Monsanto’s Terminator Making a Comeback?  Enter the Zombie! 
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By Barbara H. Peterson 
Monsanto and its cohorts in crime promised us that they would  not be using 
Terminator technology called GURT, or genetic use restricted  technology. 
In fact, the United Nations actually issued a moratorium on the  project. So 
we’re safe, right? Wrong. 
As usual, the boys in the little white lab coats have not been  idle. In 
spite of the moratorium, not only are they working heatedly on  Terminator 
technology, but are getting ready to introduce Zombie technology.  Terminator, 
and Traitor or Zombie technologies are just variations of GURT.  Whereas 
Terminator technology produces plants with sterile seeds, Zombie  technology 
carries this a step further by creating plants that could require a  chemical 
application to trigger seed fertility every year. Pay for the chemical  or 
get sterile seed. This is called reversible transgenic sterility. They have  
been working steadily on perfecting this technology, and are now poised to  
introduce it to the world as a solution to the current GMO contamination  
problem. Move over Terminator, here comes the Zombie. 
If a field gets contaminated with seeds containing the  Terminator gene, 
the resulting plants will have sterile seeds, so the  reproductive cycle ends. 
If the contamination is from the Zombie gene, the  resulting plants will 
most likely require a certain pesticide or will be  sterile. 
Plants are engineered with sterility as the default condition,  but 
sterility can be reversed with the application of an external stimulus that  
restores the plant’s viability. In order to bring the “zombie” seed back from  
the dead, the farmer or breeder must use an external stimulus (such as a  
proprietary chemical) to restore the seed’s fertility. (Terminator the Sequel,  
2007 PDF doc) 
Either way, if you are a small farmer with a contaminated  field, your 
seed-saving venture for the following year will be less than  successful. 
Planting sterile seeds takes the same amount of work as well as  monetary 
that planting good seeds does, but without the return on  investment. And, 
you cannot tell the difference between the good, the bad, and  the ugly seeds 
until it’s too late. That is, if the patent enforcement brigade  doesn’t 
raid your property first and force you to destroy your crops and all of  your 
seeds due to patent infringement. Then you get nothing, and have to pay for  
the privilege. 
Oh, and did I forget to mention that Monsanto announced in  2006, its 
takeover of Delta Pine & Land? 
This would not be of much consequence, but for the fact that  Delta Pine & 
Land is a joint owner along with the USDA of US patent #  5,723,765 - GURT 
In March 1998 the US Patent Office granted Patent No.  5,723,765 to Delta 
Pine & Land for a patent titled, Control of Plant Gene  _Expression. The 
patent is owned jointly, according to Delta Pine’s Security  & Exchange 
Commission 10K filing, ‘by DP&L and the United States of  America, as 
represented by 
the Secretary of Agriculture.’  
( ) 
This makes, as of 2006, Monsanto and the United States of  America (Corp 
USA), as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA), which  is 
currently Tom Vilsack, joint owners of the GURT patent. Kind of gives you  that 
warm, fuzzy feeling all over, doesn’t it? 
Barbara H. Peterson 
Read the following article from ETC Group and download the  full 28 page 
report here: 
Here is another report on GURT technology from Germany: 
Terminator: The Sequel 
Despite the fact that governments re-affirmed and strengthened  the United 
Nations’ moratorium on Terminator technology (a.k.a. genetic use  
restriction technology [GURTs]) in March 2006, public and private sector  
are developing a new generation of suicide seeds - using chemically  induced 
“switches” to turn a genetically modified (GM) plant’s fertility on or  
Under the guise of biosafety, the European Union’s 3-year  Transcontainer 
Project is investing millions of euros in strategies that cannot  promise 
fail-safe containment of transgenes from GM crops, but could nonetheless  
function as Terminator, posing unacceptable threats to farmers, biodiversity 
food sovereignty. Terminator technology - genetic seed sterilization - was  
initially developed by the multinational seed/agrochemical industry and the 
US  government to maximize seed industry profits by preventing farmers from 
 re-planting harvested seed. Researchers are also developing new techniques 
to  excise transgenes from GM plants at a specific time in the plant’s 
development,  and methods to kill a plant with “conditionally lethal” genes. 
This new  generation of GURTs will shift the burden of trait control to the 
farmer. Under  some scenarios, farmers will be obliged to pay for the 
privilege of restoring  seed fertility every year - a new form of perpetual 
for the seed  industry. 
Whether intended or not, new research on molecular containment  of 
transgenes will ultimately allow the multinational seed industry to tighten  
grasp on proprietary germplasm and restrict the rights of farmers. Industry  
and governments are already working to overturn the existing moratorium on  
Terminator technology at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In 
the  months leading up to the CBD’s 9th Conference of the Parties (Bonn, 
Germany  19-30 May 2008), industry will argue that global warming requires 
urgent  introduction of transgenic crops and trees for biofuels - and that  
Terminator-type technologies offer a precautionary, environmental necessity to  
prevent transgene flow. Ironically, society is being asked to foot the bill 
for  a new techno-fix to mitigate the genetic contamination caused by the 
biotech  industry’s defective GM seeds. 
Taxpayer-financed research on biological containment of GM  crops 
subsidizes the corporate agenda. A handful of multinational seed  corporations 
control biotech seeds and the proprietary seed market as a whole  has seen 
unprecedented corporate concentration. In 2006, the world’s top 4 seed  
companies - 
Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Groupe Limagrain - accounted for half  (49%) 
of the proprietary seed market. 
Governments keep trying to find ways to make GM seeds safe and  acceptable 
and they keep failing. They should stop trying. There is no such  thing as a 
safe and acceptable form of Terminator. The EU should discontinue  funding 
for research on “reversible transgenic sterility,” and re-assess funding  
for other research projects undertaken by Transcontainer. Rather than support 
 research on coexistence to bail out the agbiotech industry, the EU should  
instead fund sustainable agricultural research that benefits farmers and 
the  public. National governments should propose legislation to prohibit  
field-testing and commercial sale of Terminator technologies. Governments  
meeting at the 9th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological  
Diversity in Bonn, Germany must strengthen the moratorium on GURTs by  
recommending a ban on the technology. 
To read the 28-page report, Download PDF (1 MB) here: 
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