[Biofuel] Happy New Year!

2009-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
All the best for 2010. - Keith

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[Biofuel] Happy New Year

2004-12-31 Thread Kirk McLoren

I wish you all a happy and constructive new year.
 Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies 
in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who 
are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. 
It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the 
hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. 
Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron. 

--Dwight Eisenhower 1953 speech 

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[Biofuel] Happy New Year!

2004-12-31 Thread Keith Addison

arrived in the middle of a blizzard.

With a bit o' luck
we might even survive!


Naah, we can do a lot better than survive, I do believe.

Anyway... to all at the Biofuel list, Keith and Midori of Journey to 
Forever wish you and those you love a happy, healthy and EXCELLENT 
New Year.

Very best wishes, and thanks again for everything.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

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[Biofuel] Happy New Year from The Anti-Empire Report

2012-01-05 Thread Keith Addison

The Anti-Empire Report

January 3rd, 2012
by William Blum

Happy New Year. Here's what to look forward to.

JANUARY 22: Congress passes a law requiring that all persons arrested 
in anti-war demonstrations be sterilized. House Speaker John Boehner 
declares it is "God's will". House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says 
she supports the law but that she has some reservation because 
there's no provision for a right of appeal.

FEBRUARY 15: Ron Paul assassinated by man named Oswald Harvey.

FEBRUARY 18: Oswald Harvey, while in solitary confinement and guarded 
round the clock by 1200 policemen and the entire 3rd Army Brigade, is 
killed by man named Ruby Jackson.

FEBRUARY 26: Ruby Jackson suddenly dies in prison of a rare Asian 
disease heretofore unknown in the Western Hemisphere.

MARCH 6: US President Hopey Changey announces new draconian sanctions 
against Iran, Syria, North Korea, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and 
Cuba, declaring that they all possess weapons of mass destruction, 
are an imminent threat to the United States, have close ties to al 
Qaeda and the Taliban, are aiding Islamic terrorists in Somalia, were 
involved in 9-11, played a role in the assassination of John F. 
Kennedy and the attack on Pearl Harbor, do not believe in God or 
American Exceptionalism, and are all "really bad guys".

APRIL 1: Military forces overthrow Evo Morales in Bolivia. US State 
Department decries the loss of democracy.

APRIL 2: US recognizes the new Bolivian military junta, sells it 100 
jet fighters and 200 tanks.

APRIL 3: Revolution breaks out in Bolivia endangering the military 
junta; 40,000 American marines are sent to La Paz to quell the 

APRIL 8: Dick Cheney announces from his hospital bed that the United 
States has finally discovered caches of weapons of mass destruction 
in Iraq - "So all those doubters can now just go 'F' themselves." The 
former vice-president, however, refuses to provide any details of the 
find because, he says, to do so might reveal intelligence sources or 

APRIL 10: ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, General Electric, General 
Motors, AT&T, Ford, and IBM merge to form "Free Enterprise, Inc."

APRIL 16: Free Enterprise, Inc. seeks to purchase Guatemala and 
Haiti. Citigroup refuses to sell.

APRIL 18: Free Enterprise, Inc. purchases Citigroup.

MAY 5: The Democratic Party changes its name to the Republican Lite 
Party, and announces the opening of a joint bank account with the 
Republicans so that corporate lobbyists need make out only one check. 
In celebration of the change the new party calls for eliminating the 
sales tax on yachts.

MAY 11: China claims to have shot down an American spy plane over the 
center of China. State Department categorically denies the story.

MAY 12: State Department admits that an American plane may have 
"inadvertently" strayed 2,000 miles into China, but denies that it 
was a spy plane.

MAY 13: State Department admits that the plane may have been a spy 
plane but denies that it was piloted by a US government employee.

MAY 14: State Department admits that the pilot was a civilian 
employee of a Defense Department contractor but denies that China 

JUNE 11: Homeland Security announces plan to collect the DNA at birth 
of every child born in the United States.

JULY 1: The air in Los Angeles reaches so bad a pollution level that 
the rich begin to hire undocumented workers to breathe for them.

AUGUST 6: The Justice Department announces that six people have been 
arrested in New York in connection with a plan to bomb the United 
Nations, the Empire State Building, the Times Square subway station, 
Madison Square Garden, and Lincoln Center.

AUGUST 7: Charges are dropped against four of "The New York Six" when 
it is determined that they are FBI agents.

AUGUST 16: At a major demonstration in Washington, the Tea Party 
demands an end to all government expenditures. They also warn 
Congress not to touch Social Security or Medicare.

AUGUST 26: Texas executes a 16-year-old girl for having an abortion 
and a 12-year-old boy for possession of marijuana.

SEPTEMBER 3: The Labor Department announces that Labor Day will 
become a celebration of America's gratitude to its corporations, a 
day dedicated to the memory of J.P. Morgan and Pinkerton strike 
breakers killed in the line of duty.

SEPTEMBER 12: The draft is reinstated for males and females, ages 16 
to 45. Those who are missing a limb or are blind can apply for 
non-combat roles.

SEPTEMBER 14: Riots breaks out in 24 American cities in protest of 
the new draft. 200,000 American troops are brought home from 
Afghanistan, Iraq, and 25 other countries to put down the riots.

SEPTEMBER 28: The Tea Party calls for giving embryos the vote.

OCTOBER 19: Cops the world over form a new association, Policemen's 
International Governing Society. PIGS announces that its first goal 
will be to mount a campaign against the n

[Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

2004-12-25 Thread Pannir P.V

Hpapy new year
 Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20

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Re: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

2004-12-26 Thread Vfryer8

Happy New year as well.
V Fryer
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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RES: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

2004-12-28 Thread Daniel

Bom dia, Pannir,

Gostaria de lhe desejar um happy new year tambŽm.
Prefere se comunicar em portugus ou ingls?
Gostaria de pedir suas dicas sobre biodiesel no Brasil.  Se importa de
comunicar comigo?

Obrigado, e um abrao,
Daniel Vasconcelos em S‹o Paulo

-Mensagem original-
Pannir P.V
Enviada em: Friday, December 24, 2004 5:15 PM
Assunto: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

Hpapy new year
 Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

understand this. I love this place. Keep it on-list if pertinent and only 
off if it is personal :)
Sera, para mi, un alegria comunicar con vosotros en privado pero es mejor 
escribir para la edificacion de todos aqui.

Hehe, not too too shabu eh?
- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:47 AM
Subject: RES: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

Bom dia, Pannir,

Gostaria de lhe desejar um happy new year tambŽm.
Prefere se comunicar em portugus ou ingls?
Gostaria de pedir suas dicas sobre biodiesel no Brasil.  Se importa de
comunicar comigo?

Obrigado, e um abrao,
Daniel Vasconcelos em S‹o Paulo

-Mensagem original-
Pannir P.V
Enviada em: Friday, December 24, 2004 5:15 PM
Assunto: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

   Hpapy new year
Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
  Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
  Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20

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