[symfony-users] Re: About embed forms

2009-10-06 Thread Francisco José Núñez Rivera
I tried it with

$opinion = new Opinion();
$opfeat = new $opinion-OpinionFeature;

but cant find the class OpinionFeature...

Otherwise i do the same you write (more or less). I think that when i'm
showing opinion form it creates a new Opinion(); variable.
Then i use that variable to set the new OpinionFeature var...

$OFform = new OpinionFeatureForm($opfeat);
$this-embedForm('feature_'.$feature-getId(), $OFform);

But it doesnt work... i have to overwrite saveEmbedForms

public function saveEmbeddedForms($con = null, $forms = null)

foreach($this-getEmbeddedForms() as $opinionForm)


parent::saveEmbeddedForms($con, $forms);

I think there's a easier way to do this but.. i dont know. :(

2009/10/6 Dennis gear...@sbcglobal.net

 I got this off of a Fabien post, somewhere. If you look at it, it
 makes everything connect to the same parent record. It SHOULD save
 correctly. I am goin to try it in my project tonight. Let me know if
 it works for you.

 $user = new User();
 $profile = new $user-Profile;
 $userForm = new UserForm($user);
 $profileForm = new ProfileForm($profile);
 $userForm-embedForm('Profile', $profileForm);

 On Oct 5, 2:13 am, elkrema elfra...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Dennis,
  there is my schema:
tableName: feature
type: integer(8)
primary: true
autoincrement: true
type: string(255)
notnull: true
  created_at: timestamp(25)
  updated_at: timestamp(25)
local: id
foreign: feature_id
type: many
tableName: opinion
type: integer(8)
primary: true
autoincrement: true
type: string(255)
notnull: true
type: string(2147483647)
notnull: true
type: integer(1)
default: '0'
notnull: true
type: string(255)
notnull: true
  created_at: timestamp(25)
  updated_at: timestamp(25)
local: id
foreign: opinion_id
type: many
tableName: opinion_feature
type: integer(8)
primary: true
type: integer(8)
primary: true
type: float(2147483647)
notnull: true
  created_at: timestamp(25)
  updated_at: timestamp(25)
local: opinion_id
foreign: id
type: one
local: feature_id
foreign: id
type: one
  Its very similar to your schema. Mine havent got foreign_type but i
  think it works same yours... no?
  I did that with mysql workbench and then build schema... :)
  I think the problem was save embed forms i have to overwrite the
  saveEmbedForms function to set the opinionid of the OpinionFeature
  just at the moment of insert the opinion. Doing that it works, but i
  dont know if its the right way.
  Thank you very much.
  On 5 oct, 05:10, Dennis gear...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
   So what you have is a:
   Opinion--1-to-many --OpinionFeature--many-to-1--Feature
   (above is a good way to show a schema)
   So you have to set up your schema to reflect that:
   Keep in mind that you have to create the Parents, before creating the
   Parents HAVE an ID, Children are GIVEN or USE and ID.
   Parents are 'Opinion' and 'Feature'.
 tableName: opinion
 type: integer(8)
 primary: true
 sequence: opinion_opinion_id
 type: string(65)
 notnull: true
 local: opinion_id
 foreign: opinion_id
 type: many
 foreignType: one
 tableName: feature
 type: integer(8)
 primary: true
 sequence: feature_feature_id
 type: string(32)
 notnull: true
 type: string(128)
 notnull: true
 local: feature_id
 foreign: feature_id
 type: many
 foreignType: one
 tableName: opinionfeature
 type: integer(8)
 primary: true
 type: integer(8)
 primary: true
 type: integer(2)
 notnull: true
 local: opinion_id
 foreign: opinion_id
 type: one
 foreignType: many
 local: feature_id

[symfony-users] Re: Raising events in a form

2009-10-06 Thread Florian

Hi !

What I always see is not to use sfContext directly in model, but :

sfEvent($this, 'foo.bar'));

( as you already said )

An other solution is to inject your dispatcher like this :

//in your form class:
public function setEventDispatcher(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher) {
$this-eventDispatcher = $dispatcher;

// then in your action (or whatever else ):
$form = new myForm;

But if it doesn't work with the first solution, it surely won't with
this one.

Hope it helps !

On Oct 5, 10:37 am, rich_81 rich.s...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Hope you can help with this - it's got me stumped!

 Using Symfony 1.2.9, I have a situation where I'm raising an event via
 the dispatcher, during the saving of a form - I have multiple embedded
 forms which need to raise the event upon each individual form's
 saving.  I'm seeing this currently in a unit test for the form.

 I have added my event method in the project configuration as normal,

 $this-dispatcher-connect(transaction.add, array
 (TransactionManager, sendAllocationEmail));

 and I'm then raising the event in my form class using:

 sfContext::getInstance()-getEventDispatcher()-notify(new sfEvent
 (null, transaction.add, array()));

 (I've tried sfProjectConfiguration::getActive()-getEventDispatcher()
 as well)

 The problem is that the event is getting raised 4 times, no matter
 where in the form class I use this.  I've tried moving it to the
 configure() method, I've tried removing all the embedded forms, and
 still my method is being called 4 times.

