Hi all,
              Interesting David Suzuki column follows: 

Vol. 10, No. 4

6 February 2008

Science Matters

by David Suzuki, with Faisal Moola

Fill 'er up with switchgrass
Not long ago, the question at the pump was always, "regular or unleaded?" 
Today, leaded gasoline isn't even an option in most developed countries. And 
with the need to drastically reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, the 
question of the future just might be "switchgrass or algae?"


Of course, I'm being somewhat facetious. In their raw form you couldn't run 
your car on either. However both organisms have the potential to be made into 
biofuels such as ethanol or biodiesel. And that, if done in a careful and 
sustainable way, could greatly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause 
global warming.


However, in spite of some of the hoopla about biofuels, there are still many 
obstacles to overcome. Yes, you can already get ethanol mixed with your 
gasoline or biodiesel mixed with your regular diesel in many North American 
cities. In fact, in countries like Brazil, gasoline is always blended with at 
least 20 per cent ethanol and you can easily get 100 per cent ethanol for your 
car. So far, so good. But these biofuels have problems too.


As I discussed in a column last fall, a widespread adoption of biofuels, such 
as biodiesel and ethanol could cause serious damage to the environment and 
provide few benefits if the crop used to make the fuel isn't chosen carefully. 
Corn, for example, is the largest source of ethanol in the United States, but 
it is a poor choice for fuel because if you do a life-cycle analysis (looking 
at all the energy needed to make the stuff), the energy obtained from 
corn-based ethanol is only marginally better or worse than the energy you get 
out of it. Plus, corn is heavily reliant on fertilizers and pesticides.


Thankfully, there are plenty of other options. Canola does better in a 
lifecycle analysis, for example, and sugar cane - which is where Brazil gets 
its ethanol from - better still. However, sugar cane requires a hot climate and 
there are concerns that displacing Brazilian subsistence farmers to grow sugar 
cane will push them into slashing and burning the rainforest for cropland. So 
all biofuels still have an environmental, economic or social cost. If these 
fuels are to be sustainable, such costs need to be minimized. 


One promising biofuel that scores well in preliminary studies is cellulosic 
ethanol made from switchgrass. According to results of a recent study published 
in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 
switchgrass grown and managed for biofuel can produce 500 per cent more 
renewable energy than the energy it needs to be grown and processed.


For the study, researchers conducted field trials (the first for switchgrass) 
over five years on 10 farms in the Midwestern United States. Looking at all the 
production and management information from each farm, they were able to 
estimate greenhouse gas emissions and net energy inputs to outputs. After a 
life-cycle analysis, the results were very positive: greenhouse gas emissions 
from switchgrass-derived cellulosic ethanol on the farms were 94 per cent lower 
than if the energy had come from gasoline.


Another benefit of switchgrass, and part of the reason for its success in the 
trials, is that it is a native prairie grass that grows on agriculturally 
marginal land. This means that fewer chemical inputs are required to maintain 
the crop and makes it less likely that growing large crops of switchgrass would 
take away land that would otherwise be used for food production.


Biofuels have the potential to help reduce pollution and global warming 
emissions, as well as the regional conflicts caused by our dependence on fossil 
fuels. But choosing the right fuel crop for the right geographic area is 
critical, as is making sure that all social and environmental factors are 
considered. If we can overcome those hurdles, you can look for more biofuels 
made from waste wood, used vegetable oil, and yes, even algae, at our pumps in 
the future. 


Take David Suzuki's Nature Challenge and learn more at www.davidsuzuki.org.


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