Re: [swift-evolution] [swift evolution] [proposal] Proposal to add "implement" keyword to denote protocol method implementation

2016-03-20 Thread Ross O'Brien via swift-evolution
I recently had the misfortune of deleting what turned out to be a necessary
function, because it was an optional requirement of a protocol and wasn't
being called by any code in the project, so I would sympathise with this.

On the other hand I've also written protocols composed entirely of
functions that an established type already has, so I can retroactively have
the type conform. (For example, there's no 'ArithmeticOperation' protocol
which Int and Double both conform to, even though they both have a `+
(lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Self` operator, so you have to roll your own...
unless that should be a proposal itself.) It would be impossible to require
a function to use your 'implements' keyword to conform to a protocol in an
importing module.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 11:58 PM, Victor Gao via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> Hello everybody. Please excuse this proposal’s poor formatting. I am very
> new to swift-evolution and don’t yet know how to do a formatted proposal. :)
> *Proposal*
> I am proposing to add an implement keyword to go with protocol method
> implementations like the override keyword.
> *Motivation*
> When writing an implementation for a protocol method, there is no
> indication that the method is an implementation of a protocol method.
> Unless it is a well-known protocol like UITableViewDataSource, there is
> simply no way to know if the method is provided by a protocol or the
> enclosing class. Right now, the only way to guess if a method is
> protocol-provided is if it follows the pattern of someObjectOrView(_:
> requestSomething:) or someObjectOrView(_: somethingDidHappen:). But since
> non-Cocoa protocol methods may not follow that pattern, they will not be so
> easy to guess. Here’s an example illustrating the problem:
> func recordInDatabase(database: TJDatabase, atIndexPath indexPath:
> NSIndexPath) -> TJRecord {
> //…
> }
> Is this a protocol method implementation, or simply a method declaration?
> Well, it *looks* like a protocol method implementation, but how can one
> be sure? There is no way to definitely know unless you are familiar with it
> or you found its declaration after searching in the whole project, worse in
> huge projects. The method above just seems too “ordinary” to be a protocol
> method implementation. Even worse, some developer might come around and
> even rename that method, and there would be an error, then he has to fish
> around for the protocol method he’s missing. Assuming that he finally found
> it (if the protocol is small enough), he might even implement it *again* with
> the *same* code as the renamed method. We can see the problem here.
> Or, let’s think about this: how would it feel if there is no override
>  keyword? How would one know if a method is an override or not? We can see
> how this relates to the confusion with protocol method implementations.
> *Proposed solution*
> The proposed solution is to add an implement keyword, which improves the
> code above to this:
> implement func recordInDatabase(database: TJDatabase, atIndexPath
> indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> TJRecord {
> //…
> }
> Now it is very clear that we are implementing a protocol method rather
> than declaring a method. The code is much clearer, and it doesn’t hurt the
> readability either.
> *Detailed design*
> When overriding implemented protocol methods from a superclass, the
> override keyword is still used:
> override func recordInDatabase(database: TJDatabase, atIndexPath
> indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> TJRecord {
> return super.recordInDatabase(database, atIndexPath: indexPath)
> }
> *Impact on existing code*
> Existing code would be changed to include the implement keyword in
> appropriate places. This could be handled via the Swift latest syntax
> converter in Xcode.
> ___
> swift-evolution mailing list
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Re: [swift-evolution] [swift evolution] [proposal] Proposal to add "implement" keyword to denote protocol method implementation

2016-03-19 Thread Step C via swift-evolution
It seems to me there are two options when you have overlapping protocol 

1. Declare one extension that satisfies the group of overlapping protocols. In 
this case, perhaps A, B, and C.

2. Break up the extensions per protocol. In this case you have the problem that 
you have to pick which protocol an overlapping method implementation gets 
grouped with. Alternately, put those methods in a shared extension.

Either way this is far from a perfect solution. But I wonder if practically, it 
might cover most cases. 

I am not sure there is a way to guarantee full coverage without annotating 
every protocol method. But given that we don't have optional requirements in 
protocols, The compiler will tell us if we remove a method we need. So we do 
not have a huge gap to cover, it seems to me.

> On Mar 19, 2016, at 12:07 PM, Daniel Duan  wrote:
> (cc swift-evolution)
>> On Mar 19, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Step C  wrote:
>> The compiler can tell us when we have broken or not completed conformance, 
>> agreed. 
>> If we can empower extensions a bit more, we could also fully group each 
>> protocol conformance by extension.
> How would you “group” conformances for the following 3 protocols?
> protocol A {
>  func foo()
>  func bar()
> }
> protocol B {
>  func bar()
>  func baz()
> }
> protocol C: Equatable {
>  func bar()
> }
swift-evolution mailing list

Re: [swift-evolution] [swift evolution] [proposal] Proposal to add "implement" keyword to denote protocol method implementation

2016-03-19 Thread Daniel Duan via swift-evolution
(cc swift-evolution)

> On Mar 19, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Step C  wrote:
> The compiler can tell us when we have broken or not completed conformance, 
> agreed. 
> If we can empower extensions a bit more, we could also fully group each 
> protocol conformance by extension.