 The strange thing is, if I do:

     sfContext::getInstance()-getEventDispatcher()-notify(new sfEvent
 (null, application.log, array(About to raise my event)));
     sfContext::getInstance()-getEventDispatcher()-notify(new sfEvent
 (null, transaction.add, array()));
     sfContext::getInstance()-getEventDispatcher()-notify(new sfEvent
 (null, application.log, array(Raised my event)));

 in my log, I get the following:

 Oct 05 09:29:35 symfony [info] {main} About to raise my event
 Oct 05 09:29:35 symfony [info] {main} In my event's method
 Oct 05 09:29:35 symfony [info] {main} In my event's method
 Oct 05 09:29:35 symfony [info] {main} In my event's method
 Oct 05 09:29:35 symfony [info] {main} In my event's method
 Oct 05 09:29:35 symfony [info] {main} Raised my event

 The only code I have in my event handler at the moment is the
 application.log call.

 Has anybody else come across this at all? Is there a better way to
 retrieve the event dispatcher in the form, apart from upgrading to
 Symfony 1.3? :-)

 Thanks in advance,

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[symfony-users] Re: Template in AJAX request

2009-10-06 Thread Gareth McCumskey
Just to add, using AJAX to do a full page load is not an ideal situation.
AJAX is meant to be used for small parts of a page so that you don't have to
relaod the whole page. If your AJAX is supposed to return the entire page
rather do a page reload as this is actually faster to process as well than
an AJAX call and is less likely to cause issues.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:12 PM, HAUSa 
jeroen_heeft_behoefte_aan_r...@hotmail.com wrote:

 If I make an AJAX call, Symfony doesn't take the whole templates/
 layout.php with it, only the indexSuccess.php.
 Is there a way to tell that also the layout has to be shown?

 I want a total AJAX refresh of the complete HTML.

Gareth McCumskey
twitter: @garethmcc

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[symfony-users] Re: sf1.0: Foreign Key oddities when dealing with a through-class and the Symfony Admin Generator

2009-10-06 Thread benlancaster

On Oct 5, 4:43 pm, benlancaster ben.lancas...@holler.co.uk wrote:

 When the Article is saved, the ArticlePage choices from the
 admin_check_list get saved, but the featured flag doesn't. What's
 REALLY weird is that my DB Query Log shows that the items are being
 saved with the correct 'featured' flag, but they're then being
 deleted, and re-inserted without the featured flag!
 I don't geddit. Any idea where I should start looking? I haven't
 overloaded any of the Article or ArticlePage's (do)Save methods - bit
 weird, huh?

Answering my own question here, but I needed to overload the action's
saveArticle method to include the featured flag.
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGrid with Doctrine and a join how to get a field from a joint table

2009-10-06 Thread Bernhard Schussek

Hi Iwan,

Sorry for the late reply, I only saw this post now.

Unfortunately, this functionality is currently not supported by the
Doctrine driver.

Software Architect  Engineer
Blog: http://webmozarts.com

2009/9/23 Iwan van Staveren istave...@gmail.com:

 I have two tables.

 And when iterating with the sfGrid over the main table that is fine.

 But I am unable to select a field from the joint table.

 What is the right syntax to use in the array given to grid-setColumns
 to select the fields from the joint table?

 Kind regards,


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[symfony-users] How to translate symfony plugins?

2009-10-06 Thread Lubiluk

I use i18n ready plugins like sfGuard, sfApply, but i need them to
speak different language than english. I foud out that i can
translate them as usual with messages.xml file. The problem is how to
extract all messages from plugin? Task i18n:extract does the job only
for application's modules.
Is such task not implemented for plugins yet? How coul'd be that

I asked same thing in forum, but got no respone.

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[symfony-users] Re: Template in AJAX request

2009-10-06 Thread mawashiboy

AJAX is not meant to resfresh the whole page. I think you should think
about another way to do what u want.
The only way i see to refresh the layout is to replace the content of
the body tag

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[symfony-users] Sf/Doctrine : Using package option in schema file.

2009-10-06 Thread David BOUCHÉ

I've created the /config/doctrine/webservices.schema.yml :
connection: webservices
actAs: [Timestampable]
  type: INNODB

  package: lib.model.webservices
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  autoincrement: true
country_id: integer(4)
password: string(255)
  foreignType: one
  onDelete: restrict
  onUpdate: cascade

  package: lib.model.webservices
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  autoincrement: true

Here's command lauched :

$ ./symfony doctrine:build-model
 doctrine  generating model classes
 autoload  Reloading autoloaders

$ ls -l lib/model/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 david david 4096 2009-10-06 11:31 doctrine

(I don't have any webservices directory)

Classes are generated in two places :
$ ls -l lib/model/doctrine/lib/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 4096 2009-10-06 11:44 base
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  306 2009-10-06 11:44 Country.class.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david   64 2009-10-06 11:44 CountryTable.class.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  297 2009-10-06 11:44 User.class.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david   58 2009-10-06 11:44 UserTable.class.php

$ ls -l plugins/lib/model/webservices/
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david 325 2009-10-06 11:44 PluginCountry.class.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  66 2009-10-06 11:44
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david 316 2009-10-06 11:44 PluginUser.class.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  63 2009-10-06 11:44

I want class in lib/model/[doctrine/]webservices. How can I do that ?

Thanks for your support.

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[symfony-users] Re: How to translate symfony plugins?

