Re: [SWCollect] Bad seller?

2001-08-28 Thread Jim Leonard

 Dan Chisarick wrote:
 Communication stopped over a month ago.  I've sent a steady
 stacatto of e-mail messages into /dev/null it seems.  While I never
 had to use it, I think eBay offers some manner of fraud protection.  A
 quick look shows a $25 deductable.  The four items exceed $25, but
 each individual item is well under that.  Paypal won't help once the
 money has been withdrawn by the receiver (I think).  So, pretty much
 looks like I'm eating this one.
 Any advice, or at least some stories about getting blindsided or
 totally stiffed?

This is exactly what's happened to me -- Guy has $35 of my money and
hasn't shipped yet.  I should've read his feedback before I bid, because
there is some hint of that behavior previously.  I'll send him another
 PS - Total irony here... the e-mail address for this person is  If you go to, its a religious site.
 When I sent an e-mail message there, I got an autoresponder from a
 bishop's e-mail (or that's what it said).  Who would think of getting
 the shaft from one of the cloth?

Like that's never happened before at all?  Hint #1:  Since when do
religious sites end in .com?
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Re: [SWCollect] Bad seller?

2001-08-28 Thread Jim Leonard

Dan Chisarick wrote:
 The seller claims to have suffered a tragic loss (2 deaths in her
 family).  It was 2 months ago.  Obviously anyone would sound like a total
 jerk trying to argue that she had enough time to mourn but she's swinging
 it like a hammer everytime someone dares to complain about her.  Sigh.

It is my personal experience that this is used as the ultimate excuse
more frequently than it is used legitimately.  In other words, it's been
2 months -- she's over it, or she was lying.  Complain again.
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