Hi all,

I thought that these article archives would be of interest to some
members. Great strides would be made in
energy efficiency, an economical way to liquify hydrogen and 
environmental benefits could be some of the results if this
technology is brought to market. Some of these sources are 5
years old so they have been working on these devices for several 



Karl Gschneidner, Jr., Metallurgy and Ceramics, (515) 294-7931
Kerry Gibson, Public Affairs, (515) 294-1405

Ames Laboratory developments push boundaries of new refrigeration

Using materials developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames
 Laboratory, researchers have successfully demonstrated the
 world's first room temperature, permanent-magnet, magnetic 
refrigerator. The refrigerator was developed by Milwaukee-based
 Astronautics Corporation of America as part of a cooperative
 research and development agreement with Ames Laboratory.

Instead of ozone-depleting refrigerants and energy-consuming
 compressors found in conventional vapor-cycle refrigerators,
 this new style of refrigerator uses gadolinium metal that 
heats up when exposed to a magnetic field, then cools down
 when the magnetic field is removed.

"We're witnessing history in the making," Ames Laboratory 
senior metallurgist Karl Gschneidner Jr. says of the
 revolutionary device. "Previous successful demonstration
 refrigerators used large superconducting magnets, but 
this is the first to use a permanent magnet and operate
 at room temperature."

Initially tested in September at the Astronautics Corporation
 of America's Technology Center in Madison, Wis., the new 
refrigerator is undergoing further testing. The goal is to
 achieve larger temperature swings that will allow the 
technology to provide the cooling power required for 
specific markets, such as home refrigerators, air conditioning,
 electronics cooling, and fluid chilling. 

According to Gschneidner, who is also an Anson Marston
 Distinguished Professor of materials science and engineering
 at Iowa State University, the magnetic refrigerator employs
 a rotary design. It consists of a wheel that contains
 segments of gadolinium powder ö supplied by Ames Laboratory
 ö and a high-powered, rare earth permanent magnet. 

The wheel is arranged to pass through a gap in the magnet
 where the magnetic field is concentrated. As it passes 
through this field, the gadolinium in the wheel exhibits
 a large magnetocaloric effect ö it heats up. After the
 gadolinium enters the field, water is circulated to draw
 the heat out of the metal. As the material leaves the 
magnetic field, the material cools further as a result of
 the magnetocaloric effect. A second stream of water is
 then cooled by the gadolinium. This water is then 
circulated through the refrigerator's cooling coils. 
The overall result is a compact unit that runs virtually 
silent and nearly vibration free, without the use of
 ozone-depleting gases, a dramatic change from the 
vapor-compression-style refrigeration technology in
 use today.

"The permanent magnets and the gadolinium don't require
 any energy inputs to make them work," Gschneidner said,
 "so the only energy it takes is the electricity for 
the motors to spin the wheel and drive the water pumps." 

Though the test further proves the technology works, two
 recent developments at Ames Laboratory could lead to
 even greater advances on the magnetic refrigeration
 frontier. Gschneidner and fellow Ames Laboratory 
researchers Sasha Pecharsky and Vitalij Pecharsky have
 developed a process for producing kilogram quantities
 of Gd5(Si2Ge2) alloy using commercial-grade gadolinium. 
Gd5(Si2Ge2) exhibits a giant magnetocaloric effect which
 offers the promise to outperform the gadolinium powders
 used in the current rotary refrigerator. 

When the alloy was first discovered in 1996, the process
 used high-purity gadolinium and resulted in small
 quantities (less than 50 grams). However, when 
lower-quality commercial-grade gadolinium was used,
 the magnetocaloric effect was only a fraction, due 
mainly to interstitial impurities, especially carbon.
 The new process overcomes the deleterious effect of 
these impurities, making it viable to use less 
expensive commercial-grade gadolinium to achieve 
roughly the same magnetocaloric effect as the original

At the same time, Ames Lab researchers David Jiles and
 Seong-Jae Lee, along with Vitalij Pecharsky and 
Gschneidner, have designed a permanent magnet configuration
 capable of producing a stronger magnetic field. The
 new magnet can produce a magnetic field nearly twice
 as high as that produced by the magnet used in the 
initial refrigerator, an important advance since the
 output and efficiency of the refrigerator is generally 
proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. The
 group has filed patent applications on both the 
gadolinium alloy process and the permanent magnet.

