Re: [biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - can the small companies compete against big oil companies...

2001-06-22 Thread Pedro M.

The problem is that in my country ( Spain ) you can only 
compete if you are a big company ( you need to have a lot of inheritance to be 
approved to recieve the licence to sell hydrocarbures ). 
All the best. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 6:29 
  Subject: [biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - 
  can the small companies compete against big oil companies...
  Forget about retail and go for bulk sales to haulage 
  companies. If biodesel is cheaper per mile (including excise tax) they 
  will buy. If it's not they won't. Most German biodiesel is made 
  from new vege oil, they have approx a $0.50(US) excise tax difference 
  which seems to work. UK will have only a $0.30(US) margin tight even for 
  waste oil.--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]..., Keith Addison 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Hi Jan> > Didn't you mean to 
  send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Keith> > >Hi 
  Pedro and Mauro,> >> >Maybe this is good point to exchange 
  information how thing go in > >different countries> 
  >> >I can say few words on Poland and the situation of 
  biofules:> >> >Bioethanol :> >> >We 
  have two big producers  (refineries) of petrol in our country. > 
  >They used to produce leaded> >fuel among others.> >Now 
  the leaded fuel is on the decline.> >> >And as they say 
  the bioethanol was most suitable to mix with leaded fuel.> 
  >Because of that many producers of ethanol are on the virge of > 
  >bankrupcy since the refineries> >reject to buy ethanol.> 
  >> >And despite the law regulation that benzines that contain at 
  least > >5% of bioethanol are exempted> >from the excise 
  tax there is no demand for bioethanol.> >> >This is simply 
  because refinery prefers to add several cents to the > >price of 
  one liter of the petrol> >and have this problem off their 
  head.> >Who pays for it ?  Of course all motorists.> 
  >> >Biodiesel:> >> >No excise duty (or tax if 
  you will) for biodiesel> >> >but.> 
  >> >Poland used to be rapeseed superpower  (almost 5% of 
  worlds crop > >were located here) and> >almost 100% of 
  rapeseed was used to produce vegetable oils and > >derivatives 
  (margarine and the> >like).  Farmers had contracts with 
  vegetable oil companies (very > >much the same as sugar> 
  >beetroot farmers with sugar refineries) and were paid rather good 
  price.> >Today this price is about PLN 900/metric tonne i.e. US 
  $ 225/tonne > >of rapeseed.> >This can be a hindrance to 
  further development of biodiesel> >Petrodiesel cost on the wholesale 
  market PLN 2200 to 2300 i.e. $525 > >to $575/tonne.> 
  >> >The petrol stations belong to refineries and they...are not 
  > >interested in biodiesel because this> >could take away 
  profits from their owner  (at least they think like that).> 
  >> >Maybe giants are the same everywhere ?  Of course 
  official > >argumentation is that e.g. bioethanol> >is not 
  suitable to mix with high grade benzines or that biodiesel > >does 
  not comply with the quality> >requirements of standard diesel.  
  This sounds very professional - > >but is it true ??? That is 
  another> >story.> >> >Does it contribute a 
  little to the whole picture ?  Does it > >supplement the 
  Spanish case ?> >> >Awaiting your opinions> 
  >> >jan surowka> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]Biofuels 
  at Journey to Forever 
  at WebConX 
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[biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - can the small companies compete against big oil companies...

2001-06-22 Thread david_design

Forget about retail and go for bulk sales to haulage companies. If 
biodesel is cheaper per mile (including excise tax) they will buy. If 
it's not they won't. 

