmouth colleague
 Yi-Heng Percival Zhang reported observations of an anaerobic microbe
 that, by growing on cellulose, generates plenty of ATP. In fact, the microbe
 produces even more cellular energy by breaking down cellulose than it does
 by growing on simple sugars such as glucose. 

 Using existing technology, Lynd intends to bioengineer such organisms to
 also take the next step: producing ethanol. 

 "Lynd's work offers promise for really reducing the cost of processing," says
 Bruce Dale of Michigan State University in East Lansing. It shows that no
 theoretical obstacle remains to achieving "consolidated bioprocessing," in
 which both cellulose breakdown and ethanol production are done by a
 single microorganism, he says. 

 Dale himself is working on improvements in preparing plant waste for
 enzymatic treatment. His research uses liquid ammonia to "literally blow the
 plant apart," he says. Through recent advances, for which he has applied for
 patents, he has cut in half the cost of this pretreatment process. 

 Despite such process improvements, ethanol production still requires an
 energy-intensive distillation step. That's why George Huber and his
 colleagues at the University of WisconsinöMadison, are working to develop
 biodiesel instead of ethanol from cellulose-derived sugars. 

 Most biodiesel is produced from soybean oil, sunflower oil, or waste
 vegetable grease. But oils aren't nearly as plentiful as carbohydrates in plant
 matter, says Huber. 

 His new process runs biomass carbohydrates through a four-phase catalytic
 reactor to produce liquid alkanes, which are molecules made entirely of
 hydrogen and carbon. Like oil, these alkanes spontaneously separate from
 water and can be blended with diesel fuel, Huber's research team reported
 in the June 3 Science. 

 So far, the researchers have made only small, laboratory-scale batches of
 the alkanes. Scaling up the process in a cost-effective way may be difficult,
 especially since alkane production requires many steps. "We're currently
 looking at ways to combine the steps to make it a simpler process overall,"
 says James Dumesic, who led the University of Wisconsin study. 

 Wyman says that although such biodiesels may prove practical in Europe,
 where more cars run on diesel, ethanol will likely remain the transportation
 biofuel of choice in the United States, given this country's gasoline-based

 John Sheehan, a senior engineer at NREL, notes that there is no one solution
 to keeping the future fuel pipeline filled and running. "What we really need is
 a broad approach that looks at every strategy that makes sense," he says. 

 Fields to wheels

 Of these strategies, so-called thermochemical pathways for biofuel may be
 the first to overcome technical and commercial hurdles. Most
 thermochemical processes burn biomass into a gaseous mixture of carbon
 dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen. 

 Any type of biomass, including wood, grass, animal manure, and
 municipal solid waste, can be gasified. The resulting gas can then be
 converted into liquid fuel by chemical pathways, including the
 well-known Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, which produces diesel. 

 Currently, thermochemically produced biofuels
 can't compete with petroleum on the open market. Thermochemical
 processing must be done at a larger scale than biochemical processing is to
 be economic, says Lynd, but it's expensive to build a huge refinery.
 Transporting large amounts of dry biomass adds to the cost. Also, biomass
 gasification produces contaminants such as tar, which must be removed for
 the Fischer-Tropsch process to work. 

 Thermochemical production of biofuel may soon overcome those problems,
 at least in Europe. To create its SunFuel, Choren relied on new technology
 that simplifies thermochemical processing by creating a liquid stream from
 biomass. This stream feeds more easily into the gasification system,
 permitting the plant to run at the high temperatures that eliminate tar, says

 Both Daimler Chrysler and Volkswagen have used Choren's SunFuel in test
 runs. "We are supporting their technology, and together we are developing
 new specifications for [these] fuels," says Wolfgang Steiger of Volkswagen
 in Wolfsburg, Germany. 

 At their SunFuel pilot plant, Choren engineers are working out the best
 operating conditions for a larger plant, currently under construction in
 Freiburg and slated to produce biodiesel by the end of next year. Blades
 estimates that the plant should produce fuel at 0.90 Euro per liter. At the
 pump, European diesel fuel costs about 1.05 Euro per liter, or about $5 per

 Future's fuel

 In the United States, the quickest route to commercially competitive biofuels
 may lie in combining biochemical- and thermochemical-biofuel pathways,
 says Lynd. A combined plant could produce ethanol or other products by
 biochemical pathways, then thermochemically convert recalcitrant materials
 into electricity or additional fuels. 

