Re: [Biofuel] Bill Maher's closing bit

2005-10-09 Thread F. Desprez
Brian Rodgers a écrit :

>A friend who recently returned from England to the US wrote:
>Yes, I'm back with a whole new perspective on politics here in
>America. Helloo, sheeple. We are being fed the White House line by
>the unquestioning TV news, and print journalism isn't much better. No
>one is searching for the truth, they're just swallowing the Bush spin

Reuters says U.S. troops obstruct reporting of Iraq
Wed 28 Sep 2005 7:11 AM ET
By Barry Moody

LONDON, Sept 28 (Reuters) - The conduct of U.S. troops in Iraq, including 
increasing detention and accidental shootings of journalists, is preventing 
full coverage of the war reaching the American public, Reuters said on 

In a letter to Virginia Republican Sen. John Warner, head of the Senate Armed 
Services Committee, Reuters said U.S. forces were limiting the ability of 
independent journalists to operate. The letter from Reuters Global Managing 
Editor David Schlesinger called on Warner to raise widespread media concerns 
about the conduct of U.S. troops with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who is 
due to testify to the committee on Thursday.

Schlesinger referred to "a long parade of disturbing incidents whereby 
professional journalists have been killed, wrongfully detained, and/or 
illegally abused by U.S. forces in Iraq."

He urged Warner to demand that Rumsfeld resolve these issues "in a way that 
best balances the legitimate security interests of the U.S. forces in Iraq and 
the equally legitimate rights of journalists in conflict zones under 
international law".

At least 66 journalists and media workers, most of them Iraqis, have been 
killed in the Iraq conflict since March 2003.

U.S. forces acknowledge killing three Reuters journalists, most recently 
soundman Waleed Khaled who was shot by American soldiers on Aug. 28 while on 
assignment in Baghdad. But the military say the soldiers were justified in 
opening fire.

Reuters believes a fourth journalist working for the agency, who died in Ramadi 
last year, was killed by a U.S. sniper. "The worsening situation for 
professional journalists in Iraq directly limits journalists' abilities to do 
their jobs and, more importantly, creates a serious chilling effect on the 
media overall," Schlesinger wrote.

"By limiting the ability of the media to fully and independently cover the 
events in Iraq, the U.S. forces are unduly preventing U.S. citizens from 
receiving information...and undermining the very freedoms the U.S. says it is 
seeking to foster every day that it commits U.S. lives and U.S. dollars," the 
letter said. 


Schlesinger said the U.S. military had refused to conduct independent and 
transparent investigations into the deaths of the Reuters journalists, relying 
instead on inquiries by officers from the units responsible, who had exonerated 
their soldiers.

The U.S. military had failed even to implement recommendations by its own 
inquiry into one of the deaths, that of award-winning Palestinian cameraman 
Mazen Dana who was shot dead while filming outside Abu Ghraib prison in August 
2003. Schlesinger said Reuters and other reputable international news 
organisations were concerned by the "sizeable and rapidly increasing number of 
journalists detained by U.S. forces".

He said most of these detentions had been prompted by legitimate journalistic 
activity such as possessing photographs and video of insurgents, whichU.S. 
soldiers assumed showed sympathy with the insurgency.

In most cases the journalists were held for long periods at Abu Ghraib or Camp 
Bucca prisons before being released without charge. 

At least four journalists working for international media are currently being 
held without charge or legal representation in Iraq. They include two cameramen 
working for Reuters and a freelance reporter who sometimes works for the agency.

A cameraman working for the U.S. network CBS has been detained since April 
despite an Iraqi court saying his case does not justify prosecution. Iraq's 
justice minister has criticised the system of military detentions without 

Schlesinger's letter said: "It appears as though the U.S. forces in Iraq either 
completely misunderstand the role of professional journalists or do not know 
how to deal with journalists in a conflict zone, or both."

Reuters and other media organisations in Iraq had repeatedly tried to hold a 
dialogue with the Pentagon to establish appropriate guidelines on how to 
safeguard journalists. These efforts had failed "and the situation is now 
spiraling out of control", Schlesinger said.

He asked Warner to question Rumsfeld specifically about the rules of engagement 
towards professional journalists, the failure to hold independent 
investigations into shooting incidents and to ask what was the guidance to U.S. 
forces on how to distinguish legitimate journalists from insurgents. 

