Re: [biofuel] More cowflops

2001-07-30 Thread Appal Energy

Come on Ed.

First of all, the screens you choose to sit in front of or place between
yourself and your monitor are a matter of personal choice, not inflicted
upon you and your community by industry and government.

Second of all, the dissemination of dis-, mis- and just plain erroneous
information pertaining to energy issues - no matter nuclear or other - when
the proliferation of these industries will detract from the furthering of
biofuels in both volume and time frame, inevitably detracting from human
health and environmental quality, is precisely on topic.

My earlier apology at the onset of my initial response to Mr. Piolenc was
more a matter of courtesy to those who might be offended by such overt
expression of disbelief and the occasional soul who might not see the
relevance between biofuels and the rest of the energy industry web.

If one wishes to attain critical mass in the biofuels sector, one must also
address how critical mass is obtained in other energy sectors and debunk the
information on which their critical mass is obtained and maintained.

Todd Swearingen
Appal Energy

> I don't worry about this radiation stuff at all. In fact, I sit in front
> a radiation device for hours a day reading bandwidth-wasting discussions
> arguments about off topic posts.
> Ed B.

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Would you like syrup on your cow pie sir? was Re: [biofuel] More cowflops

2001-07-30 Thread Appal Energy

Young Master Piolenc,

I am rather concerned with what you represent as "fact(s)" to the rest of
the readers in this forum relative to low dose radiation.

Would you be so kind as to point a person to the studies that refute what
has become a universally accepted understanding of how cellular damage
occurs as a result of ionized radiation exposure?

It is a bit disappointing that you attempt to entirely dismiss the actual
mechanics of cellular disrepair and mutation as a result of radiation
exposure (all sorts and all levels) by leap-frogging past the mechanics to
what you profess to be study results pertaining to an anomalous group that
warrants complete dismissal of all concern relative to low-dose exposure.

It is also a bit disappointing - and extremely misleading - that those who
site the occupational hazard of airline pilots - an environment that
provides less of an atmospheric "shield" than most other occupational
environments only if you take away the airplane - not only fail to take into
account the inordinate amount of "armor" that surrounds them when drawing
comparison (aluminum, stainless, nickel, silver, copper, gold, almost ad
infinitum), but also have conveniently failed to include in their
extrapolations the balance of flight crews who are not as equally shielded
as the cockpit crew.

So called scientific studies comparing airline pilots to residents in
proximity to nuclear facilities are not only incomplete, inaccurate and
misleading at first glance, but throughout.

Air, water, soil and direct contamination from "incidental" and accidental
releases, their accumulation and cumulative impact, exact considerably
different results upon living tissue than the armor clad environment
subjected to natural radiation which you choose to use as substantiation of
your claim.

Thus, I must ask again that you considerately make these aberrational
studies which you "reference" available to the list so that they may be
reviewed by all.

Anything less could be construed as evasive and malicious conduct - duplicit
to what you have accused environmental proponents of in the past.

As for your dodging the following inquiry.

>> "Further, perhaps you would care to explain what gives you or any others
>> the
>> right to subject human populations to the more devastating events posed
>> by
>> higher levels of radiation released via inevitable mechanical failures
>> and
>> human error?"

> I'm not subjecting them to anything - aviators and mountaineers get
> dosed at higher rates than the NRC allows in the normal course of
> events.

... I suppose I should better qualify the question, as you apparently
"missed" the implication of nuclear technolgy and its inevitable human
error, supplanting it with an occupational choice to expose oneself to
natural phenomena.

Rather, the implication was and the rephrased question is "What gives anyone
the right to make decisions that subject ground based human populations to
higher levels of radiation - a result of implementing failure prone nuclear
processing and production technologies -  than they would normally be
exposed to in their natural life?"

As for the implication that you are "personally" responsible for the
implementation of nuclear technology, while perhaps an accidentally broad
and unintentional assertion, you remain on the hook for your dissemination
of inaccurate and incomplete information, which may tend to sway others into
making decisions based upon errant inputs.

Also, relative to the following, would you please be so kind as to refrain
from future attempts to obfuscate, side track or derail a point of
discourse? The thesis and theme was - as you well know - not whether
humanity should forego airline transport in favor of reduced radiation
exposure to pedestrian or pedal traffic.

Rather, the theme was the inherrant increase in radiation exposure as a
result of the proliferation of nuclear industries.

>> "Increased exposure levels or opportunity for receiving increased
>> exposure is
>> not "acceptable.""

> You are of course welcome to decide what dose rates YOU are willing to
> accept, and to travel by surface conveyance and avoid visits to high
> places. As long as I remain free to choose otherwise, it ain't my
> business - only your loss.