Most German biodiesel is made from new vege oil, they have approx a 
$0.50(US) excise tax difference which seems to work. UK will have 
only a $0.30(US) margin tight even for waste oil.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jan
> Didn't you mean to send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Keith
> >Hi Pedro and Mauro,
> >
> >Maybe this is good point to exchange information how thing go in 
> >different countries
> >
> >I can say few words on Poland and the situation of biofules:
> >
> >Bioethanol :
> >
> >We have two big producers  (refineries) of petrol in our country. 
> >They used to produce leaded
> >fuel among others.
> >Now the leaded fuel is on the decline.
> >
> >And as they say the bioethanol was most suitable to mix with 
leaded fuel.
> >Because of that many producers of ethanol are on the virge of 
> >bankrupcy since the refineries
> >reject to buy ethanol.
> >
> >And despite the law regulation that benzines that contain at least 
> >5% of bioethanol are exempted
> >from the excise tax there is no demand for bioethanol.
> >
> >This is simply because refinery prefers to add several cents to 
> >price of one liter of the petrol
> >and have this problem off their head.
> >Who pays for it ?  Of course all motorists.
> >
> >Biodiesel:
> >
> >No excise duty (or tax if you will) for biodiesel
> >
> >but.
> >
> >Poland used to be rapeseed superpower  (almost 5% of worlds crop 
> >were located here) and
> >almost 100% of rapeseed was used to produce vegetable oils and 
> >derivatives (margarine and the
> >like).  Farmers had contracts with vegetable oil companies (very 
> >much the same as sugar
> >beetroot farmers with sugar refineries) and were paid rather good 
> >Today this price is about PLN 900/metric tonne i.e. US $ 225/tonne 
> >of rapeseed.
> >This can be a hindrance to further development of biodiesel
> >Petrodiesel cost on the wholesale market PLN 2200 to 2300 i.e. 
> >to $575/tonne.
> >
> >The petrol stations belong to refineries and they...are not 
> >interested in biodiesel because this
> >could take away profits from their owner  (at least they think 
like that).
> >
> >Maybe giants are the same everywhere ?  Of course official 
> >argumentation is that e.g. bioethanol
> >is not suitable to mix with high grade benzines or that biodiesel 
> >does not comply with the quality
> >requirements of standard diesel.  This sounds very professional - 
> >but is it true ??? That is another
> >story.
> >
> >Does it contribute a little to the whole picture ?  Does it 
> >supplement the Spanish case ?
> >
> >Awaiting your opinions
> >
> >jan surowka

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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[biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - can the small companies compete against big oil companies...

2001-06-19 Thread david_design

In my opinion, if you can't undercut dino you don't have a business.

If you can make biodesel/methyl ester at less cost per litre after 
tax than petroleum (dino) diesel fuel, you can sell it in bulk to 
haulage companies and bus operators. 

As for ethanol look at They have a commercial enzyme 
process that converts cellulose from timber straw and waste 
paper/card into ethanol. I have no idea if it's cheaper after excise 
tax than dino fuel, but it's certainly clean and renewable. 

With dino at current prices, the fuel excise tax system has to favour 
non-petroleum fuels.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jan
> Didn't you mean to send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Keith
> >Hi Pedro and Mauro,
> >
> >Maybe this is good point to exchange information how thing go in 
> >different countries
> >
> >I can say few words on Poland and the situation of biofules:
> >
> >Bioethanol :
> >
> >We have two big producers  (refineries) of petrol in our country. 
> >They used to produce leaded
> >fuel among others.
> >Now the leaded fuel is on the decline.
> >
> >And as they say the bioethanol was most suitable to mix with 
leaded fuel.
> >Because of that many producers of ethanol are on the virge of 
> >bankrupcy since the refineries
> >reject to buy ethanol.
> >
> >And despite the law regulation that benzines that contain at least 
> >5% of bioethanol are exempted
> >from the excise tax there is no demand for bioethanol.
> >
> >This is simply because refinery prefers to add several cents to 
> >price of one liter of the petrol
> >and have this problem off their head.
> >Who pays for it ?  Of course all motorists.
> >
> >Biodiesel:
> >
> >No excise duty (or tax if you will) for biodiesel
> >
> >but.
> >
> >Poland used to be rapeseed superpower  (almost 5% of worlds crop 
> >were located here) and
> >almost 100% of rapeseed was used to produce vegetable oils and 
> >derivatives (margarine and the
> >like).  Farmers had contracts with vegetable oil companies (very 
> >much the same as sugar
> >beetroot farmers with sugar refineries) and were paid rather good 
> >Today this price is about PLN 900/metric tonne i.e. US $ 225/tonne 
> >of rapeseed.
> >This can be a hindrance to further development of biodiesel
> >Petrodiesel cost on the wholesale market PLN 2200 to 2300 i.e. 
> >to $575/tonne.
> >
> >The petrol stations belong to refineries and they...are not 
> >interested in biodiesel because this
> >could take away profits from their owner  (at least they think 
like that).
> >
> >Maybe giants are the same everywhere ?  Of course official 
> >argumentation is that e.g. bioethanol
> >is not suitable to mix with high grade benzines or that biodiesel 
> >does not comply with the quality
> >requirements of standard diesel.  This sounds very professional - 
> >but is it true ??? That is another
> >story.
> >
> >Does it contribute a little to the whole picture ?  Does it 
> >supplement the Spanish case ?
> >
> >Awaiting your opinions
> >
> >jan surowka

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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Re: [biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - can the small companies compete against big oil companies...

