From Rachel's Precaution Reporter

REACH: Barely Alive and in Critical Condition
   Europe's long-awaited chemicals-policy law, REACH, survived a
   second reading today in the European Parliament. However, as enacted,
   REACH has been badly watered down and contains major loopholes,
   according a coalition of European health, environment, consumer and
   women's organizations.

EU Passes Sweeping Chemical Reform
   Compared to their European counterparts, U.S. activists are more
   enthusiastic about REACH, the chemicals-policy law adopted today by
   the European Parliament.

Greens: European Parliament Passes Weak Chemicals Policy
   The Greens and the European Free Alliance (EFA) immediately derided
   the European chemicals policy, REACH, enacted today by the European
   Parliament. Green Member of Parliament Caroline Lucas said, "This deal
   is an early Christmas present for the chemicals industry..."

European Union Approves Sweeping Chemicals Curbs
   The Wall Street Journal says, "The tough new law will require
   manufacturers and importers to document how some 30,000 chemicals are
   used in products from cleaning liquids and plastics to furniture and
   electronics. About 1,500 chemicals deemed most dangerous to humans and
   animals will be at the heart of a new regulatory battleground for
   manufacturers and chemical producers doing business in or with the

Europeans Pass Chemical Regulation Law
   The Houston Chronicle says, "Some dangerous chemicals could be
   banned from the European market and about 30,000 substances used in
   everyday products ranging from detergents to toys will have to be
   registered in a central European Union database under a law approved


From: <>Women in 
Europe for a Common Future, Dec. 13, 2006
tm>[Printer-friendly version]

REACH: Barely Alive and in Critical Condition

Strasbourg, France -- A plenary vote by Members of the European 
Parliament has left the new EU chemicals legislation, REACH, alive 
but in a critical condition, according to health, environment, 
consumer and women's advocacy groups.

'Alive': The legislation, designed to replace rules up to 40 years 
old, sets Europe on the first modest step towards a new approach to 
chemicals regulation: companies will have to provide safety data for 
large volume chemicals that they produce or import into Europe, and 
there is a mechanism for the substitution of persistent and 
bioaccumulative chemicals if safer alternatives exist. It also allows 
the public to request information about the presence of a limited 
number of hazardous chemicals in products. In the past, companies 
could sell almost any chemical they liked without providing health 
and safety information; and hazardous chemicals were only restricted 
in response to scandal on a case-by-case basis.

'Not kicking': Major loopholes in REACH will still allow many 
chemicals that can cause serious health problems, including cancer, 
birth defects and reproductive illnesses, to continue being used in 
manufacturing and consumer goods. Further concessions exempt 
companies which import and manufacture chemicals in volumes below 10 
tonnes a year -- 60% of chemicals covered by REACH -- from the 
requirement to provide any meaningful safety data.

REACH and the new European Chemicals Agency will therefore require 
intensive care from policymakers over the coming years to ensure that 
they protect the public from highly hazardous chemicals.

Under REACH, many 'high-concern' chemicals will be allowed onto the 
market if producers claim that they can 'adequately control' them. 
The approach of adequate control -- and safe thresholds -- is 
premised on a risky gamble, given the unknown effects of chemicals in 
combination, on vulnerable hormone functions, and on the development 
of children from the earliest stages of life. Medical associations, 
consumer groups and innovative businesses across Europe had called 
for a complete substitution requirement in REACH as the minimum 
necessary measure against hazardous chemicals.

The loopholes and provisions for self-regulation contained in these 
measures leave REACH very vulnerable to further manipulation by the 
chemical industry. There is no guarantee, for example, that 
information from third parties about safer alternatives to hazardous 
chemicals will be considered in every case.

The new EU Chemicals Agency in Helsinki will have to be closely 
monitored to ensure that REACH can deliver. Without the necessary 
support, hazardous chemicals will continue to contaminate wildlife, 
our homes and our bodies, and REACH will prove a failure.

<>More information.


