Arab TV Crew Says Found 40 Dead US Soldiers

The following appeared in the letters section of

"Sanwa ata Mosahra reporting. A film crew from al-Minar TV, a 
television network of Lebanon, stumbled across the bodies of about 40 
US soldiers scattered in the desert outside Maseriah. Ali Fawsua a 
camera man for al-Minar said "It was obvious the soldiers had been in 
a major battle as there was empty ammunition casing everywhere".
"We searched around but could not find any dead Iraqi soldiers and 
must be thinking they took their dead and injured away from the 
battle" he added.
"We called on our satellite phone to our base camp and told them what 
we had found and they told the Americans where we were located".
"Soon some American helicopters came to us and the Americans took all 
our camera and recording equipment and smashed it. They told us to 
leave the area and say nothing of this finding".
"When we arrived back at our base to the south there were American 
military police everywhere and they destroyed all of our equipment 
and told us to leave Iraq immediately".
al-Minar has lodged a complaint with the IJCO and US with a claim for 
compensation for the many thousands dollars of destroyed equipment.
Islamic Republic News Agency ( I R N A )HeadLines News
USWAR/Some 40 US soldiers killed, injured or missed in Naseriah

  Tehran, March 24, IRNA -- Some 40 US soldiers have been killed,
injured or missed in Naseriah, said Lebanese TV al-Minar on Monday.
     Al-Minar said dead bodies of the US soldiers had been found near
     Meanwhile, Qatari al-Jazeera TV put number of Iraqi losses in
Monday bombardment of Baghdad at five, including a woman.

Nassiriyah Turns Into a Nightmare
Peter Baker, The Washington Post

CAMP VIPER, Southern Iraq 

Death Alley

Mar 30 2003

Prayers for fallen, then back to war 

City buildings are the jungles of Iraq
Christopher Bellamy, The Independent

LONDON, 29 March 2003

Report: Rumseld Ignored Pentagon Advice on Iraq
Saturday, March 29, 2003; 5:33 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly 
rejected advice from Pentagon planners that substantially more troops 
and armor would be needed to fight a war in Iraq, New Yorker Magazine 

... Hersh, however, quoted the former intelligence official as saying 
the war was now a stalemate.

Much of the supply of Tomahawk cruise missiles has been expended, 
aircraft carriers were going to run out of precision guided bombs and 
there were serious maintenance problems with tanks, armored vehicles 
and other equipment, the article said.

"The only hope is that they can hold out until reinforcements 
arrive," the former official said...
Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

U.S. Land Advance Could Pause for Weeks-Military
Sun March 30, 2003 06:14 AM ET

CENTRAL IRAQ (Reuters) - Some U.S. troops said on Sunday they had 
been told a pause in land advances from the south toward Baghdad 
could be extended by several weeks because of overstretched supply 
lines and stiff Iraqi resistance.

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