Too bad Bob isnt still on the list.

  Majority DDSs (52%) now mercury-free - Tipping point at hand! 
  By Charles G. Brown, National Counsel, Consumers For Dental Choice
Monday, May 21st, 2007

The tipping point against mercury fillings, my friends, has arrived.  A 
dentist magazine surveyed its dentist readers, and finds that 52% of American 
dentists now are mercury-free.   
Wow. Â 

This new dentist majority brings colossal ramifications upon America ’s 
protectors of mercury fillings -- the American Dental Association and the Food 
and Drug Administration. Â 

I wrote the head of the ADA to inform him that the ADA has missed the boat by 
not exiting the mercury fillings business last year.  (I even went to Chicago 
in December to hand them a graceful exit plan.)Â  Choosing instead to stay 
mired in  the 19th century, ADA ’s pro-mercury members are likely to be 
picked off via lawsuits, one-by-ones.  The ADA , I advised Dr. Bramson, will 
morph into a numerical shadow of itself, as its members wake up to the fact 
that this rallying around mercury has been a sham;,%20Dr.Bramson.pdf  With this new 
evidence, if the ADA refuses to warn its dwindling band of pro-mercury dentists 
to abandon mercury, the ADA likewise will be sitting in the litigation dock. Â 

Our legal team -- Bob Reeves, Sandy Duffy, Kele Onyejekwe and I – was on the 
brink of filing the re-match lawsuit in the U.S. District Court, (Moms Against 
Mercury v. FDA II).  But FDA lawyers agreed at the 11th hour to a meeting.  
On May 10, they assembled a number of top officials, and I brought the 
nation’s #1 food and drug lawyer on the consumer’s side, Jim Turner.  We 
had what diplomats describe as a “frank” session.  By letter afterwards, I 
asked FDA to meet with IAOMT ’s Science Advisory Board (see our web site,,  third item); IAOMT ’s liaison, Dr. Rich Fischer, is 
following through. 

As the summer opens, we begin a short intense period where FDA will decide 
whether to abandon its policy protecting mercury fillings and comply with the 
law, adhere to the science, and apply plain common sense (the precautionary 
principle of health care) – or continue its position that the health of 
children and pregnant women rank below professional courtesy to the dental 
establishment.  My fellow lawyers join me in assuring you our powder is dry.  

The press corps that cover FDA are closely following our battle; see  and  

For your community (regardless of whether it has reached the magic 51% 
threshold), this development is huge. Â Regardless of whether you are a health 
professional or a consumer, please call in to talk shows; write a letter to the 
editor; write a letter to your state and federal lawmakers and your state 
dental board, with a message like this:Â 

A majority of dentists are now mercury-free!  Why are the old-fashioned 
dentists sticking with this primitive 19th-century device in the 21st century? 
 It’s time to stop using mercury in dentistry.   

Charlie Brown, 5/16/07 Â 

Charles G. Brown, National Counsel, Â
Consumers for Dental Choice                          
1725 K St., N.W., Suite 511, Washington DC 20006 Â Â Â Â Â Â  
Ph. 202.822-6307; fax 822-6309  


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