How would you “group” conformances for the following 3 protocols?

protocol A {
  func foo()
  func bar()
protocol B {
  func bar()
  func baz()
protocol C: Equatable {
  func bar()

swift-evolution mailing list

Re: [swift-evolution] [swift evolution] [proposal] Proposal to add "implement" keyword to denote protocol method implementation

2016-03-19 Thread Victor Gao via swift-evolution
Do I need to create a md file in the swift evolution repository to post my 

> On Mar 19, 2016, at 00:12, Jordan Rose  wrote:
> [+swift-evolution] Sure! It's just a fancy word for doing something like this:
> protocol SelfAppendable {
>   init()
>   func +=(other: Self)
> }
> func *(sequence: Sequence, count: Int) -> Sequence 
> {
>   var result = Sequence()
>   for _ in 0.. result += sequence
>   }
>   return result
> }
> extension Array: SelfAppendable {}
> extension String: SelfAppendable {}
> Both Array and String already have no-argument initializers and a += 
> function, but they come from the standard library and don't (necessarily) 
> satisfy any protocols, so they wouldn't be declared "implement". I can think 
> of a few different ways to deal with this, but mostly I just want to make 
> sure you (and everyone else) are considering this use case in your proposal. 
> :-)
> Best,
> Jordan
>> On Mar 18, 2016, at 17:04 , Victor Gao > > wrote:
>> Hi Jordan,
>> Could you explain more of what retroactive modeling is and how it affects 
>> the proposal? I am unfamiliar with retroactive modeling. Thanks!
>> Victor Gao.

swift-evolution mailing list

Re: [swift-evolution] [swift evolution] [proposal] Proposal to add "implement" keyword to denote protocol method implementation

2016-03-19 Thread Daniel Duan via swift-evolution
Victor Gao via swift-evolution  writes:

> Motivation
> When writing an implementation for a protocol method, there is no indication
> that the method is an implementation of a protocol method. 

Yes there is. If a implementation of a protocol is incomplete, then the
compiler will complain. Also, knowing about a protocol before implementing it
seems like a good idea.

Also, I think that "looking up definitions is hard" is not a strong enough
reason to warrant this change.

A type can automatically fulfill requirements of some protocol right now. This
change would break that too.

So, -1.

swift-evolution mailing list

Re: [swift-evolution] [swift evolution] [proposal] Proposal to add "implement" keyword to denote protocol method implementation

2016-03-18 Thread Jordan Rose via swift-evolution
I feel like this should be added to the "common proposal caveats", but please 
include a discussion of how this affects retroactive modeling (adding a 
protocol to a type you don't own that already has the appropriate members). 
Previous discussions about "implement" (usually "implements") usually fizzle 
out at this point.

(IIRC last time we got to "it's required if the member is in the same module, 
but allowed to be absent otherwise", which is fairly reasonable but probably 
still needs to be thought through.)


> On Mar 18, 2016, at 16:58 , Victor Gao via swift-evolution 
>  wrote:
> Hello everybody. Please excuse this proposal’s poor formatting. I am very new 
> to swift-evolution and don’t yet know how to do a formatted proposal. :)
> Proposal
> I am proposing to add an implement keyword to go with protocol method 
> implementations like the override keyword.
> Motivation
> When writing an implementation for a protocol method, there is no indication 
> that the method is an implementation of a protocol method. Unless it is a 
> well-known protocol like UITableViewDataSource, there is simply no way to 
> know if the method is provided by a protocol or the enclosing class. Right 
> now, the only way to guess if a method is protocol-provided is if it follows 
> the pattern of someObjectOrView(_: requestSomething:) or someObjectOrView(_: 
> somethingDidHappen:). But since non-Cocoa protocol methods may not follow 
> that pattern, they will not be so easy to guess. Here’s an example 
> illustrating the problem:
> func recordInDatabase(database: TJDatabase, atIndexPath indexPath: 
> NSIndexPath) -> TJRecord {
> //…
> }
> Is this a protocol method implementation, or simply a method declaration? 
> Well, it looks like a protocol method implementation, but how can one be 
> sure? There is no way to definitely know unless you are familiar with it or 
> you found its declaration after searching in the whole project, worse in huge 
> projects. The method above just seems too “ordinary” to be a protocol method 
> implementation. Even worse, some developer might come around and even rename 
> that method, and there would be an error, then he has to fish around for the 
> protocol method he’s missing. Assuming that he finally found it (if the 
> protocol is small enough), he might even implement it again with the same 
> code as the renamed method. We can see the problem here.
> Or, let’s think about this: how would it feel if there is no override  
> keyword? How would one know if a method is an override or not? We can see how 
> this relates to the confusion with protocol method implementations.
> Proposed solution
> The proposed solution is to add an implement keyword, which improves the code 
> above to this:
> implement func recordInDatabase(database: TJDatabase, atIndexPath indexPath: 
> NSIndexPath) -> TJRecord {
> //…
> }
> Now it is very clear that we are implementing a protocol method rather than 
> declaring a method. The code is much clearer, and it doesn’t hurt the 
> readability either.
> Detailed design
> When overriding implemented protocol methods from a superclass, the override 
> keyword is still used:
> override func recordInDatabase(database: TJDatabase, atIndexPath indexPath: 
> NSIndexPath) -> TJRecord {
> return super.recordInDatabase(database, atIndexPath: indexPath)
> }
> Impact on existing code
> Existing code would be changed to include the implement keyword in 
> appropriate places. This could be handled via the Swift latest syntax 
> converter in Xcode. 
> ___
> swift-evolution mailing list

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