Re: [Biofuel] Darfur as a Resource War

2005-08-24 Thread Joe Street

Keith Addison wrote:

>Invisible because it is happening in Africa. Invisible because our 
>mainstream media are subsidized by the petroleum industry. Think of 
>all the car ads you see on television, in newspapers and magazines. 
>Think of the narcissism implicit in our automobile culture, our 
>suburban sprawl, our obsessive focus on the rich and famous, the 
>giddy assumption that all this can continue indefinitely when we know 
>it can't -- and you see why Darfur slips into darkness. And Darfur is 
>only the tip of the sprawling, scarred state known as Sudan. Nicholas 
>Kristof pointed out in a New York Times column that ABC News had a 
>total of 18 minutes of Darfur coverage in its nightly newscasts all 
>last year, and that was to the credit of Peter Jennings; NBC had only 
>5 minutes, CBS only 3 minutes. This is, of course, a micro-fraction 
>of the time devoted to Michael Jackson.
>Why is it, I wonder, that when a genocide takes place in Africa, our 
>attention is always riveted on some black American miscreant 
>superstar? During the genocide in Rwanda ten years ago, when 800,000 
>Tutsis were slaughtered in 100 days, it was the trial of O.J. Simpson 
>that had our attention.
Same old story. It is not newsworthy because of media filters.  Well 
explained in that notorious bad guy Noam Chomsky's book Manufacturing 
Consent. Which should be required reading for every american.

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[Biofuel] Darfur as a Resource War

2005-08-24 Thread Keith Addison

Darfur as a Resource War

By David Morse, Posted August 24, 2005.

Africa -- whose cultures and landscapes were torn apart by European 
colonial powers seeking slaves, ivory and jewels -- is now being 
devastated by a 21st century quest for oil.

A war of the future is being waged right now in the sprawling desert 
region of northeastern Africa known as Sudan. The weapons themselves 
are not futuristic. None of the ray-guns, force-fields, or robotic 
storm troopers that are the stuff of science fiction; nor, for that 
matter, the satellite-guided Predator drones or other high-tech 
weapon systems at the cutting edge of today's arsenal.

No, this war is being fought with Kalashnikovs, clubs and knives. In 
the western region of Sudan known as Darfur, the preferred tactics 
are burning and pillaging, castration and rape -- carried out by Arab 
militias riding on camels and horses. The most sophisticated 
technologies deployed are, on the one hand, the helicopters used by 
the Sudanese government to support the militias when they attack 
black African villages, and on the other hand, quite a different 
weapon: the seismographs used by foreign oil companies to map oil 
deposits hundreds of feet below the surface.

This is what makes it a war of the future: not the slick PowerPoint 
presentations you can imagine in boardrooms in Dallas and Beijing 
showing proven reserves in one color, estimated reserves in another, 
vast subterranean puddles that stretch west into Chad, and south to 
Nigeria and Uganda; not the technology; just the simple fact of the 

This is a resource war, fought by surrogates, involving great powers 
whose economies are predicated on growth, contending for a finite 
pool of resources. It is a war straight out of the pages of Michael 
Klare's book, Blood and Oil; and it would be a glaring example of the 
consequences of our addiction to oil, if it were not also an 
invisible war.


Invisible because it is happening in Africa. Invisible because our 
mainstream media are subsidized by the petroleum industry. Think of 
all the car ads you see on television, in newspapers and magazines. 
Think of the narcissism implicit in our automobile culture, our 
suburban sprawl, our obsessive focus on the rich and famous, the 
giddy assumption that all this can continue indefinitely when we know 
it can't -- and you see why Darfur slips into darkness. And Darfur is 
only the tip of the sprawling, scarred state known as Sudan. Nicholas 
Kristof pointed out in a New York Times column that ABC News had a 
total of 18 minutes of Darfur coverage in its nightly newscasts all 
last year, and that was to the credit of Peter Jennings; NBC had only 
5 minutes, CBS only 3 minutes. This is, of course, a micro-fraction 
of the time devoted to Michael Jackson.

Why is it, I wonder, that when a genocide takes place in Africa, our 
attention is always riveted on some black American miscreant 
superstar? During the genocide in Rwanda ten years ago, when 800,000 
Tutsis were slaughtered in 100 days, it was the trial of O.J. Simpson 
that had our attention.

Yes, racism enters into our refusal to even try to understand Africa, 
let alone value African lives. And yes, surely we're witnessing the 
kind of denial that Samantha Power documents in A Problem from Hell: 
America and the Age of Genocide; the sheer difficulty we have 
acknowledging genocide. Once we acknowledge it, she observes, we pay 
lip-service to humanitarian ideals, but stand idly by.

And yes, turmoil in Africa may evoke our experience in Somalia, with 
its graphic images of American soldiers being dragged through the 
streets by their heels. But all of this is trumped, I believe, by 
something just as deep: an unwritten conspiracy of silence that 
prevents the media from making the connections that would threaten 
our petroleum-dependent lifestyle, that would lead us to acknowledge 
the fact that the industrial world's addiction to oil is laying waste 
to Africa.

When Darfur does occasionally make the news -- photographs of burned 
villages, charred corpses, malnourished children -- it is presented 
without context. In truth, Darfur is part of a broader oil-driven 
crisis in northern Africa. An estimated 300 to 400 Darfurians are 
dying every day. Yet the message from our media is that we Americans 
are "helpless" to prevent this humanitarian tragedy, even as we gas 
up our SUVs with these people's lives.

Even Kristof -- whose efforts as a mainstream journalist to keep 
Darfur in the spotlight are worthy of a Pulitzer -- fails to make the 
connection to oil; and yet oil was the driving force behind Sudan's 
civil war. Oil is driving the genocide in Darfur. Oil drives the Bush 
administration's policy toward Sudan and the rest of Africa. And oil 
is likely to topple Sudan and its neighbors into chaos.

The Context for Genocide

I will support these assertions with fact. But first, let's