2009-10-06 Thread Alexandru-Emil Lupu
I am not aware of such plugin developed yet, but i wanted to start one.
Unfortunatelly i do not have the time to do it.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Lubiluk lubi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I use i18n ready plugins like sfGuard, sfApply, but i need them to
 speak different language than english. I foud out that i can
 translate them as usual with messages.xml file. The problem is how to
 extract all messages from plugin? Task i18n:extract does the job only
 for application's modules.
 Is such task not implemented for plugins yet? How coul'd be that

 I asked same thing in forum, but got no respone.


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[symfony-users] Re: sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatter granularity

2009-10-06 Thread Tom Boutell


Sometimes echo $form really could be more than just a convenience in
the early stages of development, greatly accelerating the final
product if only we had a reasonable hope of giving row containers
class names and so on. The form decoration setup really is needlessly

On Oct 5, 4:15 pm, wiredcs wire...@gmail.com wrote:
 Also... thinking more into the situation.

 It would be interesting to see a way to also implement wrapping
 input tags with the label thus removing the need for the for=
 attribute. ie:

 label class='this-field'input ../label

 On Oct 5, 3:12 pm, wiredcs wire...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is there any way to do more granular things than mentioned 

  For instance, I would like to add an id to the embedded form.
  Something like:

  $decoratorFormat = div id='%embedded_form_id%'%content%/div;
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[symfony-users] Re: Sf/Doctrine : Using package option in schema file.

2009-10-06 Thread Jonathan Wage
The model generation does not work this way and the package feature cannot
be used with symfony. The package feature is how we generate models for
plugins in symfony.

- Jon

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 4:46 AM, David BOUCHÉ da...@bouchethomas.com wrote:

 I've created the /config/doctrine/webservices.schema.yml :
 connection: webservices
 actAs: [Timestampable]
  type: INNODB

  package: lib.model.webservices
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  autoincrement: true
country_id: integer(4)
password: string(255)
  foreignType: one
  onDelete: restrict
  onUpdate: cascade

  package: lib.model.webservices
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  autoincrement: true

 Here's command lauched :

 $ ./symfony doctrine:build-model
  doctrine  generating model classes
  autoload  Reloading autoloaders

 $ ls -l lib/model/
 total 4
 drwxr-xr-x 3 david david 4096 2009-10-06 11:31 doctrine

 (I don't have any webservices directory)

 Classes are generated in two places :
 $ ls -l lib/model/doctrine/lib/
 total 20
 drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 4096 2009-10-06 11:44 base
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david  306 2009-10-06 11:44 Country.class.php
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david   64 2009-10-06 11:44 CountryTable.class.php
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david  297 2009-10-06 11:44 User.class.php
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david   58 2009-10-06 11:44 UserTable.class.php

 $ ls -l plugins/lib/model/webservices/
 total 16
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david 325 2009-10-06 11:44 PluginCountry.class.php
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david  66 2009-10-06 11:44
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david 316 2009-10-06 11:44 PluginUser.class.php
 -rw-r--r-- 1 david david  63 2009-10-06 11:44

 I want class in lib/model/[doctrine/]webservices. How can I do that ?

 Thanks for your support.


Jonathan H. Wage (+1 415 992 5468)
Open Source Software Developer  Evangelist
sensiolabs.com | jwage.com | doctrine-project.org | symfony-project.org

You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine, Symfony and Open-Source or for
training, consulting, application development, or business related questions
at jonathan.w...@sensio.com

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[symfony-users] Re: Future of Symfony Selenium

2009-10-06 Thread Tennis Smith
That makes sense.  But making sense doesn't mean it will happen that way. :)

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Pablo Godel pgo...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am one of those that thinks that re-inventing the wheel is not good
 unless there is a really good reason for it (doing it better is one of

 Selenium is a major piece of software that does an awesome job. It would be
 really hard to do what it does in symfony.


 On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:47 PM, gamename ten...@tripitinc.com wrote:


 Is the plan for everyone to continue using Selenium for javascript-
 related testing, or will symfony eventually be able to support those
 tests natively?  I would *really* like to use sfBrower, but cannot
 because most everything we have is based on javascript.


 Pablo Godel
 ServerGrove Networks




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[symfony-users] Problem of MySQL freeze when saving object

2009-10-06 Thread Loïc Vernet

I have a strange error actually with my symfony installation (symfony 1.2.8 + 
PHP 5.3 + Wamp 2.0i)

Sometimes, for example in a an admin generator module, when trying to save the 
the script just freeze and never ends. When looking at the log, the last thing 
logged is the 
doctrine update query itself. When looking at phpMyAdmin, i'have 2 queries in 
SLEEP mode witch is of course the problem, but i have no idea how to correct... 

Witch is really strange is that error does not occur on all modules.

I'll try tomorrow with another PHP version, the last 5.2.x

Any help would be welcome...  :) See you. COil

PS: I have exactly the same problem on 2 computer (windows), including one with 
a fresh installation.

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[symfony-users] getId() not working on newly saved object

2009-10-06 Thread Josh

Hi all:

I'm still pretty fresh to Symfony so bear with my newbie questions and

Here's the deal:

$this-product = new Product; // from BaseProduct::Product

$obj = $this-product-save();

echo $obj-getProductId();  // product.product_id: int(11),
autoincrement, primary key.

