Hi All

>> Yes, we are experiencing the same issues recently with ptr-requests
>> forwarded to the iana blackhole nameservers.
>> # dig -x @blackhole-1.iana.org
> Traceroute? :)
> Those nodes are anycasted. See previous answer or google AS112.

...and when you are trying to debug AS112 stuff you normally also want
to try to run this:

# dig +short txt hostname.as112.arpa
"Unique IP: / 2001:7f8:24::fa"
"See http://as112.net/ for more information."
"AS112 at SwissIX, http://www.swissix.ch, Zurich, Switzerland"

This will surface the name of the node you are ending up with. Running a
traceroute will probably not help so much because, as you already
correctly stated, this is an anycasted ip-address. It may point you into
the right direction, but it might as well misguide you.

s w i s s i x - Swiss Internet Exchange
Roman Hochuli
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