Re: [Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published]

2003-04-07 Thread ozge seven

Hakan Bey,

…ncelikle gemiß olsun dileklerimi sunmak isterim, umaràm bŸyŸk bir 
problemle karßà karßàya deÝilsinizdir. Biz yeni bir proje dahilinde 
biodiesel yakàt Ÿretme alàßmalaràmàzà tamamlamak Ÿzereyiz. Sizlerele 
konumuz dahilindeki bilgilerimizi paylaßarak daha ileri fikirler Ÿretmek 
…zge SEVEN

From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is  
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 12:42:35 +0200

Dear Tejinder,

Just came from the hospital and sorry if the answer is short.
I would like to expand on this at a later stage. In the article  I am saying

Biofuels are local economy solutions and therefore not
sensitive to world market prices, trade balances and
international pricing. Biofuels will follow the relative and
local models for food and labor costs. Development of a
sustainable agriculture and growing energy will help each
other and provide for sustainability and security.

This basically means that the biofuel economy is more to
compare with certain parts of construction industry, that
normally are used to bridge economic cycles. This because
its independence of foreign trade. Developing countries who
often have an exchange rate that are low to the $ or Euro, with
low production costs, should give competitive low prices for

The system that give low priced goods for developed countries,
also automatically give low priced biofuels in the developing country.
It is more a question of the leaders political will and independence.
The latter could be a major problem, with the behavior of oil interests
and developed countries that are interested in a status quo.


At 12:02 AM 4/4/2003 +0550, you wrote:
 what would Bio Diesel cost?

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Re: [Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published]

2003-04-05 Thread Hakan Falk

Dear Tejinder,

Just came from the hospital and sorry if the answer is short.
I would like to expand on this at a later stage. In the article  I am saying

Biofuels are local economy solutions and therefore not
sensitive to world market prices, trade balances and
international pricing. Biofuels will follow the relative and
local models for food and labor costs. Development of a
sustainable agriculture and growing energy will help each
other and provide for sustainability and security.

This basically means that the biofuel economy is more to
compare with certain parts of construction industry, that
normally are used to bridge economic cycles. This because
its independence of foreign trade. Developing countries who
often have an exchange rate that are low to the $ or Euro, with
low production costs, should give competitive low prices for

The system that give low priced goods for developed countries,
also automatically give low priced biofuels in the developing country.
It is more a question of the leaders political will and independence.
The latter could be a major problem, with the behavior of oil interests
and developed countries that are interested in a status quo.


At 12:02 AM 4/4/2003 +0550, you wrote:
what would Bio Diesel cost?

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Re: [Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published]

2003-04-03 Thread Tejinder Singh

what would Bio Diesel cost?

Darryl McMahon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   MIME Type:Êmultipart/alternative 
Hi Hakan, sorry about the delay, but I got busy preparing a presentation that
gave last night on the Hydrogen Economy.  Sadly, the overhead projector
was not available, so it made for a rather dry and awkward evening, at least
the question and answer session, which was quite animated.  

I hope the surgery goes well.

This time I am trying a new notation for the suggested changes.  Additions
will be 
shown like [+addition+] and deletions as [-deletion-].  I think this will make
stand out better, as some of my previous suggestions were missed.  It's not
easy to 
really make them show in simple text formatting.  Let me know if you think
is an improvement.

Darryl McMahon
Biofuel business in developing countries.
A personal perspective.
by Hakan Falk at Energy Saving Now. (

The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant
today. But such oils may become, in the course of time, as important as
petroleum and coal tar products of the present time.
Rudolph Diesel, German Engineer - 1912

To implement and introduce biofuels in the market for a developing
country should be both easier and give larger benefits than for a
developed country. It is certain that any country's development is to
the greatest extent dependent on the availability of energy resources.
Without energy it is not possible to develop the country. This document
is not only aimed at helping prospective biofuel producers, but does
also include information and suggestions for leaders, politicians and
governmental programs. Feel free to use it, if you need it. We would of
course appreciate if you keep references to Energy Saving Now and Journey to Forever

North America alone, uses close to 2 times of the total fossil fuel
in all the developing countries. The average annual discoveries of new
oil reserves is now only 30% of current use. If the current suggested
mixes of biofuel in fossil fuel (E10 and B20) are fully implemented in
the developed countries, the saving will be the same as the developing
countries total use, but only cover 15 years of expected growth in the
developed countries. [-It-][+There+] is no space to develop for the
countries, with energy from fossil fuels[-, i-[[+. I+]t [+will +]only
reinforce the 

Energy is key for food, housing, production and transportation. There is
nothing more important for a developing country than a good energy plan,
that can be economically feasible and sustainable with growth of the
activities in the country. The plan must be aimed to supply affordable
energy for all aspects of society, if not, the country has no chance to
escape the poverty trap. The energy supply must be resistant to
disturbances of different kind[+s+]. The best model will have a diversified
supply of energy sources and energy production. Central energy
production and distribution[-,-] will be sensitive to social disturbances,
price fixing and monopoly rule.

To describe and evaluate the biofuel business opportunities in
developing countries, I felt that a thorough explanation of the
technologies behind it would be helpful and necessary. For preparation
of this document, I enjoyed the strong support from Keith Addison's and
Midori Hiraga's web site Journey to Forever (JTF), which is the most interesting and
comprehensive site for Biofuels we have found. It is the only site that
in depth connects sustainable agriculture and living in developing
countries, with sustainable energy production. You will find many link
references in this document and we are grateful for their cooperation
and dedication to the issues.

