Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-21 Thread M&K DuPree

Hi D...regarding removing 
the gases, the distiller I use finishes the process by dripping the water 
through a carbon filter.  Is this what you're talking about?  

 Regarding the mineral replacement, I take a 
vitamin and mineral supplement from a company called Bronson.  They 
call it "Insurance Formula."  It is a formulation based on a book 
written by a Dr. Roger J. Williams, The Wonderful World Within 
You (Bantam, 1977) (How's that for documentation, Bob?) It's been 
ages since I've read the book, so can't tell you a damn thing about 
it.  We buy direct from Bronson, not a multilevel deal or anything.  
Prices seem real good, so have never considered anything else.  

Mike DuPree

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:58 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness 
  (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
  Hi Mike,
      Yep, homogenization 
  breaks the particles down to such a small size that they
  can pass through the gut into the body 
  cavity where they put a burden on the immune 
  system. Pastuerization adds to the 
  problem by destroying the "life force" of the
  milk, the enzymes. Of course the milk 
  has to be from a healthy animal that is grass
  fed. Soy is controversial in that it 
  has hormonal effects. Also it is a GM crop with
  all that that implies. But if you seem 
  to be thriving on it, eh, what the heck?
     WRT distilled water, just 
  take an extra mineral tablet each day.
  That's what I do. The thing with 
  distillers is that they are poor wrt to removing
  volatile gases, like benzene, etc. So I 
  run the water through a carbon filter like
  that from Pur to get those gases out. 
  Also there's the removal of lead, cadmium,
  etc., then the distiller cleans up 
  the residual. So the water is pretty clean. It is strange
  though that the Pur filter allows the 
  flouride to pass through. Who needs that crap?
  Anyway, the distiller removes 
  Peace and light, D. 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:39 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 

Hi D and Mike...isn't 
homogenized milk whipped up into incredibly small particles that actually 
scar the lining of the esophagus and arteries, thereby, allowing cholesterol 
to more easily coagulate along the linings? Whether or not it does, I say 
"soy milk."  I know I know...tastes terrible, to some.  But I only 
use it on cereals and a couple of desserts.  Plenty of other 
stuff to be drinking, likeuh, waterdistilled of course...I know 
I know minerals etc etc...hey...distilledperiod...and don't bother me 
about taste...if you can taste it, it ain't water you're tasting!  
Yeah, I'm closed minded on this one!!  LOL Mike DuPree
- Original Message - 
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 
2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 
> Hi Mike,>   I think Weston 
Price would say to drink raw milk. When> milk is pastuerized and 
homogenized, it becomes harmful> to the body. So those drinking less 
of the bad milk in the> Harvard study would actually be better 
off.>  Myself, I don't drink milk unless I can get it raw and 
organic.> Also, even better, is to add kefir culture to it. I think 
the Hunzas> drink their milk cultured, not straight up.> 
Peace, D. Mindock> > > - Original Message - 
> From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: <>> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:12 PM> Subject: 
Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia > 
WasTestimonials as Evidence)> > >> From the 
can't-help-but-stick-my-toe-in dept.>>>> Caveat:  
No proof other than what I've read over the years.>>>> 
It has always seemed to me that the maladies that people suffer from 
are>> in large part due to environment/lifestyle.  In the 
third world,>> disease is far more likely to be as a result of the 
lack of food and>> adequate nutrition, wheras in the developed 
world, we suffer from the>> diseaeses of affluence:  diabetis 
being the one that comes to mind,>> along with obesity-related 
ailments such as heart disease, high blood>> pressure, strokes and 
so on.  Smoking is anothe

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-18 Thread M&K DuPree

Hi Tom...thanks for this 
post and especially your concern.  I probably shouldn't have said 
anything.  We've owned a distiller for years and have always enjoyed how 
the distilled water seems to make more pronounced the flavors of coffee, 
frozen oranje juice, various broths, stews, etc etc, and oh yeah, one of my 
favorites--scotch (single malt...Glen Moray, 12 yearneat...two 
the eveningdelicious).  Never worry about (or taste) 
anything between the water and our drink.  But then I've always 
wondered about any leaching of stuff from my body, especially the bad stuff, 
because lord knows I dump enough vitamins and minerals in there to replace many 
times over whatever of the good stuff might be leached.  Of course, I walk 
daily, getting ready to go out now in fact and keep myself in shape in part that 
way.  I don't know, annual visits to my traditional westernized doc keep 
producing "healthy" results, except I have struggled with cholesterol until the 
last exam which was preceded by flax seed, soy milk, and increased exercise for 
several months prior to the exam and my cholesterol (the bad stuff) was way 
down, although the good stuff wasn't high enough for me, but my doc said it 
was okay.  
Anyway, I'm going into all this to try and round out a 
big picture.  I know our water is a major piece of our overall health 
picture and my choices dictate distilled.  I don't trust the 
bottled water stuff.  I sure as heck don't trust the tap 
water.  Your speaker's artificially softened water claims don't 
surprise me at all.  I suppose I could go out and buy reverse 
osmosis which just sounds too weird to me.  In the end, I suppose I have 
to nod to the "Bob" in me and request the data, the research, the 
unequivocal science that says, hey buddy, distilled bad.  Even then, like 
I've said up front, I'd still be closed minded on this.  Something about 
distilled water is just too simple, too clean, too clear, and really 
But Tom, again, I mean this when I say it, thank you, thank you for your 
concern.  It means everything to me.  I hope you believe me.  
Mike DuPree
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:14 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness 
  (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
  You wrote:
      "Plenty of other stuff to be drinking, likeuh, 
  waterdistilled of course...I know I know minerals etc 
      Please, no. 
      This goes back many 
  years, but I heard a presentation by a Dr. Shapiro of the Univ. of 
  Pittsburgh School of Public Health in which he suggested that softened, or 
  worse, distilled water increases one's risk of cardiovascular disease. His 
  conclusion was based on studies of communities that "softened" their water and 
  then went back to "hard" water. There was an increase in cardiovascular 
  disease in the years following treatment to soften the water. There was a 
  decrease in cardiovascular disease in the years following reverting back to 
  hard water. (Zinc may have been the key element.)
  believe that this is why cold water lines    for drinking 
  and food prep  ..  bypass water softeners when the water 
  softeners are properly installed.
  has been much discussion about practices that grow healthful foods, and 
  processing that compromises the healthfulness of our food. 
  Please consider the water you drink as 
  well. If you do not have access to good, healthful water, and distilled is 
  your best option, I wonder if there is a way to restore it to a more natural 
  state. I know that some beer brewers living in municipalities that soften 
  their water, add something to restore the minerals.
   Wishing you good health,
  - Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10:39 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 