"These are important advances, but it will require
 additional testing to see how much they will enhance
 refrigeration capabilities," Gschneidner said. 
"Progress (in this field) is measured in small steps
 and this is just another of those steps. However,
 we've come a long way since first announcing the 
giant magnetocaloric alloy five years ago."

The research is funded by the DOE Office of Basic
 Energy Sciences' Laboratory Technology Research 
Program, Office of Computational Technology Research.
 Ames Laboratory is operated for the DOE by Iowa 
State University. The Lab conducts research into 
various areas of national concern, including energy 
resources, high-speed computer design, environmental
 cleanup and restoration, and the synthesis and 
study of new materials.

For additional information about the Astronautics
 Corporation of America's rotary, room temperature,
 permanent magnet, prototype magnetic refrigerator
 please contact Robert Herman, 414-449-4248 or go 
to the company website at



Karl Gschneidner Jr., Ames Laboratory, (515) 294-7931
Carl Zimm, Astronautics Corp. of America, (608) 221-9001
Susan Dieterle, Ames Lab Public Affairs, (515) 294-1405

Work begins on prototype magnetic-refrigeration unit
Ames Laboratory, Astronautics Corp. of America collaborate
on building rotary model
AMES, Iowa -- Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's
 Ames Laboratory have received funding to begin building a
 prototype cooling unit based on magnetic-refrigeration 

The researchers -- Karl Gschneidner Jr., Vitalij Pecharsky
 and David Jiles -- expect the prototype to demonstrate that
 magnetic refrigeration is a reliable source of cooling
power, and is more energy-efficient and environmentally 
safe than the vapor-cycle systems now used in refrigerators
 and air conditioners. They will be working with scientist
 Carl Zimm of the Milwaukee-based Astronautics Corp. of
 America, the lab's industrial partner in the project.

If successful, the prototype would be the first magnetic
 refrigerator capable of sustained operation and generating
 enough cooling power for commercial applications.

Magnetic refrigeration is based on the magnetocaloric
 effect -- the ability of some materials to heat up when
 magnetized and cool when removed from the magnetic field.
 Using these materials as refrigerants would provide an
 environmentally friendly alternative to the volatile 
liquid chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons and 
hydrochlorofluorocarbons, used in traditional vapor-cycle
 cooling systems.

Ames Laboratory and Astronautics have signed a Cooperative
 Research and Development Agreement to develop a rotary
 prototype magnetic-refrigeration unit. Under terms of
 the agreement, the Department of Energy will provide
 $750,000 in funding over the next three years toward
 the project. Astronautics, a leader in magnetic-refrigeration
 technology, will provide a matching amount through 
in-kind contributions of personnel, research, services
 and facilities.

"Building the prototype is a crucial step in moving
 magnetic-refrigeration technology into the marketplace,"
 said Gschneidner, a senior Ames Laboratory scientist
 and the project coordinator.

In the rotary prototype, Gschneidner said the materials
 will move continuously through high and low magnetic
 fields on a rotating disc. Water or antifreeze will
 act as the heat-transfer fluid between the magnetic
 refrigerant and the heat exchangers. "The rotary
 magnetic-refrigeration unit shouldn't be any bigger
 than the compression system now used in most refrigerators
 and air conditioners," he said.

The Ames Laboratory team will concentrate its efforts
 on optimizing the refrigerant materials, and developing
 a source for the magnetic field that is more convenient
 and cost-effective than superconducting magnets. 
Astronautics will design, build and test the rotary

"When these pieces of the puzzle are properly put
 together, it will create a benchmark for all future
 developments of this new, emerging technology," 
said Pecharsky, a scientist at Ames Lab.

Zimm, the principal Astronautics scientist involved
 in the project, said the company's main design goal
 for the rotary prototype is achieving a high 
operating frequency. "This will make the machine
 smaller, lighter and more economical," Zimm said. 

Ames Laboratory and Astronautics have collaborated
 on magnetic-refrigeration research for the past 
eight years. In 1996, they built a proof-of-principle
 model demonstrating that magnetic refrigeration
 was a reliable, competitive technology for refrigerators
 and air conditioners. The model operated for 18 months,
 achieving cooling power 30 times greater than previous
 magnetic refrigerators. Previous units were only 
capable of operating for no more than a few days.