Availability of Fossil Fuels.
This is estimated in several ways, depending on who is doing the
estimates. The most usual value is Known Oil Reserves divided by Yearly
Oil Production or consumption (R/P), which theoretically should give you
the number of years that you can continue to produce oil. In this case
there is no consideration[-s-] given to new discoveries of oil or the cost
(price) to recover the oil. The value today is around 40 years. The
yearly consumption today is around 30 gigabarrels and the known oil
reserves around 1,000+ gigabarrels.

Reserves can also include an estimate on the undiscovered oil reserves,
based on geological conditions and past experiences. This is of course
much more difficult. If we look at the last 7 years, the new discoveries
have been 10 gigabarrels a year. Assuming that this continue, the R/P is
around 80 years.

The Middle East has the largest oil reserves. Iraq and 

Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-04-03 Thread Darryl McMahon

Hi Hakan, sorry about the delay, but I got busy preparing a presentation that I 
gave last night on the Hydrogen Economy.  Sadly, the overhead projector 
was not available, so it made for a rather dry and awkward evening, at least 
the question and answer session, which was quite animated.  

I hope the surgery goes well.

This time I am trying a new notation for the suggested changes.  Additions will 
shown like [+addition+] and deletions as [-deletion-].  I think this will make 
stand out better, as some of my previous suggestions were missed.  It's not 
easy to 
really make them show in simple text formatting.  Let me know if you think this
is an improvement.

Darryl McMahon
Biofuel business in developing countries.
A personal perspective.
by Hakan Falk at Energy Saving Now. (

The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant
today. But such oils may become, in the course of time, as important as
petroleum and coal tar products of the present time.
Rudolph Diesel, German Engineer - 1912

To implement and introduce biofuels in the market for a developing
country should be both easier and give larger benefits than for a
developed country. It is certain that any country's development is to
the greatest extent dependent on the availability of energy resources.
Without energy it is not possible to develop the country. This document
is not only aimed at helping prospective biofuel producers, but does
also include information and suggestions for leaders, politicians and
governmental programs. Feel free to use it, if you need it. We would of
course appreciate if you keep references to Energy Saving Now and Journey to Forever

North America alone, uses close to 2 times of the total fossil fuel 
in all the developing countries. The average annual discoveries of new
oil reserves is now only 30% of current use. If the current suggested
mixes of biofuel in fossil fuel (E10 and B20) are fully implemented in
the developed countries, the saving will be the same as the developing
countries total use, but only cover 15 years of expected growth in the
developed countries. [-It-][+There+] is no space to develop for the developing
countries, with energy from fossil fuels[-, i-[[+. I+]t [+will +]only reinforce 

Energy is key for food, housing, production and transportation. There is
nothing more important for a developing country than a good energy plan,
that can be economically feasible and sustainable with growth of the
activities in the country. The plan must be aimed to supply affordable
energy for all aspects of society, if not, the country has no chance to
escape the poverty trap. The energy supply must be resistant to
disturbances of different kind[+s+]. The best model will have a diversified
supply of energy sources and energy production. Central energy
production and distribution[-,-] will be sensitive to social disturbances,
price fixing and monopoly rule.

To describe and evaluate the biofuel business opportunities in
developing countries, I felt that a thorough explanation of the
technologies behind it would be helpful and necessary. For preparation
of this document, I enjoyed the strong support from Keith Addison's and
Midori Hiraga's web site Journey to Forever (JTF), which is the most interesting and
comprehensive site for Biofuels we have found. It is the only site that
in depth connects sustainable agriculture and living in developing
countries, with sustainable energy production. You will find many link
references in this document and we are grateful for their cooperation
and dedication to the issues.

Availability of Fossil Fuels.
This is estimated in several ways, depending on who is doing the
estimates. The most usual value is Known Oil Reserves divided by Yearly
Oil Production or consumption (R/P), which theoretically should give you
the number of years that you can continue to produce oil. In this case
there is no consideration[-s-] given to new discoveries of oil or the cost
(price) to recover the oil. The value today is around 40 years. The
yearly consumption today is around 30 gigabarrels and the known oil
reserves around 1,000+ gigabarrels.

Reserves can also include an estimate on the undiscovered oil reserves,
based on geological conditions and past experiences. This is of course
much more difficult. If we look at the last 7 years, the new discoveries
have been 10 gigabarrels a year. Assuming that this continue, the R/P is
around 80 years.

The Middle East has the largest oil reserves. Iraq and Saudi Arabia have
more than half of those. According to Professor Hubbert's calculations
for production from finite resources, Middle East is at the moment at
the peak of production capacity and will not have the capacity 

Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-04-03 Thread Darryl McMahon

Sorry, that last one was meant to go just to Hakan.


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Re: [biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-04-03 Thread Keith Addison

Sorry, that last one was meant to go just to Hakan.


Never mind, it's a good article, worth re-airing. To compound the 
error, here's the url:



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[biofuel] Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-03-31 Thread Hakan Falk

After Darryl and Keith helped me with language, as foreigner I try
to make it as good as possible, but I am really grateful and in need
of help.

Levent, Mauro and others came with very good comments and as
it is a web publication, I am open for other valuable suggestion and

Feel free to print it, republish or refer to it. Would be producers,
politicians and authorities need all info and suggestions that
they can get.

Luis published also his Yeast selection vs. investment levels
for Ethanol production plants, which I think is valuable info.

It is many, especially in developing countries, that read but do
not post to the list. If you want to make any comments or have
questions, mail me at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


If you want to take a look on a project
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A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to
how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world
being round that agitated people, but that the world
wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has
been sold to the masses over generations, the truth
will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving
lunatic.  -- Dresden James

No flag is large enough to cover the shame of
killing innocent people -- Howard Zinn

Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.
We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may
wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm
wrinkles the soul. - Unknown

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