Re: [biofuel] Weapons of Mass Distraction

2003-04-30 Thread Keith Addison

 Fairness  Accuracy In Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and activism

ABC's Weapons Scoop Turns Up Empty

April 29, 2003

On April 26, ABC's World News Tonight led with a major scoop.  Anchor
Claire Shipman announced at the top of the broadcast, U.S. troops
discover chemical agents, missiles, and what could be a mobile laboratory
in Iraq. An ABC News exclusive.  But ABC's exclusive, as it turns out,
appears to be false.

The April 26 report began: The U.S. military has found a weapons site 130
miles northwest of Baghdad that has initially tested positive for chemical
agents. Among the materials there, 14 55-gallon drums, at least a dozen
missiles and 150 gas masks.  Correspondent David Wright explained,
Preliminary tests showed it to be a mixture of three chemicals, including
a nerve agent and a blistering agent.  Wright added that an Army
lieutenant says the tests have an accuracy of 98 percent.

While expressing some reservations, Wright called it by far the most
promising find in the search for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction,
especially since it included what his military source told him looks like
a mobile laboratory.

Perhaps somewhat self-consciously, ABC followed Wright's report with a
short segment about weapons claims that have turned out to be false
alarms.  But ABC continued to pump the story the next day, with Wright
appearing on This Week to explain that what may turn out to be a very
significant find are these mobile laboratories, which appear to have a
pumping apparatus as well as machinery to mix chemicals.

The story led World News Tonight again on Sunday, as anchor Carole Simpson
explained that for the second day in a row, some of the preliminary tests
have come back positive for chemical agents.

But the report also noted one new development: the arrival of a Mobile
Exploitation Team (MET Bravo), which conducts its own testing of suspected
weapons sites.  When those tests were done, the story had changed
significantly.  According to an April 28 report in the New York Times, the
MET Bravo team has tentatively concluded that there are no chemical
weapons at a site where American troops said they had found chemical
agents and mobile labs.  As a member of the team told the Times, the
earlier reports were wrong.

Reporters should be cautious when preliminary tests seem to confirm the
existence of banned weapons in Iraq, particularly since so many of these
initial findings have not been borne out (see FAIR Action Alert, 3/25/03).
  ABC was aware of this, but still chose this story as its lead news item
for two days.  On Monday, April 28, the story had seemingly crumbled.  But
ABC's viewers were none the wiser: When the news was that ABC's
exclusive had washed out, there was no mention of the story on the
Monday or Tuesday broadcasts of World News Tonight.

ACTION: Encourage ABC News to set the record straight on the weapons story
it was pushing on April 26-27.  Remind ABC that retractions of false
stories should be featured as prominently as the original reports, and ask
that more caution be shown in reporting government claims.

ABC's World News Tonight
Phone: 212-456-4040

As always, please remember that your comments are taken more seriously if
you maintain a polite tone. Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your

(212) 633-6700

Weapons of Mass Distraction
A good linked summary of the still-building saga of the already
infamous NYT Judith Miller WMD story can be found at Latest development is Bush citing the same
mysterious source as Miller for the alleged last-second destruction
of Iraq's WMD's.
The Rational Enquirer - Comment - Follow Along
April 25, 2003

Follow Along

* On Monday, April 21, the New York Times publishes an unsourced and
unconfirmed front page story
ml by Judith Miller claiming an Iraqi scientist -- or some guy in
nondescript clothes and a baseball cap -- has told an American
military team that Saddam's weapons of mass destruction were
destroyed or sent to Syria, and that Iraq was recently cooperating
with Al Qaeda. The article raises some eyebrows in the journalistic community, with
once source inside the Times calling it a wacky ass piece, adding that
there were real questions about it and why it was on page 1.
* Miller's wacky ass article is republished in dozens of newspapers
and web sites. Rush Limbaugh calls Miller's piece a big, huge, very
important story, focusing on the alleged Al Qaeda-Iraq
cooperation. Hours after Miller's original article makes the
rounds, the AP quotes

[biofuel] Weapons of Mass Distraction

2003-04-28 Thread Keith Addison

Weapons of Mass Distraction
A good linked summary of the still-building saga of the already 
infamous NYT Judith Miller WMD story can be found at Latest development is Bush citing the same 
mysterious source as Miller for the alleged last-second destruction 
of Iraq's WMD's.
The Rational Enquirer - Comment - Follow Along
April 25, 2003

Follow Along

* On Monday, April 21, the New York Times publishes an unsourced and 
unconfirmed front page story 
ml by Judith Miller claiming an Iraqi scientist -- or some guy in 
nondescript clothes and a baseball cap -- has told an American 
military team that Saddam's weapons of mass destruction were 
destroyed or sent to Syria, and that Iraq was recently cooperating 
with Al Qaeda. The article raises some eyebrows in the journalistic community, with 
once source inside the Times calling it a wacky ass piece, adding that 
there were real questions about it and why it was on page 1.
* Miller's wacky ass article is republished in dozens of newspapers 
and web sites. Rush Limbaugh calls Miller's piece a big, huge, very 
important story, focusing on the alleged Al Qaeda-Iraq 
cooperation. Hours after Miller's original article makes the 
rounds, the AP quotes 
060.htm a senior defense official as saying the baseball player's 
claim of Al Qaeda-Iraq cooperation is highly skeptical, and that no 
new discoveries have been made in Iraq that link Saddam to Al Qaeda.
* On Tuesday's NewsHour, Miller upgrades 
l the guy in nondescript clothes and a baseball cap from a smoking 
gun to a silver bullet, though she has yet to interview him. While 
wet with excitement, her story remains unconfirmed and unsourced. 
Critics rightly howl, with one saying,150values[0 
]=2values[1]=617 Miller was blowing more smoke than a Ford that has 
thrown a rod at 80 miles an hour.
* On Thursday, April 24, President Bush speaks at a 
tank factory in Ohio and suggests Iraq's WMD may have already been 
destroyed. Afterward, the Associated Press reports: A senior 
administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said 
Bush's remarks were based on information from at least one Iraqi 
scientist who has led coalition forces to materials used in the 
production of weapons of mass destruction and who has said some 
weapons were destroyed before the war, others perhaps afterward.

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