 In a 2004 NRDC study, "Growing Energy," Lynd and his colleagues
 assessed biofuels' potential. "Our forward-looking analysis seems to show
 that biochemical and thermochemical [processes] together have greater
 potential for cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency than either separately,"
 Lynd says. 

 Increased vehicle efficiency would amplify the impact of biofuel in replacing
 petroleum as well as ease land-area requirements for biofuel production,
 notes Brian Davison, director of the Bioprocessing Research and
 Development Center at Oak Ridge (Tenn.) National Laboratory. In fact,
 according to "Growing Energy," biofuels, coupled with improved vehicle
 efficiency, could meet all the transportation-fuel needs of the United States
 by 2050. 

 Says Larry Russo of the DOE Office of the Biomass Program, "Agriculture
 in the 21st century will become our oil wells." 


 But Is It Green?
 Scientists disagree over the benefits of tomorrow's fuels

 Not everyone's on board when it comes to driving cars on biofuel. Ethanol
 production from biomass requires the consumption of more fossil
 fuelöderived energy than it saves, says David Pimentel of Cornell University.
 "Ethanol is not helping us. It's encouraging the importation of oil from Saudi
 Arabia and elsewhere," he says. 

 For instance, ethanol production from corn consumes 29 percent
 more energy than it returns as fuel, Pimentel and Tad Patzek of
 the University of California, Berkeley calculated in the March
 Natural Resources Research. 

 Heavy use of fossil fuel is intrinsic to the farming of corn, Pimentel
 says. Manufacture of plows, combines, and other farm
 machinery takes lots of energy, and they guzzle fuel. 

 Producing nitrogen fertilizers also consumes large amounts of
 energy, he and Patzek argue. It takes yet more energy and fuel to
 extract the ethanol from the 8 percent ethanol solution that
 forms once the corn is fully fermented. 

 Other researchers, among them Bruce Dale of Michigan State University in
 East Lansing, dispute Pimentel's numbers. Dale says that Pimentel's analysis
 relies on outdated energy data for ethanol processing and on exaggerated
 irrigation and fertilizer requirements for farming. Also, Dale says, future
 ethanol plants will burn unfermentable portions of their feed material to fuel
 the plant's power needs, further reducing fossil fuel use. 

 "The responsible, reliable analyses done well show that both corn [kernel]
 ethanol and cellulosic ethanol can replace petroleum," Dale says. He points
 to a 2004 study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that reported that
 ethanol production returns 67 percent more energy than it consumes. 

 "In recent years, more studies have shown a positive energy balance," says
 Michael Wang of Argonne (Ill.) National Laboratory, an author of the
 USDA study. 

 Energy balance is just one important factor when considering the pros and
 cons of fuel technologies, says Erich Pica of Friends of the Earth in
 Washington, D.C. Growing large areas of corn or any other single crop
 requires pesticides and fertilizers that can find their way into the 
 in water runoff from the fields, he says. 

 Replacing the entire U.S. fuel supply with corn ethanol would require at least
 60 percent of the nation's available cropland, according to calculations by
 Marcelo Diaz de Oliveira of the University of Florida in Gainesville and his

 Use of plant waste, called cellulosic biomass, rather than corn for making
 fuels would eliminate the need for large, dedicated agricultural areas. "We
 are supportive of cellulosic ethanol," says David Hamilton of the Sierra Club
 in Washington, D.C. "It's more environmentally friendly and more
 competitive as a fuel." 

