[Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-04 Thread Keith Addison

Corporate Influence in the Media
by Anup Shah

Advertising is the art of arresting the human intelligence just long 
enough to get money from it.

- Chuck Blore, a partner in the advertising firm Chuck Blore  Don 
Ruchman, Inc., quoted by Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, Sixth 
Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000), p.185.

Ever since mass media became mass media, companies have naturally 
used this means of communications to let a large number of people 
know about their products. There is nothing wrong with that, as it 
allows innovative ideas and concepts to be shared with others. 
However, as the years have progressed, the sophistication of 
advertising methods and techniques has advanced, enticing and shaping 
and even creating consumerism and needs where there has been none 
before, or turning luxuries into necessities. This section introduces 
some of the issues and concerns this raises.


This web page has the following sub-sections:

* Free media channels have a cost
* The Audience as the Product
* The Audience also as the Consumer
* Advertorials - Advertisements disguised as News!
* Advertainment - Advertisements disguised as Entertainment!
* Product Placement
* Political influence
* Globalization of consumers

Free media channels have a cost

Various public and free media such as the numerous channels available 
in America and other nations are naturally subsidized with 
advertising to help pay the costs. However, as corporate competition 
has increased, so too has the need for returns on massive 
expenditures on advertising. Industries spending from millions to 
billions to win our hearts and influence our choices towards their 
products and ideas. The sheer amounts of money this brings to media 
companies is significant and for many cases forms then main form of 
support for the media company. Hence if something is reported that 
the advertiser doesn't like, the media company risks losing much 
needed revenue to stay alive.

As a result, the mainstream media is largely driven by the forces of 
the market.

The Audience as the Product

Additionally, as Noam Chomsky points out in his article, What Makes 
Mainstream Media Mainstream, for a company such as the New York 
Times, it too has to sell products to its customers. For the New York 
Times and other such companies, Chomsky points out that the product 
is the audience, and the customers are the corporate advertisers.

This at first thought doesn't seem to make sense. It is not, as we 
would normally think, and it should be that the product is the 
newspaper, and the customers are the audience/readers. Sure, readers 
buy the paper, but as he further points out, readers fit a demography 
and it is this that is valuable information that can be used by 
advertisers. Hence, to the advertisers, the product that the New York 
Times and such companies bring to them, is the audience itself and it 
is the advertisers that bring the money to the media companies, not 
the audience.

[T]he New York Times [is] a corporation and sells a product. The 
product is audiences. They don't make money when you buy the 
newspaper. They are happy to put it on the worldwide web for free. 
They actually lose money when you buy the newspaper. But the audience 
is the product. ... You have to sell a product to a market, and the 
market is, of course, advertisers (that is, other businesses). 
Whether it is television or newspapers, or whatever, they are selling 
audiences. Corporations sell audiences to other corporations.

- Noam Chomsky, What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream, Z Magazine, June 1997.

The Audience also as the Consumer

Ben Bagdikian, a prominent media critic, and author of the 
well-acclaimed book The Media Monopoly, provides more detail and 
examples. In Chapter 6 of his book, for example, Bagdikian describes 
in detail the pressure on media companies to change content (to dumb 
down) and to shape content based on the demographics of the 
audiences. Slowly then, the content of media isn't as important as 
the type of person being targeted by the ads.

He also shows that the notion of giving the audience what they want 
is also a bit misleading because, if anything, it is more about 
targeting those readers that can afford the products that are 
advertised and so it is almost like giving the advertisers what they 

The dumbing down of the content also acts to promote a buying 
mood. Hence, as Bagdikian summarizes, programming is carefully 
noncontroversial, light, and nonpolitical (see p. 133). As he traces 
briefly the history of advertising in magazines he also hints that 
this has happened for a long time:

The influence of advertising on magazines reached a point where 
editors began selecting articles not only on the basis of their 
expected interest for readers but for their influence on 
advertisements. Serious articles were not always the best support for 
ads. An article that put the reader in an 

Re: [Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-03 Thread Scott

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 By the way, Joanne asked you this:

 Hello Scott,
 Can you provide a link or links for details on:
 while babies in Texas have their breathing
 tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because the
 hospital can't extract enough money from them.
 Thank you,

 Please don't ignore people when they question you.

I sent her a message addressing her quest for the links.
I wasn't aware that I was required to spend additional bandwidth by sending
my reply to the entire group.
Here it is for anybody who cares.

- Original Message - 
To: Joanne Olafson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil



 Here are three links

 It's called the Texas Futile Care Law

 Google is your friend.


 - Original Message - 
 From: Joanne Olafson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil

  Hello Scott,
  Can you provide a link or links for details on:
  while babies in Texas have their breathing
   tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because
   hospital can't extract enough money from them.
  Thank you,

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-03 Thread Joanne Olafson

I could also have replied:
Thank you, Scott!

