Raw Story acquires 91-page Republican playbook for 'homestretch' campaigning
A massive, 91-page memo to Senate Republicans outlining strategies for "homestretch" campaigning during the August recess, has been acquired by RAW STORY.
The document, signed by Senators Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), reveals plans to focus Republican Senatorial campaigns on three themes.
Next week, Republicans will tout efforts to "secure America's prosperity" through a variety of programs. Plans for small business health insurance pooling, spending reductions, increased domestic oil drilling, and "permanent death tax reform" are all to be pushed at the state level.
Mid-month, Republicans are expected to shift gears, focusing voter's attention instead on a variety of values-based initiatives. "Democrats oppose preserving a clear definition of marriage, are blocking child custody protections, and have obstructed the confirmation of fair judges," the document reads. "Republicans are committed to protecting these traditional values by fostering a culture of life, protecting children, banning internet gambling and upholding the rule of law."
Stem cell bills, though vetoed by President Bush are also to be championed by Republicans, even as they promote a law preventing "fetus farming," a practice lawmakers believe could one day result from stem cell research. Strangely, a section touting various types of stem cell funding set to be promoted by Republicans is followed by another section, headlined, "Setting The Record Straight: President Bush's Stem Cell Policy Is Working."
Also included in the Republican values push will be the Child Custody Protection Act, which would make "it a federal crime to circumvent state parental involvement laws by taking a minor across state lines for an abortion."
Republicans then plan to spend the month's remaining two weeks promoting the party's efforts in regard to homeland security.
Approval of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' plan for new, court-martial-like trials for terror detainees seems to be a priority, as are funding for the US-Mexico border fence, employee background checks for port security workers and improvement of the national emergency alert system.
The section seems more concerned, however, with defending the Republican record on security, promoting positive statements by the Iraqi Prime Minister, and combating Democratic criticism. For instance, terror suspect surveillance is listed as a priority, and "liberal newspaper" reports about NSA wiretap programs are criticised, but future programs are not listed among other proposed laws.

[Democrats will fight back with 371-page report by Rep. John Conyers.]]

John Conyers compiles list of Bush war crimes

"Muckraker's Justin Rood spoke with Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking Dem on the committee, about the report [above] and its purpose."

"We said, 'look, we'll do it ourselves'" — compile a document that lists every instance of alleged wrongdoing by the Bush administration's handling of intelligence, the war in Iraq, and retaliation against those who tried to speak out about it. "Every sentence, every allegation, every accusation that we have in this 371-page report has a citation or a reference to it of where we got it," Conyers explained, with a hint of pride at his staff's work.

"We're not trying to play Department of Justice or prosecutor. We're trying to put on the record before too much other history blurs this," Conyers told me. " making sure that what we see as at least a couple dozen violations of federal statute do not go unnoticed. . . . We're trying to make sure that we have the fullest record of this, so that this won't be the work of industrious historians ten years from now."  
The Constitution in Crisis; The Downing Street Minutes and Deception,
Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War,
and Illegal Domestic Surveillance
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