like arguing with a box of hammers "snip"

He he, This really struck my funny bone. I was asked during a recent api poll 
what the most important issue was in the upcoming election, the nice girl 
listed about everything BUT GW. Well I have to commend all those Patriots (both 
national and global) ({Global Patriot? you read it here first)}that continue to 
raise awareness of the biggest "little" issue.


AltEnergyNetwork wrote:

>Yes it is indeed very scary.
>While most people are convinced that the problem is real and needs to be
>acted on, I still have many arguements with sceptics in a couple of my groups. 
>These denialists
>are like argueing with a box of hammers and they still dismiss GW and 
>increasing extreme climate events
>as a liberal, econut plot.
> Perhaps they are infiltrators from some of those 60+ front orgs and "think 
> tanks" funded by big oil, dedicated to planting confusion about global 
> climate change. They are all well funded and continue  to state that GW is a 
> natural occurance and human emissions have nothing to do with it.
>Unbelievable, what some of these conservative blogs, 'news rags' and the 
>propaganda, misinformation and outright lies they still try to spread around. 
>We have to fight it on every front, develop solutions for mitigating some of 
>the problems that we have caused and learn to adapt to a damaged world.
>Fortunately the tide seems to be turning and politicos of all stripes are 
>stepping over themselves to show their 'green credentials'. Most now, finally 
>seem to be convinced that one of the best ways to a sustainable future is to 
>accelerate biofuels and all types of alternative energy into the mainstream 
>market. We'll see.
>> -------Original Message-------
>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New study shows Arctic ice coverage lowest-ever, 
>> decline accelerating -CP Wire - 2006.10.03
>> Sent: 07 Oct '06 03:45
>> Just for fun I fit a curve to the three rate of melt listed below The
>> formula that fit the curve on the conservative side was X^1/2+X =Y this
>> places the rate at 16.4% in five years.  THIS IS SCARY STUFF!!!
>> >Byline: BY BOB WEBER
>> >
>> >The ocean area covered by Arctic sea ice last summer
>> >was as low as it's ever been, according to a newly
>> >released study.
>> >And the rate of melting gets faster every year,
>> >suggesting that a self-perpetuating warming cycle
>> >predicted by climate change models is already at
>> >work, said the data released by the main American
>> >centre for ice studies.
>> >``Sea ice is not doing well and it has not recovered
>> >and it doesn't appear that it is going to recover,'' said
>> >Mark Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Data
>> >Centre in Boulder, Colo.
>> >Global warming is so far having its most dramatic
>> >effects in the North, so Arctic sea ice is considered to
>> >be one of the most important indicators of climate
>> >change.
>> >The ice also plays an important role in global climate
>> >because it affects the delicate balance of ocean
>> >salinity and temperature.
>> >As well, it's crucial for everything from polar bears
>> >who depend on the floe edge for much of their
>> >hunting to shippers on the lookout for more efficient
>> >routes between ports.
>> >Serreze's group uses data from satellites and weather
>> >stations to monitor the Arctic ice cap. Every fall,
>> >around mid-September, the centre releases a snapshot
>> >at the end of the summer melting season of what is
>> >called the sea ice minimum.
>> >This year's minimum, which occurred Sept. 14,
>> >showed the fourth-lowest extent of sea ice on a single
>> >day in 29 years of satellite records.
>> >When the entire month of September was considered,
>> >the amount of ocean either ice-covered or ice-choked
>> >was the second lowest on record. Only 2005 was
>> >lower.
>> >And when only ice-covered ocean was measured,
>> >2006 tied the worst year ever.
>> >``We just ran the numbers this morning,'' Serreze said
>> >Tuesday. ``It looks like we're in a dead tie with
>> >2002.''
>> >The study also found that the ice is melting faster
>> >than ever.
>> >>From 1979 to 2001, Arctic ice shrunk at the rate of
>> >6.5 per cent per decade. After 2002, that pace rose to
>> >7.3 per cent.
>> >By last year, the world was losing about eight per
>> >cent of its ice per decade. Now, the speed is 8.6 per
>> >cent.
>> >The accelerating rate conforms with what scientists
>> >call feedback loops.
>> >Dark, open seas absorb the sunlight that white ice
>> >would have reflected, so warming speeds up the more
>> >ice melts. As well, open seas generate more cloud
>> >cover, blanketing the ocean during the long Arctic
>> >winter and preventing temperatures from falling to
>> >normal levels.
>> >``These feedbacks are starting to kick in,'' said
>> >Serreze. ``I'm not terribly optimistic about the future
>> >of the ice.''
>> >If current trends hold, Arctic ice will be largely gone
>> >by 2060 _ a full decade earlier than the most
>> >pessimistic previous predictions, he suggested.
>> >Most of the ice losses are concentrated off Russia's
>> >Siberian coast.
>> >Winds and currents tend to push ice into Canada's
>> >High Arctic islands, so coverage there is only
>> >shrinking at 1.6 per cent per a decade, said John
>> >Falkingham, chief forecaster for the Canadian Ice
>> >Service.
>> >``We expect that the last ice that will remain in the
>> >Arctic Ocean will be in Canadian waters,''
>> >Falkingham said. ``The Northwest Passage will be
>> >the last place the ice will melt out of.''
>> >While ice conditions can vary wildly from year to
>> >year, Falkingham said the overall trend is clear.
>> >``We're seeing decreasing amounts.''
>> >This September saw the second-lowest amount of ice
>> >in the Canadian Arctic, he said. Only 1998 had less.
>> >
>> >Copyright (c) 2006 The Canadian Press
>> >
>> >
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