Gschneidner said initial findings indicate that
 magnetic refrigeration is about 20 percent more
 energy-efficient than traditional cooling systems.
 So, although magnetic refrigeration could initially
 cost more, Gschneidner said consumers would earn back
 the difference in energy savings within five years.

Gschneidner said large-scale applications using magnetic
 refrigeration, such as commercial air conditioning
 and supermarket refrigeration systems, could be 
available within five to 10 years. Within 10-15 
years, the technology could be available in home 
refrigerators and air conditioners.

Ames Laboratory is operated for the Department of
 Energy by Iowa State University. The Lab conducts
 research into various areas of national concern,
 including energy resources, high-speed computer
 design, environmental cleanup and restoration, 
and the synthesis and study of new materials.

other related links


Define the perfect fuel and it would most likely be
 one that burns cleanly, poses no harm to the environment
 and, above all, is renewable or in limitless supply.

Liquid hydrogen could prove to be close to a perfect 
fuel, but first scientists and engineers must jump a
 few technological hurdles.

One of the biggest hurdles, an efficient method of 
liquefying hydrogen, has been eliminated by recent
 developments at Ames Laboratory. Scientists have 
developed a highly efficient magnetocaloric material
 that makes magnetic refrigeration technology efficient
 enough to cheaply produce liquid hydrogen, very likely
 one of the first major commercial uses of magnetic

Conventional production methods for liquid hydrogen
 begin by using liquid nitrogen to lower hydrogen
 gas to minus 196 degrees Celsius (320.8 degrees Fahrenheit).
 A gas-compression system, similar to the one in your
 refrigerator at home, is then used to further reduce 
the temperature to minus 253 C (423.4 F). One drawback
 to this method, however, is that the inefficiency of
 the gas-compression cycle cannot economically produce
 less than five tons of liquefied gas a day. This limits
 the production sources of liquid hydrogen to large plants
 that are few and far between.

Karl Gschneidner Jr. hopes that this is where magnetic
 refrigeration could eventually fill in. Gschneidner
 is a senior metallurgist at Ames Lab and an Anson 
Marston distinguished professor of materials science
 and engineering at Iowa State University. Early
this decade, Gschneidner, Ames Lab Associate 
Scientist Vitalij Pecharsky and fellow researchers 
began developing intermetallic compounds specifically
 for application in magnetic refrigerators.

Their latest discovery is a new class of alloys
 with significantly more cooling power than the
 best existing materials. The new materials are
 based on gadolinium, an element with two to 
three times the magnetocaloric effect of a 
typical ferromagnetic iron and a popular choice
 for low-temperature ranges. "This is a tremendous
 breakthrough," says Gschneidner. "I think it's
 going to put magnetic refrigeration in the market."

Magnetic refrigeration technology takes advantage
 of the magnetocaloric effect, the remarkable
 ability of a magnetic material to heat up in
 the presence of a magnetic field and cool when
 the field is removed. Magnetocaloric materials
 store heat energy in the way the atoms vibrate
 and in the way in which electrons spin within 
each atom. More heat energy increases the 
vibrations and also makes the spins more random.
 In other word, when the party heats up, things
 get a little crazy. Scientists refer to this
 "craziness" as entropy, which is a measure of
 thermodynamic disorder. When a strong magnetic
 field is applied to the coolant material, the
 magnetic moments of its atoms become aligned,
 making the system more ordered. The more ordered
 material has a lower entropy and compensates
 for the loss by heating up.

But when the strong magnetic field is removed,
 the party is forced to cool down. The magnetic
 moments return to their random directions, 
entropy increases and the material cools. 
Typically, the temperature of a material can
 drop by about 10 to 15 degrees C (52 to 59 F),
 depending on the magnetic field strength.

The temperature at which most of the change in
 magnetic entropy occurs is known as the material's
 ordering temperature or its Curie point. This is
 the point where the material changes from being
 ferromagnetic to paramagnetic, and the farther 
away from this point the weaker the magnetocaloric
 effect. The useful portion of the magnetocaloric
 effect usually spans about 25 degrees C (77 F) on
 either side of the material's Curie temperature.
 Therefore, in order to span a wide temperature range,
 a refrigerator must contain several different 
coolants arranged according to their differing
 ordering temperatures. 

Gschneidner and Pecharsky found that they could tune
 the operating temperature (gradually lower the 
Curie point) of a gadolinium silicide compound 
(Gd5Si4) by substituting germanium (Ge) for silicon.
 This resulted in a new compound, Gd5Si2Ge2, which
 has a magnetocaloric effect about twice as large 
as gadolinium alone.