Mecki Naschke, Policy Officer, Chemical Policies at European 
Environmental Bureau (EEB), +49 176 23 500 897

Javier Calvo, Policy Officer at Eurocoop, +32 (0) 2 285 0076

Aleksandra Kordecka, Chemicals Campaigner at Friends of the Earth 
Europe, +32 (0) 498 505165

Nadia Haiama, EU Policy Director on Chemicals at Greenpeace European 
Unit, +32 (0)476 961 376

Lisette van Vliet, Toxics Policy Advisor at Health & Environment 
Alliance (formerly EPHA Environment Network), +32 (0) 2 234 3645

Daniela Rosche, Chemicals Policy Coordinator at WECF (Women in Europe 
for a Common Future), +31 6 22 95 00 27

Noemi Cano, WWF DetoX Campaign Communications Manager, +32 (0) 479 610451


From: Health Care Without Harm, Dec. 13, 2006
-friendly version]

EU passes sweeping chemical reform

Industry Must Share Health And Safety Data On Thousands Of Chemicals

December 13, 2006 -- After years of heated controversy, including 
concerted efforts by top officials of the Bush Administration and the 
chemical industry to derail the new law, the European Parliament 
today gave final approval to a sweeping reform that will force 
companies to gather health and safety data on thousands of chemicals 
used in everyday commerce, including those chemicals currently on the 
market with no information. Though the legislation was weakened by an 
unprecedented lobbying campaign, the core pieces of the legislation 
remain intact and represent a major shift in chemicals control.

"The EU has taken a major step toward reforming an outdated chemical 
regulatory system that has massively failed in its objective to 
protect public health. When one in three people contract cancer in 
their lifetime, we need to stop using known and suspected cancer- 
causing chemicals in commerce. The same goes for chemicals that are 
now accumulating in our children's bodies," said Bev Thorpe, director 
of Clean Production Action.

The REACH (for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of 
Chemicals) legislation agreed to today will require chemical 
companies to share health and safety information about their 
chemicals with downstream users (such as electronics and cosmetics 
industries) and the public. A few thousand of the most hazardous 
chemicals will require formal authorization providing a stronger 
incentive to substitute them with safer alternatives. Some of the 
most dangerous chemicals -- such as those that are very persistent 
and those that accumulate up the food chain -- will not be allowed if 
safer substitutes are available. If substitutes are not available, 
chemical makers will be forced to draw up a substitution research and 
adoption plan.

"REACH is the world's most ambitious attempt to eliminate the dangers 
of untested, unregulated chemicals that are found at work, in our 
homes and in our bodies. To protect the health of Americans and the 
competitiveness of US companies, we must now overhaul our own laws on 
toxic chemicals," said Daryl Ditz, senior policy advisor at the 
Center for International Environmental Law.

He said the US is already falling behind in the global shift toward 
safer, non-toxic products. As one example, toxic toys containing 
phthalates, which are linked to permanent birth defects in the male 
reproductive system, were banned years ago in the EU, but are still 
on US shelves. The city of San Francisco recently banned phthalate- 
containing toys and is now being sued by the chemical industry.

REACH is expected to enter into force in April 2007 and will roll out 
in stages over the next eleven or more years. US environmental groups 
have listed their demands for chemicals policy reform which is 
available at Several states are moving 
ahead with chemical policy reform and a bill has been introduced at 
the national level as well, the Kids Safe Chemicals Act.

For more information about REACH:

University of Massachusetts, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
site on REACH: 

Statement by the Center for International Environmental law on the
basics of the REACH deal: 

For more information about the REACH process visit:

1169-345-12- 50-911-20061207STO01168-2006-11-12-2006/default_en.htm

Contact: Beverley Thorpe, Clean Production Action, +1 514 933 4596,

Daryl Ditz, Ph.D., Center for International Environmental Law, + 1 202


he Greens/EFA In the European Parliament, Dec. 13, 2006
Printer-friendly version]

Greens: European Parliament Passes Weak Chemicals Policy

European Parliament rubberstamps weak chemicals policy deal with no 
guarantee of greater protection from hazardous chemicals

The European Parliament today voted to adopt the compromise deal on 
the REACH regulation, agreed with Council on 30 November, rejecting 
both the Greens' alternative compromise and individual Green 
amendments aimed at strengthening the text. Speaking after the vote 
Swedish Green and shadow rapporteur, Carl Schlyter said:

"As expected, the EP has rubber-stamped the deal on REACH, bringing 
to an end 9 years of discussions on reviewing the EU's chemicals 
rules. The rapporteur is toasting the 'success' of the compromise, 
however it is far too early to judge if the new regulation will offer 
much greater protection to EU citizens from hazardous chemicals.