2001-06-01 Thread Mauro Knudsen

Hello Jan and Pedro,

In Argentina the situation is diferent. Our fuel tax
is law called ITC. This law was made when no body know
the biodiesel and for this reason don«t biodiesel
don«t have fuel tax, the problem in this situation is
that we don«t have security in the comming year. So,
we are pulling a law to create a "Tax Stability" (to
continue with out tax). The ethanol, don«t have tax by
law. Th ethanol production start in Argentina in the
70«s, from sugar cane (like Brasil). The first idea
was a straigth blending (Gasohol = 82%gasoline + 18%
alcohol). But our lands and climate are not enougth
tropically (like in Brasil). So the production go
down. Today we had a very little production, and the
goberment is not interested in replace MTBE by ETBE.
The biodiesel production don«t exist (less than
10.000tn year), but have a big future, because
Argentina is the biggest Vegeable Oil Exporter in the
world (we export 4.000.000 tn/year). In this moment in
Argentina Biodiesel (without taxes) can be soo much
cheaper than diesel (0,35 US$/lt  vs  0,55 US$/lt). So
I think that we can have a market of about 1.200.000
tn/year (this is the volume of imported diesel per
In today we have in Argentina 3 project to build
biodiesel plants. In Santa Fe, BioFe project 5.000
tn/year, in Cordoba, Monte Buey«s project 30.000 tn,
in Buenos Aires province, in Tres Arroyos city 40.000
tn (I«m the principal in this project), this project
maybe will have a Continuos Process plant (ultra
efficient) with glycerine refination (99.7% purity,
Farmacopea quality). 

Some questions for Jan, What means PLN 900 or PLN 2200
to 2300?

Best Regards.

 Mauro Ariel Knudsen.
Argentinean Biodieseler

--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escribi—: > Hi Jan
> Didn't you mean to send this to
> Keith
> >Hi Pedro and Mauro,
> >
> >Maybe this is good point to exchange information
> how thing go in 
> >different countries
> >
> >I can say few words on Poland and the situation of
> biofules:
> >
> >Bioethanol :
> >
> >We have two big producers  (refineries) of petrol
> in our country. 
> >They used to produce leaded
> >fuel among others.
> >Now the leaded fuel is on the decline.
> >
> >And as they say the bioethanol was most suitable to
> mix with leaded fuel.
> >Because of that many producers of ethanol are on
> the virge of 
> >bankrupcy since the refineries
> >reject to buy ethanol.
> >
> >And despite the law regulation that benzines that
> contain at least 
> >5% of bioethanol are exempted
> >from the excise tax there is no demand for
> bioethanol.
> >
> >This is simply because refinery prefers to add
> several cents to the 
> >price of one liter of the petrol
> >and have this problem off their head.
> >Who pays for it ?  Of course all motorists.
> >
> >Biodiesel:
> >
> >No excise duty (or tax if you will) for
> biodiesel
> >
> >but.
> >
> >Poland used to be rapeseed superpower  (almost 5%
> of worlds crop 
> >were located here) and
> >almost 100% of rapeseed was used to produce
> vegetable oils and 
> >derivatives (margarine and the
> >like).  Farmers had contracts with vegetable oil
> companies (very 
> >much the same as sugar
> >beetroot farmers with sugar refineries) and were
> paid rather good price.
> >Today this price is about PLN 900/metric tonne i.e.
> US $ 225/tonne 
> >of rapeseed.
> >This can be a hindrance to further development of
> biodiesel
> >Petrodiesel cost on the wholesale market PLN 2200
> to 2300 i.e. $525 
> >to $575/tonne.
> >
> >The petrol stations belong to refineries and
> they...are not 
> >interested in biodiesel because this
> >could take away profits from their owner  (at least
> they think like that).
> >
> >Maybe giants are the same everywhere ?  Of course
> official 
> >argumentation is that e.g. bioethanol
> >is not suitable to mix with high grade benzines or
> that biodiesel 
> >does not comply with the quality
> >requirements of standard diesel.  This sounds very
> professional - 
> >but is it true ??? That is another
> >story.
> >
> >Does it contribute a little to the whole picture ? 
> Does it 
> >supplement the Spanish case ?
> >
> >Awaiting your opinions
> >
> >jan surowka
> Biofuels at Journey to Forever
> Biofuel at WebConX
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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Re: [biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - can the small companies compete against big oil companies...