The echo yields nothing though the object is saved to a row in the



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[symfony-users] Question about abbreviated syntax in YAML files

2009-10-06 Thread tirengarfio


I have these schema and testa data:

  actAs: [Timestampable]
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  autoincrement: true
  type: string(128)
  notnull: true
  unique: true
  type: string(128)
  default: sha1
  notnull: true
salt: string(128)
password: string(128)
  type: boolean
  default: 1
  type: boolean
  default: 0
  type: timestamp
  fields: [is_active]
  class: sfGuardGroup
  local: user_id
  foreign: group_id
  refClass: sfGuardUserGroup
  foreignAlias: Users
  class: sfGuardPermission
  local: user_id
  foreign: permission_id
  refClass: sfGuardUserPermission
  foreignAlias: Users
  class: sfGuardUser
  local: user1
  foreign: user2
  refClass: FriendReference
  equal: true

 sf_guard_user_id: integer(4)
 nombre: { type: string(60) }
 fotografia: {  type: string(255)  }
 descripcion:  {  type: string(4000)  }
  class: sfGuardUser
  foreignType: one


username: fernando
password: m
is_super_admin: true
  nombre: Fernando
  fotografia: fernando_salgado_siguenza.jpg
  descripcion:  |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

As you can see at the end this is written at the end of the schema:

  class: sfGuardUser
  foreignType: one

If i dont write those lines, after doing doctrine:build-all-reload i
get this error:

Unknown method sfGuardUser::setSfguarduserprofile

After reading this:


i thought those lines would be verbosity.

Do you know why i NEED to write those lines?



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[symfony-users] Re: How to know if an object has been modified

2009-10-06 Thread Ignacio Bergmann
No ideas?


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[symfony-users] Re: How to know if an object has been modified

2009-10-06 Thread Andrei Dziahel


2009/10/2 Ignacio Bergmann nachoc...@gmail.com

 Hello, this is my first message to the list... hope it isn't a silly

 I'm using Doctrine, and I have a class in my model which has a field that
 stores the name of a file (a picture).

 I have automated the deletion of those files when the corresponding record
 is delete using the postDelete method.

 Now, I want to automate the deletion of old files when they are changed for
 a new one. For this I was trying to use preSave and postSave methods, but I
 need to know if the 'file' field of my object is different of the one stored
 in the database.

 I have tried using the getModified method, but it gives me the new value of
 the field, instead of the old one. Also, the getLastModified method that the
 Doctrine documentatios suggests doesn't exist.

 I'm trying to implement this in the class definition of the object instead
 of implementing it on the form definition file, I think this is were this
 kind of task belong, but I might be wrong (I made it work overriding the
 doSave method of the form, but I still want to move it to the class).

 I'm open to suggestions. Thanks,


 My code (that doesn't work):

 class Mascotas extends BaseMascotas
   var $cambios;
   public function preSave($event)
 $this-cambios = $event-getInvoker()-getModified(true);

   public function postSave($event)


With the best regards, Andy.

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[symfony-users] Sf 1.2 route cache problems in prod with sfDoctrineRoute patterns

2009-10-06 Thread Mateusz Papiernik


I've encountered a strange problem with routing in my symfony 1.2 with
doctrine application. I tracked it down to routing cache problems.

I have two routes:

  url: /user/:nick/settings
  class:   sfDoctrineRoute
  options: { model: sfGuardUserProfile, type: object }
  param: { module: user, action: settings }
sf_method: [get, post]

  url: /user/settings/*
  param: { module: user, action: ownSettings }

The first one enables administrators to easily edit any user profile,
the second one is provided for convenience for an end user.

The action ownSettings is secured in security.yml and looks like that:

public function executeOwnSettings(sfRequest $request) {
  $this-redirect($this-generateUrl(user_edit_profile, $this-

The scenario is:

1) I login with an account maticomp. I go to /user/settings and am
redirected to /user/maticomp/settings.
2) I logout and log in with another account test. I go to /user/
settings and am redirected to ... /user/maticomp/settings

I modified the action to print some debug information instead of doing

public function executeOwnSettings(sfRequest $request) {
  print $this-getUser()-getGuardUser()-getProfile()-getNick() .
  print $this-generateUrl(user_edit_profile, $this-getUser()-
  return sfView::NONE;

The result now is:


After doing symfony cc in command line it's:


The problem is non existent in dev environment (where I guess routing
cache is disabled). It is also non-existent when I disable access to
the directory where route cache is stored (chmod 222 routing).

What could be the possible reason that Symfony caches complete routing
info when objects are passed to sfDoctrineRoute? Maybe I am missing
something here?

I would be very glad for any suggestions how to deal with this

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,
Mateusz Papiernik

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[symfony-users] Re: getId() not working on newly saved object

2009-10-06 Thread Nick Winfield
$this-product-getId() will give you the auto increment ID of the row just

2009/10/6 Josh joshlaro...@gmail.com

 Hi all:

 I'm still pretty fresh to Symfony so bear with my newbie questions and

 Here's the deal:

 $this-product = new Product; // from BaseProduct::Product

 $obj = $this-product-save();

 echo $obj-getProductId();  // product.product_id: int(11),
 autoincrement, primary key.

 The echo yields nothing though the object is saved to a row in the




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[symfony-users] sfGuardPlugin clears sfGuardUserProfile

2009-10-06 Thread Pablo Godel
I am using sfGuardPlugin to manage users in an application. I created
sfGuardUserProfile to add fields like name, email, website, etc.