 If you have a comment on this article that you would like considered for
 publication in Science News, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 2005. Remarks by President Bush at signing the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
 PRNewswire. Aug. 8. Available at

 Dias de Oliveira, M.E., B.E. Vaughan, and E.J. Rykiel Jr. 2005.
 Ethanol as fuel: Energy, carbon dioxide balances, and ecological footprint.
 BioScience 55(July):593-602. Abstract available at

 Greene, N., and Y. Mugica. 2005.
 Bringing Biofuels to the Pump:
 An Aggressive Plan for ending America's Oil Dependence.
 Washington, D.C.: Natural Resources Defense Council. Available at

 Greene, N. . . . B. Dale . . . L. Lynd, et al. 2004.
 Growing Enery: How Biofuels Can Help End America's Oil Dependence.
 Washington, D.C.:
 Natural Resources Defense Council. Available at

 Huber, G.W. . . . and J.A. Dumesic. 2005.
 Production of liquid alkanes by aqueous-phase processing of
 biomass-derived carbohydrates. Science 308(June 3):1466-1450. Abstract 
available at

 Pimentel, D., and T.W. Patzek. 2005.
 Ethanol production using corn, switchgrass, and wood;
 Biodiesel production using soybean and sunflower.
 Natural Resources Research 14(March):65-76. Abstract available at

 Rostrup-Nielsen, J.R. 2005. Making fuels from biomass.
 Science 308(June 3):1421-1422. Summary available at;308/5727/1421.

 Shapouri, H., J.A. Duffield, and M. Wang. 2002.
 The Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol: An Update. Washington, D.C.:
 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Available at

 Zhang, Y.-H.P., and L.R. Lynd. 2005.
 Cellulose utilization by Clostridium thermocellum:
 Bioenergetics and hydrolysis product assimilation.
 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(May 17):7321-7325.
 Abstract available at 

 Further Readings:

 2005. A Billion-Ton Feedstock Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry.
 U.S. Department of Agriculture/U.S Department of Energy Report. Washington, 
 Available at

 Goho, A. 2004. Clean hydrogen fuel from corn?
 Science News 165(March 6):158. Available to subscribers at

 Harder, B. 2003. The next MTBE: Contamination from fuel additives could
 spread. Science News 164(Nov. 29):342. Available to subscribers at

 Wu, C. 1998. Fill 'er up . . . with veggie oil.
 Science News 154(Dec. 5):364-366. Available at 


 Tom Blades
 Choren Industries GmbH
 Max-Brauer-Allee 44
 22765 Hamburg

 Joel R. Cherry
 Novozymes Biotech, Inc.
 1445 Drew Avenue
 Davis, CA 95616

 Bruce Dale
 Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
 Michigan State University
 2527 Engineering Building
 East Lansing, MI 48824-1226

 Brian Davison
 Life Sciences Division
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6226

 Marcelo E. Dias de Oliveira
 285 Corry Village
 Apartment 10
 Gainesville, FL 32603

 James Dumesic
 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
 1415 Engineering Drive
 University of Wisconsin, Madison
 Madison, WI 53706

 Paul Grabowski
 U.S. Department of Energy
 Biomass Program
 EE-2E, 5H-021
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
 Washington, DC 20585

 David Hamilton
 Sierra Club
 408 C Street, N.E.
 Washington, DC 20002

 George Huber
 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
 1415 Engineering Drive
 University of Wisconsin, Madison
 Madison, WI 53706

 Lee Lynd
 Thayer School of Engineering
 Dartmouth College
 8000 Cummings Hall
 Hanover, NH 03755-8000

 James MacMillan
 National Renewable Energy Lab
 1617 Cole Boulevard
 Golden, CO 80401-3393

 Yerina Mugica
 Natural Resources Defense Council
 40 West 20th Street
 New York, NY 10011

 Tad W. Patzek
 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
 University of California, Berkeley
 Berkeley, CA 94720

 Erich Pica
 Friends of the Earth
 1025 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
 Suite 300
 Washington, DC 20005

 David Pimentel
 Department of Entomology, Systematics and Ecology
 Cornell University
 5126 Comstock Hall
 Ithaca, NY 14853-0901

 Larry Russo
 U.S. Department of Energy
 Biomass Program
 EE-2E, 5H-021
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
 Washington, DC 20585

 John Sheehan
 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
 1617 Cole Boulevard
 Golden, CO 80401-3393

 Wolfgang Steiger
 Volkswagon AG
 Letterbox 1778
 Wolfsburg 38536

 Michael Wang
 Center for Transportation Research
 Energy Systems Division
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, IL 60439

 Charles Wyman
 Thayer School of Engineering
 Dartmoth College
 8000 Cummings Hall
 Hanover, NH 03755-8000

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