2001-05-31 Thread Pedro M.

Well, here in Spain there is another view. The hidrocarbure 
Market is liberalizated and there is more than 2 refineries . But you need to be 
Bill Gates ( a richman person or very rich companie ) to be a wholesale petrol 
operator ( 5.000 millions ptas 30.050.605 euros ). 
I imagine in the future, Polland (in the E.U. )will have more 
competition. We no use leaded fuel in Spain ( only very 
old vehicles and in the future it«s going to be banned, following the laws 
There is a company in Spain named Ecocarburantes, that mixes 
the gasoline with ethanol (ETB ) . It«s situated in Escombreras ( Murcia ), near 
the refineries. It has obtained the exemption ( of the alcohol excise duty  and the petrol excise 
duty) , the first one in Spains and I think the last upto the appeal of the 
exemption is going to be resolved.
In the future, I imagine the gasoline 
motors ( for new cars ) will be banned, because they are contaminators ( 
cannot use renewable energies, like biodiesel ).
I believe more in Biodiesel and Bio-oils. 
People uses directly the sunflower oil to mix with the petrodiesel ( 50 % ) and 
from time to time they clean the motor.
Another source for power it«s biodiesel 
from  waste oil. You need authoritation to pick it up. The more succesfull 
companies are the little and middle companies ( the big companies need 
less  protection in this field against the Middle And Litlle Enterprises, 
The petro-station, for sure, won«t sell the 
biodiesel, because there is not enough and they are dominated by big operator ( 
CEPSA, BP, REPSOL-YPF and so on ).
So, we need a more clean Market for 
petro-stations ( I believe all over the world ). So we can fight for not 
exclusivity contract between petrol operator and fuel-stations.
In  2.010 ( how long  ) at least 
10 % of the energy must be renewable ( European Union Decission ).
We have just created the Spanish Biodiesel 
and Renewable Energies Association. 
I believe we need an European Association 
too ( the BP appeal in the European Court it«s a demostration we need it 
I, like you too, believe that a Report 
about all the European Hidrocarbures Market  and the Biofuels there it«s 

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Biofuels at Journey to Forever
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[biofuels-biz] Re: brain strom - can the small companies compete against big oil companies...

2001-05-31 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Jan

Didn't you mean to send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


>Hi Pedro and Mauro,
>Maybe this is good point to exchange information how thing go in 
>different countries
>I can say few words on Poland and the situation of biofules:
>Bioethanol :
>We have two big producers  (refineries) of petrol in our country. 
>They used to produce leaded
>fuel among others.
>Now the leaded fuel is on the decline.
>And as they say the bioethanol was most suitable to mix with leaded fuel.
>Because of that many producers of ethanol are on the virge of 
>bankrupcy since the refineries
>reject to buy ethanol.
>And despite the law regulation that benzines that contain at least 
>5% of bioethanol are exempted
>from the excise tax there is no demand for bioethanol.
>This is simply because refinery prefers to add several cents to the 
>price of one liter of the petrol
>and have this problem off their head.
>Who pays for it ?  Of course all motorists.
>No excise duty (or tax if you will) for biodiesel
>Poland used to be rapeseed superpower  (almost 5% of worlds crop 
>were located here) and
>almost 100% of rapeseed was used to produce vegetable oils and 
>derivatives (margarine and the
>like).  Farmers had contracts with vegetable oil companies (very 
>much the same as sugar
>beetroot farmers with sugar refineries) and were paid rather good price.
>Today this price is about PLN 900/metric tonne i.e. US $ 225/tonne 
>of rapeseed.
>This can be a hindrance to further development of biodiesel
>Petrodiesel cost on the wholesale market PLN 2200 to 2300 i.e. $525 
>to $575/tonne.
>The petrol stations belong to refineries and they...are not 
>interested in biodiesel because this
>could take away profits from their owner  (at least they think like that).
>Maybe giants are the same everywhere ?  Of course official 
>argumentation is that e.g. bioethanol
>is not suitable to mix with high grade benzines or that biodiesel 
>does not comply with the quality
>requirements of standard diesel.  This sounds very professional - 
>but is it true ??? That is another
>Does it contribute a little to the whole picture ?  Does it 
>supplement the Spanish case ?
>Awaiting your opinions
>jan surowka

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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