I had actually thought of doing that, but decided not to because I had
nothing more to add to my sincere thanks.  I hadn't noticed that Scott 
hadn't replied to the list, and thought that people in the

list might find that a redundant posting, even annoying.  So I guess I hoped
that Scott would read my mind!

On further reflection, and a struggle to come up with words to
express my feelings about these two actions of George W. Bush, I have come
up with a phrase:  What a tragic display of
irony in such blatant hippocracy!

Thank you,

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By the way, Joanne asked you this:

Hello Scott,
Can you provide a link or links for details on:

while babies in Texas have their breathing
tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because
hospital can't extract enough money from them.

Thank you,

Please don't ignore people when they question you.

I sent her a message addressing her quest for the links.
I wasn't aware that I was required to spend additional bandwidth by
my reply to the entire group.
Here it is for anybody who cares.

- Original Message - 

To: Joanne Olafson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil



Here are three links

It's called the Texas Futile Care Law

Google is your friend.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-03 Thread Keith Addison

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 By the way, Joanne asked you this:

 Hello Scott,
 Can you provide a link or links for details on:
 while babies in Texas have their breathing
 tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because the
 hospital can't extract enough money from them.
 Thank you,

 Please don't ignore people when they question you.

I sent her a message addressing her quest for the links.
I wasn't aware that I was required to spend additional bandwidth by sending
my reply to the entire group.
Here it is for anybody who cares.

My apologies Scott. But yes, it's usually better onlist than off - 
the request was onlist so the response should be too, generally 

All best


- Original Message -
To: Joanne Olafson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil



 Here are three links

 It's called the Texas Futile Care Law

 Google is your friend.


 - Original Message -
 From: Joanne Olafson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil

  Hello Scott,
  Can you provide a link or links for details on:
  while babies in Texas have their breathing
   tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because
   hospital can't extract enough money from them.
  Thank you,

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

[Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-02 Thread Scott

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 We rely on the 4th Estate (of which I'm a lifelong member) to do that for
us, that's their role and essential function, but (though the exceptions are
many and honorable) there's no need for me to say how derelict they've
become in this duty, especially over the last few decades. It's always been
a kept press, of course, owned by the very interests it's supposed to
protect society against.

The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie
outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell
his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and
what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and
vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull
the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are
all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. - John
Swinton, the Chief of Staff for the New York Times, 1953

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

[Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-02 Thread Keith Addison

Let's put in some of the rest of it, because you've provided a good 
example of it.

Joanne said:

Thank you for your interest in my post.  I like to find the stories
behind societal beliefs like this that have so often been accepted without

And I replied:

It's MOST important to do that, IMO. We rely on the 4th Estate (of 
which I'm a lifelong member) to do that for us ...


- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We rely on the 4th Estate (of which I'm a lifelong member) to do that for
us, that's their role and essential function, but (though the exceptions are
many and honorable) there's no need for me to say how derelict they've
become in this duty, especially over the last few decades. It's always been
a kept press, of course, owned by the very interests it's supposed to
protect society against.

Though the exceptions are many and honorable, and indeed they are. 
It continued: So we have to find out for ourselves, or be at the 
mercy of inimical forces that are too often little short of 
sociopathic. Fortunately it's almost always possible to do that, with 
a bit of tenacity and scepticism, especially with the Internet - the 
Internet will save us all, the first true leveller. Truly something 
new under the sun.

So, to your legendary and largely FICTITIOUS quote from John Swinton. 
Sorry Scott, it's an urban legend, one of these: ... societal 
beliefs like this that have so often been accepted without question.


   The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie
outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell
his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and
what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and
vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull
the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are
all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. - John
Swinton, the Chief of Staff for the New York Times, 1953

There are many debunkings of this myth. Here's one:

... One journalist there, Jeff McMahon, made this in response:

Yeah, I'll take that bait.

The last time I saw that phony quote Swinton was identified as the 
chief of staff of the New York SUN, the date was 1853, and where 
it now says I am paid weekly, it then said I am paid $150 a 
week. Which is, actually, about how much I made in journalism. Then 
some liar realized that newspapers don't have chiefs of staff, at 
least the editorial departments don't, and if you're going to lie 
you might as well do it big, so they made him the EDITOR IN CHIEF of 
the New York TIMES in NINETEEN53. Unfortunately, the editor of the 
New York Times in 1953 was Turner Catledge.

So the quote itself betrays a need for journalists because otherwise 
people who spread such propaganda might go unchecked.

That having been said, I will acknowledge that this cheap lie, like 
most cheap lies, has some truth to it. I think it is expressed 
rather bitterly, personally, but I'm sure every journalist with any 
history in the biz has had at least one day when they felt that way. 
It's the very reason that I gladly applied the word former to the 
word journalist when it is attached to my name.

Indeed, New York Times executive editor Max Frankel said something 
very similar about the impact of profiteering on journalism after he 
retired in 1994. Frankel probably isn't quoted quite so widely 
because he doesn't use 21st century Neo_Old_Testament Naderite 
phrasiology like fawn at the feet of mammon.