It all works nicely, but when I update sfGuardUser through the admin
generator, it clears sfGuardUserProfile. I see the following in the sql log:

629 QueryUPDATE sf_guard_user_profile SET `FIRST_NAME`='',
`UPDATED_AT`=NULL WHERE sf_guard_user_profile.ID=1
629 QueryUPDATE sf_guard_user SET `IS_ACTIVE`=1 WHERE sf_guard_user.ID=1

Is there a way to avoid this behavor?

Pablo Godel

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[symfony-users] Re: how to install a symfony website

2009-10-06 Thread Jake Barnes

On Oct 5, 2:54 am, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Sid Bachtiar wrote:
  I was trying to look something more for non-developer.

  Let's say I developed a website then when I give the source code to my
  client (who isn't computer illiterate, but is not familiar with
  Symfony); at the moment I'll have to teach them a lot of things on how
  to install/deploy, symfony commands (clear cache), how to change
  database settings, and so on.

 Frankly, what you're asking makes no sense. Deploying a web site is not
 something you can just give to someone who is not technical.

One of the big weaknesses of Symfony is that it can not be deployed as
easily as WordPress. The fact that non-technical people have an easy
time installing WordPress gives WordPress much of its presence on the
web scene.

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[symfony-users] Re: how to install a symfony website

2009-10-06 Thread Jake Barnes

On Oct 5, 7:26 am, Tom Boutell t...@punkave.com wrote:
 This is true, but if you deploy with svn don't forget:

 RewriteRule (\.svn)/(.*?) - [F,L]

 In your .htaccess. You don't want people snooping in the .svn folders.

You can svn export and none of the .svn folders will be exported.

 On Oct 5, 3:06 am, Gareth McCumskey gmccums...@gmail.com wrote:

  First, in your batches directory for your symfony write a batch script (in
  PHP even if you want) that will run all the necessary symfony commands
  needed, like symfony cc etc. Then make sure its all committed to SVN. I
  have found deploying to a server easier to do with SVN rather than rsync
  which is what the official symfony docs recommend. So you can have your sys
  admin svn checkout the application, run the batch script and away you go.

  You can even have your deployment script add the correct Virtual Host
  settings into apache for you.

  This is of course assuming your running a *nix box.

  On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Sid Bachtiar sid.bacht...@gmail.com wrote:

   Of course not. I'm talking about someone technical, who knows how to
   install the like of Wordpress, and other popular PHP, but not familiar
   with Symfony, nor want/need to learn development in Symfony.

   On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:

On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Sid Bachtiar wrote:

I was trying to look something more for non-developer.

Let's say I developed a website then when I give the source code to my
client (who isn't computer illiterate, but is not familiar with
Symfony); at the moment I'll have to teach them a lot of things on how
to install/deploy, symfony commands (clear cache), how to change
database settings, and so on.

Frankly, what you're asking makes no sense. Deploying a web site is not
something you can just give to someone who is not technical.


   Blue Horn Ltd - System Development

  Gareth McCumskeyhttp://garethmccumskey.blogspot.com
  twitter: @garethmcc
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[symfony-users] Re: how to install a symfony website

2009-10-06 Thread Sid Bachtiar

Yeah, I'm thinking:

1. Have install.php on web folder and lock it or delete it after
installation is successful
2. Requirements checking if the environment has everything required
(plugins should be able to add requirement check too)
3. Let end user enters database information (like in Wordpress)
4. Click 'Install'

OK I'm sure it's not that easy, but I think it is doable.

Part of the check would be to check if non-public folder (non web
folder) can be protected (made non-public), e.g.: htaccess, etc, etc.


Sid Bachtiar
Blue Horn Ltd - System Development

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Jake Barnes lkrub...@geocities.com wrote:

 On Oct 5, 2:54 am, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Sid Bachtiar wrote:
  I was trying to look something more for non-developer.

  Let's say I developed a website then when I give the source code to my
  client (who isn't computer illiterate, but is not familiar with
  Symfony); at the moment I'll have to teach them a lot of things on how
  to install/deploy, symfony commands (clear cache), how to change
  database settings, and so on.

 Frankly, what you're asking makes no sense. Deploying a web site is not
 something you can just give to someone who is not technical.

 One of the big weaknesses of Symfony is that it can not be deployed as
 easily as WordPress. The fact that non-technical people have an easy
 time installing WordPress gives WordPress much of its presence on the
 web scene.


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[symfony-users] Re: how to install a symfony website

2009-10-06 Thread Mariusz Sasinski

 One of the big weaknesses of Symfony is that it can not be deployed as
 easily as WordPress. The fact that non-technical people have an easy
 time installing WordPress gives WordPress much of its presence on the
 web scene.

As far as I know symfony is not a blog, and it's made with _technical_ people 
in mind.  And for technical people, willing to read the manual, it's as easy 
to deploy as it can possibly be. 


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[symfony-users] Re: how to install a symfony website

2009-10-06 Thread david

Wordpress is an application, Symfony is a framework that you can use to  
build applications.
sf provides all the parts to make installers - you just need to glue 'em  

On Wed, 07 Oct 2009 00:32:18 +0200, Jake Barnes lkrub...@geocities.com  

 On Oct 5, 2:54 am, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Sid Bachtiar wrote:
  I was trying to look something more for non-developer.

  Let's say I developed a website then when I give the source code to my
  client (who isn't computer illiterate, but is not familiar with
  Symfony); at the moment I'll have to teach them a lot of things on how
  to install/deploy, symfony commands (clear cache), how to change
  database settings, and so on.