"One certainty is that the EP failed to ensure mandatory substitution 
of substances of high concern in consumer products where a safer 
alternative exists. In doing so, the Parliament missed the 
opportunity to guarantee better protection from these chemicals, all 
to protect short-term profits for the chemicals industry."

UK Green MEP and Environment Committee member Caroline Lucas added:

"This deal is an early Christmas present for the chemicals industry, 
rewarding it for its intense and underhand lobbying campaign. While 
the legislative text has now been agreed, the devil will be in the 
detail of the implementation of these rules. We are deeply worried 
that the key goal of this legislation -- to offer EU citizens and the 
environment sufficient protection from dangerous chemicals -- appears 
to have been lost in the haste to agree a compromise.

"Worryingly, while the legislative phase was relatively transparent 
except for the final trialogues, the crucial implementation of REACH 
promises to be an opaque process in which the chemicals industry will 
have enormous influence and will try to weaken REACH further. Given 
the deep division between the Commission services responsible, many 
more behind-the-scenes fights are looming. It is unacceptable the 
Chemicals Agency, which will prepare crucial decisions on these 
substances, can be veiled in secrecy. We can only hope that consumers 
will make use of their right to get information about substances of 
very high concern in everyday products to such an extent that the 
retail sector will voluntarily withdraw products containing these 

Richard More O' Ferrall,
Press and Communications Officer,
The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
Tel: Brussels +32 2 2841667 / Strasburg +33 3 88174375
Mobile: +32-477-44-38-42
Fax: 0032 2 2844944


From: Wall Street Journal, Dec. 13, 2006
tm>[Printer-friendly version]

European Union Approves Sweeping Chemicals Curbs

Companies Brace for New Restrictions

By Mary Jacoby

BRUSSELS -- The European Union greatly expanded its campaign against
industrial pollutants, with lawmakers approving sweeping restrictions 
on chemicals that could upend global manufacturing and supply chains 
and saddle thousands of companies with huge costs.

The tough new law will require manufacturers and importers to 
document how some 30,000 chemicals are used in products from cleaning 
liquids and plastics to furniture and electronics. About 1,500 
chemicals deemed most dangerous to humans and animals will be at the 
heart of a new regulatory battleground for manufacturers and chemical 
producers doing business in or with the EU -- the world's 
second-richest consumer market.

Precise rules underpinning the law will be hashed out over the next 
decade, making it hard to gauge the full cost or identify where 
supply problems might arise. But the uncertainty alone will 
complicate business planning and product development.

"There's mounds of uncertainty," said Eric Karofsky, a senior analyst 
with AMR Research in Boston, a manufacturing-consulting firm. Because 
it is unclear which substances will pass EU muster, "If you're a 
manufacturer, how do you go ahead and plan your business?"

A new agency in Helsinki, Finland, will compile a database of 
chemicals and their properties from data industry will be required to 
submit over the next decade, with the first phase of the regime 
expected to be in place by spring 2007. The most toxic substances 
could end up banned.

The direct costs of supplying safety information about a substance 
range from &euro;20,000 to &euro;400,000 ($26,528 to $530,560), 
depending on the volume of data requirements, according to the 

Companies on the front line of the issue -- chemicals, electronics 
and plastics makers among them -- are bracing for the effect of the 
landmark legislation, dubbed Reach for "registration, evaluation and 
authorization of chemicals." Many U.S. manufacturers appear to be 
counting on being considered so-called downstream users of targeted 
chemicals, as opposed to the manufacturers or importers that will be 
responsible for the substances' documentation. But how those roles 
are defined remains to be seen, and could prove tricky.

German chemical company BASF AG has budgeted "hundreds of millions of 
euros" to comply with the law and help its network of suppliers 
navigate the new bureaucracy, said Wolfgang Gerhard, BASF senior vice 
president for corporate and governmental relations. The company began 
two years ago setting up a database to track how thousands of 
substances are used in industrial processes, he said.

Finnish cellphone maker Nokia Corp. makes 150 products using 30,000 
components and 500,000 direct and indirect suppliers, said Markus 
Terho, the company's director of environmental affairs. Nokia would 
have to show chemicals are being used safely in each step and switch 
to less-toxic alternatives.

Chris Huntley, a spokesman for Dow Chemical Co. of Midland, Minn., 
said the latest version of Reach is much improved, but that his 
company is concerned about how fast regulators will be able to 
register the 1,500 products. He said companies will have just 3.5 
years to complete the process, while Dow understands the EU can 
register just 20 to 25 substances a year. "If they can't do it within 
four years, you could end up with a system that doesn't provide the 
confidence" it will work well, Mr. Huntley said.

