[symfony-users] Re: AJAX in SF1.2

2009-05-02 Thread Dan Grossman


HAUSa wrote:
 I guess all documentation about Ajax is only for version 1.0? Al
 things I tried from the book and Easy AJAX tutorial just won't work.

 Is there SF1.2 AJAX documentation?


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[symfony-users] Re: Square Facebook type thumbnail

2007-12-09 Thread Dan Grossman

You will need a little JavaScript to select the region of the image 
client-side. Server-side, it's a single function call:

Kind regards,
Dan Grossman

Tom Haskins-Vaughan wrote:
 Has anybody by any chance created a module that creates a square 
 thumbnail (like on Facebook) from an uploaded image that they are 
 willing to share?



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[symfony-users] Re: Credit Card processing

2007-11-05 Thread Dan Grossman

Your client will need to establish a merchant account for internet 
processing. If they have an account and terminal for retail processing, 
they can't use that for online processing without approval from the 
provider or bank. Internet transactions have to be processed with the 
appropriate code indicating they're MOTO/internet originated.

A bank or other service provider that provides merchant accounts will 
almost always provide an account with a gateway service at the same 
time, although it's possible to get them separately. The gateway is what 
connects your website to the banking network to process credit cards. It 
will provide some API for you to send the payment information, and in 
response tells you whether the transaction was accepted or declined and 
various associated information (like codes corresponding to decline 
reasons, depending on the API again).

If it's a popular gateway, maybe someone's written a plugin. I use the 
Authorize.net gateway with my merchant accounts and just dropped a class 
into my lib directory which encapsulates all the API calls to charge a 
credit card or initiate a subscription.

I hope that overview sets you down the right path.

Kind regards,
Dan Grossman

Ant Cunningham wrote:
 Id recommend using whoever their bank uses for terminal service. Ours uses
 YourPay/Linkpoint for example. (http://www.yourpay.com/)

 On 11/5/07 2:51 PM, Tom Haskins-Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, one of my clients is looking for credit card processing on a site.
 I've never done it before, and I was wondering if anyone could point me
 in the right direction, also if there is a plugin for symfony. It is for
 a US client.






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[symfony-users] Re: How to handle application/xml submitted via POST?

2007-10-21 Thread Dan Grossman

An HTTP POST is always of the form field=data, so use 
$this-getRequestParameter('field') like you would for any other POSTed 

drmikecrowe wrote:

 Let me explain more:  My remote application is sending a POST, with a
 content type application/xml.  The contents of the post are something

 My question is:  When a post comes in in that manner, is it visible
 within symfony?  To get it now, I do:

 $stream = fopen(php://input, r);
 $data = stream_get_contents($stream);


 On Oct 20, 3:17 pm, Ian P. Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 drmikecrowe wrote:
 Sorry, that's backwords:  I need to process an application/xml upload
 from symfony.
 I don't understand your question still - handling it how?

 An upload is an upload, regardless of it's mimetype, you can save it to
 file or whatever you like.



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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony allows multiple urls to the same content...

2007-10-20 Thread Dan Grossman

This is just the nature of how web servers work. You can write a filter 
to look at the URL and make up errors if you want. It's not an issue for 
SEO. Search engines don't make up URLs, they follow links, so unless you 
link to the same content with all 4 URLs, they'll only know about one 
way to access each page.

Jonathan Franks wrote:
 I have read often that search engines don't like to find the same 
 content accessible from multiple urls. But I notice that in my 
 application this is happening

 I have a symfony routing rule to make my homepage index.html

 As such, I can reach my home page with ...


 This is as expected and not a problem. However, I can also reach the 
 same page with...

 www.mysite.com/index.php/   --- html loads but assets broken

 I think both the above should return a 404

 Also it is possible to reach every page in my frontend in two ways

 www.mysite.com/somepage.html --- this page I want
 www.mysite.com/index.php/somepage.html--- this page should return a 404

 Likewise, surely a symfony page with this type of url...


 should not be available under this as well...


 Am I doing something wrong?? Is it important anyway?

 Thanks Jonathan



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[symfony-users] Re: Developer tools

2007-10-19 Thread Dan Grossman

Windows Vista
Eclipse w/ PDT
IE7, FF2, Safari3, Opera9, XP+IE6 VPC
TortoiseSVN  / CVSDude.com hosted SVN repository

Occasionally I'll use Visual Studio 2005 with VS.PHP when I'm tired of 
Eclipse acting up.

