I Want My ZEV

   The MoJournal   

I Want My ZEV

Automakers say they shouldn't have to make as many zero-emission cars 
as California law requires, because no one is buying them. But we 
found plenty of folks looking for entire fleets of green cars and 
being turned away, because there aren't enough on the market.

by Amos Kenigsberg
Jan. 23, 2001

DaimlerChrysler executives congratulate themselves on their long-range, 
zero-emission prototype in 1999.

This week, automakers will try to convince California officials to 
relax regulations requiring them to bring thousands of electric cars 
to market in the next two years, arguing that there simply isn't 
enough demand for the "zero-emissions vehicles." But a survey has found prospective buyers all over the 
state eager to buy thousands of electric cars -- if only they were 

Currently, the so-called ZEV mandate requires the industry to produce 
around 23,000 electric vehicles for sale in 2003. The California Air 
Resources Board is considering a proposal to reduce that number to as 
low as 4,600. Environmentalists charge that the state can't afford to 
water down the regulation any further; since CARB adopted the mandate 
in 1990, it has already slashed the number of ZEVs by more than half. 
California's stance on ZEVs may well affect other parts of the 
country, because the federal Clean Air Act allows states to follow 
either federal emission requirements or tougher standards set by 

Carmakers, however, insist that there's no way they can comply with 
the regulation because demand for battery-powered cars -- the only 
ones that currently qualify as ZEVs -- is nowhere near CARB's current 
quota. "Our conclusion is that there is no sustainable customer 
demand at this time," DaimlerChrysler representative Reg Modlin 
testified to CARB last year.

The manufacturers point out that electric vehicles, despite major 
advances in the past two decades, are still saddled with two 
significant drawbacks: Their ranges are shorter than gasoline cars 
and they take longer to recharge than ordinary vehicles take to 
refuel. One Toyota/GM-sponsored survey went so far as to claim that 
an all-electric vehicle would have to be approximately "$28,000 less 
expensive than a comparable internal-combustion vehicle before 
(consumers) would agree to own and drive it." Car companies 
brandished the study before CARB last year, saying it showed that the 
ZEV mandate was just a well-intentioned pipe dream.

But many buyers of battery cars say the automakers have it all 
backwards: It's a lack of supply, they claim, not demand, that's 
really holding the vehicles back.

Pacific Gas and Electric, which uses about 4,000 light-duty vehicles 
in its fleet, began phasing in electric vehicles in the late 1990s. 
The utility currently uses about 30 electric vehicles; Kent Harris, 
head of PG&E's electric vehicle program, says he would like to 
replace up to 1,500 of the company's gas vehicles with electric ones, 
but the carmakers aren't providing any more. "Unfortunately, the 
production plans have been fairly limited," he says. "We take what we 
can get."

Other fleet operators in California have run into similar 
bottlenecks. Ed Kjaer, the director of electric transportation at 
Southern California Edison, says he heads up the largest electric 
fleet in the US, with about 320 electric vehicles. But he says that 
last year, the utility wanted to buy 120 more, but could only find a 
handful. Until their current economic woes cancelled all fleet 
expansion plans, the company was interested in buying up to another 
200 electric vehicles every year, he added.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's 280-vehicle fleet currently 
includes about 20 electric vehicles, but the fleet manager says 
dozens more could be switched to electric if the supply were 
adequate. And San Francisco, a city that has taken aggressive steps 
to use more electric vehicles, has also been stymied by the lack of 
supply. City parking officials, for instance, recently went shopping 
for ZEVs; unable to find enough that fit their needs, the department 
ended up buying 30 more gasoline-powered vehicles, says Rick Ruvolo, 
head of the city's clean air program. "The lack of availability of 
cars is a major threat to this entire program," says Ruvolo.

The US Postal Service recently ordered some 480 battery vehicles for 
use in California and is interested in buying up to 6,000 over the 
next few years. They haven't received any of the vehicles yet, says 
the coordinator of the program, but don't anticipate any supply 

All told, the sampling of fleet operators in California contacted by expressed interest in buying up to about 9,000 
vehicles over the next few years. And there are dozens of other 
fleets across the state.

In addition to organized demand from institutions, there is clear 
evidence of demand from private individuals. Many fleet operators 
report that after driving electric vehicles at work and seeing that 
they're generally reliable and feasible, some workers turn their 
sights on buying ones for themselves. All too often, however, they 
run into the same problem: Commercially available ZEVs are few and 
far between.

In Vacaville, Calif., a small city between San Francisco and 
Sacramento, transportation systems manager Ed Huestis started up a 
program in 1998 to encourage electric vehicle use. With the help of 
federal, state and regional funding, Huestis' program subsidizes the 
cost of leasing electric vehicles to bring them in line with that of 
gasoline cars. Huestis found that with this modest economic 
incentives, many people were happy to hop into battery-powered cars. 
About a dozen Vacaville residents, including Huestis himself, have 
leased vehicles through the program so far -- and the only thing 
preventing more locals from getting behind an electric automobile's 
wheel is a lack of supply. Huestis has a waiting list of over 100 
people eager to pick up their own ZEVs.

If one assumed that a similar proportion of drivers statewide was 
interested in buying electric vehicles, that would mean more than 
40,000 people waiting for their own battery-powered cars -- almost 
double the number of cars for sale demanded by the ZEV mandate in 
2003. And that tally only includes the numbers of people who are 
willing to enter their names on a waiting list and try their luck 
with the spotty supply pattern of electric vehicles. It doesn't count 
the number of people who would buy or lease cars the standard way: 
heading to their local dealer and picking up their vehicles there.

Like many ZEV buyers, Bob Seldon, a GM EV1 owner from Santa Monica, 
raves about the electric experience. "It's probably the closest thing 
to perfection I've ever driven," he says, impressed with the quieter 
ride, being able to charge his car at home and, of course, the 
ecological benefit. "I have no intention of going back to gasoline."

Consumers in other states have run into similar supply shortages. The 
Georgia Power Company, for instance, currently helps its employees 
lease over 100 battery cars and would go for more -- up to 100 per 
year -- if supply could keep up with their demand. Officials in the 
company also bemoan the fact that some of the most preferable models 
are simply not available in Georgia.

GM spokesman Jeff Kuhlman says that while consumers might say they 
intend to buy ZEVs, "no one ever came forward with an order as big" 
as the purchase order that Georgia Power now claims to want to make.

Ford Motor Company spokesman Brendan Prebo says that while Ford did 
notice a bona fide demand for Ford's battery vehicles, the demand for 
such freeway-capable electric cars would never be enough to justify 
making them.

True enough, at present battery-powered cars do cost far more to 
produce than their gasoline-powered counterparts, and are typically 
sold at a loss. The manufacturing-cost discrepancy can largely be 
attributed to electric vehicles' small production runs; while each 
major automaker turns out millions of internal combustion vehicles 
every year, they only produce hundreds of battery vehicles and 
therefore can't take advantage of mass production techniques that 
would bring the cost down dramatically. "With an economy of scale, 
you might solve the cost problem" of electric vehicles, acknowledges 

ZEV suporters and automakers disagree on how many battery vehicles 
the companies would have to make bring costs down near that of 
gasoline vehicles, but critics charge the car companies have done 
next to nothing to ramp up production levels at all. Ruvolo says one 
auto company official confided to him that the company refused to 
demonstrate one of its battery models in San Francisco, knowing it 
would generate demand for the costly vehicle.

If CARB lowers its quota, and with it the supply of electric cars, it 
may be a long time before anyone finds out just how many drivers 
really are interested in ecologically friendly vehicles.

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