 Frankly, what you're asking makes no sense. Deploying a web site is not
 something you can just give to someone who is not technical.

 One of the big weaknesses of Symfony is that it can not be deployed as
 easily as WordPress. The fact that non-technical people have an easy
 time installing WordPress gives WordPress much of its presence on the
 web scene.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

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[symfony-users] Re: how to install a symfony website

2009-10-06 Thread Sid Bachtiar

 sf provides all the parts to make installers - you just need to glue 'em

Correct! And it would make it easier to spread Symfony to the mass if
it has a generic installer built in.

I know, I know, what don't I build it myself? I'd like to, but at the
moment I'm pretty stretched out.

But it also good to talk about it first, someone might points out why
this is difficult, etc, etc.

A Symfony open source project called Siwapp (an invoicing system)
tried/tries/trying to have this kind of installer (www.siwapp.org).

Kind regards,


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:09 PM, david da...@inspiredthinking.co.uk wrote:

 Wordpress is an application, Symfony is a framework that you can use to
 build applications.
 sf provides all the parts to make installers - you just need to glue 'em

 On Wed, 07 Oct 2009 00:32:18 +0200, Jake Barnes lkrub...@geocities.com

 On Oct 5, 2:54 am, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Sid Bachtiar wrote:
  I was trying to look something more for non-developer.

  Let's say I developed a website then when I give the source code to my
  client (who isn't computer illiterate, but is not familiar with
  Symfony); at the moment I'll have to teach them a lot of things on how
  to install/deploy, symfony commands (clear cache), how to change
  database settings, and so on.

 Frankly, what you're asking makes no sense. Deploying a web site is not
 something you can just give to someone who is not technical.

 One of the big weaknesses of Symfony is that it can not be deployed as
 easily as WordPress. The fact that non-technical people have an easy
 time installing WordPress gives WordPress much of its presence on the
 web scene.


 Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/


Blue Horn Ltd - System Development

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[symfony-users] upload multiple files with ajax

2009-10-06 Thread Martin Ibarra Cervantes

hi guys,

I need upload images to my server, for example




maybe with ajax or not, but i need save the values in a DB,

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[symfony-users] Re: About embed forms

2009-10-06 Thread Dennis

Try this for adding an object's PARENT form to the child form.

Where it says Edit/Add Author Exactly in the middle of the document.

Me, I'm looking to add Chidren to the Parent Object, but not a large
quanity of them like this guy did:

Also, he had to go to a lot of trouble to get it to work.

There's got to be a way to add the children, or a blank one without
going to the trouble that he went tol.

(doctrine btw)
ParticularForm extends BaseParticularForm{

function configuration(){

On Oct 5, 11:20 pm, Francisco José Núñez Rivera elfra...@gmail.com
 I tried it with

 $opinion = new Opinion();
 $opfeat = new $opinion-OpinionFeature;

 but cant find the class OpinionFeature...

 Otherwise i do the same you write (more or less). I think that when i'm
 showing opinion form it creates a new Opinion(); variable.
 Then i use that variable to set the new OpinionFeature var...

 $OFform = new OpinionFeatureForm($opfeat);
 $this-embedForm('feature_'.$feature-getId(), $OFform);

 But it doesnt work... i have to overwrite saveEmbedForms

 public function saveEmbeddedForms($con = null, $forms = null)

         foreach($this-getEmbeddedForms() as $opinionForm)


     parent::saveEmbeddedForms($con, $forms);

 I think there's a easier way to do this but.. i dont know. :(

 2009/10/6 Dennis gear...@sbcglobal.net

  I got this off of a Fabien post, somewhere. If you look at it, it
  makes everything connect to the same parent record. It SHOULD save
  correctly. I am goin to try it in my project tonight. Let me know if
  it works for you.

  $user = new User();
  $profile = new $user-Profile;
  $userForm = new UserForm($user);
  $profileForm = new ProfileForm($profile);
  $userForm-embedForm('Profile', $profileForm);

  On Oct 5, 2:13 am, elkrema elfra...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi Dennis,

   there is my schema:

     tableName: feature
         type: integer(8)
         primary: true
         autoincrement: true
         type: string(255)
         notnull: true
       created_at: timestamp(25)
       updated_at: timestamp(25)
         local: id
         foreign: feature_id
         type: many

     tableName: opinion
         type: integer(8)
         primary: true
         autoincrement: true
         type: string(255)
         notnull: true
         type: string(2147483647)
         notnull: true
         type: integer(1)
         default: '0'
         notnull: true
         type: string(255)
         notnull: true
       created_at: timestamp(25)
       updated_at: timestamp(25)
         local: id
         foreign: opinion_id
         type: many

     tableName: opinion_feature
         type: integer(8)
         primary: true
         type: integer(8)
         primary: true
         type: float(2147483647)
         notnull: true
       created_at: timestamp(25)
       updated_at: timestamp(25)
         local: opinion_id
         foreign: id
         type: one
         local: feature_id
         foreign: id
         type: one

   Its very similar to your schema. Mine havent got foreign_type but i
   think it works same yours... no?

   I did that with mysql workbench and then build schema... :)

   I think the problem was save embed forms i have to overwrite the
   saveEmbedForms function to set the opinionid of the OpinionFeature
   just at the moment of insert the opinion. Doing that it works, but i
   dont know if its the right way.