~ Dan Grossman

Tom Haskins-Vaughan wrote:
 Hi this might have been done already so feel free to point me to an 
 existing thread but if not here goes.

 I'm intrigued to find out what people use to develop symfony with. Here 
 are my tools:

 Platform:  Fedora 7 Linux (considering moving to Mac)
 Text editor/IDE:   Bluefish (considering moving to TextMate)
 Primary test browser:  Friefox 2 with developer plugin

 Feel free to add categories.




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[symfony-users] Re: different configuration between local and live machines

2007-10-12 Thread Dan Grossman

Create different environments for each, and if you can't be bothered to 
switch a variable indicating which environment you're using somewhere 
between the two servers, write a snippet to detect it from the URL/hostname.


Jonathan Bryan wrote:
 As well as the database settings, I have a number of other settings that 
 need to change depending on whether they are on the live server or my 
 local development machine. (for instance, for turning distant analytics 

 I can't find any recommended way of doing this in the symfony docs.

 It must be a common problem, so I wonder if I'm missing something obvious??



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[symfony-users] Re: Getting the content from an action success....

2007-10-01 Thread Dan Grossman



- Dan

Jonathan Franks wrote:

 A long time ago I read somewhere on the Symfony site (but I forgot 
 where) about a function to grab the output from an action. So you could 
 write something like this...

 $content = getOutput('module name', 'action name');

 Was I dreaming? if not, can someone remind me of how this is done? 
 thanks // Jonathan



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[symfony-users] Re: .htaccess file not working

2007-09-28 Thread Dan Grossman

mod_rewrite has no problem with periods... but you have rules 
specifically dealing with them. Did you read the comments (ex we skip 
all files with .something)? ;)

Carl Vondrick wrote:
 On Friday, September 28, 2007, Carl Vondrick wrote:
 A .htaccess file for a certain application is not working for me.
 After banging my head around for a while, I realized that it was because the 
 project had a dot in the name.  I guess mod_rewrite doesn't like periods!



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[symfony-users] Re: Propel doSelectJoin*() not actually doing joins?!

2007-09-27 Thread Dan Grossman

When you're talking about MySQL, adding a WHERE clause on the foreign 
key is almost always identical to performing an inner join. I don't see 
this behavior as incorrect at all. A left outer join is never the 
default join type, so it *should* have to be explicitly specified.

Simon Roby wrote:
 On 9/27/07, Nicolas Dhomont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know why it's coded like this but you can write your own
 doSelectJoin*() functions (with left join inside).

 I know, but that would be a waste of time better spent fixing Propel itself.

 After searching Propel's Trac I found this:
 however it appears to be applicable only to Propel 1.3 (I see no
 generator/classes/propel/engine/builder/om/php5 path in

 Anyway I guess I should be asking the Propel list instead, as this
 isn't really a symfony issue.

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[symfony-users] Re: Output an excel file from an action

2007-09-09 Thread Dan Grossman

I assume you need to call some method of $objWriter, like the line you 
commented out, for it to actually output the file. Right now your action 
has no output, you're sending nothing but the headers back.

nico_bl1nd wrote:
 Hi Anakreon,

 I'm facing a similar problem.
 I've made a simple export action and added the demo code from PHP
 Excel, everything seems ok, the file is sent to my computer, but it's
 completely empty.
 Could you paste your PHPExcel code here ?
 I don't know how to save the Excel.

 mine is the following :

 My action :
 // Create new PHPExcel object
 $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

 // Set properties
 $objPHPExcel-getProperties()-setCreator(Maarten Balliauw);
 $objPHPExcel-getProperties()-setTitle(Office 5 XLSX Test
 $objPHPExcel-getProperties()-setSubject(Office 5 XLSX Test
 $objPHPExcel-getProperties()-setDescription(Test document for
 Office 5, generated using PHP classes.);

 // Add some data
 $objPHPExcel-getActiveSheet()-SetCellValue('A1', 'Hello');
 $objPHPExcel-getActiveSheet()-SetCellValue('B2', 'world!');
 $objPHPExcel-getActiveSheet()-SetCellValue('C1', 'Hello');
 $objPHPExcel-getActiveSheet()-SetCellValue('D2', 'world!');

 // Rename sheet

 header('Content-Type: ' . 'application/vnd.ms-excel');
 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export12.xls');

 // Save Excel 2007 file
 $objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5($objPHPExcel);
 // $objWriter-save(php://output);

 return sfView::HEADER_ONLY;

 My view.yml

 has_layout: false

 thanks for your help




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[symfony-users] Re: Zend Guard and Symfony can't work together?

