The package manager will pick name from manifest if the sources are inside
Sources directory or in the root directory.

Documentation here:

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:48 AM, David Sweeris via swift-users <> wrote:

> I have a package that, on the filesystem, is named “tmpArbWidthInteger”,
> but its Package.swift file looks like this:
> let package = Package(
>     name: "ArbWidthInteger"
> )
> In another package, I have the 1st package listed as a dependency, and to
> use it there, I have to write "import tmpArbWidthInteger". I figured
> SwiftPM would pull the library’s name from the Package.swift file rather
> than the package directory's name, but "import ArbWidthInteger” throws a
> “no such module” error.
> Have I found a bug, is the “name” feature not implemented yet, or did I
> just miss a couple pages in the manual?
> - Dave Sweeris
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