Additional work has revealed that Gd5Si2Ge2 is one
 of a family of compounds that exhibits a giant 
magnetocaloric effect and whose ordering temperature
 can be tuned from 30 Kelvin (-405.4 F) to near room
 temperature (290 K or 62.6 F) by adjusting the
 ratio of silicon to germanium.

"There are very few systems that will give you that
 temperature span," says Gschneidner. "It's unheard

That is music to the ears of Carl Zimm. Zimm is 
chief scientist at Astronautics Corporation of
 America in Madison, WI. He and his colleagues 
have been working with the researchers at Ames 
Lab and other Department of Energy research 
facilities since the early 1990s to develop 
magnetic refrigeration technology to the point
 where it can compete with conventional gas-cycle
 systems, and in some cases make them obsolete.
 "There are many places in the United States that
 produce smaller amounts of hydrogen as a byproduct
 of some other industrial process," says Zimm. 
"An efficient liquefaction system could turn those
 amounts into fuel instead of having them go to 
waste." Earlier this year, Astronautics unveiled
 an active magnetic refrigerator with unprecedented

Zimm and other researchers nationwide see more than
 just the liquefaction of hydrogen and other gases
 on the horizon for magnetic refrigeration technology.
 Although the history of development for gas-compression
 cycle refrigerators has given it a head start, the 
efficiency of the new coolants makes magnetic refrigeration
 truly competitive with conventional gas-compression
 technology for the first time. Large-scale applications, 
says Zimm, could soon be developed. Examples include
 supermarket-sized refrigerators and freezers, air
 conditioning for large buildings, industrial chemical
 processing, and waste separation and treatment.

Also, the new coolants may eliminate the need for
the superconducting magnets associated with earlier 
cryocoolers. This opens the way for small-scale 
applications of this technology, such as car and
 home air conditioners.

Another factor helping to heat up the development
 of magnetic refrigeration technology is the recent
 ban on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other environmentally
 harmful substances. Magnetic refrigeration doesn't
 use CFCs and, in the case of the Astronautics model,
 water is used as the heat transfer fluid. Only 
antifreeze is added to allow the Astronautics unit
 to reach temperatures below 273 K, the freezing 
point of water, and down to about 225 K (-54.4 F).
 Below that, helium gas is used as the heat transfer

Despite all its promise, magnetic refrigeration 
technology still has hurdles to overcome if it is
 to ever give conventional vapor-based technology
 a run for the money. For example, when it comes
 to a small temperature span, such as the range
 of temperature in cooling a home or car, the old
 standard still leads the race. Only for large
 temperature spans, such as those associated with
 liquefying gases, do small increases in efficiency
 make a big money-saving difference.

Continuing research into even more efficient coolant
 materials could narrow the gap, says Gschneidner.
 "The new knowledge will allow us to improve existing 
materials and point the way to new and better ones,
 which will ensure the success of magnetic refrigeration
 as a viable energy-saving and environmentally safe 
technology in the next century," Gschneidner says. 
"The limitations of magnetic refrigeration are only
 in the minds of scientists and engineers."

For more information:
Karl Gschneidner Jr., 515-294-7931 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carl Zimm, 608-221-9001 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current research funded by:
DOE Advanced Energy Projects Program


Karl Gschneidner, Center for Rare Earths and Magnetics, 
Susan Dieterle, IPRT Public Affairs, 515-294-1405

Cars May Be First to Benefit from Magnetic Refrigeration
Grant allows researchers to study feasibility of new 
automobile air-conditioner system

Ames, Iowa÷Magnetic-refrigeration research at Iowa State
 University will take its first step from the laboratory
 toward the world of automobile air conditioning with
 the help of a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

ISU's Center for Rare Earths and Magnetics received 
a one-year, $150,000 grant from DOE's Cooperative 
Automotive Research for Advanced Technologies (CARAT)
 Program to explore the feasibility of using magnetic
 refrigeration in automobile air-conditioner systems. 
  The CARAT Program funds research and development 
work geared toward producing cars and light trucks 
that are extremely fuel-efficient, have low emissions
 and are "fuel flexible."