2007-09-01 Thread Dan Grossman

So you think all software sold in retail stores is immoral? It's all 
obfuscated through compilation, which protects the authors from theft of 
their code by competitors...

Bjorn Wijers wrote:
 Cipher Chien,

 No offense, but obfuscating files with an external commercial third 
 party program and expecting an open source based platform to be able to 
 handle this without taking any steps from you seems silly to me.

 Personally I applaud any extra step to make it harder to use Symfony or 
 any other platform for those obfuscating source code. Obfuscating source 
 code is IMHO a silly thing to do, both technically and morally and I 
 wouldn't put any energy into.

 All the best,


 Cipher Chien wrote:

 I found some topic about this and tried out the solution by my self.

 The steps are below:
 1. In Zend Guard setting subpage, Obfuscation, the Obfuscation Level
 can't be Strong.
 2. Find or create autoload.yml in apps level config directory. (exp:
 project/apps/frontend/config/). and add setting in autoload.yml.  for
 example:  I have a encrypt file in /project/apps/frontend/lib/
 abc.class.php . my autoload.yml setting should be

 name:   myClass
   abc:  %SF_APP_LIB_DIR%/abc.class.php
 3. Flush symfony cache ,reload your page and done.

 Why should we do these extra actions after we encrypt our symfony
 code?  because symfony can't autoload these encrypt files.  If you
 have thousands file to encryptcongratulation!




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[symfony-users] Re: Issues with Create/Edit/Save actions

2007-06-25 Thread Dan Grossman

Not from the controller. But you can make this string you want to append 
available to the view from the controller, then in the view, print out a 
title tag which contains the title from view.yml and your extra string 
instead of using the helper method for printing a title.


title?php echo $this-getContext()-getResponse()-getTitle(); ? 
?php echo isset($title_extra) ? ' - ' . $title_extra : ''; ?/title

Nicolas Perriault wrote:
 Nicolas Dhomont wrote:

 public function executeCreate()
 *  $this-getResponse()-setTitle('blah');
 *  return $this-forward('content', 'edit');

 BTW is there a simple way to append a string to an existing title
 (defined in the view.yml file) in the response ? My problem is that in
 the controller the sfResponse::getTitle method always returns an empty
 string... :(



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[symfony-users] Determining GMT offset of a timezone

2007-06-24 Thread Dan Grossman

This isn't Symfony specific, but thought one of ya PHP gurus might be 
able to help.

I have some time zone strings (ex: America/New_York or 
Europe/London), and want to find the GMT offset of that timezone, 
*without DST adjustments*. In other words, the offset (like GMT -5) that 
I print should be consistent throughout the year.

The first part I've figured out; how to easily remove DST adjustments I 
haven't. For example, for Europe/London, I get GMT+1 right now, where I 
want GMT+0, as it will be during London's winter.

$dateTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($timeZoneString);
$dateTime = new DateTime(now, $dateTimeZone);
$offset = $dateTimeZone-getOffset($dateTime);
if ($offset != 0) {
$offset = $offset / (60 * 60); //converts to hours

Switching the timezone setting with date_default_timezone_set() or 
putenv('TZ=') can have side-effects, so something that doesn't involve 
tricking the thread into thinking it's in a different timezone would be 

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[symfony-users] Re: SteelGuru V2 built on Symfony

2007-06-16 Thread Dan Grossman

You know, there was nothing so original in my e-mail about W3Counter
that you had to copy it. You should've at least changed the link to
point to your site rather than just the text ;)

Dan Grossman
Awio Web Services LLC

Birchandra Singh wrote:
Dear all,
SteelGuru v2 (http://www.steelguru.com)
is now online. The latest version of this
popular site is built on the Symfony framework (1.0.2).
It subscribes daily e-newsletter (namely Steel Trade Today) related to
steel, iron, ore so on 
over 4 subscribers daily.
Thanks Symfony for making it so easy and fast.
Birchandra Sanasam
Web Developer  Analyst
# +91 9810 194978

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[symfony-users] Re: Javascript on another server?