   Thank you very much.

   On 5 oct, 05:10, Dennis gear...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

So what you have is a:

Opinion--1-to-many --OpinionFeature--many-to-1--Feature

(above is a good way to show a schema)

So you have to set up your schema to reflect that:

Keep in mind that you have to create the Parents, before creating the
Parents HAVE an ID, Children are GIVEN or USE and ID.

Parents are 'Opinion' and 'Feature'.

  tableName: opinion
      type: integer(8)
      primary: true
      sequence: opinion_opinion_id
      type: string(65)
      notnull: true
      local: opinion_id
      foreign: opinion_id
      type: many

[symfony-users] Re: problem with undefined table and embedded form

2009-10-06 Thread Dennis

BTW, which is the parent object, and which is the child object:

vehiculo vs. sinestro?

On Sep 9, 3:26 pm, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, Abraham Montilla wrote:
  and as i said, i don't know why did it work before cause the autoincrement
  line is set from the beginning of the project, therefore, the firstime i
  embedded the form and added a new row that line was in schema.yml :S i
  really don't know what did i change, but anyway, problem solved =)

 Problems like this highlight the need to use migrations so database
 changes are also versioned.

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[symfony-users] Re: getId() not working on newly saved object

2009-10-06 Thread Josh

Yeah, this is not working. I guess that's what I'm saying. I'm taking
two new objects, populating them, then saving one and using that ID to
populate a column in the other object. For whatever reason, this is
not working. BUT, the row is saved to the DB upon $obj-save() OR
$this-product-save() or whatever else I try.

I'm not using propel (rather, the original author didn't us it) but
this is what the BaseObject class looks like:

class BaseProductProfile extends BaseEntityRecord
public function setTableDefinition()

$this-hasColumn('id', 'integer', 11, array
('primary'=true, 'required'=true, 'autoincrement'= true));
$this-hasColumn('user_characteristic_id', 'integer', 11, 
$this-hasColumn('patient_first_name', text, null, array());
$this-hasColumn('patient_last_name', text, null, array());
$this-hasColumn('updated', 'timestamp', null, array());


public function setUp()
$this-hasOne('ProductProfile as Product', array('local' = 


Here's the schema for the object in question:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_profile` (
  `user_characteristic_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `product_first_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
  `product_last_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

On Oct 6, 2:13 pm, Nick Winfield pion...@superhaggis.com wrote:
 $this-product-getId() will give you the auto increment ID of the row just

 2009/10/6 Josh joshlaro...@gmail.com

  Hi all:

  I'm still pretty fresh to Symfony so bear with my newbie questions and

  Here's the deal:

  $this-product = new Product; // from BaseProduct::Product

  $obj = $this-product-save();

  echo $obj-getProductId();  // product.product_id: int(11),
  autoincrement, primary key.

  The echo yields nothing though the object is saved to a row in the


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[symfony-users] if (condition): endif: not working

2009-10-06 Thread Avani

Hi all,

I am working on symfony since last 1 month. Yday I just installed
symfony to my other laptop. I dont know why I am getting errors in my
templates which works for my pc.

I am gettting errors everywhere when I used

?php if(condition):

endif: ?

if I have used  ?php if{}  ?  (traditional php syntax)  then it is

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.
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[symfony-users] Re: if (condition): endif: not working

2009-10-06 Thread Sid Bachtiar

It should be:

?php if (condition): ?
  h1Hola hola hola/h1
?php endif; // with semi colon ?

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am working on symfony since last 1 month. Yday I just installed
 symfony to my other laptop. I dont know why I am getting errors in my
 templates which works for my pc.

 I am gettting errors everywhere when I used

 ?php if(condition):

 endif: ?

 if I have used  ?php if{}  ?  (traditional php syntax)  then it is

 Can anybody help me?

 Thanks in advance.

Blue Horn Ltd - System Development

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[symfony-users] Re: if (condition): endif: not working

2009-10-06 Thread Avani

Oh sorry, it was typing mistake.

whole project is working in my 1 pc. When I copy the same into my
other pc, it is giving errors

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\xampp\htdocs\td\apps
\core\templates\layout.php on line 354  everywhere where I have

?php  if(condition) : ?
?php endif; ?

On Oct 7, 9:59 am, Sid Bachtiar sid.bacht...@gmail.com wrote:
 It should be:

 ?php if (condition): ?
   h1Hola hola hola/h1
 ?php endif; // with semi colon ?

 On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I am working on symfony since last 1 month. Yday I just installed
  symfony to my other laptop. I dont know why I am getting errors in my
  templates which works for my pc.

  I am gettting errors everywhere when I used

  ?php if(condition):

  endif: ?

  if I have used  ?php if{}  ?  (traditional php syntax)  then it is

  Can anybody help me?

  Thanks in advance.

 Blue Horn Ltd - System Developmenthttp://bluehorn.co.nz
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[symfony-users] Re: if (condition): endif: not working

2009-10-06 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Please provide lines 345 - 365 of
C:\xampp\htdocs\td\apps\core\templates\layout.php would be helpful.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oh sorry, it was typing mistake.

 whole project is working in my 1 pc. When I copy the same into my
 other pc, it is giving errors

 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\xampp\htdocs\td\apps
 \core\templates\layout.php on line 354  everywhere where I have

 ?php  if(condition) : ?
 ?php endif; ?

