Hello  Keith  and our beloved members 

 Our  small research group  needs  to elaborate  a project proposal 
to  submit  to one of the  biggest Media group in Brasil.Even though,
we are  involved  in the biofuel and biomass energy project , we are
not able to  have  the road map for this project.

  Any  help  in this regard  of any  information will be highly appreciated.
What we find  in the Internet about social  networking  are   getting
the   people (younger) together   to make good friendship, which  is
made possible by google  new project in this field of social
However  what we need are how  to make networking to include the  poor
 and  also how to community  based networking  for village and local

   Keith   as man of the media  with  very long experience , as  we 
all do  in this list are  doing networking  too can  surely help us 
to make this road map as well as the hardware and software needed.Can
free call center  can be used to make this social networking for 
community developments.New ideas , thinking are very welcome.

 Thanking you

Yours truly

Pannirselvam P.V

 Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua¨‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
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