Biofuel ma

Re: [Biofuel] Bill Maher's closing bit

2005-10-05 Thread Joe Street


Brian Rodgers wrote:

>A friend who recently returned from England to the US wrote:
>Yes, I'm back with a whole new perspective on politics here in
>America. Helloo, sheeple. We are being fed the White House line by
>the unquestioning TV news, and print journalism isn't much better. No
>one is searching for the truth, they're just swallowing the Bush spin
>I watched the BBC news the last two weeks and then came back to see
>the same stories spun from the other side on our news. For example,
>according to US news outlets, there is great progress in training
>Iraqi troops to take over. According to BBC, ain't happening, ain't
>gonna happen anytime soon and may never happen. Who do you believe?
>Also, the Brits have a very poor opinion of the Dubya and question why
>their sons and daughters are also being sent to fight for the Bush
>dynasty oil. Good question.
>When I returned, I found a friend of mine had sent me this. I think it
>makes a very legitimate point. It's something Bill Maher said on his
>show, which I don't see often enough as I don't get premium cable.
>His closing bit the other night:
>"Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more.  There's no
>more money to spend--you used up all of that.  You can't start another
>war because you used up the army.  And now, darn the luck, the rest of
>your term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping poor people. 
>Listen to your Mom.  The cupboard's bare, the credit cards maxed out. 
>No one's speaking to you.  Mission accomplished.
>"Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and
>walk away.  Like you did with your military service and the oil
>company and the baseball team.  It's time.  Time to move on and try
>the next fantasy job.  How about cowboy or space man?  Now I know what
>you're saying:  there's so many other things that you as President
>could involve yourself in.  Please don't.  I know, I know.  There's a
>lot left to do.  There's a war with Venezuela.  Eliminating the sales
>tax on yachts.  Turning the space program over to the church.  And
>Social Security to Fannie Mae.  Giving embryos the vote.
>"But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now.  Why?  Because you
>govern like Billy Joel drives.  You've performed so poorly I'm
>surprised that you haven't given yourself a medal.  You're a
>catastrophe that walks like a man.  Herbert Hoover was a shitty
>president, but even he never conceded an entire city to rising water
>and snakes.
>"On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four
>airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of
>New Orleans.  Maybe you're just not lucky.  I'm not saying you don't
>love this country.  I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if
>you were on the other side.
>"So, yes, God does speak to you.  What he is saying is: 'Take a hint.' "
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bill Maher's closing bit

2005-10-04 Thread Brian Rodgers
A friend who recently returned from England to the US wrote:
Yes, I'm back with a whole new perspective on politics here in
America. Helloo, sheeple. We are being fed the White House line by
the unquestioning TV news, and print journalism isn't much better. No
one is searching for the truth, they're just swallowing the Bush spin

I watched the BBC news the last two weeks and then came back to see
the same stories spun from the other side on our news. For example,
according to US news outlets, there is great progress in training
Iraqi troops to take over. According to BBC, ain't happening, ain't
gonna happen anytime soon and may never happen. Who do you believe?
Also, the Brits have a very poor opinion of the Dubya and question why
their sons and daughters are also being sent to fight for the Bush
dynasty oil. Good question.

When I returned, I found a friend of mine had sent me this. I think it
makes a very legitimate point. It's something Bill Maher said on his
show, which I don't see often enough as I don't get premium cable.

His closing bit the other night:

"Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more.  There's no
more money to spend--you used up all of that.  You can't start another
war because you used up the army.  And now, darn the luck, the rest of
your term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping poor people. 
Listen to your Mom.  The cupboard's bare, the credit cards maxed out. 
No one's speaking to you.  Mission accomplished.

"Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and
walk away.  Like you did with your military service and the oil
company and the baseball team.  It's time.  Time to move on and try
the next fantasy job.  How about cowboy or space man?  Now I know what
you're saying:  there's so many other things that you as President
could involve yourself in.  Please don't.  I know, I know.  There's a
lot left to do.  There's a war with Venezuela.  Eliminating the sales
tax on yachts.  Turning the space program over to the church.  And
Social Security to Fannie Mae.  Giving embryos the vote.

"But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now.  Why?  Because you
govern like Billy Joel drives.  You've performed so poorly I'm
surprised that you haven't given yourself a medal.  You're a
catastrophe that walks like a man.  Herbert Hoover was a shitty
president, but even he never conceded an entire city to rising water
and snakes.

"On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four
airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of
New Orleans.  Maybe you're just not lucky.  I'm not saying you don't
love this country.  I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if
you were on the other side.

"So, yes, God does speak to you.  What he is saying is: 'Take a hint.' "

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