 On Oct 7, 9:59 am, Sid Bachtiar sid.bacht...@gmail.com wrote:
  It should be:
  ?php if (condition): ?
h1Hola hola hola/h1
  ?php endif; // with semi colon ?
  On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi all,
   I am working on symfony since last 1 month. Yday I just installed
   symfony to my other laptop. I dont know why I am getting errors in my
   templates which works for my pc.
   I am gettting errors everywhere when I used
   ?php if(condition):
   endif: ?
   if I have used  ?php if{}  ?  (traditional php syntax)  then it is
   Can anybody help me?
   Thanks in advance.
  Blue Horn Ltd - System Developmenthttp://bluehorn.co.nz

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[symfony-users] Re: Question about abbreviated syntax in YAML files

2009-10-06 Thread wiredcs

I think the error says it. If you don't specify the one side it won't
populate that model with the setter for user profile. Use build-all to
see what the generator is generating. I find it easier to read and
understand the doctrine models.

On Oct 6, 2:48 pm, tirengarfio tirengar...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have these schema and testa data:

   actAs: [Timestampable]
       type: integer(4)
       primary: true
       autoincrement: true
       type: string(128)
       notnull: true
       unique: true
       type: string(128)
       default: sha1
       notnull: true
     salt: string(128)
     password: string(128)
       type: boolean
       default: 1
       type: boolean
       default: 0
       type: timestamp
       fields: [is_active]
       class: sfGuardGroup
       local: user_id
       foreign: group_id
       refClass: sfGuardUserGroup
       foreignAlias: Users
       class: sfGuardPermission
       local: user_id
       foreign: permission_id
       refClass: sfGuardUserPermission
       foreignAlias: Users
       class: sfGuardUser
       local: user1
       foreign: user2
       refClass: FriendReference
       equal: true

      sf_guard_user_id: integer(4)
      nombre: { type: string(60) }
      fotografia: {  type: string(255)  }
      descripcion:  {  type: string(4000)  }
       class: sfGuardUser
       foreignType: one


     username: fernando
     password: m
     is_super_admin: true
       nombre: Fernando
       fotografia: fernando_salgado_siguenza.jpg
       descripcion:  |
         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
         eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

 As you can see at the end this is written at the end of the schema:

       class: sfGuardUser
       foreignType: one

 If i dont write those lines, after doing doctrine:build-all-reload i
 get this error:

 Unknown method sfGuardUser::setSfguarduserprofile

 After reading this:


 i thought those lines would be verbosity.

 Do you know why i NEED to write those lines?


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[symfony-users] Re: if (condition): endif: not working

2009-10-06 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Well, without seeing all the code, it's hard to tell, but you are mixing if
() { /* thirty lines later */ } with if (): and endif; syntax.  I would
suggest that you clean up your code format, use one consistent syntax and
you will likely find that you actually have an open if somewhere - which
is why you have the extraneous ending curly.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com wrote:

 Below is my code

 345:   !-- show only in trip-profile page
 OR   multimedia pages --
 346:   ?php
  if($show_left_sliding_menu == 'yes' || $module ==
 'photolibrary' || $module == 'videolibrary'){ ?
 349:a ?php if
 ($tab==photolibrary): ? class=current ? endif; ? href=?php
 echo url_for('photolibrary/index'.$multimedia_param); ?img src=/
 images/photo-350:app.png title=Photo Library alt=Photo Library /
 /abr /
 352:a id=smile ?php if
 ($tab==videolibrary): ? class=current ? endif; ? href=?php
 echo url_for('videolibrary/index'.$multimedia_param); ?img
 353:src=/images/video-app.png title=Video Library alt=Video
 Library //abr /
 354:?php } ?
  if($show_left_sliding_menu == 'yes') { ?
 359:a href=?php echo url_for
 ('trip/maps?trip_folder_id='.$trip_folder_id_str);?img src=/
 images/map-app.png title=Map alt=map //abr /
 360:?php } ?
 364:!-- show only in trip-profile page --

 Here, if I delete line 349  to 353, then it is working correctly.

 Dont know why is the problem??

 On Oct 7, 10:05 am, Jeremy Thomerson jeremythomer...@gmail.com
  Please provide lines 345 - 365 of
  C:\xampp\htdocs\td\apps\core\templates\layout.php would be helpful.
  On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com wrote:
   Oh sorry, it was typing mistake.
   whole project is working in my 1 pc. When I copy the same into my
   other pc, it is giving errors
   Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\xampp\htdocs\td\apps
   \core\templates\layout.php on line 354  everywhere where I have
   ?php  if(condition) : ?
   ?php endif; ?
   On Oct 7, 9:59 am, Sid Bachtiar sid.bacht...@gmail.com wrote:
It should be:
?php if (condition): ?
  h1Hola hola hola/h1
?php endif; // with semi colon ?
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Avani avani.v.puj...@gmail.com
 Hi all,
 I am working on symfony since last 1 month. Yday I just installed
 symfony to my other laptop. I dont know why I am getting errors in
 templates which works for my pc.
 I am gettting errors everywhere when I used
 ?php if(condition):
 endif: ?
 if I have used  ?php if{}  ?  (traditional php syntax)  then it
 Can anybody help me?
 Thanks in advance.
Blue Horn Ltd - System Developmenthttp://bluehorn.co.nz

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