[swinog] Procmail

2010-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Walter Onda
Dear Swinoger

I have a problem with Procmail 3.22 with Postfix 2.7.1 running on a
FreeBSD System. Overall it works fine, except when I send an E-Mail to
more recipients on the same recipient-domain.

Sender: w.o...@example.com
Recipients: wal...@mydomains.ch; pe...@mydomains.ch

In the process status it looks like this
/usr/local/bin/procmail -t sender=w.o...@example.com
recipient=pe...@mydomains.ch recipient=wal...@mydomains.ch

In this case the procmail process just the latest recipient, in this
example wal...@mydomains.ch. It doesn’t matter how many recipients are
includes into the E-Mail.

Does anybody know which settings I need to change in order that postfix
send a copy of E-Mail per recipients to Procmail (prefer)? Or should I
change something else in the Procmail Script, like „do while“…?

Kind Regards

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Procmail

2010-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Jeroen Massar

On 10/07/2010 03:05 AM, Walter Onda wrote:

Does anybody know which settings I need to change in order that postfix
send a copy of E-Mail per recipients to Procmail (prefer)? Or should I
change something else in the Procmail Script, like „do while“…?

Those are the SMTP envelope headers, thus that is correct, you have to 
look at the headers inside the email.

Put a:

in your .procmailrc and you will see all kinds of other output.

Then check 'man procmailex' for examples on how to match using ^TO etc.


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