2007-06-07 Thread Dan Grossman

More than 90% of all webpages contain JavaScript that resides on another 
server. That's how Google AdSense, every web tracker/hit counter, and 
virtually all 3rd party ad network works.

Florian Klug wrote:

 On Thursday 07 June 2007 19:02, Eno wrote:
 Our javascript files live on another server (along with all of our
 images) and Im trying to integrate a rich text editor into our


 I don't think that's a symfony issue, because afaik browsers don't execute 
 javascript from any other server than the one which serves the page.



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[symfony-users] Re: FYI: Symfony Benchmark

2007-06-06 Thread Dan Grossman

Wonder what the results would've been if he was using an opcode cache 
and ran sfOptimizerPlugin over the project beforehand. I'm seeing 
virtually 100% cache hits with APC and Symfony:


Piers Warmers wrote:
 Thanks for the link Grimoire. Nicely presented research.

 I'd love to some of the code used in these tests. I know from my  
 experiences with frameworks, stylistic coding changes can have a huge  
 bearing on speed.

 For me, I found my original Symfony Apps were much slower than my  
 latest. I think that is due to:

   -   My better usage of the cache

   -   More streamlined / lean model usage - I try and minimize access 
 joined table. Especially in listing pages.

   -   I watch the number of DB queries like a hawk. I try and keep it 
 low as possible. Anything above 2-3 for a popular script, and I get  
 worried.  But the again, I also wrap aluminum foil around my head  
 so  : )

   -   I've mostly stopped using the Admin generator. I find it way, 
 too verbose for my liking.

 So what have others found? how do you optimize you Symfony Apps?

 - Piers


 Bad marketing for our lovely framework.

 Grimoire Guru
 SourceMage GNU/Linux




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[symfony-users] Re: W3Counter v4 Built on Symfony

2007-05-24 Thread Dan Grossman

There isn't a whole lot of CRUD in W3Counter (just a few screens to 
manage an account and websites). The bulk is reporting the web stats, 
and it doesn't make much sense to consider a visitor log or log row as 
an object, and to retrieve it as such. Combine that with the high 
performance demands of the application, and it made more sense to write 
the reporting queries by hand and profile them individually.

W3Counter uses neither Propel nor Doctrine. I created my own model 
layer, but the rest of Symfony was used as-is.

Dan Grossman

Frank Stelzer wrote:
 Really great site with a nice design!

 Am 22.05.2007 um 15:45 schrieb Jonathan H. Wage:

 I am curious, did you use Propel?

 I am interested in this fact, too :)

 - Frank


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[symfony-users] Re: W3Counter v4 Built on Symfony

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Grossman

Thanks :) I don't believe it is and I don't have a Trac account to add it.

Dan Grossman

Eriksen Costa wrote:

 Is this site on the list of symfony powered?


 On 21 maio, 21:53, Dan Grossman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just felt like sending a note that W3Counter v4
 (http://www.w3counter.com) is now online. The latest version of this
 popular service is built on the Symfony framework (1.0), providing
 detailed web stats to nearly 5,000 websites. That's over 300 database
 queries per second, over a billion page views being analyzed, over 28
 real-time reports for each site, AJAX, RSS feeds, and lots more running
 on this framework. All on a single server.

 Thanks Symfony for making it so painless.

 Dan Grossmanhttp://www.dangrossman.info



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[symfony-users] W3Counter v4 Built on Symfony

2007-05-21 Thread Dan Grossman

Just felt like sending a note that W3Counter v4 
(http://www.w3counter.com) is now online. The latest version of this 
popular service is built on the Symfony framework (1.0), providing 
detailed web stats to nearly 5,000 websites. That's over 300 database 
queries per second, over a billion page views being analyzed, over 28 
real-time reports for each site, AJAX, RSS feeds, and lots more running 
on this framework. All on a single server.

Thanks Symfony for making it so painless.

Dan Grossman

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[symfony-users] Dynamically appending to page title

2007-05-08 Thread Dan Grossman

Before I go and add a setTitle() call to every action in every 
controller in my app...

Is there a way to get at and append to a view's title (what'll be in 
title) within the controller? I just want to take all the titles 
defined in view.yml and append a string to the end of that specific to 
the person logged in.

I can see why this might not be available since the controller doesn't 
know what view will be rendered until after it's returned (or you return 
a different view than the default).

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