Funny that - not only the attempted derailing, but the fact that my choice
of dose rate and the choice of hundreds of millions of others has been
ignored by government and industry for more than half a century.
Finally, would you please be so kind as to refrain from "cut and paste"
methods in your replies? Several have noted that it is almost impossible for
anyone stepping into the discussion to discern where the text from the
initial composer stops and the respondent's words begin.

>From what I gather, you may be loathe to have anyone mistakenly exchange my
understanding of fact for yours.

Todd Swearingen
Appal Energy

Post Script:

Lest you be too terribly concerned that I avail my

Re: [biofuel] More cowflops

2001-07-30 Thread Ed Beggs

I don't worry about this radiation stuff at all. In fact, I sit in front of
a radiation device for hours a day reading bandwidth-wasting discussions and
arguments about off topic posts.

Ed B.

> From: Harmon Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Maddog Press
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 10:00:27 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] More cowflops
> "F. Marc de Piolenc" wrote:
>> - commercial aviators experience exposure levels in excess of NRC
>> standards; if they were under NRC jurisdiction they would all have to
>> retire early, having exceeded allowable "life doses" that are based on
>> precisely the arguments that you adduce.
> And your explanation of why pregnant stewardesses,passengers, and
> pilots are warned against flying by the FAA and other authorities. and even
> banned by major airlines is what? They specifically site the radiation
> danger. Try doing a google search on pregnant & radiation & airline.
> --
> Harmon Seaver, MLIS
> CyberShamanix
> Work 920-203-9633   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Home 920-233-5820 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [biofuel] More cowflops

2001-07-29 Thread Harmon Seaver

"F. Marc de Piolenc" wrote:

> - commercial aviators experience exposure levels in excess of NRC
> standards; if they were under NRC jurisdiction they would all have to
> retire early, having exceeded allowable "life doses" that are based on
> precisely the arguments that you adduce.

   And your explanation of why pregnant stewardesses,passengers, and
pilots are warned against flying by the FAA and other authorities. and even
banned by major airlines is what? They specifically site the radiation
danger. Try doing a google search on pregnant & radiation & airline.

Harmon Seaver, MLIS
Work 920-203-9633   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home 920-233-5820 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[biofuel] More cowflops

2001-07-29 Thread F. Marc de Piolenc

"Message: 4
   Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 12:36:27 -0400
   From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't Make Pancakes out of Cowflop was Re: Cowflops

"Following your train of thought, that "Junk science is junk science if
ignores contrary - and readily
available - facts," it would be appreciated if you would submit your
of scientific study that substantiate your claim that low dose radiation
a myth and refute the extensive studies of the best minds in the field."

"All studies extant, to the knowledge of everyone in this office, have
acknowledged that virtually every track of ionized radiation that passes
through a cell nucleus (where mutation occurs) carries the potential to
damage the nucleus and often does in a manner that is irreparable or
repaired wrong (read "mutation")."

"The exacting of damage to any nucleus does not depend upon the strength
radiation, whether it be from a low or high dose exposure, but simply
an electron path or track passes through the nucleus."

Yes, yes, yes - I am familiar with the CLAIM and the ARGUMENT on which
it is based - INTIMATELY familiar. Fortunately for Mankind, the argument
fails utterly to satisfy known FACTS, to wit:

- commercial aviators experience exposure levels in excess of NRC
standards; if they were under NRC jurisdiction they would all have to
retire early, having exceeded allowable "life doses" that are based on
precisely the arguments that you adduce.

- in actuality, however, many have careers spanning decades and
including tens of thousands of hours spent at altitudes where ionizing
radiation is many times surface background.

- but they don't have greater incidence of radiation-related illnesses
than any other group in the general population.

Therefore the "no safe dose" argument fails. My favorite parallel is to
the argument by qualified scientists that meteorite falls were
impossible: "stones cannot fall from the sky because there are no stones
in the sky." Of course, there were. And there are safe doses of

"Further, perhaps you would care to explain what gives you or any others
right to subject human populations to the more devastating events posed
higher levels of radiation released via inevitable mechanical failures
human error?"

I'm not subjecting them to anything - aviators and mountaineers get
dosed at higher rates than the NRC allows in the normal course of

"Increased exposure levels or opportunity for receiving increased
exposure is
not "acceptable.""

You are of course welcome to decide what dose rates YOU are willing to
accept, and to travel by surface conveyance and avoid visits to high
places. As long as I remain free to choose otherwise, it ain't my
business - only your loss.

Marc de Piolenc

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