A couple of months old, but some interesting info nonetheless.


Foreign Policy In Focus | Global Affairs Commentary

Two Futures, and a Choice

By Tom Athanasiou
March 6, 2003

Editor: John Gershman, Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC)
Editor's Note: This piece was commissioned under the auspices of the 
Project Against the Present Danger.

Whether to invade Iraq, and whether to act aggressively to prevent 
catastrophic climate change may seem to be two separate decisions, 
but in fact they represent a single fateful choice about the future.

The war, it seems, is now all but inevitable. The Bush people are 
committed, and so too, inescapably, are we. For despite all we know 
about bombings and bitterness, and all we can safely predict about 
"unintended consequences," the lock is in. The problem now is to 
compose a decent protest sign.

The climatic future, for its part, is still open, but it's closing in 
significant ways, and more rapidly than most people realize. And this 
despite the fact that 2002, for all its other grim distinctions, was 
also the year in which the "greenhouse skeptics" were finally 
recognized as the spiritual cousins of tobacco company PR men. Let 
one fact stand for them all: the Arctic ice is melting, fast; before 
the end of the century, polar bears will be extinct outside of zoos.

Furthermore, the climate negotiations are in trouble. And, frankly, 
it's looking less and less likely that we're going to be able to make 
it down into the "soft landing corridor," to arrive, shaken but 
alive, somewhere this side of climate catastrophe. The problem has a 
million faces, but the U.S. effort to destroy the Kyoto Protocol 
certainly looms large among them. It comes to this: we Americans are 
only 4% of the world's population, but we emit 25% of its greenhouse 
gases. Moreover, we claim this vast atmospheric space as if it were 
our birthright. We won't pay for it--which is ultimately what the 
climate negotiations demand--and, indeed, our government seems 
increasingly willing to use force to protect our "access" to the 
cheap oil that, burned in the bellies of SUVs, rises again as carbon 
dioxide, and engenders floods, droughts, famines, and extinctions 
around the world.

One recent protest sign asked "Just war or just oil?" Alas, we know 
the answer all too well. The administration's view, after all, is 
available for all to read in the May 2001 report of the National 
Energy Policy Development Group, better known as the "Cheney Report." 
Here we learn that the vice president expects U.S. oil imports to 
rise from 52% of total consumption in 1999 to over 70% percent in 
2020, and that because total oil use will also rise, the U.S. will 
have to import 60% more oil in 2020 than it does today; Cheney's team 
sees U.S. oil imports rising from the current 10.4 million barrels 
per day to an estimated 16.7 million barrels per day in 2020.

These are, of course, badly cooked numbers, relying on strangely low 
projections of domestic oil production, and linear extrapolations of 
oil consumption. Cheney didn't say that oil consumption "will rise," 
but rather that it "would have to grow." As in "To meet U.S. oil 
demand [in 2020] oil and product imports would have to grow by a 
combined 7.5 million barrels per day." It's a big difference: not a 
statement of fact, but a choice of a future.

But many analysts, including those at the Department of Energy's own 
National Laboratories and Boston's Tellus Institute, have shown that 
there is another future, a cleaner but not poorer future in which oil 
imports can be reduced without drilling in America's remaining 
wilderness areas. The DOE's Clean Energy Futures study shows that 
U.S. oil consumption can remain near 2000 levels through 2020--a 21% 
reduction below their own "business as usual" projections and more 
than 30% below Cheney's inflated numbers--without harming the economy 
one whit. And Tellus' 2001 report, The American Way to the Kyoto 
Protocol, goes further, projecting even greater reductions in both 
energy use and greenhouse pollution at a net savings of $50 billion 
per year.

None of these scenarios eliminate U.S. oil imports completely; nor do 
they reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to a long-term, sustainable 
per capita level. But they show that policies and technologies 
available today can put us on a new path--a path to both a cleaner 
environment and real global cooperation.

That path, of course, would be a long one, and full of surprises. But 
unlike the path that the Cheney team would have us think inevitable, 
it would open into a future worth having.

And it's there to be taken.

(Tom Athanasiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is the co-author of Dead Heat: 
Global Justice and Global Warming and a regular contributor to 
Foreign Policy In Focus (online at www.fpif.org).)

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