Hi D and Mike...isn't 
homogenized milk whipped up into incredibly small particles that actually 
scar the lining of the esophagus and arteries, thereby, allowing cholesterol 
to more easily coagulate along the linings? Whether or not it does, I say 
"soy milk."  I know I know...tastes terrible, to some.  But I only 
use it on cereals and a couple of desserts.  Plenty of other 
stuff to be drinking, likeuh, waterdistilled of course...I know 
I know minerals etc etc...hey...distilledperiod...and don't bo

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-08 Thread D. Mindock

Hi Mike,
   Quantum physics seems to be 
verifying much of metaphysical concepts. The idea of everything 
connected is one such idea. Actually 
experiencing it is life changing. The idea of all things being 
connected is then no longer an abstract 
thing, but real. Things like war or 
killing another human are no longer possible. Killing another becomes 
killing yourself. War is seen as a monstrosity. Peace & cooperation become as natural as 
   Probably the 
way to go is to always assume the best intentions wrt messages via 
email or on this list. Email is a stripped of a lot of feeling and can be easily misconstrued. Joe does an 
admirable job of getting his ideas across with email. I still am learning how to use email so that I don't offend. 
This forum is good learning experience for me. 
   Yep, experiencing the 
feeling of all pervasive connectedness becomes a knowing, beyond faith. 
it becomes part of your intrinsic 
makeup--your being. This connectedness extends to your own 
I heard Deepak Chopra speak last week. He 
presents this idea of Unity in a stunningly clear way via
quantum physics and his knowledge of the 
human body. He is a endocrinologist, one of the best in the 
world. Nothing beats actually 
experiencing it, but listening to him explain it led to a-ha 
   We do create our own 
reality. So make yourself a great reality.
Peace & light, D. 
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 9:48 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness 
  (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
  Hey D...I hear ya.  
  Much is lost oftentimes in the written word, especially tone of voice and 
  other body language, so I sometimes don't know if I'm running up against a 
  real arrogance or genuine inquiry.  Nonetheless, I agree that objections 
  to our beliefs and feelings, especially as they shape our perceptions of what 
  is, can only be clarified if indeed we are truly "open-minded."  In that 
  regards, I recognize I am very "close-minded" about one thing, our connection 
  to all that is.  But curiously, this makes me very "open-minded" to both 
  the probabilities and possibilities inherent within those connections, an 
  attitude I find lacking in our dear self-professed archetype/cultural icon Bob 
  and so many folks.  And I wonder that it is because of this that we face 
  so many of the "problems" that we do today or ever.  I'm satisfied, 
  however, that it doesn't matter.  What is true is true, and ours is not 
  to make it so, but only to realize it.  Not an easy task being 
  human.  Thanks for your many posts D.  Mike DuPree
  - Original Message - 
  From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <>Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 5:51 AMSubject: Re: 
  [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 
  Evidence)> Yo Mike,>   I'm a night owl. I go 
  to bed at dawn. Four years working rotating shifts> as a 
  weather> forecaster has totally screwed up whatever body clock I had. I 
  was a > preemie> and the> lights were on all the time. 
  That was the first assault on my body clock.>   Bob is Bob 
  (did Joe say that first?) is all I can say. He doesn't seem > 
  to> give much credence to people's experience or opinions based on 
  experience> and at the same time he has too much faith in science. 
  These> are my opinions and I know they don't adequately express what is 
  > percolating> in the back of> my head. But I do like 
  Bob. I think he does help us as we try to formulate> our> 
  beliefs and feelings in things far more important than scientific 
  data.>   Peace, D. Mindock>>>> 
  - Original Message - > From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: <>> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 3:59 AM> Subject: 
  Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as> 
  AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)>>>> Love your 
  sense of humor D, ie Bob's love of data etc at times being "awe>> 
  inspiring."  But Bob might consider your comments awful.  It's 4am 
  as I>> write this, and I'm awfully tired.  Mike 
  DuPree>>>> - Original Message - >> From: 
  "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> To: <>>> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 2:33 AM>> 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as 
  Anesthesia>> WasTestimonials as 
  Evidence)>>>>>>> Yep, I too admire 
  scientists, real truth seeking ones, not those who can>>>