He couldn't offer specific estimates of the cost of registering Dow 
products, but said it will be similar to BASF's -- in the hundreds of 
millions of euros.

Dan Turner, a spokesman for DuPont Co., said the Wilmington, Del., 
company will adopt a "business as usual" attitude for registering 
products containing perfluorooctanoic acid, used in the company's 
Teflon nonstick products. Studies show PFOA collects in women's 
breast milk, and have caused various illnesses in animals, but Mr. 
Turner said Dow doesn't believe PFOA is toxic.

Parker Hannifin Corp. of Cleveland, which makes a wide array of items 
such as hoses and hydraulic equipment used by thousands of other 
manufacturers, hopes that in most cases it will be considered a 
"downstream user" and thus avoid dealing directly with the regulatory 
hurdles. Rick Taylor, the company's director of environmental 
compliance, says one change he anticipates is shifting from directly 
importing chemicals into Europe for Parker's plants there -- in which 
case Parker would be responsible for certification -- to buying those 
chemicals from a supplier that already has dealt with the legal 

The big cost for companies like Parker, Mr. Taylor says, is likely to 
arise when suppliers suddenly stop selling certain chemicals because 
they don't want to deal with registration. That would require Parker 
to reformulate a product, which could create a cascade of problems 
with its customers.

Uncertainty is widespread among nonchemical companies about what, if 
anything, they may have to do. In a survey of 127 global makers of 
electronics products released this week by Technology Forecasters of 
Alameda, Calif., just 13% said they believe their products would be 
affected by Reach, while more than half -- 52% -- said they didn't 

Europe has been a leader in imposing rules to get electronics 
companies, auto makers and others to clean up their acts. The Reach 
initiative comes on the heels of an edict called the Restriction of 
the use of certain Hazardous Substances, or RoHS, which took effect 
in June. It requires any electronics maker doing business in the EU 
to eliminate or sharply curtail six toxic substances, including lead, 
cadmium and mercury. In 2005, the EU put into effect a directive 
called WEEE -- for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment -- that 
required electronics makers to set up recycling and disposal systems 
for their gadgets.

The three-year debate over the Reach law was at times emotional and 
personal. Environmentalists warned of babies drinking contaminated 
breast milk, while a member of the European Commission, the EU's 
executive arm, tested her blood and discovered 28 chemicals found in 
furniture, carpets and food that are potentially harmful to hormonal 
and reproductive systems.

Industry groups argued they already make strong efforts to use 
chemicals safely. A program run by the Organization for Economic 
Cooperation and Development in Paris already collects much of the 
data the EU law seeks, and covers industries in North America and 
most of Europe.

But environmentalists convinced European policy makers those programs 
aren't enough. "Hazardous industrial chemicals are widespread in 
house dust, rainwater, wildlife, in our own blood and that of unborn 
infants," said Justin Wilkes of WWF, formerly the World Wildlife Fund.

The U.S. has also expressed concern about the law, worried about its 
effect on U.S. exports. But EU leaders said the legislation would set 
a global standard and called on the U.S. and other nations to adopt 
similar restrictions.

The scope of Reach is vast: It will apply to any product made in or 
imported into the 480 million-person EU. Given the global nature of 
manufacturing and trade, companies large and small around the world 
will have to grapple with the rules.

"The costs of compliance are incalculable," said Adrian Harris, 
secretary-general of Orgalime, a trade association representing 
European electronics, metalworking and mechanical industries.

Under Reach, manufacturers will be required to substitute safer 
alternatives to the 1,500 most dangerous chemicals known or suspected 
to cause cancer, birth defects and other serious illnesses. Most have 
never been subjected to rigorous testing because they were in use 
before many countries began passing environmental-protection laws in 
the 1980s.

If an alternative doesn't exist, industry would need to fund research 
and development to try to find one. But in a compromise reached last 
month, regulators will be able to make exceptions for chemicals whose 
use in certain instances is considered more beneficial than 
detrimental to public health. Environmentalists called that 
compromise a giant loophole for the &euro;586 billion ($776 billion) 
European chemicals industry.