Magnetic refrigeration is based on the magnetocaloric
 effect÷the ability of some metals to heat up when 
magnetized and cool down when removed from the magnetic
 field.   Using these metals as the refrigerant material
 would provide an environmentally friendly alternative 
to the volatile liquid chemicals, like chlorofluorocarbons
 and hydrochlorofluorocarbons, used in traditional 
vapor-cycle cooling systems.

Karl Gschneidner Jr., an Anson Marston distinguished
 professor of materials science and engineering at
 ISU, says an automobile air-conditioner system based
 on magnetic refrigeration would run on the electrical
 power generated by the alternator, thereby reducing
 the load on the powertrain and making the car more
 fuel efficient.  The technology ideally lends itself
 to use in electric cars, Gschneidner says, adding 
that the cooling process also could be reversed in
 order to heat the vehicle.

"I think this is the only answer for heating and
 cooling an electric vehicle," he says, adding that
 the challenge will be to devise an air-conditioner
 that is lightweight, inexpensive and highly efficient.

The project will make use of a new class of 
magnetic-refrigeration materials discovered by
 Gschneidner and Vitalij Pecharsky, an ISU associate
 professor of materials science and engineering. 
 They found that alloys made of gadolinium, silicon
 and germanium are two to 10 times more effective
 in their cooling power than other prototype 
magnetic-refrigeration materials.

The CARAT Program grant enables Gschneidner and
 Pecharsky to being their first practical, real-world
 application of magnetic refrigeration.  The benefits
 of the research won't be limited to automobiles, 
Gschneidner says.  "If we're successful in developing
 this air-conditioning technology for automobiles,
 we would be able to use it in homes as well," he 
notes, adding that they also envision magnetic 
refrigeration being used in commercial and home 
refrigerators in the future.

The CARAT Program provides funding in three phases. 
 If the ISU researchers succeed this year with the 
first part of the project, which involves proving 
the feasibility of the concept, they could apply 
for a second phase to move the technology from 
laboratory scale to near-production scale.  The
 third phase of the funding would involve 
vehicle-stage validation.

In all, the CARAT Program this year awarded more
 than $3.7 million in phase-one cooperative agreements
 to 26 small businesses and universities for the 
development of automotive components and subsystems
 that will contribute to cleaner, more efficient
 cars and light trucks.

"CARAT will channel the creativity and resourcefulness
 of the small business and academic communities to
 resolve the technology barriers which are keeping
 promising automotive technologies from becoming
 a reality," said Dan Reicher, DOE Assistant 
Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

The Center for Rare Earths and Magnetics is a member
 of the Institute for Physical Research and Technology, 
a consortium of research, technology-development, 
technology-transfer and technical-assistance centers
 at ISU.


Magnetic refrigeration has been used chiefly as a cooling
 method to obtain temperatures below 1 K. During the past
 ten years, however, the technology has been developed 
also for refrigeration applications at temperatures 
above 1 K. The former type of magnetic refrigerator 
utilizes an adiabatic one-shot process to approach 
zero Kelvin as a purely scientific goal. For application
 at temperatures higher than 1 K, a continuously cycling
 magnetic refrigerator with reasonable refrigeration 
capacity is employed. This latter type of refrigerator 
can be utilized in actual engineering applications, such
 as cooling sensitive electronics and optical devices
 on board spacecraft.

Two important research topics are required to support
 any successful magnetic refrigerator development program:
 magnetothermodynamic analysis, and low-loss superconducting 
magnet development. The former is usually done by computer
 simulation, in parallel with the overall conceptual
design. One calculates the real thermodynamic properties
 of the magnetic refrigerant and performs cycle analysis.
 The latter topic is the more practical task, relying 
largely on empirical knowledge.

The development of a pulsed superconducting magnet was
 one of the PSFC's important R&D areas, and intensive
 work has been performed to characterize proper superconducting
 wire for various types of magnet. A Nb3Sn low loss ac 
superconducting magnet is an excellent choice for magnetic
 refrigeration. The operation of such a magnet at temperatures
 higher than 4.2 K using, a cryocooler, will also increase
 the overall thermodynamic efficiency of a magnetic 
refrigeration system. 


Magnetic refrigeration
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology presently
 (2003) being developed by a partnership of the United 
States Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory and Astronautics 
Corp. of America. A proof-of-principle model was successfully
 demonstrated in 1996. 

The technology uses the magnetocaloric effect, which is the
 tendency of certain materials, such as the metallic element
 gadolinium, to heat up when placed in a magnetic field and
 to cool down when removed from the field. 




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