What Swinton describes is not so easily described or it would have 
been dealt with. It is more like a constant, subtle pressure to bend 
to power. A pressure that can be defied and maybe even often, but 
that does not seem to ever go away. The strong spend a career 
tilting against it; the weak let it direct them, as you can see 
every day in this country's media.

It certainly isn't true that you can never write your true opinion 
in the American press. I wrote my true opinion plenty of times, most 
recently when I wrote that commentary about Hearst Ranch. It managed 
to pass through two editors and a publisher without one word 
changed. However, no anti_Hearst commentary can run in this county 
without a Steve Hearst commentary on the very same page. And who is 
responsible for that? Is it the fault of the journalists? No, for 
that subversion of truth and integrity we can thank our county's 
professional greenwashers.

Anyway, before posting such, we should consider how our brothers and 
sisters in the Newspaper Guild might feel about such a broadbrush 
defilement of a very diverse group of largely hard working and 
underpaid men and women.

I propose the following bumper sticker:


In cheerful solidarity,

Jeff McMahon

That's here:
John Swinton:  

Re: [Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-02 Thread Scott

Dan Rather certainly made the same point on British TV when he talked about
being necklaced if he reported the truth about the bogus rush to war in
Iraq.  It was a confession that Americans did not see on the corporate
controlled TV stations here in the States.

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debunking the Swinton quote.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Re: the 4th Estate

2005-04-02 Thread Keith Addison

Dan Rather certainly made the same point on British TV when he talked about
being necklaced if he reported the truth about the bogus rush to war in
Iraq.  It was a confession that Americans did not see on the corporate
controlled TV stations here in the States.

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debunking the Swinton quote.

Most journalists have made that point, though perhaps not quite so 
shrilly. I perhaps made it by spending most of my professional life 
as a freelancer, though I've also worked for a lot of newspapers, 
including quite a few of the grand ones. But it's simply no use 
(literally - it's not useful) to try to paint it with such a broad 
brush. It's simplistic, and perilous. For instance, you compare the 
BBC favourably with the corporate controlled TV stations in the US, 
but the BBC is far from perfect and has been heavily criticised for 
its coverage of the Iraq war.

From a previous message:

While I heartily agree the
mainstream media give us a sugar-coated view and won't
touch controversial stuff

Well, they do, eventually, maybe, some of them, some of it, and
journalists do - the media may be morally bankrupt, more or less, but
journalism isn't, with many exceptions, but not as whole.

That message also says this:

What is in the
archives is quite a few spin exposes, along with all the resources
you need to do that. While the Internet has greatly added to the
confusion, IMO that's more than outweighed by its providing a real
alternative and antidote to the strictures of the kept press, and
sufficient good resources to help you sort one from the other, with a
bit of effort.

Since you've just shown that you're yourself susceptible to 
unquestioned societal beliefs (John Swinton), and perhaps worse 
(Joseph Newman), perhaps you should take note.

By the way, Joanne asked you this:

Hello Scott,
Can you provide a link or links for details on:


while babies in Texas have their breathing
tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because the
hospital can't extract enough money from them.

Thank you,

Please don't ignore people when they question you.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

Hello Scott

Let's put in some of the rest of it, because you've provided a good 
example of it.

Joanne said:

Thank you for your interest in my post.  I like to find the stories
behind societal beliefs like this that have so often been accepted without

And I replied:

It's MOST important to do that, IMO. We rely on the 4th Estate (of 
which I'm a lifelong member) to do that for us ...


- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We rely on the 4th Estate (of which I'm a lifelong member) to do that for
us, that's their role and essential function, but (though the exceptions are
many and honorable) there's no need for me to say how derelict they've
become in this duty, especially over the last few decades. It's always been
a kept press, of course, owned by the very interests it's supposed to
protect society against.

Though the exceptions are many and honorable, and indeed they are. 
It continued: So we have to find out for ourselves, or be at the 
mercy of inimical forces that are too often little short of 
sociopathic. Fortunately it's almost always possible to do that, 
with a bit of tenacity and scepticism, especially with the Internet 
- the Internet will save us all, the first true leveller. Truly 
something new under the sun.

So, to your legendary and largely FICTITIOUS quote from John 
Swinton. Sorry Scott, it's an urban legend, one of these: ... 
societal beliefs like this that have so often been accepted without 


 The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie
outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell
his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and
what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and
vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull
the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are
all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. - John
Swinton, the Chief of Staff for the New York Times, 1953

There are many debunkings of this myth. Here's one:

... One journalist there, Jeff McMahon, made this in response:

Yeah, I'll take that bait.

The last time I saw that phony quote Swinton was identified as the 
chief of staff of the New York SUN, the date was 1853, and where 
it now says I am paid weekly, it then said I am paid $150 a 
week. Which is, actually, about how much I made in journalism. 
Then some liar realized that newspapers don't have chiefs of staff, 
at least the editorial departments don't, and if