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Robert Weissman
May 30, 2007

Well, at least he's not a war criminal.

George Bush's new selection to head the World Bank, Robert Zoellick 
has that over his predecessor, Paul Wolfowitz.

But can't the world demand a slightly higher standard?

The selection process for chief of the World Bank, which claims to be 
the world's preeminent anti-poverty institution, is preposterous. By 
tradition, the post goes to a U.S. citizen, to be selected by the 
U.S. President. There is no pretense of democracy at this 
international institution. Nor is there any pretense of demanding 
relevant development experience. None of the past presidents of the 
Bank, including Wolfowitz and Zoellick, has had any meaningful 
experience in development policy. There have been longstanding calls 
by people who actually care about development, and do have relevant 
expertise, to reform the Bank's archaic government structure.

But more important than the Bank's governing process are its policies.

The World Bank's great failings over the last decades are rooted in 
its commitment to the market fundamentalism known as "the Washington 
consensus." This is a set of maniacal market-oriented policies 
including: deregulation of the economy, opening countries up to 
capital inflows and outflows, removing all trade barriers and 
orienting economies to support exports, massive privatization 
(including even of such traditional government functions as customs 
collection), eliminating subsidies for basic necessities, rolling 
back legally guaranteed labor rights, cutting back on government 
services and restricting government spending. The Bank has also 
maintained a penchant for environmentally and socially destructive 
mega-development projects: big dams, oil and gas projects, 
road-building. The result has been a literal human disaster: the 
developing countries that have most closely hued to policies imposed 
by the World Bank (and its sister institution, the International 
Monetary Fund) have found themselves much poorer, less healthy and 
less educated than countries that have resisted Bank recommendations.

In one notable example, the Bank's historic support for user fees for 
education and healthcare has denied millions of children the right to 
schooling, and deprived millions of people access to healthcare.

The Wolfowitz controversy obscured the bigger issues at the Bank, and 
the questions now facing Zoellick:

- Will Zoellick oppose user fees for healthcare?

- Will he support robust public health systems that rely on public 
providers -- not wishful thinking about HMO-style schemes delivering 
health care in developing countries?

- Will he abandon support for water privatization?

- Will he end the Bank's heinous opposition to labor rights in its 
influential Doing Business report?

- Will he insist that countries be able to expand healthcare and 
education budgets, despite pressure from the International Monetary 

- Will he support the recommendations of Bank-supported expert 
investigations, and end support for mega-development projects?

As the U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Zoellick pushed market 
extremist policies akin to those of the Bank, in World Trade 
Organization negotiations, and especially in bilateral and regional 
trade agreement negotiations.

His very aggressive agenda as USTR included advocating for increased 
monopoly rights for drug companies, eliminating precautionary health 
measures, removing protections for small farmers and eliminating 
industrial tariffs in developing countries (a key element of the 
misnamed "Doha Development Round" of World Trade Organization talks 
that Zoellick helped kick off).

To be fair to Zoellick, every recent person in his post, Republican 
or Democrat, has pushed the same Big Business agenda that he did. And 
on pharmaceutical and patent issues -- some of the key considerations 
at USTR -- he did not do everything Big Pharma wanted, and sometimes 
really pushed against the industry's interests (until overridden by 
the White House.)

On the other hand, the fact that other former U.S. Trade 
Representatives pushed a broad Big Business agenda is hardly an 
argument for why Zoellick should be rewarded with the World Bank 
post. It is a better argument for why no former USTRs should be given 
the job.

And even though Zoellick had major conflicts with Big Pharma, he did 
at the end of the day deliver on almost everything the companies 
wanted. As my colleague Asia Russell of the AIDS activist 
organization Health GAP says, "It's very difficult to imagine the 
same Bob Zoellick who carried water for Big Pharma being the kind of 
advocate ministers of health need in order to expand their 
investments in salaries for doctors and nurses to address 6,000 
preventable AIDS deaths each day in Africa alone."

The same point could be echoed about the rest of Zoellick's 
performance as USTR.

Unless Zoellick makes a break from market fundamentalism, expect the 
World Bank to continue to generate rather than reduce poverty.

And yes, the world should demand better. For the immediate term, 
Zoellick should be pressed to make specific commitments to abandon 
key components of the Bank's failed preferred policy set. The longer 
term agenda must involve achieving not just better governance at the 
Bank, but a completely refashioned orientation.


* Zoellick does not seem to have been an active part of the 
Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal that concocted the case for the Iraq war and 
then carried it out, but he was (along with Paul Wolfowitz and 
others) a signer of the 1998 letter from the Project for a New 
American Century to Bill Clinton, urging Clinton "to turn your 
Administration's attention to implementing a strategy for removing 
Saddam's regime from power. This will require a full complement of 
diplomatic, political and military efforts."

Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational
Monitor, <> and director of
Essential Action <>.

(c) Robert Weissman

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