I understand why you asked the question. My only gripe was with the expressions Stuart used, which are, imho, harsh.

About paying $150 for a sword +5... I personally wouldn't do it either but It all depends on the person's budget and the raw $/hour entertainment ratio: if you pay a fiver to go to a 120m movie, it means you're paying $2.5 per hour of entertainment. If you pay $150 for a super-duper sword of monster hacking +17, you have to play that game for 60 hours to get the same $2.5 per hour, plus you can sell it back when you find the uber-leet axe of creature slaying +24... :)

It varies from person to person of course... but one thing's for sure, buying an online item is better for one's health than spending the equivalent in cigars! ;)

Just my $0.02

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Administration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

Toyota Prius '01, Aqua Ice Opalescent, 37K km., "Esperanza"

'People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Assunto: Re: [SWCollect] "Modern" classics
13-01-2004 18:03
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> I've never bought "online items" but I don't see the problem in paying
> for things that give you a certain degree of enjoyment.

I understand, but my question was geared toward trying to understand the
enjoyment.  For me, working hard and finally achieving a goal, beating
an enemy, etc. is the fun part.  My confusion was in trying to
understand the motivation of people who spend $100 or more on in-game items

> An online item can also provide enjoyment (like the example that was
> given, buying an house on UO for example) and then even be resold for a
> profit.

Yes, but given your examples, $5 for a movie or a pack of cigarettes is
much different than $150 for a +5 enchanted sword or whatever.  I can
understand spending $5 to see a movie but I can't fathom spending $150
or more for an item.  So that's why I asked.
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