An additional 140 substances not only considered toxic but that also 
linger for a particularly long time in the bodies of humans and 
animals face removal from the market. Such substances include flame 
retardants and other chemicals used to make carpets and textiles, 
electronics, paints and wax, and pots and pans.

It isn't clear how much the legislation will ultimately cost 
businesses. "It's huge. Nobody knows," says Steven Russell, a lawyer 
with the American Chemistry Council trade group in Washington. Some 
idea can be found in RoHS legislation that went into effect in June. 
The cost to U.S. electronics makers alone to remove the six 
substances from their manufacturing chains will be an estimated $30 
billion, according to AMR's Mr. Karofsky.

-- Timothy Aeppel in Pittsburgh, Jim Carlt on in San Francisco, Steve
LeVine in Dallas and the Associated Press contributed to this article.

Write to Mary Jacoby at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright 2006 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


From: Houston (Tex.) Chronicle, Dec. 13, 2006
13.htm>[Printer-friendly version]

Europeans Pass Chemical Regulation Law

By Jan Sliva, Associated Press Writer

Strasbourg, France -- Some dangerous chemicals could be banned from
the European market and about 30,000 substances used in everyday 
products ranging from detergents to toys will have to be registered 
in a central European Union database under a law approved Wednesday.

The European Parliament passed the law -- one of the most complex and 
far-reaching EU regulations ever -- after years of haggling marked by 
intense lobbying by the European chemicals industry and by protests 
from environmentalists who sought more restraints on the industry.

The law, a compromise balancing health and environmental concerns 
against fears that excessive red tape would stifle business, puts the 
burden of proof on companies to show that industrial chemicals and 
substances used in everyday products are safe.

It is likely to take effect in mid-2007.

"It is a major step forward for public health, workers' safety and 
protection of the environment. In the end, we want to get rid of the 
most dangerous chemicals while boosting research and development in 
Europe," said Italian Socialist Guido Sacconi, who was charged with 
steering the legislation through the EU assembly.

Under the rules, producers will have to register the properties of 
chemicals with an agency to be set up in Helsinki, Finland, that will 
have powers to ban those presenting significant health threats. 
Companies will be required to gradually replace the most high-risk 
chemicals -- so-called persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic 
substances _ where safer alternatives exist. If no alternative 
exists, producers will have to submit a plan to develop one.

Because of fears over potential job losses, the parliament scaled 
back chemicals-testing requirements in the first reading of the law 
-- known as REACH, for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of 
Chemicals _ last year. Some 13,000 substances, deemed of high 
concern, face automatic testing, but almost all tests were waived for 
little- used chemicals of which only 1 to 10 metric tons are produced 
or imported into the EU annually.

EU governments further scaled back the law passed Tuesday on second 
reading in an effort to reduce costs for the EU's chemicals industry, 
worth about $582.9 billion and employing 1.3 million people in 27,000 

The registration process for all of the 30,000 chemicals should be 
completed in 11 years. The first stage of the process aims to 
register substances that are produced in the largest quantities and 
the most harmful ones, such as carcinogens, mutagens and toxins 
affecting reproduction.

The direct costs of supplying safety information about a substance 
range from $26,500 to $530,000, depending on the volume of data 
requirements, according to the parliament.

REACH replaces some 40 directives currently governing the use of 
chemicals in the EU. In the past, companies could sell almost any 
chemical without being required to provide detailed health and safety 

The compromise has been criticized both by industry, which complains 
it is too complicated and will burden companies with unnecessary 
bureaucracy, and environmentalists, who say it will allow dangerous 
chemicals to enter the market through loopholes.

"This deal is an early Christmas present for the chemicals industry, 
rewarding it for its intense and underhand lobbying campaign. We are 
deeply worried that the key goal of this legislation -- to offer EU 
citizens and the environment sufficient protection from dangerous 
chemicals -- appears to have been lost in the haste to agree a 
compromise," said lawmaker Caroline Lucas of Britain's Green Party.

Environmentalists are also worried that under REACH, many 
high-concern chemicals will be allowed onto the market if producers 
can prove they can adequately control them.

The United States has also expressed concern about the law, worried 
about its effect on U.S. exports. But EU leaders said the legislation 
would set a global standard and called on the Americans and other 
nations to adopt similar restrictions.

"From a global perspective, the safety requirements established by 
REACH will be on a completely new level," said Finnish Trade Minister
Mauri Pekkarinen, speaking for the EU presidency.

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